Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_batch_kl_oed(self):
        No observations collected to inform subsequent designs
        nrandom_vars = 1
        noise_std = 1
        ndesign = 4
        nouter_loop_samples = 10000
        ninner_loop_samples = 31

        ncandidates = 11
        design_candidates = np.linspace(-1, 1, ncandidates)[None, :]

        def obs_fun(samples):
            assert design_candidates.ndim == 2
            assert samples.ndim == 2
            Amat = design_candidates.T
            return Amat.dot(samples).T

        prior_variable = IndependentMultivariateRandomVariable(
            [stats.norm(0, 1)] * nrandom_vars)

        x_quad, w_quad = gauss_hermite_pts_wts_1D(ninner_loop_samples)

        def generate_inner_prior_samples_gauss(n):
            # use precomputed samples so to avoid cost of regenerating
            assert n == x_quad.shape[0]
            return x_quad[None, :], w_quad

        generate_inner_prior_samples = generate_inner_prior_samples_gauss

        # Define initial design
        init_design_indices = np.array([ncandidates // 2])
        oed = BayesianBatchKLOED(design_candidates, obs_fun, noise_std,
                                 prior_variable, nouter_loop_samples,

        for ii in range(len(init_design_indices), ndesign):
            # loop must be before oed.updated design because
            # which updates oed.collected_design_indices and thus
            # changes problem
            d_utility_vals = np.zeros(ncandidates)
            for kk in range(ncandidates):
                if kk not in oed.collected_design_indices:
                    new_design = np.hstack(
                        (design_candidates[:, oed.collected_design_indices],
                         design_candidates[:, kk:kk + 1]))
                    Amat = new_design.T
                    d_utility_vals[kk] = d_optimal_utility(Amat, noise_std)

            utility_vals, selected_indices = oed.update_design()
            # ignore entries of previously collected data
            II = np.where(d_utility_vals > 0)
            print((np.absolute(d_utility_vals[II] - utility_vals[II]) /
            assert np.allclose(d_utility_vals[II], utility_vals[II], rtol=4e-2)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_tensor_product_lagrange_interpolation(self):
        nvars = 5
        level = 10
        x = gauss_hermite_pts_wts_1D(level + 1)[0]
        # active_vars = np.arange(nvars)
        active_vars = np.hstack([np.arange(2), np.arange(3, nvars)])
        nactive_vars = active_vars.shape[0]
        abscissa_1d = [x] * nactive_vars

        power = x.shape[0] - 2

        def fun(samples):
            return np.sum(samples[active_vars, :]**power, axis=0)[:, None]

        nsamples = 1000
        validation_samples = np.random.normal(0, 1, (nvars, nsamples))

        zz = abscissa_1d.copy()
        zz.insert(2, np.zeros(1))
        train_samples = cartesian_product(zz)
        values = fun(train_samples)
        approx_values = tensor_product_lagrange_interpolation(
            validation_samples, abscissa_1d, active_vars, values)

        barycentric_weights_1d = [
            compute_barycentric_weights_1d(x) for x in abscissa_1d
        poly_vals = multivariate_barycentric_lagrange_interpolation(
            validation_samples, abscissa_1d, barycentric_weights_1d, values,

        assert np.allclose(approx_values, fun(validation_samples))
        assert np.allclose(poly_vals, fun(validation_samples))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_tensor_product_points(level, var_trans, quad_type):
    abscissa_1d = []
    num_vars = var_trans.num_vars()
    if quad_type == 'CC':
        x, w = clenshaw_curtis_pts_wts_1D(level)
    elif quad_type == 'GH':
        x, w = gauss_hermite_pts_wts_1D(level)
    for dd in range(num_vars):
    pts = cartesian_product(abscissa_1d, 1)
    pts = var_trans.map_from_canonical_space(pts)
    return pts
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_gaussian_loglike_fun(self):
        nvars = 1

        def fun(design, samples):
            assert design.ndim == 2
            assert samples.ndim == 2
            Amat = design.T
            return Amat.dot(samples).T

        noise_std = 0.3
        prior_mean = np.zeros((nvars, 1))
        prior_cov = np.eye(nvars)

        design = np.linspace(-1, 1, 4)[None, :]
        true_sample = np.ones((nvars, 1)) * 0.4
        obs = fun(design, true_sample)
        obs += np.random.normal(0, noise_std, obs.shape)

        noise_cov_inv = np.eye(obs.shape[1]) / (noise_std**2)
        obs_matrix = design.T

        exact_post_mean, exact_post_cov = \
                obs_matrix, prior_mean, np.linalg.inv(prior_cov),
                noise_cov_inv, obs.T)

        lb, ub = stats.norm(0, 1).interval(0.99)
        xx = np.linspace(lb, ub, 101)
        true_pdf_vals = stats.norm(exact_post_mean[0],
                                   np.sqrt(exact_post_cov[0])).pdf(xx)[:, None]

        prior_pdf = stats.norm(prior_mean[0], np.sqrt(prior_cov[0])).pdf
        pred_obs = fun(design, xx[None, :])
        lvals = np.exp(gaussian_loglike_fun(
            obs, pred_obs, noise_std)) * prior_pdf(xx)[:, None]

        xx_gauss, ww_gauss = gauss_hermite_pts_wts_1D(300)
        pred_obs = fun(design, xx_gauss[None, :])
        evidence = np.exp(
            gaussian_loglike_fun(obs, pred_obs, noise_std)[:, 0]).dot(ww_gauss)
        post_pdf_vals = lvals / evidence

        gauss_evidence = laplace_evidence(
            lambda x: np.exp(
                gaussian_loglike_fun(obs, fun(design, x), noise_std)[:, 0]),
            prior_pdf, exact_post_cov, exact_post_mean)
        assert np.allclose(evidence, gauss_evidence)

        # accuracy depends on quadrature rule and size of noise
        # print(post_pdf_vals - true_pdf_vals)
        assert np.allclose(post_pdf_vals, true_pdf_vals)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_gauss_hermite_quadrature(self):
        integrate x^2 1/sqrt(2*pi)exp(-x**2/2) dx from x=-inf..inf

        true_mean = 0.
        true_variance = 1.

        x, w = gauss_hermite_pts_wts_1D(2)

        def function(x):
            return x**2

        assert np.allclose(
            np.dot(function(x), w) - true_mean**2, true_variance)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_interpolation_gaussian_leja_sequence(self):
        def f(x):
            return np.exp(-np.sum(x**2, axis=0))

        level = 30
        # abscissa_leja, __ = gaussian_leja_quadrature_rule(
        #    level, return_weights_for_all_levels=False)
        # abscissa = abscissa_leja
        abscissa_gauss = gauss_hermite_pts_wts_1D(level + 1)[0]
        abscissa = abscissa_gauss
        # print(abscissa_leja.shape,abscissa_gauss.shape)

        abscissa_1d = [abscissa]
        barycentric_weights_1d = [
        # print(barycentric_weights_1d[0])
        barycentric_weights_1d[0] /= barycentric_weights_1d[0].max()
        # print(barycentric_weights_1d[0])
        fn_vals = f(np.array(abscissa).reshape(1,
        # print(fn_vals.shape)

        samples = np.random.normal(0, 1, (1, 1000))
        poly_vals = multivariate_barycentric_lagrange_interpolation(
            samples, abscissa_1d, barycentric_weights_1d, fn_vals,
            np.array([0]))[:, 0]
        l2_error = np.linalg.norm(poly_vals-f(samples)) / \
        # print('l2_error',l2_error)

        # pts = np.linspace(abscissa.min(),abscissa.max(),101).reshape(1,101)
        # poly_vals = multivariate_barycentric_lagrange_interpolation(
        #     pts,abscissa_1d,barycentric_weights_1d,fn_vals,np.array([0]))
        # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        # plt.plot(pts[0,:],poly_vals.squeeze())
        # plt.plot(abscissa_1d[0],fn_vals.squeeze(),'r*')
        # plt.plot(abscissa_leja,abscissa_leja*0,'ro')
        # plt.plot(abscissa_gauss,abscissa_gauss*0,'ks',ms=3)
        # plt.ylim(-1,2)
        # plt.show()

        assert l2_error < 1e-2
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_gaussian_kl_divergence(self):
        nvars = 1
        mean1, sigma1 = np.zeros((nvars, 1)), np.eye(nvars) * 2
        mean2, sigma2 = np.ones((nvars, 1)), np.eye(nvars) * 3

        kl_div = gaussian_kl_divergence(mean1, sigma1, mean2, sigma2)

        rv1 = stats.multivariate_normal(mean1, sigma1)
        rv2 = stats.multivariate_normal(mean2, sigma2)

        xx, ww = gauss_hermite_pts_wts_1D(300)
        xx = xx * np.sqrt(sigma1[0, 0]) + mean1[0]
        kl_div_quad = np.log(rv1.pdf(xx) / rv2.pdf(xx)).dot(ww)
        assert np.allclose(kl_div, kl_div_quad)

        xx = np.random.normal(mean1[0], np.sqrt(sigma1[0, 0]), (int(1e6)))
        ww = np.ones(xx.shape[0]) / xx.shape[0]
        kl_div_quad = np.log(rv1.pdf(xx) / rv2.pdf(xx)).dot(ww)
        assert np.allclose(kl_div, kl_div_quad, rtol=1e-2)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_predictor_corrector_function_of_independent_variables(self):
        Test 1: Sum of Gaussians is a Gaussian

        Test 2: Product of uniforms on [0,1]
        nvars, nterms = 2, 5

        nquad_samples_1d = 50
        quad_rules = [gauss_hermite_pts_wts_1D(nquad_samples_1d)] * nvars

        def fun(x):
            return x.sum(axis=0)

        ab = predictor_corrector_function_of_independent_variables(
            nterms, quad_rules, fun)

        rv = stats.norm(0, np.sqrt(nvars))
        lb, ub = rv.interval(1)
        ab_full = predictor_corrector(nterms, rv.pdf, lb, ub)
        assert np.allclose(ab_full, ab)

        nvars = 2

        def measure(x):
            return (-1)**(nvars - 1) * np.log(x)**(nvars -
                                                   1) / factorial(nvars - 1)

        def fun(x):
            return x.prod(axis=0)

        quad_opts = {}
        ab_full = predictor_corrector(nterms, measure, 0, 1, quad_opts)
        xx, ww = gauss_jacobi_pts_wts_1D(nquad_samples_1d, 0, 0)
        xx = (xx + 1) / 2
        quad_rules = [(xx, ww)] * nvars
        ab = predictor_corrector_function_of_independent_variables(
            nterms, quad_rules, fun)
        assert np.allclose(ab_full, ab)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_barycentric_weights_1d(self):
        eps = 1e-12

        # test barycentric weights for uniform points using direct calculation
        abscissa = np.linspace(-1, 1., 5)
        weights = compute_barycentric_weights_1d(abscissa,
        n = abscissa.shape[0] - 1
        h = 2. / n
        true_weights = np.empty((n + 1), np.double)
        for j in range(n + 1):
            true_weights[j] = (-1.)**(n - j) * nchoosek(
                n, j) / (h**n * factorial(n))
        assert np.allclose(true_weights, weights, eps)

        # test barycentric weights for uniform points using analytical formula
        # and with scaling on
        weights = compute_barycentric_weights_1d(abscissa,
        weights_analytical = equidistant_barycentric_weights(5)
        ratio = weights / weights_analytical
        # assert the two weights array differ by only a constant factor
        assert np.allclose(np.min(ratio), np.max(ratio))

        # test barycentric weights for clenshaw curtis points
        level = 7
        abscissa, tmp = clenshaw_curtis_pts_wts_1D(level)
        n = abscissa.shape[0]
        weights = compute_barycentric_weights_1d(abscissa,
        true_weights = np.empty((n), np.double)
        true_weights[0] = true_weights[n - 1] = 0.5
        true_weights[1:n - 1] = [(-1)**ii for ii in range(1, n - 1)]
        factor = true_weights[1] / weights[1]
        assert np.allclose(true_weights / factor, weights, atol=eps)

        # check barycentric weights are correctly computed regardless of
        # order of points. Eventually ordering can effect numerical stability
        # but not until very high level
        abscissa, tmp = clenshaw_curtis_in_polynomial_order(level)
        II = np.argsort(abscissa)
        n = abscissa.shape[0]
        weights = compute_barycentric_weights_1d(
            interval_length=abscissa.max() - abscissa.min())
        true_weights = np.empty((n), np.double)
        true_weights[0] = true_weights[n - 1] = 0.5
        true_weights[1:n - 1] = [(-1)**ii for ii in range(1, n - 1)]
        factor = true_weights[1] / weights[II][1]
        assert np.allclose(true_weights / factor, weights[II], eps)

        num_samples = 65
        abscissa, tmp = gauss_hermite_pts_wts_1D(num_samples)
        weights = compute_barycentric_weights_1d(
            interval_length=abscissa.max() - abscissa.min())
        print(np.absolute(weights).max(), np.absolute(weights).min())
        print(np.absolute(weights).max() / np.absolute(weights).min())
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def help_compare_prediction_based_oed(self, deviation_fun,
                                          ninner_loop_samples, ndesign_vars,
        ncandidates_1d = 5
        design_candidates = cartesian_product(
            [np.linspace(-1, 1, ncandidates_1d)] * ndesign_vars)
        ncandidates = design_candidates.shape[1]

        # Define model used to predict likely observable data
        indices = compute_hyperbolic_indices(ndesign_vars, 1)[:, 1:]
        Amat = monomial_basis_matrix(indices, design_candidates)
        obs_fun = partial(linear_obs_fun, Amat)

        # Define model used to predict unobservable QoI
        qoi_fun = exponential_qoi_fun

        # Define the prior PDF of the unknown variables
        nrandom_vars = indices.shape[1]
        prior_variable = IndependentMultivariateRandomVariable(
            [stats.norm(0, 0.5)] * nrandom_vars)

        # Define the independent observational noise
        noise_std = 1

        # Define initial design
        init_design_indices = np.array([ncandidates // 2])

        # Define OED options
        nouter_loop_samples = 100
        if use_gauss_quadrature:
            # 301 needed for cvar deviation
            # only 31 needed for variance deviation
            ninner_loop_samples_1d = ninner_loop_samples
            var_trans = AffineRandomVariableTransformation(prior_variable)
            x_quad, w_quad = gauss_hermite_pts_wts_1D(ninner_loop_samples_1d)
            x_quad = cartesian_product([x_quad] * nrandom_vars)
            w_quad = outer_product([w_quad] * nrandom_vars)
            x_quad = var_trans.map_from_canonical_space(x_quad)
            ninner_loop_samples = x_quad.shape[1]

            def generate_inner_prior_samples(nsamples):
                assert nsamples == x_quad.shape[1], (nsamples, x_quad.shape)
                return x_quad, w_quad
            # use default Monte Carlo sampling
            generate_inner_prior_samples = None

        # Define initial design
        init_design_indices = np.array([ncandidates // 2])

        # Setup OED problem
        oed = BayesianBatchDeviationOED(design_candidates,

        prior_mean = oed.prior_variable.get_statistics('mean')
        prior_cov = np.diag(prior_variable.get_statistics('var')[:, 0])
        prior_cov_inv = np.linalg.inv(prior_cov)
        selected_indices = init_design_indices

        # Generate experimental design
        nexperiments = 3
        for step in range(len(init_design_indices), nexperiments):
            # Copy current state of OED before new data is determined
            # This copy will be used to compute Laplace based utility and
            # evidence values for testing
            oed_copy = copy.deepcopy(oed)

            # Update the design
            utility_vals, selected_indices = oed.update_design()

            utility, deviations, evidences, weights = \
                    oed_copy.collected_design_indices, selected_indices, True)

            exact_deviations = np.empty(nouter_loop_samples)
            for jj in range(nouter_loop_samples):
                # only test intermediate quantities associated with design
                # chosen by the OED step
                idx = oed.collected_design_indices
                obs_jj = oed_copy.outer_loop_obs[jj:jj + 1, idx]

                noise_cov_inv_jj = np.eye(idx.shape[0]) / noise_std**2
                exact_post_mean_jj, exact_post_cov_jj = \
                        Amat[idx, :],
                        prior_mean, prior_cov_inv, noise_cov_inv_jj, obs_jj.T)

                exact_deviations[jj] = gauss_deviation_fun(
                    exact_post_mean_jj, exact_post_cov_jj)
                  np.absolute(exact_deviations - deviations[:, 0]).max(), tol)
            # print(exact_deviations, deviations[:, 0])
            assert np.allclose(exact_deviations, deviations[:, 0], atol=tol)
            assert np.allclose(utility_vals[selected_indices],
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def help_compare_sequential_kl_oed_econ(self, use_gauss_quadrature):
        Use the same inner loop samples for all outer loop samples
        nrandom_vars = 1
        noise_std = 1
        ndesign = 5
        nouter_loop_samples = int(1e1)
        ninner_loop_samples = 31

        ncandidates = 6
        design_candidates = np.linspace(-1, 1, ncandidates)[None, :]

        def obs_fun(samples):
            assert design_candidates.ndim == 2
            assert samples.ndim == 2
            Amat = design_candidates.T
            return Amat.dot(samples).T

        prior_variable = IndependentMultivariateRandomVariable(
            [stats.norm(0, 1)] * nrandom_vars)

        true_sample = np.array([.4] * nrandom_vars)[:, None]

        def obs_process(new_design_indices):
            obs = obs_fun(true_sample)[:, new_design_indices]
            obs += oed.noise_fun(obs)
            return obs

        generate_random_prior_samples = partial(
            generate_independent_random_samples, prior_variable)

        def generate_inner_prior_samples_mc(n):
            # fix seed that when econ is False we are still creating
            # the samples each time. This is just for testing purposes
            # to make sure that econ is True does this in effect
            return generate_random_prior_samples(n), np.ones(n) / n

        x_quad, w_quad = gauss_hermite_pts_wts_1D(ninner_loop_samples)

        def generate_inner_prior_samples_gauss(n):
            # use precomputed samples so to avoid cost of regenerating
            assert n == x_quad.shape[0]
            return x_quad[None, :], w_quad

        if use_gauss_quadrature:
            generate_inner_prior_samples = generate_inner_prior_samples_gauss
            generate_inner_prior_samples = generate_inner_prior_samples_mc

        # Define initial design
        init_design_indices = np.array([ncandidates // 2])
        oed = BayesianSequentialKLOED(design_candidates, obs_fun, noise_std,
                                      prior_variable, obs_process,
                                      nouter_loop_samples, ninner_loop_samples,

        # randomness only enters during populate and when collecting
        # real observations, i.e. evaluating obs model so setting seed
        # here is sufficient when below we just evaluate obs model once
        # and use same value for both oed instances
        oed_econ = BayesianSequentialKLOED(design_candidates,

        for step in range(len(init_design_indices), ndesign):
            utility_vals, selected_indices = oed.update_design()
            new_obs = oed.obs_process(selected_indices)

            econ_utility_vals, econ_selected_indices = oed_econ.update_design()
            assert np.allclose(econ_utility_vals, utility_vals)
            assert np.allclose(econ_selected_indices, selected_indices)
            # use same data as non econ version do not call model
            # as different noise will be added
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_sequential_kl_oed(self):
        Observations collected ARE used to inform subsequent designs
        nrandom_vars = 1
        noise_std = 1
        ndesign = 5
        nouter_loop_samples = int(1e4)
        ninner_loop_samples = 31

        ncandidates = 6
        design_candidates = np.linspace(-1, 1, ncandidates)[None, :]

        def obs_fun(samples):
            assert design_candidates.ndim == 2
            assert samples.ndim == 2
            Amat = design_candidates.T
            return Amat.dot(samples).T

        prior_variable = IndependentMultivariateRandomVariable(
            [stats.norm(0, 1)] * nrandom_vars)

        true_sample = np.array([.4] * nrandom_vars)[:, None]

        def obs_process(new_design_indices):
            obs = obs_fun(true_sample)[:, new_design_indices]
            obs += oed.noise_fun(obs)
            return obs

        x_quad, w_quad = gauss_hermite_pts_wts_1D(ninner_loop_samples)

        def generate_inner_prior_samples_gauss(n):
            # use precomputed samples so to avoid cost of regenerating
            assert n == x_quad.shape[0]
            return x_quad[None, :], w_quad

        generate_inner_prior_samples = generate_inner_prior_samples_gauss

        # Define initial design
        init_design_indices = np.array([ncandidates // 2])
        oed = BayesianSequentialKLOED(design_candidates, obs_fun, noise_std,
                                      prior_variable, obs_process,
                                      nouter_loop_samples, ninner_loop_samples,

        prior_mean = oed.prior_variable.get_statistics('mean')
        prior_cov = np.diag(prior_variable.get_statistics('var')[:, 0])
        prior_cov_inv = np.linalg.inv(prior_cov)

        exact_post_mean_prev = prior_mean
        exact_post_cov_prev = prior_cov
        post_var_prev = stats.multivariate_normal(mean=exact_post_mean_prev[:,
        selected_indices = init_design_indices

        # Because of Monte Carlo error set step tols individually
        # It is too expensive to up the number of outer_loop samples to
        # reduce errors
        step_tols = [7.3e-3, 6.5e-2, 3.3e-2, 1.6e-1]

        for step in range(len(init_design_indices), ndesign):
            current_design = design_candidates[:, oed.collected_design_indices]
            noise_cov_inv = np.eye(current_design.shape[1]) / noise_std**2

            # Compute posterior moving from previous posterior and using
            # only the most recently collected data
            noise_cov_inv_incr = np.eye(
                selected_indices.shape[0]) / noise_std**2
            exact_post_mean, exact_post_cov = \
                    design_candidates[:, selected_indices].T,
                    exact_post_mean_prev, np.linalg.inv(exact_post_cov_prev),
                    noise_cov_inv_incr, oed.collected_obs[:, -1:].T)

            # check using current posteior as prior and only using new
            # data (above) produces the same posterior as using original prior
            # and all collected data (from_prior approach). The posteriors
            # should be the same but the evidences will be difference.
            # This is tested below
            exact_post_mean_from_prior, exact_post_cov_from_prior = \
                    current_design.T, prior_mean, prior_cov_inv, noise_cov_inv,

            assert np.allclose(exact_post_mean, exact_post_mean_from_prior)
            assert np.allclose(exact_post_cov, exact_post_cov_from_prior)

            # Compute PDF of current posterior that uses all collected data
            post_var = stats.multivariate_normal(
                mean=exact_post_mean[:, 0].copy(), cov=exact_post_cov.copy())

            # Compute evidence moving from previous posterior to
            # new posterior (not initial prior to posterior).
            # Values can be computed exactly for Gaussian prior and noise
            gauss_evidence = laplace_evidence(
                lambda x: np.exp(
                        oed.collected_obs[:, -1:],
                        obs_fun(x)[:, oed.collected_design_indices[-1:]],
                        noise_std))[:, 0],
                lambda y: np.atleast_2d(post_var_prev.pdf(y.T)).T,
                exact_post_cov, exact_post_mean)

            # Compute evidence using Gaussian quadrature rule. This
            # is possible for this low-dimensional example.
            quad_loglike_vals = np.exp(
                    oed.collected_obs[:, -1:],
                        x_quad[None, :])[:, oed.collected_design_indices[-1:]],
                    noise_std))[:, 0]
            # we must divide integarnd by initial prior_pdf since it is
            # already implicilty included via the quadrature weights
            integrand_vals = quad_loglike_vals * post_var_prev.pdf(
                x_quad[:, None]) / prior_variable.pdf(x_quad[None, :])[:, 0]
            quad_evidence = integrand_vals.dot(w_quad)
            # print(quad_evidence, gauss_evidence)
            assert np.allclose(gauss_evidence, quad_evidence), step

            # print('G', gauss_evidence, oed.evidence)
            assert np.allclose(gauss_evidence, oed.evidence), step

            # compute the evidence of moving from the initial prior
            # to the current posterior. This will be used for testing later
            gauss_evidence_from_prior = laplace_evidence(
                lambda x: np.exp(
                        obs_fun(x)[:, oed.collected_design_indices], noise_std)
                )[:, 0], prior_variable.pdf, exact_post_cov, exact_post_mean)

            # Copy current state of OED before new data is determined
            # This copy will be used to compute Laplace based utility and
            # evidence values for testing
            oed_copy = copy.deepcopy(oed)

            # Update the design
            utility_vals, selected_indices = oed.update_design()
            new_obs = oed.obs_process(selected_indices)
            utility = utility_vals[selected_indices]

            # Re-compute the evidences that were used to update the design
            # above. This will be used for testing later
            # print('D', oed_copy.evidence)
            evidences = oed_copy.compute_expected_utility(
                oed_copy.collected_design_indices, selected_indices, True)[1]

            # print('Collected plus selected indices',
            #       oed.collected_design_indices,
            #       oed_copy.collected_design_indices, selected_indices)

            # For all outer loop samples compute the posterior exactly
            # and compute intermediate values for testing. While OED
            # considers all possible candidate design indices
            # Here we just test the one that was chosen last when
            # design was updated
            exact_evidences = np.empty(nouter_loop_samples)
            exact_kl_divs = np.empty_like(exact_evidences)
            for jj in range(nouter_loop_samples):
                # Fill obs with those predicted by outer loop sample
                idx = oed.collected_design_indices
                obs_jj = oed_copy.outer_loop_obs[jj:jj + 1, idx]
                # Overwrite the previouly simulated obs with collected obs.
                # Do not ovewrite the last value which is the potential
                # data used to compute expected utility
                obs_jj[:, :oed_copy.collected_obs.shape[1]] = \

                # Compute the posterior obtained by using predicted value
                # of outer loop sample
                noise_cov_inv_jj = np.eye(
                    selected_indices.shape[0]) / noise_std**2
                exact_post_mean_jj, exact_post_cov_jj = \
                        design_candidates[:, selected_indices].T,
                        exact_post_mean, np.linalg.inv(exact_post_cov),
                        noise_cov_inv_jj, obs_jj[:, -1].T)

                # Use post_pdf so measure change from current posterior (prior)
                # to new posterior
                gauss_evidence_jj = laplace_evidence(
                    lambda x: np.exp(
                        gaussian_loglike_fun(obs_jj[:, -1:],
                                             obs_fun(x)[:, selected_indices],
                                             noise_std))[:, 0],
                    lambda y: np.atleast_2d(post_var.pdf(y.T)).T,
                    exact_post_cov_jj, exact_post_mean_jj)
                exact_evidences[jj] = gauss_evidence_jj

                # Check quadrature gets the same answer
                quad_loglike_vals = np.exp(
                        obs_jj[:, -1:],
                        obs_fun(x_quad[None, :])[:, selected_indices],
                        noise_std))[:, 0]
                integrand_vals = quad_loglike_vals * post_var.pdf(
                    x_quad[:, None]) / prior_variable.pdf(x_quad[None, :])[:,
                quad_evidence = integrand_vals.dot(w_quad)
                # print(quad_evidence, gauss_evidence_jj)
                assert np.allclose(gauss_evidence_jj, quad_evidence), step

                # Check that evidence of moving from current posterior
                # to new posterior with (potential data from outer-loop sample)
                # is equal to the evidence of moving from
                # intitial prior to new posterior divide by the evidence
                # from moving from the initial prior to the current posterior
                gauss_evidence_jj_from_prior = laplace_evidence(
                    lambda x: np.exp(
                                             obs_fun(x)[:, idx], noise_std)
                    )[:, 0], prior_variable.pdf, exact_post_cov_jj,
                # print(gauss_evidence_jj_from_prior/gauss_evidence_from_prior,
                #       gauss_evidence_jj)
                # print('gauss_evidence_from_prior', gauss_evidence_from_prior)
                assert np.allclose(
                    gauss_evidence_jj_from_prior / gauss_evidence_from_prior,

                gauss_kl_div = gaussian_kl_divergence(exact_post_mean_jj,
                # gauss_kl_div = gaussian_kl_divergence(
                #     exact_post_mean, exact_post_cov,
                #     exact_post_mean_jj, exact_post_cov_jj)
                exact_kl_divs[jj] = gauss_kl_div

            # print(evidences[:, 0], exact_evidences)
            assert np.allclose(evidences[:, 0], exact_evidences)

            # Outer loop samples are from prior. Use importance reweighting
            # to sample from previous posterior. This step is only relevant
            # for open loop design (used here)
            # where observed data informs current estimate
            # of parameters. Closed loop design (not used here)
            # never collects data and so it always samples from the prior.
            post_weights = post_var.pdf(
                oed.outer_loop_prior_samples.T) / post_var_prev.pdf(
                    oed.outer_loop_prior_samples.T) / oed.nouter_loop_samples
            laplace_utility = np.sum(exact_kl_divs * post_weights)
            # print('u', (utility-laplace_utility)/laplace_utility, step)
            assert np.allclose(utility,
                               rtol=step_tols[step - 1])

            exact_post_mean_prev = exact_post_mean
            exact_post_cov_prev = exact_post_cov
            post_var_prev = post_var
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_compute_expected_kl_utility_monte_carlo(self):
        nrandom_vars = 1
        noise_std = .3
        design = np.linspace(-1, 1, 2)[None, :]
        Amat = design.T

        def obs_fun(x):
            return (Amat.dot(x)).T

        def noise_fun(values):
            return np.random.normal(0, noise_std, (values.shape))

        # specify the first design point
        collected_design_indices = np.array([0])

        prior_variable = IndependentMultivariateRandomVariable(
            [stats.norm(0, 1)] * nrandom_vars)

        prior_mean = prior_variable.get_statistics('mean')
        prior_cov = np.diag(prior_variable.get_statistics('var')[:, 0])
        prior_cov_inv = np.linalg.inv(prior_cov)
        noise_cov_inv = np.eye(Amat.shape[0]) / noise_std**2

        def generate_random_prior_samples(n):
            return (generate_independent_random_samples(prior_variable,
                                                        n), np.ones(n) / n)

        def generate_inner_prior_samples_mc(n):
            return generate_random_prior_samples(n), np.ones(n) / n

        ninner_loop_samples = 300
        x, w = gauss_hermite_pts_wts_1D(ninner_loop_samples)

        def generate_inner_prior_samples_gauss(n):
            # use precomputed samples so to avoid cost of regenerating
            assert n == x.shape[0]
            return x[None, :], w

        generate_inner_prior_samples = generate_inner_prior_samples_gauss

        nouter_loop_samples = 10000
        outer_loop_obs, outer_loop_pred_obs, inner_loop_pred_obs, \
            inner_loop_weights, __, __ = \
                generate_random_prior_samples, nouter_loop_samples, obs_fun,
                noise_fun, ninner_loop_samples,

        new_design_indices = np.array([1])

        outer_loop_weights = np.ones(
            (nouter_loop_samples, 1)) / nouter_loop_samples

        def log_likelihood_fun(obs, pred_obs, active_indices=None):
            return gaussian_loglike_fun(obs, pred_obs, noise_std,

        utility = compute_expected_kl_utility_monte_carlo(
            log_likelihood_fun, outer_loop_obs, outer_loop_pred_obs,
            inner_loop_pred_obs, inner_loop_weights, outer_loop_weights,
            collected_design_indices, new_design_indices, False)

        kl_divs = []
        # overwrite subset of obs with previously collected data
        # make copy so that outerloop obs can be used again
        outer_loop_obs_copy = outer_loop_obs.copy()
        for ii in range(nouter_loop_samples):
            idx = np.hstack((collected_design_indices, new_design_indices))
            obs_ii = outer_loop_obs_copy[ii:ii + 1, idx]

            idx = np.hstack((collected_design_indices, new_design_indices))
            exact_post_mean, exact_post_cov = \
                    Amat[idx, :], prior_mean, prior_cov_inv,
                    noise_cov_inv[np.ix_(idx, idx)], obs_ii.T)

            kl_div = gaussian_kl_divergence(exact_post_mean, exact_post_cov,
                                            prior_mean, prior_cov)

        print(utility - np.mean(kl_divs), utility, np.mean(kl_divs))
        assert np.allclose(utility, np.mean(kl_divs), rtol=2e-2)