Ejemplo n.º 1
class USB_UART(IO_object):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.uart = UART(1, 9600)                         # init with given baudrate
        self.uart.init(9600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1)  # init with given parameters
        self.buffer = bytearray(8)
        self.name = name
        # Data acqisition variables
        self.timer = pyb.Timer(available_timers.pop())
        self.timestamp = fw.current_time
        self.freq = -1.0
        self.prev_freq = -1.0

    def _timer_ISR(self, t):
        if self.uart.any() > 0:    # no message
            self.uart.readinto(self.buffer, 2)
            self.freq = int.from_bytes(self.buffer, 'little')
            if self.freq != self.prev_freq:
                self.timestamp = fw.current_time
                self.prev_freq = self.freq

    def _initialise(self):
        self.timer.init(freq=100)   # this should be 2*(client frequency)

    def _process_interrupt(self):
        fw.event_queue.put((self.timestamp, fw.event_typ, fw.events[self.name]))
Ejemplo n.º 2
class cjmcu(object):
    """docstring for cjmcu"""
    _CONTINUOUS = const(1)
    _POLL = const(2)

    _RATEBASE = 0x11
    _BAUD9600 = const(0)
    _BAUD19200 = const(1)
    _BAUD38400 = const(2)

    def __init__(self, aLoc):
        super(cjmcu, self).__init__()
        self._uart = UART(aLoc, 9600)
        self._mode = _POLL
        self._output = bytearray(4)
        self._output[0] = 0x66
        self._output[1] = 0x66
        self._output[2] = self._mode
        self._output[3] = 0x56
        self._input = bytearray(9)


    def write(self):
        '''write output buffer to board.'''

    def read(self):
        '''read into input buffer from board.  Always 9 bytes.'''

    def update(self):
        '''Send command to prompt data output from board, then read data.
       Note that this only needs to be done if board in in POLL mode.'''

    def setbaud(self, aBaud):
        '''Set baud rate on board then re-connect with new rate.'''
        self._output[2] = _BAUDBASE + aBaud
        self._output[2] = self._mode
        self._uart.init(9600 << aBaud)

    def temps(self):
        '''Return (ambient, object) temperatures in celcius.'''
        v1 = (self._input[4] << 8) | self._input[5]
        v2 = (self._input[6] << 8) | self._input[7]
        return (v1 / 100.0, v2 / 100.0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class JYMCU(object):
    """JY-MCU Bluetooth serial device driver.  This is simply a light UART wrapper
     with addition AT command methods to customize the device."""
    def __init__(self, uart, baudrate):
        """ uart = uart #1-6, baudrate must match what is set on the JY-MCU.
        Needs to be a #1-C. """
        self._uart = UART(uart, baudrate)

    def __del__(self):

    def any(self):
        return self._uart.any()

    def write(self, astring):
        return self._uart.write(astring)

    def writechar(self, achar):

    def read(self, num=None):
        return self._uart.read(num)

    def readline(self):
        return self._uart.readline()

    def readchar(self):
        return self._uart.readchar()

    def readall(self):
        return self._uart.readall()

    def readinto(self, buf, count=None):
        return self._uart.readinto(buf, count)

    def _cmd(self, cmd):
        """ Send AT command, wait a bit then return result string. """
        self._uart.write("AT+" + cmd)
        return self.readline()

    def baudrate(self, rate):
        """ Set the baud rate.  Needs to be #1-C. """
        return self._cmd("BAUD" + str(rate))

    def name(self, name):
        """ Set the name to show up on the connecting device. """
        return self._cmd("NAME" + name)

    def pin(self, pin):
        """ Set the given 4 digit numeric pin. """
        return self._cmd("PIN" + str(pin))

    def version(self):
        return self._cmd("VERSION")

    def setrepl(self):
Ejemplo n.º 4
class JYMCU(object):
  """JY-MCU Bluetooth serial device driver.  This is simply a light UART wrapper
     with addition AT command methods to customize the device."""

  def __init__( self, uart, baudrate ):
    """ uart = uart #1-6, baudrate must match what is set on the JY-MCU.
        Needs to be a #1-C. """
    self._uart = UART(uart, baudrate)

  def __del__( self ) : self._uart.deinit()

  def any( self ) : return self._uart.any()

  def write( self, astring ) : return self._uart.write(astring)
  def writechar( self, achar ) : self._uart.writechar(achar)

  def read( self, num = None ) : return self._uart.read(num)
  def readline( self ) : return self._uart.readline()
  def readchar( self ) : return self._uart.readchar()
  def readall( self ) : return self._uart.readall()
  def readinto( self, buf, count = None ) : return self._uart.readinto(buf, count)

  def _cmd( self, cmd ) :
    """ Send AT command, wait a bit then return result string. """
    self._uart.write("AT+" + cmd)
    return self.readline()

  def baudrate( self, rate ) :
    """ Set the baud rate.  Needs to be #1-C. """
    return self._cmd("BAUD" + str(rate))

  def name( self, name ) :
    """ Set the name to show up on the connecting device. """
    return self._cmd("NAME" + name)

  def pin( self, pin ) :
    """ Set the given 4 digit numeric pin. """
    return self._cmd("PIN" + str(pin))

  def version( self ) : return self._cmd("VERSION")

  def setrepl( self ) : repl_uart(self._uart)
class SBUSReceiver:
    def __init__(self, uart_port):
        self.sbus = UART(uart_port, 100000)
        self.sbus.init(100000, bits=8, parity=0, stop=2, timeout_char=3, read_buf_len=250)

        # constants
        self.START_BYTE = b'0f'
        self.END_BYTE = b'00'
        self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN = 25
        self.SBUS_NUM_CHAN = 18
        self.OUT_OF_SYNC_THD = 10
        self.SBUS_NUM_CHANNELS = 18
        self.SBUS_SIGNAL_OK = 0
        self.SBUS_SIGNAL_LOST = 1
        self.SBUS_SIGNAL_FAILSAFE = 2

        # Stack Variables initialization
        self.validSbusFrame = 0
        self.lostSbusFrame = 0
        self.frameIndex = 0
        self.resyncEvent = 0
        self.outOfSyncCounter = 0
        self.sbusBuff = bytearray(1)  # single byte used for sync
        self.sbusFrame = bytearray(25)  # single SBUS Frame
        self.sbusChannels = array.array('H', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])  # RC Channels
        self.isSync = False
        self.startByteFound = False
        self.failSafeStatus = self.SBUS_SIGNAL_FAILSAFE

    def get_rx_channels(self):
        Used to retrieve the last SBUS channels values reading
        :return:  an array of 18 unsigned short elements containing 16 standard channel values + 2 digitals (ch 17 and 18)
        return self.sbusChannels

    def get_rx_channel(self, num_ch):
        Used to retrieve the last SBUS channel value reading for a specific channel
        :param: num_ch: the channel which to retrieve the value for
        :return:  a short value containing
        return self.sbusChannels[num_ch]

    def get_failsafe_status(self):
        Used to retrieve the last FAILSAFE status
        :return:  a short value containing
        return self.failSafeStatus

    def get_rx_report(self):
        Used to retrieve some stats about the frames decoding
        :return:  a dictionary containg three information ('Valid Frames','Lost Frames', 'Resync Events')

        rep = {}
        rep['Valid Frames'] = self.validSbusFrame
        rep['Lost Frames'] = self.lostSbusFrame
        rep['Resync Events'] = self.resyncEvent

        return rep

    def decode_frame(self):

        # TODO: DoubleCheck if it has to be removed
        for i in range(0, self.SBUS_NUM_CHANNELS - 2):
            self.sbusChannels[i] = 0

        # counters initialization
        byte_in_sbus = 1
        bit_in_sbus = 0
        ch = 0
        bit_in_channel = 0

        for i in range(0, 175):  # TODO Generalization
            if self.sbusFrame[byte_in_sbus] & (1 << bit_in_sbus):
                self.sbusChannels[ch] |= (1 << bit_in_channel)

            bit_in_sbus += 1
            bit_in_channel += 1

            if bit_in_sbus == 8:
                bit_in_sbus = 0
                byte_in_sbus += 1

            if bit_in_channel == 11:
                bit_in_channel = 0
                ch += 1

        # Decode Digitals Channels

        # Digital Channel 1
        if self.sbusFrame[self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN - 2] & (1 << 0):
            self.sbusChannels[self.SBUS_NUM_CHAN - 2] = 1
            self.sbusChannels[self.SBUS_NUM_CHAN - 2] = 0

        # Digital Channel 2
        if self.sbusFrame[self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN - 2] & (1 << 1):
            self.sbusChannels[self.SBUS_NUM_CHAN - 1] = 1
            self.sbusChannels[self.SBUS_NUM_CHAN - 1] = 0

        # Failsafe
        self.failSafeStatus = self.SBUS_SIGNAL_OK
        if self.sbusFrame[self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN - 2] & (1 << 2):
            self.failSafeStatus = self.SBUS_SIGNAL_LOST
        if self.sbusFrame[self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN - 2] & (1 << 3):
            self.failSafeStatus = self.SBUS_SIGNAL_FAILSAFE

    def get_sync(self):

        if self.sbus.any() > 0:

            if self.startByteFound:
                if self.frameIndex == (self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN - 1):
                    self.sbus.readinto(self.sbusBuff, 1)  # end of frame byte
                    if self.sbusBuff[0] == 0:  # TODO: Change to use constant var value
                        self.startByteFound = False
                        self.isSync = True
                        self.frameIndex = 0
                    self.sbus.readinto(self.sbusBuff, 1)  # keep reading 1 byte until the end of frame
                    self.frameIndex += 1
                self.frameIndex = 0
                self.sbus.readinto(self.sbusBuff, 1)  # read 1 byte
                if self.sbusBuff[0] == 15:  # TODO: Change to use constant var value
                    self.startByteFound = True
                    self.frameIndex += 1

    def get_new_data(self):
        This function must be called periodically according to the specific SBUS implementation in order to update
        the channels values.
        For FrSky the period is 300us.

        if self.isSync:
            if self.sbus.any() >= self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN:
                self.sbus.readinto(self.sbusFrame, self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN)  # read the whole frame
                if (self.sbusFrame[0] == 15 and self.sbusFrame[
                        self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN - 1] == 0):  # TODO: Change to use constant var value
                    self.validSbusFrame += 1
                    self.outOfSyncCounter = 0
                    self.lostSbusFrame += 1
                    self.outOfSyncCounter += 1

                if self.outOfSyncCounter > self.OUT_OF_SYNC_THD:
                    self.isSync = False
                    self.resyncEvent += 1
Ejemplo n.º 6
class SBUSReceiver:
    def __init__(self):
        self.sbus = UART(3, 100000)
        self.sbus.init(100000, bits=8, parity=0, stop=2, timeout_char=3, read_buf_len=250)

        # constants
        self.START_BYTE = b'0f'
        self.END_BYTE = b'00'
        self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN = 25
        self.SBUS_NUM_CHAN = 18
        self.OUT_OF_SYNC_THD = 10
        self.SBUS_NUM_CHANNELS = 18
        self.SBUS_SIGNAL_OK = 0
        self.SBUS_SIGNAL_LOST = 1
        self.SBUS_SIGNAL_FAILSAFE = 2

        # Stack Variables initialization
        self.validSbusFrame = 0
        self.lostSbusFrame = 0
        self.frameIndex = 0
        self.resyncEvent = 0
        self.outOfSyncCounter = 0
        self.sbusBuff = bytearray(1)  # single byte used for sync
        self.sbusFrame = bytearray(25)  # single SBUS Frame
        self.sbusChannels = array.array('H', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])  # RC Channels
        self.isSync = False
        self.startByteFound = False
        self.failSafeStatus = self.SBUS_SIGNAL_FAILSAFE

        # logger.info("SBUS Stack Started")

    def get_rx_channels(self):
        return self.sbusChannels

    def get_rx_channel(self, num_ch):
        return self.sbusChannels[num_ch]

    def get_failsafe_status(self):
        return self.failSafeStatus

    def get_rx_report(self):

        rep = {}
        rep['Valid Frames'] = self.validSbusFrame
        rep['Lost Frames'] = self.lostSbusFrame
        rep['Resync Events'] = self.resyncEvent

        return rep

    def decode_frame(self):

        # TODO: DoubleCheck if it has to be removed
        for i in range(0, self.SBUS_NUM_CHANNELS - 2):
            self.sbusChannels[i] = 0

        # counters initialization
        byte_in_sbus = 1
        bit_in_sbus = 0
        ch = 0
        bit_in_channel = 0

        for i in range(0, 175):  # TODO Generalization
            if self.sbusFrame[byte_in_sbus] & (1 << bit_in_sbus):
                self.sbusChannels[ch] |= (1 << bit_in_channel)

            bit_in_sbus += 1
            bit_in_channel += 1

            if bit_in_sbus == 8:
                bit_in_sbus = 0
                byte_in_sbus += 1

            if bit_in_channel == 11:
                bit_in_channel = 0
                ch += 1

        # Decode Digitals Channels

        # Digital Channel 1
        if self.sbusFrame[self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN - 2] & (1 << 0):
            self.sbusChannels[self.SBUS_NUM_CHAN - 2] = 1
            self.sbusChannels[self.SBUS_NUM_CHAN - 2] = 0

        # Digital Channel 2
        if self.sbusFrame[self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN - 2] & (1 << 1):
            self.sbusChannels[self.SBUS_NUM_CHAN - 1] = 1
            self.sbusChannels[self.SBUS_NUM_CHAN - 1] = 0

        # Failsafe
        self.failSafeStatus = self.SBUS_SIGNAL_OK
        if self.sbusFrame[self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN - 2] & (1 << 2):
            self.failSafeStatus = self.SBUS_SIGNAL_LOST
        if self.sbusFrame[self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN - 2] & (1 << 3):
            self.failSafeStatus = self.SBUS_SIGNAL_FAILSAFE

    def get_sync(self):

        if self.sbus.any() > 0:

            if self.startByteFound:
                if self.frameIndex == (self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN - 1):
                    self.sbus.readinto(self.sbusBuff, 1)  # end of frame byte
                    if self.sbusBuff[0] == 0:  # TODO: Change to use constant var value
                        self.startByteFound = False
                        self.isSync = True
                        self.frameIndex = 0
                    self.sbus.readinto(self.sbusBuff, 1)  # keep reading 1 byte until the end of frame
                    self.frameIndex += 1
                self.frameIndex = 0
                self.sbus.readinto(self.sbusBuff, 1)  # read 1 byte
                if self.sbusBuff[0] == 15:  # TODO: Change to use constant var value
                    self.startByteFound = True
                    self.frameIndex += 1

    def get_new_data(self):

        if self.isSync:
            if self.sbus.any() >= self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN:
                self.sbus.readinto(self.sbusFrame, self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN)  # read the whole frame
                if (self.sbusFrame[0] == 15 and self.sbusFrame[
                        self.SBUS_FRAME_LEN - 1] == 0):  # TODO: Change to use constant var value
                    self.validSbusFrame += 1
                    self.outOfSyncCounter = 0
                    self.lostSbusFrame += 1
                    self.outOfSyncCounter += 1

                if self.outOfSyncCounter > self.OUT_OF_SYNC_THD:
                    self.isSync = False
                    self.resyncEvent += 1
Ejemplo n.º 7
uart0 = UART(0, 1000000, pins=uart_pins[0][0])
uart1 = UART(1, 1000000, pins=uart_pins[1][0])

print(uart0.write(b'123456') == 6)
print(uart1.read() == b'123456')

print(uart1.write(b'123') == 3)
print(uart0.read(1) == b'1')
print(uart0.read(2) == b'23')
print(uart0.read() == b'')

buf = bytearray(3)
print(uart1.readinto(buf, 1) == 1) 
print(uart1.readinto(buf) == 2)

# try initializing without the id
uart0 = UART(baudrate=1000000, pins=uart_pins[0][0])
pyb.delay(2) # because of the fifo interrupt levels
print(uart1.any() == 10)
print(uart1.readline() == b'1234567890')
print(uart1.any() == 0)

print(uart1.readall() == b'1234567890')
Ejemplo n.º 8
uart0 = UART(0, 1000000, pins=uart_pins[0][0])
uart1 = UART(1, 1000000, pins=uart_pins[1][0])

print(uart0.write(b'123456') == 6)
print(uart1.read() == b'123456')

print(uart1.write(b'123') == 3)
print(uart0.read(1) == b'1')
print(uart0.read(2) == b'23')
print(uart0.read() == b'')

buf = bytearray(3)
print(uart1.readinto(buf, 1) == 1) 
print(uart1.readinto(buf) == 2)

pyb.delay(2) # because of the fifo interrupt levels
print(uart1.any() == 10)
print(uart1.readline() == b'1234567890')
print(uart1.any() == 0)

print(uart1.readall() == b'1234567890')

# tx only mode
uart0 = UART(0, 1000000, pins=('GP12', None))
Ejemplo n.º 9
## line grid
b = [1] * 1024  # 8 horizontal lines

# set every  16th byte to 255
# should give 8 vertical lines
for i in range(0, 1024, 16):
    b[i] = 255

#color in the 1st block to see where it is
for i in range(0,16):
    b[i] = 255
mfreq = machine.freq()
uart1.readinto(buf, 8)
while True:
    #counterUart += 1

    #axis_x = accel.x()
    #axis_y = accel.y()
    #axis_z = accel.z()
    axis_x += 1

    if axis_x > 128:
        axis_x = 0

    if can1.any(0):
        recArr = can1.recv(0, timeout=100)
        recData_au8 = recArr[3]