Ejemplo n.º 1
    def merge(cls, datasets, connection=None):
        Create a new dataset that is a row-wise merge of those in *datasets*.
        Returns the new merged dataset.
        if connection is None:
            connection = Connection()

        # TODO: allow list of dataset_ids?
        checked_datasets = []
        for dataset in datasets:
            if not isinstance(dataset, Dataset):
                raise PyBambooException(
                    'Datasets need to be instances of Dataset.')

        data = {'dataset_ids': safe_json_dumps(
            PyBambooException('datasets is not JSON-serializable.'))}
        result = connection.make_api_request(
            'POST', '/datasets/merge', data=data)

        if 'id' in result.keys():
            return Dataset(result['id'], connection=connection)
        # this is never reached...
        # see TestDataset.test_merge_fail()
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def row(self, action=None, index=None, payload=None):
     data = None
     if not action in ('show', 'delete', 'edit'):
         raise PyBambooException('Row action must be show|edit|delete.')
     if not isinstance(index, int):
         raise PyBambooException('index must be an int.')
     if action == 'edit':
         data = {"data": safe_json_dumps(payload, PyBambooException(
                 'payload is not JSON-serializable'))}
     http_action = {'show': 'GET',
                    'delete': 'DELETE',
                    'edit': 'PUT'}.get(action)
     return self._connection.make_api_request(
         http_action, '/datasets/%s/row/%d' % (self._id, index), data=data)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def join(cls, left_dataset, right_dataset, on, connection=None):
        Create a new dataset that is the result of a join, where this
        left_dataset is the lefthand side and *right_dataset* is the
        righthand side and *on* is the column on which to join.
        The column that is joined on must be unique in the righthand side
        and must exist in both datasets.
        if connection is None:
            connection = Connection()

        if not isinstance(left_dataset, Dataset) or\
                not isinstance(right_dataset, Dataset):
            raise PyBambooException(
                'datasets must be an instances of Dataset.')

        data = {
            'dataset_id': left_dataset.id,
            'other_dataset_id': right_dataset.id,
            'on': on,
        result = connection.make_api_request(
            'POST', '/datasets/join', data=data)

        if 'id' in result.keys():
            return Dataset(result['id'], connection=connection)
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 4
        def _add_calculation(self, formula, name, groups):
            if (formula is None or name is None
                    or not isinstance(formula, basestring)
                    or not isinstance(name, basestring)):
                raise PyBambooException('name & formula must be strings.')

            data = {'name': name, 'formula': formula}

            if groups is not None:
                if not isinstance(groups, list):
                    raise PyBambooException('group must be a list of strings.')
                data['group'] = ','.join(groups)

            response = self._connection.make_api_request(
                'POST', '/datasets/%s/calculations' % self._id, data=data)
            return 'error' not in response.keys()
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def reset(self, **kwargs):
     Resets the dataset in bamboo.
     if self._id is None:
         raise PyBambooException('This dataset no longer exists.')
     self.__init__(reset=True, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _get_info(self, callback):
     params = {}
     if callback:
         if not isinstance(callback, basestring):
             raise PyBambooException('callback must be a string.')
         params['callback'] = callback
     return self._connection.make_api_request(
         'GET', '/datasets/%s/info' % self._id, params=params)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        def _rolling(self, win_type, window, format):
            params = {}
            if win_type:
                if not isinstance(win_type, basestring):
                    raise PyBambooException('win_type must be a string.')
                params['win_type'] = win_type

            if not window or not isinstance(window, int):
                raise PyBambooException('window must be an int')
            params['window'] = window

            if format:
                if not isinstance(format, basestring):
                    raise PyBambooException('format must be a string.')
                params['format'] = format

            return self._connection.make_api_request(
                'GET', '/datasets/%s/rolling' % self._id, params=params)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def _set_info(self, attribution, description, label, license):
     params = {}
     if attribution is not None:
         if not isinstance(attribution, basestring):
             raise PyBambooException('attribution must be a string.')
         params['attribution'] = attribution
     if description is not None:
         if not isinstance(description, basestring):
             raise PyBambooException('description must be a string.')
         params['description'] = description
     if label is not None:
         if not isinstance(label, basestring):
             raise PyBambooException('label must be a string.')
         params['label'] = label
     if license is not None:
         if not isinstance(license, basestring):
             raise PyBambooException('license must be a string.')
         params['license'] = license
     return self._connection.make_api_request(
         'PUT', '/datasets/%s/info' % self._id, data=params)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        def _add_calculations(self, path, content, json):

            files = {}

            if path is None and content is None and json is None:
                raise PyBambooException('JSON fomulae must be provided as '
                                        'JSON, path or content.')

            if json is not None:
                json_data = safe_json_dumps(json,
                                            PyBambooException('formulae are '
                                                              'not JSON-serial'
                content = StringIO.StringIO(json_data)
            data = content if content is not None else open(path)

            files.update({'json_file': ('data.json', data)})

            response = self._connection.make_api_request(
                'POST', '/datasets/%s/calculations' % self._id, files=files)
            return 'error' not in response.keys()
Ejemplo n.º 10
        def _resample(self, date_column, interval, how, query, format):
            params = {}
            if not date_column or not isinstance(date_column, basestring):
                raise PyBambooException('date_column must be a string.')

            params['date_column'] = date_column

            if not interval or not isinstance(interval, basestring):
                raise PyBambooException('interval must be a string '
                                        'representing a frequency. cf. '
            params['interval'] = interval

            if how:
                if not isinstance(how, basestring):
                    raise PyBambooException('how must be a string.')
                params['how'] = how

            if format:
                if not isinstance(format, basestring):
                    raise PyBambooException('format must be a string.')
                params['format'] = format

            if query:
                if not isinstance(query, dict):
                    raise PyBambooException('query must be a dict.')
                params['query'] = safe_json_dumps(
                    PyBambooException('query is not JSON-serializable.'))

            return self._connection.make_api_request(
                'GET', '/datasets/%s/resample' % self._id, params=params)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def count(self, field, method='count'):
        """ Number of rows/submissions for a given field.

        For measure fields method is one of:
        '25%', '50%', '75%', 'count' (default), 'max', 'mean', 'min', 'std' """

        value = self.get_summary().get(field).get('summary')
        if not isinstance(value, dict):
            raise PyBambooException('summary not available.')
        if method in value:
            return float(value.get(method))
            return sum((int(relval) for relval in value.values()))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def update_data(self, rows):
     Updates this dataset with the rows given in {column: value} format.
     Any unspecified columns will result in n/a values.
     if not isinstance(rows, list):
         raise PyBambooException(
             'rows must be a list of dictionaries')
     if len(rows) == 0:
         raise PyBambooException(
             'rows must contain at least one row dictionary')
     for row in rows:
         if not isinstance(row, dict):
             raise PyBambooException(
                 'rows must be a list of dictionaries')
     data = {
         'update': safe_json_dumps(rows, PyBambooException(
             'rows is not JSON-serializable'))
     response = self._connection.make_api_request(
         'PUT', '/datasets/%s' % self._id, data=data)
     return 'id' in response.keys()
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def _get_summary(self, select, groups, query, order_by,
                  limit, callback):
     params = {}
     # TODO: check input params
     if select != 'all':
         if not isinstance(select, list):
             raise PyBambooException(
                 'select must be a list of strings.')
         select = dict([(sel, 1) for sel in select])
         params['select'] = safe_json_dumps(
             PyBambooException('select is not JSON-serializable.'))
         params['select'] = select
     if groups is not None:
         if not isinstance(groups, list):
             raise PyBambooException(
                 'groups must be a list of strings.')
         params['group'] = ','.join(groups)
     if query is not None:
         if not isinstance(query, dict):
             raise PyBambooException('query must be a dict.')
         params['query'] = safe_json_dumps(
             PyBambooException('query is not JSON-serializable.'))
     if order_by:
         if not isinstance(order_by, basestring):
             raise PyBambooException('order_by must be a string.')
         params['order_by'] = order_by
     if limit:
         if not isinstance(limit, int):
             raise PyBambooException('limit must be an int.')
         params['limit'] = safe_json_dumps(
             PyBambooException('limit is not JSON-serializable.'))
     if callback:
         if not isinstance(callback, basestring):
             raise PyBambooException('callback must be a string.')
         params['callback'] = callback
     return self._connection.make_api_request(
         'GET', '/datasets/%s/summary' % self._id, params=params)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _get_data(self, select, query, order_by, limit, distinct,
               format, callback, count, index):
     params = {}
     if select:
         if not isinstance(select, list):
             raise PyBambooException(
                 'select must be a list of strings.')
         select = dict([(sel, 1) for sel in select])
         params['select'] = safe_json_dumps(
             PyBambooException('select is not JSON-serializable.'))
     if query:
         if not isinstance(query, dict):
             raise PyBambooException('query must be a dict.')
         params['query'] = safe_json_dumps(
             PyBambooException('query is not JSON-serializable.'))
     if order_by:
         if not isinstance(order_by, basestring):
             raise PyBambooException('order_by must be a string.')
         params['order_by'] = order_by
     if format:
         if not isinstance(format, basestring):
             raise PyBambooException('format must be a string.')
         if format not in self.DATA_FORMATS:
             raise PyBambooException('format must be one of: %s.' %
         params['format'] = format
     if distinct:
         if not isinstance(distinct, basestring):
             raise PyBambooException('distinct must be a string.')
         params['distinct'] = distinct
     if callback:
         if not isinstance(callback, basestring):
             raise PyBambooException('callback must be a string.')
         params['callback'] = callback
     if limit:
         if not isinstance(limit, int):
             raise PyBambooException('limit must be an int.')
         params['limit'] = safe_json_dumps(
             PyBambooException('limit is not JSON-serializable.'))
     if count:
         params['count'] = bool(count)
     if index:
         params['index'] = bool(index)
     return self._connection.make_api_request(
         'GET', '/datasets/%s' % self._id, params=params)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, dataset_id=None, url=None,
                 path=None, content=None, data_format='csv',
                 schema_path=None, schema_content=None,
                 na_values=None, connection=None, reset=False):
        Create a new pybamboo.Dataset from one of the following:
            * dataset_id - the id of an existing bamboo.Dataset
            * url - url to a .csv file
            * path - path to a local .csv or .json file
            * content - a CSV or JSON string
            * data_format - whether path or content is csv | json
            * schema_path - path to a JSON SDF schema
            * schema_content - a JSON SDF string

        One can also pass in a pybamboo.Connection object.  If this is not
        supplied one will be created automatically with the default options.
        if dataset_id is None and url is None \
                and path is None and content is None \
                and schema_path is None and schema_content is None:
            raise PyBambooException(
                'Must supply dataset_id, url, content, schema or file path.')

        if data_format not in self.DATA_FORMATS:
            raise PyBambooException('Illegal data_format: %s. data_format'
                                    ' must be one of %s' %
                                    (data_format, self.DATA_FORMATS))

        req_data = {}
        if reset:
            req_data.update({'dataset_id': self._id})

        if na_values is not None:
            if not isinstance(na_values, (list, tuple, set)):
                raise PyBambooException('N/A values must be a list.')
            self.NA_VALUES = na_values
                                             PyBambooException('na_values '
                                             'are not JSON-serializable'))})

        if connection is None:
            self._connection = Connection()
            self._connection = connection

        if dataset_id is not None:
            # TODO: check if this dataset exists?
            self._id = dataset_id

        if url is not None:
            # TODO: check valid url?
            req_data.update({'url': url})
            self._id = self._connection.make_api_request(
                'POST', '/datasets', req_data).get('id')

        # files might be overloaded by schema or path/content
        files = {}

        if schema_path is not None or schema_content is not None:
            # TODO: check for bad file stuff?
            schema_data = schema_content if schema_content is not None \
                else open(schema_path)
            files.update({'schema': ('data.schema.json', schema_data)})

        if path is not None or content is not None:
            # TODO: check for bad file stuff?
            data = content if content is not None else open(path)
            files.update({'%s_file' % data_format:
                         ('data.%s' % data_format, data)})

        self._id = self._connection.make_api_request('POST', '/datasets',
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if self._id is None:
         raise PyBambooException('Dataset does not exist.')
     return func(self, *args, **kwargs)