Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _set_expected_stats_latents(self, smoothed_mus, smoothed_sigmas):

        sub_pops = self.obs_scheme.sub_pops
        obs_pops = self.obs_scheme.obs_pops
        obs_time = self.obs_scheme.obs_time
        idx_grp = self.obs_scheme.idx_grp
        obs_idx = self.obs_scheme.obs_idx

        if obs_time.size > 1:
            T = np.zeros(len(idx_grp))
            Ex = np.zeros(self.n)
            ExxT = np.zeros((self.n, self.n))
            Exe = np.zeros((self.n, len(idx_grp)))
            ExxTj = np.zeros((self.n, self.n, len(idx_grp)))
            ExxTe = np.zeros((self.n + 1, self.n + 1, len(idx_grp)))

            for i in range(obs_time.size):
                ts = range(obs_time[0]) if i == 0 else range(
                    obs_time[i - 1], obs_time[i])

                x = smoothed_mus[ts, :]
                sx = np.sum(x, 0)
                sxxT = smoothed_sigmas[ts, :, :].sum(0) + x.T.dot(x)
                for j in obs_idx[i]:
                    Exe[:, j] += sx
                    ExxTj[:, :, j] += sxxT
                    T[j] += len(ts)
                Ex += sx
                ExxT += sxxT

            for j in range(len(idx_grp)):
                ExxTe[:, :, j] = blockarray(
                    [[ExxTj[:, :, j],
                      np.atleast_2d(Exe[:, j]).T],
                     [np.atleast_2d(Exe[:, j]),

            Ex = smoothed_mus.sum(0)
            ExxT = smoothed_sigmas.sum(0) + smoothed_mus.T.dot(smoothed_mus)

        E_xt_xtT = \
            ExxT - (smoothed_sigmas[-1]
                    + np.outer(smoothed_mus[-1],smoothed_mus[-1]))
        E_xtp1_xtp1T = \
            ExxT - (smoothed_sigmas[0]
                    + np.outer(smoothed_mus[0], smoothed_mus[0]))

        if self.model.emission_distn.affine:
            ExxT = blockarray([[ExxT, np.atleast_2d(Ex).T],

        if not obs_time.size > 1:
            ExxTe = ExxT

        return ExxT, E_xt_xtT, E_xtp1_xtp1T, ExxTe
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _set_expected_stats_latents(self, smoothed_mus, smoothed_sigmas):

        sub_pops = self.obs_scheme.sub_pops        
        obs_pops = self.obs_scheme.obs_pops
        obs_time = self.obs_scheme.obs_time
        idx_grp = self.obs_scheme.idx_grp
        obs_idx = self.obs_scheme.obs_idx        

        if obs_time.size > 1:
            T = np.zeros(len(idx_grp))
            Ex = np.zeros(self.n)
            ExxT = np.zeros((self.n,self.n))
            Exe = np.zeros((self.n, len(idx_grp)))       
            ExxTj = np.zeros((self.n, self.n, len(idx_grp)))            
            ExxTe = np.zeros((self.n+1, self.n+1, len(idx_grp)))            

            for i in range(obs_time.size):
                ts  = range(obs_time[0]) if i==0 else range(obs_time[i-1], obs_time[i])

                x = smoothed_mus[ts,:]
                sx   = np.sum(x,0)
                sxxT = smoothed_sigmas[ts,:,:].sum(0) + x.T.dot(x)
                for j in obs_idx[i]: 
                    Exe[:,j]      += sx
                    ExxTj[:,:,j]  += sxxT
                    T[j] += len(ts)
                Ex += sx
                ExxT += sxxT

            for j in range(len(idx_grp)): 
                ExxTe[:,:,j] = blockarray([[ExxTj[:,:,j],np.atleast_2d(Exe[:,j]).T],

            Ex = smoothed_mus.sum(0)
            ExxT = smoothed_sigmas.sum(0) + smoothed_mus.T.dot(smoothed_mus)

        E_xt_xtT = \
            ExxT - (smoothed_sigmas[-1]
                    + np.outer(smoothed_mus[-1],smoothed_mus[-1]))
        E_xtp1_xtp1T = \
            ExxT - (smoothed_sigmas[0]
                    + np.outer(smoothed_mus[0], smoothed_mus[0]))

        if self.model.emission_distn.affine:
            ExxT = blockarray([[ExxT,np.atleast_2d(Ex).T],

        if not obs_time.size > 1:
            ExxTe = ExxT

        return ExxT, E_xt_xtT, E_xtp1_xtp1T, ExxTe
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def log_likelihood(self, xy):
        assert isinstance(xy, (tuple, np.ndarray))
        A, sigma, D = self.A, self.sigma, self.D_out
        x, y = (xy[:, :-D], xy[:, -D:]) if isinstance(xy, np.ndarray) else xy

        if self.affine:
            A, b = A[:, :-1], A[:, -1]

        sigma_inv, L = inv_psd(sigma, return_chol=True)
        parammat = -1. / 2 * blockarray([[
            A.T.dot(sigma_inv).dot(A), -A.T.dot(sigma_inv)
        ], [-sigma_inv.dot(A), sigma_inv]])

        contract = 'ni,ni->n' if x.ndim == 2 else 'i,i->'
        if isinstance(xy, np.ndarray):
            out = np.einsum(contract, xy.dot(parammat), xy)
            out = np.einsum(contract, x.dot(parammat[:-D, :-D]), x)
            out += np.einsum(contract, y.dot(parammat[-D:, -D:]), y)
            out += 2 * np.einsum(contract, x.dot(parammat[:-D, -D:]), y)

        out -= D / 2 * np.log(2 * np.pi) + np.log(np.diag(L)).sum()

        if self.affine:
            out += y.dot(sigma_inv).dot(b)
            out -= x.dot(A.T).dot(sigma_inv).dot(b)
            out -= 1. / 2 * b.dot(sigma_inv).dot(b)

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def log_likelihood(self,xy):
        assert isinstance(xy, (tuple,np.ndarray))
        A, sigma, D = self.A, self.sigma, self.D_out
        x, y = (xy[:,:-D], xy[:,-D:]) if isinstance(xy,np.ndarray) else xy

        if self.affine:
            A, b = A[:,:-1], A[:,-1]

        sigma_inv, L = inv_psd(sigma, return_chol=True)
        parammat = -1./2 * blockarray([
            [A.T.dot(sigma_inv).dot(A), -A.T.dot(sigma_inv)],
            [-sigma_inv.dot(A), sigma_inv]])

        contract = 'ni,ni->n' if x.ndim == 2 else 'i,i->'
        if isinstance(xy, np.ndarray):
            out = np.einsum(contract,xy.dot(parammat),xy)
            out = np.einsum(contract,x.dot(parammat[:-D,:-D]),x)
            out += np.einsum(contract,y.dot(parammat[-D:,-D:]),y)
            out += 2*np.einsum(contract,x.dot(parammat[:-D,-D:]),y)

        out -= D/2*np.log(2*np.pi) + np.log(np.diag(L)).sum()

        if self.affine:
            out += y.dot(sigma_inv).dot(b)
            out -= x.dot(A.T).dot(sigma_inv).dot(b)
            out -= 1./2*b.dot(sigma_inv).dot(b)

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _param_matrix(o):
     D, A, sigma = o.D, o.A, o.sigma
     sigma_inv = np.linalg.inv(sigma)
     parammat =  -1./2 * blockarray([
         [A.T.dot(sigma_inv).dot(A), -A.T.dot(sigma_inv)],
         [-sigma_inv.dot(A), sigma_inv]
     normalizer = D/2*np.log(2*np.pi) + np.log(np.diag(np.linalg.cholesky(sigma))).sum()
     return parammat, normalizer
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _param_matrix(o):
     D, A, sigma = o.D, o.A, o.sigma
     sigma_inv = np.linalg.inv(sigma)
     parammat = -1. / 2 * blockarray([[
         A.T.dot(sigma_inv).dot(A), -A.T.dot(sigma_inv)
     ], [-sigma_inv.dot(A), sigma_inv]])
     normalizer = D / 2 * np.log(2 * np.pi) + np.log(
     return parammat, normalizer
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def expected_log_likelihood(self, xy=None, stats=None):
        # TODO test values, test for the affine case
        assert isinstance(xy, (tuple, np.ndarray)) ^ isinstance(stats, tuple)

        D = self.D_out
        E_Sigmainv, E_Sigmainv_A, E_AT_Sigmainv_A, E_logdetSigmainv = \

        if self.affine:
            E_Sigmainv_A, E_Sigmainv_b = \
                E_Sigmainv_A[:,:-1], E_Sigmainv_A[:,-1]
            E_AT_Sigmainv_A, E_AT_Sigmainv_b, E_bT_Sigmainv_b = \
                E_AT_Sigmainv_A[:-1,:-1], E_AT_Sigmainv_A[:-1,-1], \

        if xy is not None:
            x, y = (xy[:,:-D], xy[:,-D:]) if isinstance(xy, np.ndarray) \
                else xy

            parammat = -1./2 * blockarray([
                [E_AT_Sigmainv_A, -E_Sigmainv_A.T],
                [-E_Sigmainv_A, E_Sigmainv]])

            contract = 'ni,ni->n' if x.ndim == 2 else 'i,i->'
            if isinstance(xy, np.ndarray):
                out = np.einsum('ni,ni->n', xy.dot(parammat), xy)
                out = np.einsum(contract,x.dot(parammat[:-D,:-D]),x)
                out += np.einsum(contract,y.dot(parammat[-D:,-D:]),y)
                out += 2*np.einsum(contract,x.dot(parammat[:-D,-D:]),y)

            out += -D/2*np.log(2*np.pi) + 1./2*E_logdetSigmainv

            if self.affine:
                out += y.dot(E_Sigmainv_b)
                out -= x.dot(E_AT_Sigmainv_b)
                out -= 1./2 * E_bT_Sigmainv_b
            if self.affine:
                Ey, Ex = stats[:2]
            yyT, yxT, xxT, n = stats[-4:]

            contract = 'ij,nij->n' if yyT.ndim == 3 else 'ij,ij->'

            out = -1./2 * np.einsum(contract, E_AT_Sigmainv_A, xxT)
            out += np.einsum(contract, E_Sigmainv_A, yxT)
            out += -1./2 * np.einsum(contract, E_Sigmainv, yyT)
            out += -D/2*np.log(2*np.pi) + n/2.*E_logdetSigmainv

            if self.affine:
                out += Ey.dot(E_Sigmainv_b)
                out -= Ex.dot(E_AT_Sigmainv_b)
                out -= 1./2 * E_bT_Sigmainv_b

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def expected_log_likelihood(self, xy=None, stats=None):
        # TODO test values, test for the affine case
        assert isinstance(xy, (tuple, np.ndarray)) ^ isinstance(stats, tuple)

        D = self.D_out
        E_Sigmainv, E_Sigmainv_A, E_AT_Sigmainv_A, E_logdetSigmainv = \

        if self.affine:
            E_Sigmainv_A, E_Sigmainv_b = \
                E_Sigmainv_A[:,:-1], E_Sigmainv_A[:,-1]
            E_AT_Sigmainv_A, E_AT_Sigmainv_b, E_bT_Sigmainv_b = \
                E_AT_Sigmainv_A[:-1,:-1], E_AT_Sigmainv_A[:-1,-1], \

        if xy is not None:
            x, y = (xy[:,:-D], xy[:,-D:]) if isinstance(xy, np.ndarray) \
                else xy

            parammat = -1. / 2 * blockarray([[
                E_AT_Sigmainv_A, -E_Sigmainv_A.T
            ], [-E_Sigmainv_A, E_Sigmainv]])

            contract = 'ni,ni->n' if x.ndim == 2 else 'i,i->'
            if isinstance(xy, np.ndarray):
                out = np.einsum('ni,ni->n', xy.dot(parammat), xy)
                out = np.einsum(contract, x.dot(parammat[:-D, :-D]), x)
                out += np.einsum(contract, y.dot(parammat[-D:, -D:]), y)
                out += 2 * np.einsum(contract, x.dot(parammat[:-D, -D:]), y)

            out += -D / 2 * np.log(2 * np.pi) + 1. / 2 * E_logdetSigmainv

            if self.affine:
                out += y.dot(E_Sigmainv_b)
                out -= x.dot(E_AT_Sigmainv_b)
                out -= 1. / 2 * E_bT_Sigmainv_b
            if self.affine:
                Ey, Ex = stats[:2]
            yyT, yxT, xxT, n = stats[-4:]

            contract = 'ij,nij->n' if yyT.ndim == 3 else 'ij,ij->'

            out = -1. / 2 * np.einsum(contract, E_AT_Sigmainv_A, xxT)
            out += np.einsum(contract, E_Sigmainv_A, yxT)
            out += -1. / 2 * np.einsum(contract, E_Sigmainv, yyT)
            out += -D / 2 * np.log(2 * np.pi) + n / 2. * E_logdetSigmainv

            if self.affine:
                out += Ey.dot(E_Sigmainv_b)
                out -= Ex.dot(E_AT_Sigmainv_b)
                out -= 1. / 2 * E_bT_Sigmainv_b

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _get_scaled_statistics(self, data, precisions):
        assert isinstance(data, (list, tuple, np.ndarray))
        if isinstance(data, list):
            return sum((self._get_scaled_statistics(d, p)
                        for d, p in zip(data, precisions)),

        elif isinstance(data, tuple):
            x, y = data
            bad = np.isnan(x).any(1) | np.isnan(y).any(1)
            x, y = x[~bad], y[~bad]
            precisions = precisions[~bad]
            sqrt_prec = np.sqrt(precisions)
            n, D = y.shape

            if self.affine:
                x = np.column_stack((x, np.ones(n)))

            # Scale by the precision
            # xs = x * sqrt_prec[:, na]
            # ys = y * sqrt_prec[:, na]
            xs = x * np.tile(sqrt_prec[:, None], (1, x.shape[1]))
            ys = y * np.tile(sqrt_prec[:, None], (1, D))

            xxT, yxT, yyT = xs.T.dot(xs), ys.T.dot(xs), ys.T.dot(ys)
            return np.array([yyT, yxT, xxT, n])

            # data passed in like np.hstack((x, y))
            # x, y = data[:,:-self.D_out], data[:,-self.D_out:]
            # return self._get_scaled_statistics((x, y), precisions)
            bad = np.isnan(data).any(1)
            data = data[~bad]
            precisions = precisions[~bad]
            n, D = data.shape[0], self.D_out

            # This tile call is suboptimal but without it we can hit issues
            # with strided data, as in autoregressive models.
            scaled_data = data * np.tile(precisions[:, None],
                                         (1, data.shape[1]))
            statmat = scaled_data.T.dot(data)

            xxT, yxT, yyT = \
                statmat[:-D,:-D], statmat[-D:,:-D], statmat[-D:,-D:]

            if self.affine:
                xy = scaled_data.sum(0)
                x, y = xy[:-D], xy[-D:]
                xxT = blockarray([[xxT, x[:, na]],
                                  [x[na, :],
                yxT = np.hstack((yxT, y[:, na]))

            return np.array([yyT, yxT, xxT, n])
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _get_weighted_statistics(self, data, weights):
        assert isinstance(data, (list, tuple, np.ndarray))
        if isinstance(data, list):
            return sum((self._get_statistics(d) for d in data),
        elif isinstance(data, tuple):
            x, y = data
            bad = np.isnan(x).any(1) | np.isnan(y).any(1)
            x, y, weights = x[~bad], y[~bad], weights[~bad]

            n, D = weights.sum(), y.shape[1]
            wx = weights[:, na] * x

            xxT, yxT, yyT = \
                x.T.dot(wx), y.T.dot(wx), y.T.dot(weights[:,na]*y)

            if self.affine:
                x, y = weights.dot(x), weights.dot(y)
                xxT = blockarray([[xxT, x[:, na]],
                                  [x[na, :], np.atleast_2d(n)]])
                yxT = np.hstack((yxT, y[:, na]))

            return np.array([yyT, yxT, xxT, n])
            # data passed in like np.hstack((x, y))
            gi = ~np.isnan(data).any(1)
            data, weights = data[gi], weights[gi]
            n, D = weights.sum(), self.D_out

            statmat = data.T.dot(weights[:, na] * data)
            xxT, yxT, yyT = \
                statmat[:-D,:-D], statmat[-D:,:-D], statmat[-D:,-D:]

            if self.affine:
                xy = weights.dot(data)
                x, y = xy[:-D], xy[-D:]
                xxT = blockarray([[xxT, x[:, na]],
                                  [x[na, :], np.atleast_2d(n)]])
                yxT = np.hstack((yxT, y[:, na]))

            return np.array([yyT, yxT, xxT, n])
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _stats_ensure_array(stats):
        if isinstance(stats, np.ndarray):
            return stats
        affine = len(stats) > 4

        yyT, yxT, xxT, n = stats[-4:]
        if affine:
            y, x = stats[:2]
            yxT = np.hstack((yxT, y[:, None]))
            xxT = blockarray([[xxT, x[:, None]], [x[None, :], 1.]])

        return np.array([yyT, yxT, xxT, n])
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _stats_ensure_array(stats):
        if isinstance(stats, np.ndarray):
            return stats
        affine = len(stats) > 4

        yyT, yxT, xxT, n = stats[-4:]
        if affine:
            y, x = stats[:2]
            yxT = np.hstack((yxT, y[:,None]))
            xxT = blockarray([[xxT, x[:,None]], [x[None,:], 1.]])

        return np.array([yyT, yxT, xxT, n])
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _get_weighted_statistics(self,data,weights):
        assert isinstance(data, (list, tuple, np.ndarray))
        if isinstance(data,list):
            return sum((self._get_statistics(d) for d in data),
        elif isinstance(data, tuple):
            x, y = data
            bad = np.isnan(x).any(1) | np.isnan(y).any(1)
            x, y, weights = x[~bad], y[~bad], weights[~bad]

            n, D = weights.sum(), y.shape[1]
            wx = weights[:,na]*x

            xxT, yxT, yyT = \
                x.T.dot(wx), y.T.dot(wx), y.T.dot(weights[:,na]*y)

            if self.affine:
                x, y = weights.dot(x), weights.dot(y)
                xxT = blockarray([[xxT,x[:,na]],[x[na,:],np.atleast_2d(n)]])
                yxT = np.hstack((yxT,y[:,na]))

            return np.array([yyT, yxT, xxT, n])
            # data passed in like np.hstack((x, y))
            gi = ~np.isnan(data).any(1)
            data, weights = data[gi], weights[gi]
            n, D = weights.sum(), self.D_out

            statmat = data.T.dot(weights[:,na]*data)
            xxT, yxT, yyT = \
                statmat[:-D,:-D], statmat[-D:,:-D], statmat[-D:,-D:]

            if self.affine:
                xy = weights.dot(data)
                x, y = xy[:-D], xy[-D:]
                xxT = blockarray([[xxT,x[:,na]],[x[na,:],np.atleast_2d(n)]])
                yxT = np.hstack((yxT,y[:,na]))

            return np.array([yyT, yxT, xxT, n])
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _get_scaled_statistics(self, data, precisions):
        assert isinstance(data, (list, tuple, np.ndarray))
        if isinstance(data,list):
            return sum((self._get_scaled_statistics(d, p) for d, p in zip(data, precisions)),

        elif isinstance(data, tuple):
            x, y = data
            bad = np.isnan(x).any(1) | np.isnan(y).any(1)
            x, y = x[~bad], y[~bad]
            precisions = precisions[~bad]
            sqrt_prec = np.sqrt(precisions)
            n, D = y.shape

            if self.affine:
                x = np.column_stack((x, np.ones(n)))

            # Scale by the precision
            # xs = x * sqrt_prec[:, na]
            # ys = y * sqrt_prec[:, na]
            xs = x * np.tile(sqrt_prec[:, None], (1, x.shape[1]))
            ys = y * np.tile(sqrt_prec[:, None], (1, D))

            xxT, yxT, yyT = xs.T.dot(xs), ys.T.dot(xs), ys.T.dot(ys)
            return np.array([yyT, yxT, xxT, n])

            # data passed in like np.hstack((x, y))
            # x, y = data[:,:-self.D_out], data[:,-self.D_out:]
            # return self._get_scaled_statistics((x, y), precisions)
            bad = np.isnan(data).any(1)
            data = data[~bad]
            precisions = precisions[~bad]
            n, D = data.shape[0], self.D_out

            # This tile call is suboptimal but without it we can hit issues
            # with strided data, as in autoregressive models.
            scaled_data = data * np.tile(precisions[:,None], (1, data.shape[1]))
            statmat = scaled_data.T.dot(data)

            xxT, yxT, yyT = \
                statmat[:-D,:-D], statmat[-D:,:-D], statmat[-D:,-D:]

            if self.affine:
                xy = scaled_data.sum(0)
                x, y = xy[:-D], xy[-D:]
                xxT = blockarray([[xxT,     x[:,na]],
                                  [x[na,:], np.atleast_2d(precisions.sum())]])
                yxT = np.hstack((yxT, y[:,na]))

            return np.array([yyT, yxT, xxT, n])
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _get_statistics(self,data):
        if isinstance(data,list):
            return sum((self._get_statistics(d) for d in data),
            data = data[~np.isnan(data).any(1)]
            n, D = data.shape[0], self.D_out

            statmat = data.T.dot(data)
            xxT, yxT, yyT = \
                statmat[:-D,:-D], statmat[-D:,:-D], statmat[-D:,-D:]

            if self.affine:
                xy = data.sum(0)
                x, y = xy[:-D], xy[-D:]
                xxT = blockarray([[xxT,x[:,na]],[x[na,:],np.atleast_2d(n)]])
                yxT = np.hstack((yxT,y[:,na]))

            return np.array([yyT, yxT, xxT, n])
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _get_weighted_statistics(self,data,weights):
        if isinstance(data,list):
            return sum((self._get_statistics(d) for d in data),
            gi = ~np.isnan(data).any(1)
            data, weights = data[gi], weights[gi]
            n, D = weights.sum(), self.D_out

            statmat = data.T.dot(weights[:,na]*data)
            xxT, yxT, yyT = \
                statmat[:-D,:-D], statmat[-D:,:-D], statmat[-D:,-D:]

            if self.affine:
                xy = weights.dot(data)
                x, y = xy[:-D], xy[-D:]
                xxT = blockarray([[xxT,x[:,na]],[x[na,:],np.atleast_2d(n)]])
                yxT = np.hstack((yxT,y[:,na]))

            return np.array([yyT, yxT, xxT, n])
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def log_likelihood(self,xy):
        A, sigma, D = self.A, self.sigma, self.D_out
        x, y = xy[:,:-D], xy[:,-D:]

        if self.affine:
            A, b = A[:,:-1], A[:,-1]

        sigma_inv, L = inv_psd(sigma, return_chol=True)
        parammat = -1./2 * blockarray([
            [A.T.dot(sigma_inv).dot(A), -A.T.dot(sigma_inv)],
            [-sigma_inv.dot(A), sigma_inv]
        out = np.einsum('ni,ni->n',xy.dot(parammat),xy)
        out -= D/2*np.log(2*np.pi) + np.log(np.diag(L)).sum()

        if self.affine:
            out += y.dot(sigma_inv).dot(b)
            out -= x.dot(A.T).dot(sigma_inv).dot(b)
            out -= 1./2*b.dot(sigma_inv).dot(b)

        return out