Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_transaction(name, data_hash, consensus_hash, payment_addr, blockchain_client, tx_fee=0, subsidize=False):
    Write a name update into the blockchain.
    Returns a JSON object with 'data' set to the nulldata and 'transaction_hash' set to the transaction hash on success.

    name = str(name)
    data_hash = str(data_hash)
    consensus_hash = str(consensus_hash)
    payment_addr = str(payment_addr)
    tx_fee = int(tx_fee)

    assert len(consensus_hash) == LENGTHS['consensus_hash'] * 2
    assert is_name_valid(name)
    # sanity check 
    pay_fee = True
    if subsidize:
        pay_fee = False

    inputs = get_unspents( payment_addr, blockchain_client )

    nulldata = build(name, consensus_hash, data_hash=data_hash)
    outputs = make_outputs( nulldata, inputs, payment_addr, tx_fee, pay_fee=pay_fee )
    return (inputs, outputs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def make_transaction( namespace_id, register_addr, fee, consensus_hash, payment_addr, blockchain_client, tx_fee=0 ):
   Propagate a namespace.
   namespace_id         human-readable (i.e. base-40) name of the namespace
   register_addr        the addr of the key that will reveal the namespace (mixed into the preorder to prevent name preimage attack races)
   private_key          the Bitcoin address that created this namespace, and can populate it.

   namespace_id = str(namespace_id)
   register_addr = str(register_addr)
   fee = int(fee)
   consensus_hash = str(consensus_hash)
   payment_addr = str(payment_addr)
   tx_fee = int(tx_fee)

   assert is_namespace_valid(namespace_id)
   assert len(consensus_hash) == LENGTHS['consensus_hash'] * 2

   script_pubkey = get_script_pubkey_from_addr( payment_addr )
   nulldata = build( namespace_id, script_pubkey, register_addr, consensus_hash )
   # get inputs and from address
   inputs = get_unspents( payment_addr, blockchain_client )
   # build custom outputs here
   outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, inputs, payment_addr, fee, tx_fee )
   return (inputs, outputs)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def analyze_private_key(private_key, blockchain_client):
     private_key_obj = get_private_key_obj(private_key)
     # determine the address associated with the supplied private key
     from_address = private_key_obj.public_key().address() 
     # get the unspent outputs corresponding to the given address
     inputs = pybitcoin.get_unspents(from_address, blockchain_client)
     # return the inputs
     return private_key_obj, from_address, inputs
Ejemplo n.º 4
def broadcast(name, private_key, register_addr, blockchain_client, renewal_fee=None, blockchain_broadcaster=None, tx_only=False, user_public_key=None, subsidy_public_key=None, testset=False):
    # sanity check 
    if subsidy_public_key is not None:
        # if subsidizing, we're only giving back a tx to be signed
        tx_only = True

    if subsidy_public_key is None and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Missing both public and private key")
    if not tx_only and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Need private key for broadcasting")
    if blockchain_broadcaster is None:
        blockchain_broadcaster = blockchain_client 
    from_address = None 
    change_inputs = None
    private_key_obj = None
    subsidized_renewal = False
    if subsidy_public_key is not None:
        # subsidizing
        pubk = BitcoinPublicKey( subsidy_public_key )
        if user_public_key is not None and renewal_fee is not None:
            # renewing, and subsidizing the renewal
            from_address = BitcoinPublicKey( user_public_key ).address() 
            subsidized_renewal = True

            # registering or renewing under the subsidy key
            from_address = pubk.address()

        change_inputs = get_unspents( from_address, blockchain_client )

    elif private_key is not None:
        # ordering directly
        pubk = BitcoinPrivateKey( private_key ).public_key()
        public_key = pubk.to_hex()
        # get inputs and from address using private key
        private_key_obj, from_address, change_inputs = analyze_private_key(private_key, blockchain_client)
    nulldata = build(name, testset=testset)
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, change_inputs, register_addr, from_address, renewal_fee=renewal_fee, pay_fee=(not subsidized_renewal), format='hex')
    if tx_only:
        unsigned_tx = serialize_transaction( change_inputs, outputs )
        return {"unsigned_tx": unsigned_tx}
        # serialize, sign, and broadcast the tx
        response = serialize_sign_and_broadcast(change_inputs, outputs, private_key_obj, blockchain_broadcaster)
        response.update({'data': nulldata})
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 5
def broadcast(name_list, private_key, register_addr_list, consensus_hash, blockchain_client, fee, \
              blockchain_broadcaster=None, subsidy_public_key=None, tx_only=False, testset=False):
    Builds and broadcasts a preorder transaction.

    @subsidy_public_key: if given, the public part of the subsidy key 

    if subsidy_public_key is not None:
        # subsidizing, and only want the tx 
        tx_only = True
    # sanity check 
    if subsidy_public_key is None and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Missing both client public and private key")
    if blockchain_broadcaster is None:
        blockchain_broadcaster = blockchain_client 

    from_address = None     # change address
    inputs = None
    private_key_obj = None
    script_pubkey = None    # to be mixed into preorder hash
    if subsidy_public_key is not None:
        # subsidizing
        pubk = BitcoinPublicKey( subsidy_public_key )
        from_address = BitcoinPublicKey( subsidy_public_key ).address()

        inputs = get_unspents( from_address, blockchain_client )
        script_pubkey = get_script_pubkey( subsidy_public_key )

        # ordering directly
        pubk = BitcoinPrivateKey( private_key ).public_key()
        public_key = pubk.to_hex()
        script_pubkey = get_script_pubkey( public_key )
        # get inputs and from address using private key
        private_key_obj, from_address, inputs = analyze_private_key(private_key, blockchain_client)
    nulldata = build( name_list, script_pubkey, register_addr_list, consensus_hash, testset=testset)
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, inputs, from_address, fee, format='hex')
    if tx_only:

        unsigned_tx = serialize_transaction( inputs, outputs )
        return {"unsigned_tx": unsigned_tx}
        # serialize, sign, and broadcast the tx
        response = serialize_sign_and_broadcast(inputs, outputs, private_key_obj, blockchain_client)
        response.update({'data': nulldata})
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 6
def broadcast(name, data_hash, consensus_hash, private_key, blockchain_client, blockchain_broadcaster=None, tx_only=False, user_public_key=None, testset=False):
    Write a name update into the blockchain.
    Returns a JSON object with 'data' set to the nulldata and 'transaction_hash' set to the transaction hash on success.
    # sanity check 
    pay_fee = True
    if user_public_key is not None:
        pay_fee = False
        tx_only = True

    if user_public_key is None and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Missing both public and private key")
    if not tx_only and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Need private key for broadcasting")
    if blockchain_broadcaster is None:
        blockchain_broadcaster = blockchain_client 
    from_address = None 
    inputs = None
    private_key_obj = None
    if user_public_key is not None:
        # subsidizing 
        pubk = BitcoinPublicKey( user_public_key )
        from_address = pubk.address()
        # get inputs from utxo provider 
        inputs = get_unspents( from_address, blockchain_client )

    elif private_key is not None:
        # ordering directly
        pubk = BitcoinPrivateKey( private_key ).public_key()
        public_key = pubk.to_hex()
        # get inputs and from address using private key
        private_key_obj, from_address, inputs = analyze_private_key(private_key, blockchain_client)
    nulldata = build(name, consensus_hash, data_hash=data_hash, testset=testset)
    outputs = make_outputs( nulldata, inputs, from_address, pay_fee=pay_fee )
    if tx_only:
        unsigned_tx = serialize_transaction( inputs, outputs )
        return {'unsigned_tx': unsigned_tx}

        signed_tx = tx_serialize_and_sign( inputs, outputs, private_key_obj )
        response = broadcast_transaction( signed_tx, blockchain_broadcaster )
        response.update({'data': nulldata})
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 7
def broadcast(message_hash, private_key, blockchain_client, testset=False, blockchain_broadcaster=None, user_public_key=None, tx_only=False):
    # sanity check 
    pay_fee = True
    if user_public_key is not None:
        pay_fee = False
        tx_only = True

    if user_public_key is None and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Missing both public and private key")
    if not tx_only and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Need private key for broadcasting")
    if len(message_hash) != 40:
        raise Exception("Invalid message hash: not 20 bytes")

    if not is_hex( message_hash ):
        raise Exception("Invalid message hash: not hex")

    if blockchain_broadcaster is None:
        blockchain_broadcaster = blockchain_client 
    from_address = None 
    inputs = None
    private_key_obj = None
    if user_public_key is not None:
        # subsidizing 
        pubk = BitcoinPublicKey( user_public_key )

        from_address = pubk.address()
        inputs = get_unspents( from_address, blockchain_client )

    elif private_key is not None:
        # ordering directly 
        pubk = BitcoinPrivateKey( private_key ).public_key()
        public_key = pubk.to_hex()
        private_key_obj, from_address, inputs = analyze_private_key(private_key, blockchain_client)
    nulldata = build(message_hash, testset=testset)
    outputs = make_outputs( nulldata, inputs, from_address, pay_fee=pay_fee )
    if tx_only:
        unsigned_tx = serialize_transaction( inputs, outputs )
        return {'unsigned_tx': unsigned_tx}

        signed_tx = tx_serialize_and_sign( inputs, outputs, private_key_obj )
        response = broadcast_transaction( signed_tx, blockchain_broadcaster )
        response.update({'data': nulldata})
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 8
def broadcast(name, private_key, register_addr, consensus_hash, blockchain_client, fee, blockchain_broadcaster=None, tx_only=False, pay_fee=True, public_key=None, testset=False):
    Builds and broadcasts a preorder transaction.
    # sanity check 
    if public_key is None and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Missing both public and private key")
    if not tx_only and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Need private key for broadcasting")
    if blockchain_broadcaster is None:
        blockchain_broadcaster = blockchain_client 
    from_address = None 
    inputs = None
    private_key_obj = None
    if private_key is not None:
        # ordering directly 
        pubk = BitcoinPrivateKey( private_key ).public_key()
        public_key = pubk.to_hex()
        # get inputs and from address using private key
        private_key_obj, from_address, inputs = analyze_private_key(private_key, blockchain_client)
    elif public_key is not None:
        # subsidizing 
        pubk = BitcoinPublicKey( public_key )
        from_address = pubk.address()
        # get inputs from utxo provider 
        inputs = get_unspents( from_address, blockchain_client )
    script_pubkey = get_script_pubkey( public_key )
    nulldata = build( name, script_pubkey, register_addr, consensus_hash, testset=testset)
    # build custom outputs here
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, inputs, from_address, fee, pay_fee=pay_fee, format='hex')
    if tx_only:
        unsigned_tx = serialize_transaction( inputs, outputs )
        return {"unsigned_tx": unsigned_tx}
        # serialize, sign, and broadcast the tx
        response = serialize_sign_and_broadcast(inputs, outputs, private_key_obj, blockchain_client)
        response.update({'data': nulldata})
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 9
def broadcast(name, private_key, blockchain_client, testset=False, blockchain_broadcaster=None, pay_fee=True, public_key=None, tx_only=False):
    # sanity check 
    if public_key is None and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Missing both public and private key")
    if not tx_only and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Need private key for broadcasting")
    if blockchain_broadcaster is None:
        blockchain_broadcaster = blockchain_client 
    from_address = None 
    inputs = None
    private_key_obj = None
    if private_key is not None:
        # ordering directly 
        pubk = BitcoinPrivateKey( private_key ).public_key()
        public_key = pubk.to_hex()
        # get inputs and from address using private key
        private_key_obj, from_address, inputs = analyze_private_key(private_key, blockchain_client)
    elif public_key is not None:
        # subsidizing 
        pubk = BitcoinPublicKey( public_key )
        from_address = pubk.address()
        # get inputs from utxo provider 
        inputs = get_unspents( from_address, blockchain_client )
    nulldata = build(name, testset=testset)
    outputs = make_op_return_outputs( nulldata, inputs, from_address, fee=DEFAULT_OP_RETURN_FEE, format='hex' )
    if tx_only:
        unsigned_tx = serialize_transaction( inputs, outputs )
        return {'unsigned_tx': unsigned_tx}

        signed_tx = tx_serialize_and_sign( inputs, outputs, private_key_obj )
        response = broadcast_transaction( signed_tx, blockchain_broadcaster, format='hex')
        response.update({'data': nulldata})
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 10
def make_transaction(name, payment_addr, blockchain_client, tx_fee=0, subsidize=False ):
    name = str(name)
    payment_addr = str(payment_addr)
    tx_fee = int(tx_fee)

    assert is_name_valid(name)
    # sanity check 
    pay_fee = True
    if subsidize:
        pay_fee = False

    inputs = get_unspents( payment_addr, blockchain_client )

    nulldata = build(name)
    outputs = make_outputs( nulldata, inputs, payment_addr, tx_fee, pay_fee=pay_fee )
    return (inputs, outputs)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def make_transaction(name, recipient_address, update_hash, payment_addr, blockchain_client, tx_fee=0):
    name = str(name)
    recipient_address = str(recipient_address)
    update_hash = str(update_hash)
    payment_addr = str(payment_addr)
    tx_fee = int(tx_fee)

    assert is_name_valid(name)
    assert len(update_hash) == LENGTHS['update_hash'] * 2

    nulldata = build(name)
    # convert update_hash from a hex string so it looks like an address
    update_hash_b58 = b58check_encode( unhexlify(update_hash) )
    inputs = get_unspents( payment_addr, blockchain_client )
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, inputs, recipient_address, payment_addr, update_hash_b58, tx_fee)

    return (inputs, outputs)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def make_transaction( namespace_id, reveal_addr, lifetime, coeff, base_cost, bucket_exponents, nonalpha_discount, no_vowel_discount, payment_addr, blockchain_client, tx_fee=0 ):
   Propagate a namespace.
   namespace_id         human-readable (i.e. base-40) name of the namespace
   reveal_addr          address to own this namespace until it is ready
   lifetime:            the number of blocks for which names will be valid (pass a negative value for "infinite")
   coeff:               cost multipler
   base_cost:           the base cost (i.e. cost of a 1-character name), in satoshis 
   bucket_exponents:    bucket cost exponents to which to raise the base cost 
   nonalpha_discount:   discount multipler for non-alpha-character names 
   no_vowel_discount:   discount multipler for no-vowel names

   namespace_id = str(namespace_id)
   reveal_addr = str(reveal_addr)
   lifetime = int(lifetime)
   coeff = int(coeff)
   base_cost = int(base_cost)
   nonalpha_discount = int(nonalpha_discount)
   no_vowel_discount = int(no_vowel_discount)
   payment_addr = str(payment_addr)
   tx_fee = int(tx_fee)

   bexp = []
   for be in bucket_exponents:

   bucket_exponents = bexp

   assert is_namespace_valid(namespace_id)

   nulldata = build( namespace_id, BLOCKSTACK_VERSION, reveal_addr, lifetime, coeff, base_cost, bucket_exponents, nonalpha_discount, no_vowel_discount )
   # get inputs and from public key
   inputs = get_unspents( payment_addr, blockchain_client )
   # build custom outputs here
   outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, inputs, reveal_addr, payment_addr, tx_fee)
   return (inputs, outputs)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def make_transaction( namespace_id, payment_addr, blockchain_client, tx_fee=0 ):
   Make the namespace ready transaction
   Raise ValueError if there are not enough inputs to make the transaction
   namespace_id = str(namespace_id)
   payment_addr = str(payment_addr)
   tx_fee = int(tx_fee)

   assert is_namespace_valid( namespace_id )

   nulldata = build( namespace_id )
   # get inputs and from public key
   inputs = get_unspents( payment_addr, blockchain_client )
   # OP_RETURN outputs 
   outputs = make_op_return_outputs( nulldata, inputs, payment_addr, fee=(DEFAULT_OP_RETURN_FEE + tx_fee), format='hex' )
   return (inputs, outputs)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def make_transaction(message_hash, payment_addr, blockchain_client, tx_fee=0):
    message_hash = str(message_hash)
    payment_addr = str(payment_addr)
    tx_fee = int(tx_fee)

    # sanity check 
    if len(message_hash) != 40:
        raise Exception("Invalid message hash: not 20 bytes")

    if not is_hex( message_hash ):
        raise Exception("Invalid message hash: not hex")
    inputs = None
    private_key_obj = None
    inputs = get_unspents( payment_addr, blockchain_client )
    nulldata = build(message_hash)
    outputs = make_outputs( nulldata, inputs, payment_addr, tx_fee )
    return (inputs, outputs)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def make_transaction(name, destination_address, keepdata, consensus_hash, payment_addr, blockchain_client, tx_fee=0, subsidize=False):
    name = str(name)
    destination_address = str(destination_address)
    consensus_hash = str(consensus_hash)
    payment_addr = str(payment_addr)
    tx_fee = int(tx_fee)

    assert len(consensus_hash) == LENGTHS['consensus_hash'] * 2
    assert is_name_valid(name)

    # sanity check
    pay_fee = True
    if subsidize:
        pay_fee = False
    inputs = get_unspents( payment_addr, blockchain_client )
    nulldata = build(name, keepdata, consensus_hash)
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, inputs, destination_address, payment_addr, tx_fee, pay_fee=pay_fee)

    return (inputs, outputs)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_utxos(address, config_path=CONFIG_PATH, utxo_client=None, min_confirmations=6):
    Given an address get unspent outputs (UTXOs)
    Return array of UTXOs, empty array if none available

    if utxo_client is None:
        utxo_client = get_utxo_provider_client(config_path=config_path)

    data = []

        data = pybitcoin.get_unspents(address, utxo_client)
    except Exception as e:
        log.debug("Error in getting UTXOs from UTXO provider: %s" % e)

    # filter minimum confirmations 
    ret = []
    for d in data:
        if not d.has_key('confirmations') or d['confirmations'] >= min_confirmations:

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 17
def make_transaction(name, payment_addr, register_addr, blockchain_client, tx_fee=0, renewal_fee=None):
    payment_addr = str(payment_addr)
    register_addr = str(register_addr)
    name = str(name)
    tx_fee = int(tx_fee)
    assert is_name_valid(name)

    if renewal_fee is not None:
        renewal_fee = int(renewal_fee)

    change_inputs = None
    subsidized_renewal = False
    change_inputs = get_unspents( payment_addr, blockchain_client )
    if renewal_fee is not None:
        assert payment_addr == register_addr, "%s != %s" % (payment_addr, register_addr)
        subsidized_renewal = True

    nulldata = build(name)
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, change_inputs, register_addr, payment_addr, tx_fee, renewal_fee=renewal_fee, pay_fee=(not subsidized_renewal) )
    return (change_inputs, outputs)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_unspents(addr):
    Get the list of unspent outputs for an address.
    global utxo_client
    return pybitcoin.get_unspents(addr, utxo_client)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def broadcast(name,

    # sanity check
    if public_key is None and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Missing both public and private key")

    if not tx_only and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Need private key for broadcasting")

    if blockchain_broadcaster is None:
        blockchain_broadcaster = blockchain_client

    from_address = None
    inputs = None
    private_key_obj = None

    if private_key is not None:
        # ordering directly
        pubk = BitcoinPrivateKey(private_key).public_key()
        public_key = pubk.to_hex()

        # get inputs and from address using private key
        private_key_obj, from_address, inputs = analyze_private_key(
            private_key, blockchain_client)

    elif public_key is not None:
        # subsidizing
        pubk = BitcoinPublicKey(public_key)
        from_address = pubk.address()

        # get inputs from utxo provider
        inputs = get_unspents(from_address, blockchain_client)

    nulldata = build(name, testset=testset)

    # build custom outputs here
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata,

    if tx_only:

        unsigned_tx = serialize_transaction(inputs, outputs)
        return {"unsigned_tx": unsigned_tx}


        # serialize, sign, and broadcast the tx
        response = serialize_sign_and_broadcast(inputs, outputs,
        response.update({'data': nulldata})
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 20
def broadcast(name,
    Builds and broadcasts a preorder transaction.

    @subsidy_public_key: if given, the public part of the subsidy key 

    if subsidy_public_key is not None:
        # subsidizing, and only want the tx
        tx_only = True

    # sanity check
    if subsidy_public_key is None and private_key is None:
        raise Exception("Missing both client public and private key")

    if blockchain_broadcaster is None:
        blockchain_broadcaster = blockchain_client

    from_address = None  # change address
    inputs = None
    private_key_obj = None
    script_pubkey = None  # to be mixed into preorder hash

    if subsidy_public_key is not None:
        # subsidizing
        pubk = BitcoinPublicKey(subsidy_public_key)

        from_address = BitcoinPublicKey(subsidy_public_key).address()

        inputs = get_unspents(from_address, blockchain_client)
        script_pubkey = get_script_pubkey(subsidy_public_key)

        # ordering directly
        pubk = BitcoinPrivateKey(private_key).public_key()
        public_key = pubk.to_hex()
        script_pubkey = get_script_pubkey(public_key)

        # get inputs and from address using private key
        private_key_obj, from_address, inputs = analyze_private_key(
            private_key, blockchain_client)

    nulldata = build(name,
    outputs = make_outputs(nulldata, inputs, from_address, fee, format='hex')

    if tx_only:

        unsigned_tx = serialize_transaction(inputs, outputs)
        return {"unsigned_tx": unsigned_tx}

        # serialize, sign, and broadcast the tx
        response = serialize_sign_and_broadcast(inputs, outputs,
        response.update({'data': nulldata})
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 21
def get_unspents( addr ):
    Get the list of unspent outputs for an address.
    global utxo_client
    return pybitcoin.get_unspents( addr, utxo_client )