def demo_form_load_def(self, mt, opts):
        """ loads a form from its JSON representation and displays it
        form = Form(mt)
        with file(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'form_def.json'), 'rt') as fp:

        content = form.render_and_input()
        print('form content: %s' % content)
    def demo_form(self, mt, opts):
        """ displays a hard-coded form
        form = Form(mt)
        form.add_prompt(0, 2, 'First name')
        form.add_prompt(0, 4, 'Last name')
        form.add_prompt(30, 23, 'ENVOI')

        form.add_field('fname', 15, 2, 20)
        form.add_field('lname', 15, 4, 20)

        content = form.render_and_input({'fname': 'Eric'})
        print('form content: %s' % content)