Ejemplo n.º 1
class FlexCubeRenderInterface(object):
    def __init__(self, ip="", port="21560"):
        #self.dataLock = threading.Lock()
        self.server=UDPServer(ip, port)
    def updateData(self, pos, cog):
        if not self.updateLock.acquire(False): return
        # Listen for clients
        if self.server.clients > 0: 
            # If there are clients send them the new data
            self.server.send([self.points, self.centerOfGrav, self.target])
Ejemplo n.º 2
class FlexCubeRenderInterface(object):
    def __init__(self, ip="", port="21560"):
        self.target = array([80.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        #self.dataLock = threading.Lock()
        self.centerOfGrav = array([0.0, -2.0, 0.0])
        self.points = ones((8, 3), float)
        self.updateDone = True
        self.updateLock = threading.Lock()
        self.server = UDPServer(ip, port)

    def updateData(self, pos, cog):
        self.updateDone = False
        if not self.updateLock.acquire(False): return
        self.points = pos.copy()
        self.centerOfGrav = cog.copy()

        # Listen for clients
        if self.server.clients > 0:
            # If there are clients send them the new data
            self.server.send([self.points, self.centerOfGrav, self.target])
        self.updateDone = True
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ODEEnvironment(Environment):
    Virtual simulation for rigid bodies. Uses ODE as a physics engine and OpenGL as graphics
    interface to simulate and display arbitrary objects. Virtual worlds are defined through
    an XML file in XODE format (see http://tanksoftware.com/xode/). This file can be loaded
    into the world with the "loadXODE(...)" function. Use performAction(...) or step() to advance
    the simulation by one step.
    # objects with names within one tuple can pass each other
    passpairs = []
    # define a verbosity level for selective debug output (0=none)
    verbosity = 0

    def __init__(self,
        """ initializes the virtual world, variables, the frame rate and the callback functions."""
        print("ODEEnvironment -- based on Open Dynamics Engine.")

        # initialize base class
        self.render = render
        if self.render:
            self.updateDone = True
            self.updateLock = threading.Lock()
            self.server = UDPServer(ip, port)
        self.realtime = realtime

        # initialize attributes

        # initialize the textures dictionary
        self.textures = {}

        # initialize sensor and exclude list
        self.sensors = []
        self.excludesensors = []

        #initialize actuators list
        self.actuators = []

        # A joint group for the contact joints that are generated whenever two bodies collide
        self.contactgroup = ode.JointGroup()

        self.dt = 0.01
        self.FricMu = 8.0
        self.stepsPerAction = 1
        self.stepCounter = 0

    def closeSocket(self):

    def resetAttributes(self):
        """resets the class attributes to their default values"""
        # initialize root node
        self.root = None

        # A list with (body, geom) tuples
        self.body_geom = []

    def reset(self):
        """resets the model and all its parameters to their original values"""
        self.loadXODE(self._currentXODEfile, reload=True)
        self.stepCounter = 0

    def setGravity(self, g):
        """set the world's gravity constant in negative y-direction"""
        self.world.setGravity((0, -g, 0))

    def _setWorldParameters(self):
        """ sets parameters for ODE world object: gravity, error correction (ERP, default=0.2),
        constraint force mixing (CFM, default=1e-5).  """
        self.world.setGravity((0, -9.81, 0))
        # self.world.setERP(0.2)
        # self.world.setCFM(1e-9)

    def _create_box(self, space, density, lx, ly, lz):
        """Create a box body and its corresponding geom."""
        # Create body and mass
        body = ode.Body(self.world)
        M = ode.Mass()
        M.setBox(density, lx, ly, lz)
        body.name = None
        # Create a box geom for collision detection
        geom = ode.GeomBox(space, lengths=(lx, ly, lz))
        geom.name = None

        return (body, geom)

    def _create_sphere(self, space, density, radius):
        """Create a sphere body and its corresponding geom."""
        # Create body and mass
        body = ode.Body(self.world)
        M = ode.Mass()
        M.setSphere(density, radius)
        body.name = None

        # Create a sphere geom for collision detection
        geom = ode.GeomSphere(space, radius)
        geom.name = None

        return (body, geom)

    def drop_object(self):
        """Drops a random object (box, sphere) into the scene."""
        # choose between boxes and spheres
        if random.uniform() > 0.5:
            (body, geom) = self._create_sphere(self.space, 10, 0.4)
            (body, geom) = self._create_box(self.space, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
        # randomize position slightly
                                        0.5), 6.0, random.normal(-6.5, 0.5)))
        # body.setPosition( (0.0, 3.0, 0.0) )
        # randomize orientation slightly
        #theta = random.uniform(0,2*pi)
        #ct = cos (theta)
        #st = sin (theta)
        # rotate body and append to (body,geom) tuple list
        # body.setRotation([ct, 0., -st, 0., 1., 0., st, 0., ct])
        self.body_geom.append((body, geom))

    # -- sensor and actuator functions
    def addSensor(self, sensor):
        """ adds a sensor object to the list of sensors """
        if not isinstance(sensor, sensors.Sensor):
            raise TypeError(
                "the given sensor is not an instance of class 'Sensor'.")
        # add sensor to sensors list
        # connect sensor and give it the virtual world object

    def addActuator(self, actuator):
        """ adds a sensor object to the list of sensors """
        if not isinstance(actuator, actuators.Actuator):
            raise TypeError(
                "the given actuator is not an instance of class 'Actuator'.")
        # add sensor to sensors list
        # connect actuator and give it the virtual world object

    def addTexture(self, name, texture):
        """ adds a texture to the given ODE object name """
        self.textures[name] = texture

    def centerOn(self, name):
        """ if set, keeps camera to the given ODE object name. """
        except KeyError:
            # name not found, unset centerObj
            print(("Warning: Cannot center on " + name))
            self.centerObj = None

    def loadXODE(self, filename, reload=False):
        """ loads an XODE file (xml format) and parses it. """
        f = file(filename)
        self._currentXODEfile = filename
        p = xode.parser.Parser()
        self.root = p.parseFile(f)
            # filter all xode "world" objects from root, take only the first one
            world = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, xode.parser.World),
        except IndexError:
            # malicious format, no world tag found
            print(("no <world> tag found in " + filename + ". quitting."))
        self.world = world.getODEObject()
            # filter all xode "space" objects from world, take only the first one
            space = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, xode.parser.Space),
        except IndexError:
            # malicious format, no space tag found
            print(("no <space> tag found in " + filename + ". quitting."))
        self.space = space.getODEObject()

        # load bodies and geoms for painting
        self.body_geom = []

        if self.verbosity > 0:
            print("-------[body/mass list]-----")
            for (body, _) in self.body_geom:
                    print((body.name, body.getMass()))
                except AttributeError:

        # now parse the additional parameters at the end of the xode file
        self.loadConfig(filename, reload)

    def loadConfig(self, filename, reload=False):
        # parameters are given in (our own brand of) config-file syntax
        self.config = ConfigGrabber(filename,
                                    sectionId="<!--odeenvironment parameters",
                                    delim=("<", ">"))

        # <passpairs>
        self.passpairs = []
        for passpairstring in self.config.getValue("passpairs")[:]:
        if self.verbosity > 0:
            print("-------[pass tuples]--------")

        # <centerOn>
        # set focus of camera to the first object specified in the section, if any
        if self.render:
            except IndexError:

        # <affixToEnvironment>
        for jointName in self.config.getValue("affixToEnvironment")[:]:
                # find first object with that name
                obj = self.root.namedChild(jointName).getODEObject()
            except IndexError:
                print(("ERROR: Could not affix object '" + jointName +
                       "' to environment!"))
            if isinstance(obj, ode.Joint):
                # if it is a joint, use this joint to fix to environment
                obj.attach(obj.getBody(0), ode.environment)
            elif isinstance(obj, ode.Body):
                # if it is a body, create new joint and fix body to environment
                j = ode.FixedJoint(self.world)
                j.attach(obj, ode.environment)

        # <colors>
        for coldefstring in self.config.getValue("colors")[:]:
            # ('name', (0.3,0.4,0.5))
            objname, coldef = eval(coldefstring)
            for (body, _) in self.body_geom:
                if hasattr(body, 'name'):
                    if objname == body.name:
                        body.color = coldef

        if not reload:
            # add the JointSensor as default
            self.sensors = []
            ## self.addSensor(self._jointSensor)

            # <sensors>
            # expects a list of strings, each of which is the executable command to create a sensor object
            # example: DistToPointSensor('legSensor', (0.0, 0.0, 5.0))
            sens = self.config.getValue("sensors")[:]
            for s in sens:
                    self.addSensor(eval('sensors.' + s))
                except AttributeError:
                    warnings.warn("Sensor name with name " + s +
                                  " not found. skipped.")
            for s in self.sensors:
            for a in self.actuators:

    def _parseBodies(self, node):
        """ parses through the xode tree recursively and finds all bodies and geoms for drawing. """

        # body (with nested geom)
        if isinstance(node, xode.body.Body):
            body = node.getODEObject()
            body.name = node.getName()
                # filter all xode geom objects and take the first one
                xgeom = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, xode.geom.Geom),
            except IndexError:
                return ()  # no geom object found, skip this node
            # get the real ode object
            geom = xgeom.getODEObject()
            # if geom doesn't have own name, use the name of its body
            geom.name = node.getName()
            self.body_geom.append((body, geom))

        # geom on its own without body
        elif isinstance(node, xode.geom.Geom):
            except xode.node.AncestorNotFoundError:
                body = None
                geom = node.getODEObject()
                geom.name = node.getName()
                self.body_geom.append((body, geom))

        # special cases for joints: universal, fixed, amotor
        elif isinstance(node, xode.joint.Joint):
            joint = node.getODEObject()

            if type(joint) == ode.UniversalJoint:
                # insert an additional AMotor joint to read the angles from and to add torques
                # amotor = ode.AMotor(self.world)
                # amotor.attach(joint.getBody(0), joint.getBody(1))
                # amotor.setNumAxes(3)
                # amotor.setAxis(0, 0, joint.getAxis2())
                # amotor.setAxis(2, 0, joint.getAxis1())
                # amotor.setMode(ode.AMotorEuler)
                # xode_amotor = xode.joint.Joint(node.getName() + '[amotor]', node.getParent())
                # xode_amotor.setODEObject(amotor)
                # node.getParent().addChild(xode_amotor, None)
            if type(joint) == ode.AMotor:
                # do the euler angle calculations automatically (ref. ode manual)

            if type(joint) == ode.FixedJoint:
                # prevent fixed joints from bouncing to center of first body

        # recursive call for all child nodes
        for c in node.getChildren():

    def excludeSensors(self, exclist):

    def getSensors(self):
        """ returns combined sensor data """
        output = []
        for s in self.sensors:
            if not s.name in self.excludesensors:
        return asarray(output)

    def getSensorNames(self):
        return [s.name for s in self.sensors]

    def getActuatorNames(self):
        return [a.name for a in self.actuators]

    def getSensorByName(self, name):
            idx = self.getSensorNames().index(name)
        except ValueError:
            warnings.warn('sensor ' + name + ' is not in sensor list.')
            return []

        return self.sensors[idx].getValues()

    def indim(self):
        num = 0
        for a in self.actuators:
            num += a.getNumValues()
        return num

    def getActionLength(self):
        print("getActionLength() is deprecated. use property 'indim' instead.")
        return self.indim

    def outdim(self):
        return len(self.getSensors())

    def performAction(self, action):
        """ sets the values for all actuators combined. """
        pointer = 0
        for a in self.actuators:
            val = a.getNumValues()
            a._update(action[pointer:pointer + val])
            pointer += val

        for _ in range(self.stepsPerAction):

    def getXODERoot(self):
        return self.root

    #--- callback functions ---#
    def _near_callback(self, args, geom1, geom2):
        """Callback function for the collide() method.
        This function checks if the given geoms do collide and
        creates contact joints if they do."""

        # only check parse list, if objects have name
        if geom1.name != None and geom2.name != None:
            # Preliminary checking, only collide with certain objects
            for p in self.passpairs:
                g1 = False
                g2 = False
                for x in p:
                    g1 = g1 or (geom1.name.find(x) != -1)
                    g2 = g2 or (geom2.name.find(x) != -1)
                if g1 and g2:
                    return ()

        # Check if the objects do collide
        contacts = ode.collide(geom1, geom2)

        # Create contact joints
        world, contactgroup = args
        for c in contacts:
            p = c.getContactGeomParams()
            # parameters from Niko Wolf
                0.05)  #Set the minimum incoming velocity necessary for bounce
            c.setSoftERP(0.6)  #Set the contact normal "softness" parameter
            c.setSoftCFM(0.00005)  #Set the contact normal "softness" parameter
            )  #Set the coefficient of force-dependent-slip (FDS) for friction direction 1
            )  #Set the coefficient of force-dependent-slip (FDS) for friction direction 2
            c.setMu(self.FricMu)  #Set the Coulomb friction coefficient
            j = ode.ContactJoint(world, contactgroup, c)
            j.name = None
            j.attach(geom1.getBody(), geom2.getBody())

    def getCurrentStep(self):
        return self.stepCounter

    def updateClients(self):
        self.updateDone = False
        if not self.updateLock.acquire(False):

        # build message to send
        message = []
        for (body, geom) in self.body_geom:
            item = {}
            # real bodies (boxes, spheres, ...)
            if body != None:
                # transform (rotate, translate) body accordingly
                item['position'] = body.getPosition()
                item['rotation'] = body.getRotation()
                if hasattr(body, 'color'): item['color'] = body.color

                # switch different geom objects
                if type(geom) == ode.GeomBox:
                    # cube
                    item['type'] = 'GeomBox'
                    item['scale'] = geom.getLengths()
                elif type(geom) == ode.GeomSphere:
                    # sphere
                    item['type'] = 'GeomSphere'
                    item['radius'] = geom.getRadius()

                elif type(geom) == ode.GeomCCylinder:
                    # capped cylinder
                    item['type'] = 'GeomCCylinder'
                    item['radius'] = geom.getParams()[0]
                    item['length'] = geom.getParams()[1] - 2 * item['radius']

                elif type(geom) == ode.GeomCylinder:
                    # solid cylinder
                    item['type'] = 'GeomCylinder'
                    item['radius'] = geom.getParams()[0]
                    item['length'] = geom.getParams()[1]
                    # TODO: add other geoms here

                # no body found, then it must be a plane (we only draw planes)
                if type(geom) == ode.GeomPlane:
                    # plane
                    item['type'] = 'GeomPlane'
                    item['normal'] = geom.getParams()[
                        0]  # the normal vector to the plane
                    item['distance'] = geom.getParams()[
                        1]  # the distance to the origin


        # Listen for clients
        if self.server.clients > 0:
            # If there are clients send them the new data
        self.updateDone = True

    def step(self):
        """ Here the ode physics is calculated by one step. """

        # call additional callback functions for all kinds of tasks (e.g. printing)

        # Detect collisions and create contact joints
        self.space.collide((self.world, self.contactgroup),

        # Simulation step
        # Remove all contact joints

        # update all sensors
        for s in self.sensors:

        # update clients
        if self.render and self.updateDone:
            if self.server.clients > 0 and self.realtime:

        # increase step counter
        self.stepCounter += 1
        return self.stepCounter

    def _printfunc(self):
        # print(self.root.namedChild('palm').getODEObject().getPosition())

    def specialkeyfunc(self, c, x, y):
        """Derived classes can implement extra functionality here"""

    #--- helper functions ---#
    def _print_help(self):
        """ prints out the keyboard shortcuts. """
        print("v   -> toggle view with mouse on/off")
        print("s   -> toggle screen capture on/off")
        print("d   -> drop an object")
        print("f   -> lift all objects")
        print("m   -> toggle mouse view (press button to zoom)")
        print("r   -> random torque at all joints")
        print("a/z -> negative/positive torque to all joints")
        print("g   -> print current state")
        print("n   -> reset environment")
        print("x,q -> exit program")

    def specialfunctionDoc(self):
        """Derived classes can implement extra functionality here"""
Ejemplo n.º 4
class FlexCubeEnvironment(Environment):
    def __init__(self, render=True, realtime=True, ip="", port="21560"):
        # initialize base class
        self.render = render
        if self.render:
            self.updateDone = True
            self.updateLock = threading.Lock()
            self.server = UDPServer(ip, port)
        self.actLen = 12
        self.mySensors = sensors.Sensors(["EdgesReal"])
        self.dists = array([20.0, sqrt(2.0) * 20, sqrt(3.0) * 20])
        self.gravVect = array([0.0, -100.0, 0.0])
        self.centerOfGrav = zeros((1, 3), float)
        self.pos = ones((8, 3), float)
        self.vel = zeros((8, 3), float)
        self.SpringM = ones((8, 8), float)
        self.d = 60.0
        self.dt = 0.02
        self.startHight = 10.0
        self.dumping = 0.4
        self.fraktMin = 0.7
        self.fraktMax = 1.3
        self.minAkt = self.dists[0] * self.fraktMin
        self.maxAkt = self.dists[0] * self.fraktMax
        self.count = 0
        self.act(array([20.0] * 12))
        self.realtime = realtime
        self.step = 0

    def closeSocket(self):

    def setEdges(self):
        self.edges = zeros((12, 2), int)
        count = 0
        c1 = 0
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                for k in range(2):
                    c2 = 0
                    for i2 in range(2):
                        for j2 in range(2):
                            for k2 in range(2):
                                sum = abs(i - i2) + abs(j - j2) + abs(k - k2)
                                if sum == 1 and i <= i2 and j <= j2 and k <= k2:
                                    self.edges[count] = [c1, c2]
                                    count += 1
                                c2 += 1
                    c1 += 1

    def reset(self):
        self.action = ones((1, 12), float) * self.dists[0]

        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                for k in range(2):
                    self.pos[i * 4 + j * 2 + k] = [i * self.dists[0] - self.dists[0] / 2.0, j * self.dists[0] - self.dists[0] / 2.0 + self.startHight, k * self.dists[0] - self.dists[0] / 2.0]
        self.vel = zeros((8, 3), float)

        idx0 = arange(8).repeat(8)
        idx1 = array(range(8) * 8)
        self.difM = self.pos[idx0, :] - self.pos[idx1, :] #vectors from all points to all other points
        self.springM = sqrt((self.difM ** 2).sum(axis=1)).reshape(64, 1)
        self.distM = self.springM.copy() #distance matrix
        self.step = 0
        self.mySensors.updateSensor(self.pos, self.vel, self.distM, self.centerOfGrav, self.step, self.action)
        if self.render:
            if self.server.clients > 0:
                # If there are clients send them reset signal
                self.server.send(["r", "r"])

    def performAction(self, action):
        action = self.normAct(action)
        self.action = action.copy()
        self.step += 1

        if self.render:
            if self.updateDone:
                if self.server.clients > 0 and self.realtime:

    def getSensors(self):
        self.mySensors.updateSensor(self.pos, self.vel, self.distM, self.centerOfGrav, self.step, self.action)
        return self.mySensors.getSensor()[:]

    def normAct(self, s):
        return clip(s, self.minAkt, self.maxAkt)

    def act(self, a):
        count = 0
        for i in self.edges:
            self.springM[i[0] * 8 + i[1]] = a[count]
            self.springM[i[1] * 8 + i[0]] = a[count]
            count += 1

    def euler(self):
        self.count += 1
        #Inner Forces
        distM = self.distM.copy()
        disM = self.springM - distM #difference between wanted spring lengths and current ones
        disM = disM.reshape(64, 1)

        distM = distM + 0.0000000001 #hack to prevent divs by 0

        #Forces to Velos
        #spring vectors normalized to 1 times the actual force from deformation
        vel = self.difM / distM
        vel *= disM * self.d * self.dt
        idx2 = arange(8)

        #TODO: arggggg!!!!!
        for i in range(8):
            self.vel[i] += vel[idx2 + i * 8, :].sum(axis=0)

        self.vel += self.gravVect * self.dt

        self.vel -= self.vel * self.dumping * self.dt

        #velos to positions
        self.pos += self.dt * self.vel

        #Collisions and friction
        for i in range(8):
            if self.pos[i][1] < 0.0:
                self.pos[i][1] = 0.0
                self.vel[i] = self.vel[i] * [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]
        self.centerOfGrav = self.pos.sum(axis=0) / 8.0

        #Distances of new state
        idx0 = arange(8).repeat(8)
        idx1 = array(range(8) * 8)
        self.difM = self.pos[idx0, :] - self.pos[idx1, :] #vectors from all points to all other points
        self.distM = sqrt((self.difM ** 2).sum(axis=1)).reshape(64, 1) #distance matrix

    def updateRenderer(self):
        self.updateDone = False
        if not self.updateLock.acquire(False): return

        # Listen for clients
        if self.server.clients > 0:
            # If there are clients send them the new data
            self.server.send(repr([self.pos, self.centerOfGrav]))
        self.updateDone = True
Ejemplo n.º 5
class FlexCubeEnvironment(Environment):
    def __init__(self,
        # initialize base class
        self.render = render
        if self.render:
            self.updateDone = True
            self.updateLock = threading.Lock()
            self.server = UDPServer(ip, port)
        self.actLen = 12
        self.mySensors = sensors.Sensors(["EdgesReal"])
        self.dists = array([20.0, sqrt(2.0) * 20, sqrt(3.0) * 20])
        self.gravVect = array([0.0, -100.0, 0.0])
        self.centerOfGrav = zeros((1, 3), float)
        self.pos = ones((8, 3), float)
        self.vel = zeros((8, 3), float)
        self.SpringM = ones((8, 8), float)
        self.d = 60.0
        self.dt = 0.02
        self.startHight = 10.0
        self.dumping = 0.4
        self.fraktMin = 0.7
        self.fraktMax = 1.3
        self.minAkt = self.dists[0] * self.fraktMin
        self.maxAkt = self.dists[0] * self.fraktMax
        self.count = 0
        self.act(array([20.0] * 12))
        self.realtime = realtime
        self.step = 0

    def closeSocket(self):

    def setEdges(self):
        self.edges = zeros((12, 2), int)
        count = 0
        c1 = 0
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                for k in range(2):
                    c2 = 0
                    for i2 in range(2):
                        for j2 in range(2):
                            for k2 in range(2):
                                sum = abs(i - i2) + abs(j - j2) + abs(k - k2)
                                if sum == 1 and i <= i2 and j <= j2 and k <= k2:
                                    self.edges[count] = [c1, c2]
                                    count += 1
                                c2 += 1
                    c1 += 1

    def reset(self):
        self.action = ones((1, 12), float) * self.dists[0]

        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                for k in range(2):
                    self.pos[i * 4 + j * 2 + k] = [
                        i * self.dists[0] - self.dists[0] / 2.0,
                        j * self.dists[0] - self.dists[0] / 2.0 +
                        k * self.dists[0] - self.dists[0] / 2.0
        self.vel = zeros((8, 3), float)

        idx0 = arange(8).repeat(8)
        idx1 = array(range(8) * 8)
        self.difM = self.pos[idx0, :] - self.pos[
            idx1, :]  #vectors from all points to all other points
        self.springM = sqrt((self.difM**2).sum(axis=1)).reshape(64, 1)
        self.distM = self.springM.copy()  #distance matrix
        self.step = 0
        self.mySensors.updateSensor(self.pos, self.vel, self.distM,
                                    self.centerOfGrav, self.step, self.action)
        if self.render:
            if self.server.clients > 0:
                # If there are clients send them reset signal
                self.server.send(["r", "r"])

    def performAction(self, action):
        action = self.normAct(action)
        self.action = action.copy()
        self.step += 1

        if self.render:
            if self.updateDone:
                if self.server.clients > 0 and self.realtime:

    def getSensors(self):
        self.mySensors.updateSensor(self.pos, self.vel, self.distM,
                                    self.centerOfGrav, self.step, self.action)
        return self.mySensors.getSensor()[:]

    def normAct(self, s):
        return clip(s, self.minAkt, self.maxAkt)

    def act(self, a):
        count = 0
        for i in self.edges:
            self.springM[i[0] * 8 + i[1]] = a[count]
            self.springM[i[1] * 8 + i[0]] = a[count]
            count += 1

    def euler(self):
        self.count += 1
        #Inner Forces
        distM = self.distM.copy()
        disM = self.springM - distM  #difference between wanted spring lengths and current ones
        disM = disM.reshape(64, 1)

        distM = distM + 0.0000000001  #hack to prevent divs by 0

        #Forces to Velos
        #spring vectors normalized to 1 times the actual force from deformation
        vel = self.difM / distM
        vel *= disM * self.d * self.dt
        idx2 = arange(8)

        #TODO: arggggg!!!!!
        for i in range(8):
            self.vel[i] += vel[idx2 + i * 8, :].sum(axis=0)

        self.vel += self.gravVect * self.dt

        self.vel -= self.vel * self.dumping * self.dt

        #velos to positions
        self.pos += self.dt * self.vel

        #Collisions and friction
        for i in range(8):
            if self.pos[i][1] < 0.0:
                self.pos[i][1] = 0.0
                self.vel[i] = self.vel[i] * [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]
        self.centerOfGrav = self.pos.sum(axis=0) / 8.0

        #Distances of new state
        idx0 = arange(8).repeat(8)
        idx1 = array(range(8) * 8)
        self.difM = self.pos[idx0, :] - self.pos[
            idx1, :]  #vectors from all points to all other points
        self.distM = sqrt(
            (self.difM**2).sum(axis=1)).reshape(64, 1)  #distance matrix

    def updateRenderer(self):
        self.updateDone = False
        if not self.updateLock.acquire(False): return

        # Listen for clients
        if self.server.clients > 0:
            # If there are clients send them the new data
            self.server.send(repr([self.pos, self.centerOfGrav]))
        self.updateDone = True
Ejemplo n.º 6
class ODEEnvironment(Environment):
    """ODEEnvironment class

    Virtual simulation for rigid bodies. Uses ODE as a physics engine to
    simulate objects acting in a physical space. Virtual worlds are defined
    through an XML file in XODE format (see http://tanksoftware.com/xode/). 
    This file can be loaded into the world with the 'loadXODE()' method.
    Use performAction(...) or step() to advance the simulation by one step.

    def __init__(
            self, render=True, realtime=True, ip="", port="21590",
            buf='16384', verbose=False, gravity=-9.81):

        Initializes the ODE world, variables, the frame rate and the 
        callback functions.

            render: Determines if object information should be sent over UDP
                to the viewer client. (Boolean - Default: True)
            realtime: Determines if the simulation should have real-time
                constraints. (Boolean - Default: True)
            ip: The IP address of the viewer client. This is only used if
                render is set to True. (String - Default: '')
            port: The port of the viewer client. This is only used if
                render is set to True. (String - Default: '21590')
            buf: The size of the UDP buffer. This is only used if render is
                set to True. (String - Default: '16384')
            verbose: Determines if extra debug information should be
                displayed. (Boolean - Default: False)
            gravity: The gravity in meters per second to be excerted on objects
                in the world. (Float - Default: -9.81)
        # Initialize base class
        self.render = render

        if self.render:
            self.updateDone = True
            self.updateLock = threading.Lock()
            self.server = UDPServer(ip, port)

        self.realtime = realtime

        # Initialize attributes

        # Determine if extra debug information will be displayed
        self.verbose = verbose

        # initialize the textures dictionary
        self.textures = {}

        # objects with names within one tuple can pass each other
        self.passpairs = []

        # initialize sensor and exclude list
        self.sensors = []
        self.excludesensors = []

        #initialize actuators list
        self.actuators = []

        # A joint group for the contact joints that are generated whenever two bodies collide
        self.contactgroup = ode.JointGroup()

        self.dt = 0.01
        self.FricMu = 8.0
        self.stepsPerAction = 1
        self.stepCounter = 0

        # Determine world gravity based on the initialization argument
        self.g = gravity

        # Maintain a list of bodies that should not be sent to the OpenGL viewer
        self.invisible_bodies = []

        # Store all geometries/bodies sent to the OpenGL renderer to determine
        # if they have been modified or not
        self.prev_message = {}

        if self.verbose:
            print "ODEEnvironment -- based on Open Dynamics Engine."


    def closeSocket(self):

    def resetAttributes(self):
        """resets the class attributes to their default values"""
        # initialize root node
        self.root = None

        # A list with (body, geom) tuples
        self.body_geom = []

    def reset(self):
        """resets the model and all its parameters to their original values"""
        self.loadXODE(self._currentXODEfile, reload=True)
        self.stepCounter = 0

    def stop(self):
        """Stop Simulation

        Stops the simulation, destroys the world, and releases all ODE
        specific resources.
        del self.world

    def setGravity(self, g):
        """set the world's gravity constant in negative y-direction"""
        self.world.setGravity((0, g, 0))
        self.g = g

    def _setWorldParameters(self):
        """ sets parameters for ODE world object: gravity, error correction (ERP, default=0.2),
        constraint force mixing (CFM, default=1e-5).  """
        self.world.setGravity((0, self.g, 0))


    def _create_box(self, space, density, lx, ly, lz):
        """Create a box body and its corresponding geom."""
        # Create body and mass
        body = ode.Body(self.world)
        M = ode.Mass()
        M.setBox(density, lx, ly, lz)
        body.name = None

        # Create a box geom for collision detection
        geom = ode.GeomBox(space, lengths=(lx, ly, lz))
        geom.name = None

        return (body, geom)

    def _create_sphere(self, space, density, radius):
        """Create a sphere body and its corresponding geom."""
        # Create body and mass
        body = ode.Body(self.world)
        M = ode.Mass()
        M.setSphere(density, radius)
        body.name = None

        # Create a sphere geom for collision detection
        geom = ode.GeomSphere(space, radius)
        geom.name = None

        return (body, geom)

    def drop_object(self):
        """Drops a random object (box, sphere) into the scene."""
        # choose between boxes and spheres
        if random.uniform() > 0.5:
            (body, geom) = self._create_sphere(self.space, 10, 0.4)
            (body, geom) = self._create_box(self.space, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
        # randomize position slightly
        body.setPosition((random.normal(-6.5, 0.5), 6.0, random.normal(-6.5, 0.5)))
        # body.setPosition( (0.0, 3.0, 0.0) )
        # randomize orientation slightly
        #theta = random.uniform(0,2*pi)
        #ct = cos (theta)
        #st = sin (theta)
        # rotate body and append to (body,geom) tuple list
        # body.setRotation([ct, 0., -st, 0., 1., 0., st, 0., ct])
        self.body_geom.append((body, geom))


    def addSensor(self, sensor):
        """ adds a sensor object to the list of sensors """
        if not isinstance(sensor, sensors.Sensor):
            raise TypeError("the given sensor is not an instance of class 'Sensor'.")

        # add sensor to sensors list

        # connect sensor and give it the virtual world object

    def addActuator(self, actuator):
        """ adds a sensor object to the list of sensors """
        if not isinstance(actuator, actuators.Actuator):
            raise TypeError("the given actuator is not an instance of class 'Actuator'.")

        # add sensor to sensors list

        # connect actuator and give it the virtual world object

    def addTexture(self, name, texture):
        """ adds a texture to the given ODE object name """
        self.textures[name] = texture

    def centerOn(self, name):
        """ if set, keeps camera to the given ODE object name. """
        except KeyError:
            # name not found, unset centerObj
            print "Warning: Cannot center on " + name
            self.centerObj = None


    def loadXODE(self, filename, reload=False):
        """ loads an XODE file (xml format) and parses it. """
        f = file(filename)
        self._currentXODEfile = filename
        p = xode.parser.Parser()
        self.root = p.parseFile(f)

            # filter all xode "world" objects from root, take only the first one
            world = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, xode.parser.World), self.root.getChildren())[0]
        except IndexError:
            # malicious format, no world tag found
            print "no <world> tag found in " + filename + ". quitting."

        self.world = world.getODEObject()

            # filter all xode "space" objects from world, take only the first one
            space = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, xode.parser.Space), world.getChildren())[0]
        except IndexError:
            # malicious format, no space tag found
            print "no <space> tag found in " + filename + ". quitting."

        self.space = space.getODEObject()

        # load bodies and geoms for painting
        self.body_geom = []

        if self.verbose:
            print "-------[body/mass list]-----"
            for (body, _) in self.body_geom:
                    print body.name, body.getMass()
                except AttributeError:
                    print "<Nobody>"

        # now parse the additional parameters at the end of the xode file
        self.loadConfig(filename, reload)

    def loadConfig(self, filename, reload=False):
        # parameters are given in (our own brand of) config-file syntax
        self.config = ConfigGrabber(filename, sectionId="<!--odeenvironment parameters", delim=("<", ">"))

        # <passpairs>
        self.passpairs = []
        for passpairstring in self.config.getValue("passpairs")[:]:

        if self.verbose:
            print "-------[pass tuples]--------"
            print self.passpairs
            print "----------------------------"

        # <noGravity>
        for obj_name in self.config.getValue('noGravity'):
                obj = self.root.namedChild(obj_name).getODEObject()
            except IndexError:
                print 'ERROR: Could not find object \'%s\'' % (obj_name)

            if isinstance(obj, ode.Body):
                print ('ERROR: noGravity configuration is only valid for' +
                       'ODE Body class objects')

        # <invisible>
        for obj_name in self.config.getValue('invisible'):
                obj = self.root.namedChild(obj_name).getODEObject()
            except IndexError:
                print 'ERROR: Could not find object \'%s\'' % (obj_name)

            if isinstance(obj, ode.Body):
                print ('ERROR: invisible configuration is only valid for' +
                       'ODE Body class objects')

        # <centerOn>
        # set focus of camera to the first object specified in the section, if any
        if self.render:
            except IndexError:

        # <affixToEnvironment>
        for jointName in self.config.getValue("affixToEnvironment")[:]:
                # find first object with that name
                obj = self.root.namedChild(jointName).getODEObject()
            except IndexError:
                print "ERROR: Could not affix object '" + jointName + "' to environment!"
            if isinstance(obj, ode.Joint):
                # if it is a joint, use this joint to fix to environment
                obj.attach(obj.getBody(0), ode.environment)
            elif isinstance(obj, ode.Body):
                # if it is a body, create new joint and fix body to environment
                j = ode.FixedJoint(self.world)
                j.attach(obj, ode.environment)

        # <colors>
        for coldefstring in self.config.getValue("colors")[:]:
            # ('name', (0.3,0.4,0.5))
            objname, coldef = eval(coldefstring)
            for (body, _) in self.body_geom:
                if hasattr(body, 'name'):
                    if objname == body.name:
                        body.color = coldef

        if not reload:
            # add the JointSensor as default
            self.sensors = []
            ## self.addSensor(self._jointSensor)

            # <sensors>
            # expects a list of strings, each of which is the executable command to create a sensor object
            # example: DistToPointSensor('legSensor', (0.0, 0.0, 5.0))
            sens = self.config.getValue("sensors")[:]
            for s in sens:
                    self.addSensor(eval('sensors.' + s))
                except AttributeError:
                    print dir(sensors)
                    warnings.warn("Sensor name with name " + s + " not found. skipped.")
            for s in self.sensors:
            for a in self.actuators:


    def _parseBodies(self, node):
        """ parses through the xode tree recursively and finds all bodies and geoms for drawing. """
        # body (with nested geom)
        if isinstance(node, xode.body.Body):
            body = node.getODEObject()
            body.name = node.getName()
                # filter all xode geom objects and take the first one
                xgeom = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, xode.geom.Geom), node.getChildren())[0]
            except IndexError:
                return() # no geom object found, skip this node
            # get the real ode object
            geom = xgeom.getODEObject()
            # if geom doesn't have own name, use the name of its body
            geom.name = node.getName()
            self.body_geom.append((body, geom))

        # geom on its own without body
        elif isinstance(node, xode.geom.Geom):
            except xode.node.AncestorNotFoundError:
                body = None
                geom = node.getODEObject()
                geom.name = node.getName()
                self.body_geom.append((body, geom))

        # special cases for joints: universal, fixed, amotor
        elif isinstance(node, xode.joint.Joint):
            joint = node.getODEObject()

            if type(joint) == ode.UniversalJoint:
                # insert an additional AMotor joint to read the angles from and to add torques
                # amotor = ode.AMotor(self.world)
                # amotor.attach(joint.getBody(0), joint.getBody(1))
                # amotor.setNumAxes(3)
                # amotor.setAxis(0, 0, joint.getAxis2())
                # amotor.setAxis(2, 0, joint.getAxis1())
                # amotor.setMode(ode.AMotorEuler)
                # xode_amotor = xode.joint.Joint(node.getName() + '[amotor]', node.getParent())
                # xode_amotor.setODEObject(amotor)
                # node.getParent().addChild(xode_amotor, None)
            if type(joint) == ode.AMotor:
                # do the euler angle calculations automatically (ref. ode manual)

            if type(joint) == ode.FixedJoint:
                # prevent fixed joints from bouncing to center of first body

        # recursive call for all child nodes
        for c in node.getChildren():


    def excludeSensors(self, exclist):

    def getSensors(self):
        """ returns combined sensor data """
        output = []

        for s in self.sensors:
            if not s.name in self.excludesensors:

        return asarray(output)

    def getSensorNames(self):
        return [s.name for s in self.sensors]

    def getActuatorNames(self):
        return [a.name for a in self.actuators]

    def getSensorByName(self, name):
            idx = self.getSensorNames().index(name)
        except ValueError:
            warnings.warn('sensor ' + name + ' is not in sensor list.')
            return []

        return self.sensors[idx].getValues()

    def indim(self):
        num = 0

        for a in self.actuators:
            num += a.getNumValues()

        return num

    def getActionLength(self):
        print "getActionLength() is deprecated. use property 'indim' instead."
        return self.indim

    def outdim(self):
        return len(self.getSensors())

    def performAction(self, action, fast=False):
        """Perform Action

        Applies the given 'action' list of actuations to each actuator defined
        in the system for the next time step. The next time step is then

            action: A list of actuations for each actuator defined.
            fast: If True, the fast step Open Dynamics Engine algorithm will
                be used. This method is quicker and requires less memory but
                is less accurate. Otherwise the standard step is used.
                (Default: False)
        pointer = 0
        for a in self.actuators:
            val = a.getNumValues()

            a._update(action[pointer:pointer + val])
            pointer += val

        for _ in range(self.stepsPerAction):


    def getXODERoot(self):
        return self.root

    #--- callback functions ---#
    def _near_callback(self, args, geom1, geom2):
        """Near Callback
        Callback function for the collide() method.
        This function checks if the given geoms do collide and
        creates contact joints if they do.
        # only check parse list, if objects have name
        if geom1.name != None and geom2.name != None:
            # Preliminary checking, only collide with certain objects
            for p in self.passpairs:
                g1 = False
                g2 = False
                for x in p:
                    g1 = g1 or (geom1.name.find(x) != -1)
                    g2 = g2 or (geom2.name.find(x) != -1)
                if g1 and g2:

        # Check if the objects do collide
        contacts = ode.collide(geom1, geom2)

        # Unpack function arguments
        world, contactgroup = args

        # Create contact joints
        for c in contacts:
            p = c.getContactGeomParams()

            # parameters from Niko Wolf
            c.setBounceVel(0.05) #Set the minimum incoming velocity necessary for bounce
            c.setSoftERP(0.6) #Set the contact normal "softness" parameter
            c.setSoftCFM(0.00005) #Set the contact normal "softness" parameter
            c.setSlip1(0.02) #Set the coefficient of force-dependent-slip (FDS) for friction direction 1
            c.setSlip2(0.02) #Set the coefficient of force-dependent-slip (FDS) for friction direction 2
            c.setMu(self.FricMu) #Set the Coulomb friction coefficient

            j = ode.ContactJoint(world, contactgroup, c)
            j.name = None
            j.attach(geom1.getBody(), geom2.getBody())


    def getCurrentStep(self):
        return self.stepCounter

    def updateClients(self):
        self.updateDone = False

        if not self.updateLock.acquire(False):

        # build message to send
        message = {}

        for body, geom in self.body_geom:
            item = {}

            item_name = ''

            if body != None:
                item_name = body.name

                if item_name in self.invisible_bodies:

                item_pos = body.getPosition()
                item_rot = body.getRotation()

                # Try to find this body from the previous message. See if
                # the item exists and has changed. If it is modified, then
                # the item must be sent. If not, it is implied that the body
                # has not changed.
                if item_name in self.prev_message:
                    # The item has been sent before
                    prev_item = self.prev_message[item_name]

                    # See if the item has been modified
                    if (prev_item['position'] == item_pos and
                            prev_item['rotation'] == item_rot):
                        # The item has not changed. Don't add it to the message

                # The item wasn't in the previous message or has been altered.
                # Send the new info to the viewer

                # transform (rotate, translate) body accordingly
                item['position'] = item_pos
                item['rotation'] = item_rot

                if hasattr(body, 'color'):
                    item['color'] = body.color

                # switch different geom objects
                if type(geom) == ode.GeomBox:
                    # cube
                    item['type'] = 'box'
                    item['scale'] = geom.getLengths()
                elif type(geom) == ode.GeomSphere:
                    # sphere
                    item['type'] = 'sphere'
                    item['radius'] = geom.getRadius()

                elif type(geom) == ode.GeomCCylinder:
                    # capped cylinder
                    item['type'] = 'ccylinder'
                    item['radius'] = geom.getParams()[0]
                    item['length'] = geom.getParams()[1] - 2 * item['radius']

                elif type(geom) == ode.GeomCylinder:
                    # solid cylinder
                    item['type'] = 'cylinder'
                    item['radius'] = geom.getParams()[0]
                    item['length'] = geom.getParams()[1]
                item_name = geom.name

                # See if the item exists in the previous message. If so, the
                # viewer is already aware of it.
                if item_name in self.prev_message:

                # no body found, then it must be a plane (we only draw planes)
                if type(geom) == ode.GeomPlane:
                    item['type'] = 'plane'
                    item['normal'] = geom.getParams()[0] # the normal vector to the plane
                    item['distance'] = geom.getParams()[1] # the distance to the origin

            message[item_name] = item

        # Listen for clients
        if self.server.clients > 0:
            # If there are clients send them the new data

        # Store the message items in their current positions and rotations
        self.prev_message = message

        self.updateDone = True


    def step(self, fast=False):

        Determine all collisions and step through the environment physics
        using the Open Dynamic Engine.

            fast: Determines if a quick ODE step should be used instead of the
                standard ODE step function. A fast step is much faster but
                less accurate. (Default: False)

            Integer representing the number of total steps taken from the
                start of the simulation.
        # call additional callback functions for all kinds of tasks (e.g. printing)

        # Detect collisions and create contact joints
        self.space.collide((self.world, self.contactgroup), self._near_callback)

        # Simulation step
        if fast:
            # If we are using a quick step, accuracy will decrease but speed
            # and memory use decreases drastically
            # Step normally

        # Remove all contact joints

        # update all sensors
        for s in self.sensors:

        # update clients
        if self.render and self.updateDone:

            if self.server.clients > 0 and self.realtime:

        # increase step counter
        self.stepCounter += 1

        return self.stepCounter

    def _printfunc (self):

    def specialkeyfunc(self, c, x, y):
        """Derived classes can implement extra functionality here"""

    #--- helper functions ---#
    def _print_help(self):
        """ prints out the keyboard shortcuts. """
        print "v   -> toggle view with mouse on/off"
        print "s   -> toggle screen capture on/off"
        print "d   -> drop an object"
        print "f   -> lift all objects"
        print "m   -> toggle mouse view (press button to zoom)"
        print "r   -> random torque at all joints"
        print "a/z -> negative/positive torque to all joints"
        print "g   -> print current state"
        print "n   -> reset environment"
        print "x,q -> exit program"

    def specialfunctionDoc(self):
        """Derived classes can implement extra functionality here"""
Ejemplo n.º 7
class ShipSteeringEnvironment(GraphicalEnvironment):
    Simulates an ocean going ship with substantial inertia in both forward
    motion and rotation, plus noise.
    State space (continuous):
        h       heading of ship in degrees (North=0)
        hdot    angular velocity of heading in degrees/minute
        v       velocity of ship in knots
    Action space (continuous):
        rudder  angle of rudder
        thrust  propulsion of ship forward
    # some (more or less) physical constants 
    dt = 4.        # simulated time (in seconds) per step
    mass = 1000.   # mass of ship in unclear units
    I = 1000.      # rotational inertia of ship in unclear units

    def __init__(self, render=True, ip="", port="21580", numdir=1):

        # initialize the environment (randomly)
        self.action = [0.0, 0.0]
        self.delay = False
        self.numdir = numdir  # number of directions in which ship starts
        if self.render:
            self.server=UDPServer(ip, port)
    def step(self):
        """ integrate state using simple rectangle rule """
        thrust = float(self.action[0])
        rudder = float(self.action[1])
        h, hdot, v = self.sensors
        rnd = random.normal(0,1.0, size=3)
        thrust = min(max(thrust,-1),+2)
        rudder = min(max(rudder,-90),+90)
        drag = 5*h + (rudder**2 + rnd[0])
        force = 30.0*thrust - 2.0*v - 0.02*v*drag + rnd[1]*3.0
        v = v + self.dt*force/self.mass
        v = min(max(v,-10),+40)
        torque = -v*(rudder + h + 1.0*hdot + rnd[2]*10.)
        last_hdot = hdot
        hdot += torque / self.I
        hdot = min(max(hdot,-180),180)
        h += (hdot + last_hdot) / 2.0
        if h>180.: 
            h -= 360.
        elif h<-180.: 
            h += 360.
        self.sensors = (h,hdot,v)
    def reset(self):
        """ re-initializes the environment, setting the ship to rest at a random orientation.
        #               [h,                           hdot, v]
        self.sensors = [random.uniform(-30., 30.), 0.0, 0.0]
        if self.render:
            if self.server.clients > 0: 
                # If there are clients send them reset signal
    def getHeading(self):
        """ auxiliary access to just the heading, to be used by GoNorthwardTask """
        return self.sensors[0]
    def getSpeed(self):
        """ auxiliary access to just the speed, to be used by GoNorthwardTask """
        return self.sensors[2]
    def getSensors(self):
        """ returns the state one step (dt) ahead in the future. stores the state in
            self.sensors because it is needed for the next calculation. 
        return self.sensors
    def performAction(self, action):
        """ stores the desired action for the next time step.
        self.action = action
        if self.render: 
            if self.updateDone: 
                if self.server.clients > 0:

    def updateRenderer(self):
        if not self.updateLock.acquire(False): return
        # Listen for clients
        if self.server.clients > 0: 
            # If there are clients send them the new data

    def indim(self):
        return len(self.action)
    def outdim(self):
        return len(self.sensors)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class ODEEnvironment(Environment):
    Virtual simulation for rigid bodies. Uses ODE as a physics engine and OpenGL as graphics
    interface to simulate and display arbitrary objects. Virtual worlds are defined through
    an XML file in XODE format (see http://tanksoftware.com/xode/). This file can be loaded
    into the world with the "loadXODE(...)" function. Use performAction(...) or step() to advance
    the simulation by one step.

    # objects with names within one tuple can pass each other
    passpairs = []
    # define a verbosity level for selective debug output (0=none)
    verbosity = 0

    def __init__(self, render=True, realtime=True, ip="", port="21590", buf="16384"):
        """ initializes the virtual world, variables, the frame rate and the callback functions."""
        print "ODEEnvironment -- based on Open Dynamics Engine."

        # initialize base class
        self.render = render
        if self.render:
            self.updateDone = True
            self.updateLock = threading.Lock()
            self.server = UDPServer(ip, port)
        self.realtime = realtime

        # initialize attributes

        # initialize the textures dictionary
        self.textures = {}

        # initialize sensor and exclude list
        self.sensors = []
        self.excludesensors = []

        # initialize actuators list
        self.actuators = []

        # A joint group for the contact joints that are generated whenever two bodies collide
        self.contactgroup = ode.JointGroup()

        self.dt = 0.01
        self.FricMu = 8.0
        self.stepsPerAction = 1
        self.stepCounter = 0

    def resetAttributes(self):
        """resets the class attributes to their default values"""
        # initialize root node
        self.root = None

        # A list with (body, geom) tuples
        self.body_geom = []

    def reset(self):
        """resets the model and all its parameters to their original values"""
        self.loadXODE(self._currentXODEfile, reload=True)
        self.stepCounter = 0

    def setGravity(self, g):
        """set the world's gravity constant in negative y-direction"""
        self.world.setGravity((0, -g, 0))

    def _setWorldParameters(self):
        """ sets parameters for ODE world object: gravity, error correction (ERP, default=0.2),
        constraint force mixing (CFM, default=1e-5).  """
        self.world.setGravity((0, -9.81, 0))
        # self.world.setERP(0.2)
        # self.world.setCFM(1e-9)

    def _create_box(self, space, density, lx, ly, lz):
        """Create a box body and its corresponding geom."""
        # Create body and mass
        body = ode.Body(self.world)
        M = ode.Mass()
        M.setBox(density, lx, ly, lz)
        body.name = None
        # Create a box geom for collision detection
        geom = ode.GeomBox(space, lengths=(lx, ly, lz))
        geom.name = None

        return (body, geom)

    def _create_sphere(self, space, density, radius):
        """Create a sphere body and its corresponding geom."""
        # Create body and mass
        body = ode.Body(self.world)
        M = ode.Mass()
        M.setSphere(density, radius)
        body.name = None

        # Create a sphere geom for collision detection
        geom = ode.GeomSphere(space, radius)
        geom.name = None

        return (body, geom)

    def drop_object(self):
        """Drops a random object (box, sphere) into the scene."""
        # choose between boxes and spheres
        if random.uniform() > 0.5:
            (body, geom) = self._create_sphere(self.space, 10, 0.4)
            (body, geom) = self._create_box(self.space, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
        # randomize position slightly
        body.setPosition((random.normal(-6.5, 0.5), 6.0, random.normal(-6.5, 0.5)))
        # body.setPosition( (0.0, 3.0, 0.0) )
        # randomize orientation slightly
        # theta = random.uniform(0,2*pi)
        # ct = cos (theta)
        # st = sin (theta)
        # rotate body and append to (body,geom) tuple list
        # body.setRotation([ct, 0., -st, 0., 1., 0., st, 0., ct])
        self.body_geom.append((body, geom))

    # -- sensor and actuator functions
    def addSensor(self, sensor):
        """ adds a sensor object to the list of sensors """
        if not isinstance(sensor, sensors.Sensor):
            raise TypeError("the given sensor is not an instance of class 'Sensor'.")
        # add sensor to sensors list
        # connect sensor and give it the virtual world object

    def addActuator(self, actuator):
        """ adds a sensor object to the list of sensors """
        if not isinstance(actuator, actuators.Actuator):
            raise TypeError("the given actuator is not an instance of class 'Actuator'.")
        # add sensor to sensors list
        # connect actuator and give it the virtual world object

    def addTexture(self, name, texture):
        """ adds a texture to the given ODE object name """
        self.textures[name] = texture

    def centerOn(self, name):
        """ if set, keeps camera to the given ODE object name. """
        except KeyError:
            # name not found, unset centerObj
            print "Warning: Cannot center on " + name
            self.centerObj = None

    def loadXODE(self, filename, reload=False):
        """ loads an XODE file (xml format) and parses it. """
        f = file(filename)
        self._currentXODEfile = filename
        p = xode.parser.Parser()
        self.root = p.parseFile(f)
            # filter all xode "world" objects from root, take only the first one
            world = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, xode.parser.World), self.root.getChildren())[0]
        except IndexError:
            # malicious format, no world tag found
            print "no <world> tag found in " + filename + ". quitting."
        self.world = world.getODEObject()
            # filter all xode "space" objects from world, take only the first one
            space = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, xode.parser.Space), world.getChildren())[0]
        except IndexError:
            # malicious format, no space tag found
            print "no <space> tag found in " + filename + ". quitting."
        self.space = space.getODEObject()

        # load bodies and geoms for painting
        self.body_geom = []

        if self.verbosity > 0:
            print "-------[body/mass list]-----"
            for (body, _) in self.body_geom:
                    print body.name, body.getMass()
                except AttributeError:
                    print "<Nobody>"

        # now parse the additional parameters at the end of the xode file
        self.loadConfig(filename, reload)

    def loadConfig(self, filename, reload=False):
        # parameters are given in (our own brand of) config-file syntax
        self.config = ConfigGrabber(filename, sectionId="<!--odeenvironment parameters", delim=("<", ">"))

        # <passpairs>
        self.passpairs = []
        for passpairstring in self.config.getValue("passpairs")[:]:
        if self.verbosity > 0:
            print "-------[pass tuples]--------"
            print self.passpairs
            print "----------------------------"

        # <centerOn>
        # set focus of camera to the first object specified in the section, if any
        if self.render:
            except IndexError:

        # <affixToEnvironment>
        for jointName in self.config.getValue("affixToEnvironment")[:]:
                # find first object with that name
                obj = self.root.namedChild(jointName).getODEObject()
            except IndexError:
                print "ERROR: Could not affix object '" + jointName + "' to environment!"
            if isinstance(obj, ode.Joint):
                # if it is a joint, use this joint to fix to environment
                obj.attach(obj.getBody(0), ode.environment)
            elif isinstance(obj, ode.Body):
                # if it is a body, create new joint and fix body to environment
                j = ode.FixedJoint(self.world)
                j.attach(obj, ode.environment)

        # <colors>
        for coldefstring in self.config.getValue("colors")[:]:
            # ('name', (0.3,0.4,0.5))
            objname, coldef = eval(coldefstring)
            for (body, _) in self.body_geom:
                if hasattr(body, "name"):
                    if objname == body.name:
                        body.color = coldef

        if not reload:
            # add the JointSensor as default
            self.sensors = []
            ## self.addSensor(self._jointSensor)

            # <sensors>
            # expects a list of strings, each of which is the executable command to create a sensor object
            # example: DistToPointSensor('legSensor', (0.0, 0.0, 5.0))
            sens = self.config.getValue("sensors")[:]
            for s in sens:
                    self.addSensor(eval("sensors." + s))
                except AttributeError:
                    print dir(sensors)
                    warnings.warn("Sensor name with name " + s + " not found. skipped.")
            for s in self.sensors:
            for a in self.actuators:

    def _parseBodies(self, node):
        """ parses through the xode tree recursively and finds all bodies and geoms for drawing. """

        # body (with nested geom)
        if isinstance(node, xode.body.Body):
            body = node.getODEObject()
            body.name = node.getName()
                # filter all xode geom objects and take the first one
                xgeom = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, xode.geom.Geom), node.getChildren())[0]
            except IndexError:
                return ()  # no geom object found, skip this node
            # get the real ode object
            geom = xgeom.getODEObject()
            # if geom doesn't have own name, use the name of its body
            geom.name = node.getName()
            self.body_geom.append((body, geom))

        # geom on its own without body
        elif isinstance(node, xode.geom.Geom):
            except xode.node.AncestorNotFoundError:
                body = None
                geom = node.getODEObject()
                geom.name = node.getName()
                self.body_geom.append((body, geom))

        # special cases for joints: universal, fixed, amotor
        elif isinstance(node, xode.joint.Joint):
            joint = node.getODEObject()

            if type(joint) == ode.UniversalJoint:
                # insert an additional AMotor joint to read the angles from and to add torques
                # amotor = ode.AMotor(self.world)
                # amotor.attach(joint.getBody(0), joint.getBody(1))
                # amotor.setNumAxes(3)
                # amotor.setAxis(0, 0, joint.getAxis2())
                # amotor.setAxis(2, 0, joint.getAxis1())
                # amotor.setMode(ode.AMotorEuler)
                # xode_amotor = xode.joint.Joint(node.getName() + '[amotor]', node.getParent())
                # xode_amotor.setODEObject(amotor)
                # node.getParent().addChild(xode_amotor, None)
            if type(joint) == ode.AMotor:
                # do the euler angle calculations automatically (ref. ode manual)

            if type(joint) == ode.FixedJoint:
                # prevent fixed joints from bouncing to center of first body

        # recursive call for all child nodes
        for c in node.getChildren():

    def excludeSensors(self, exclist):

    def getSensors(self):
        """ returns combined sensor data """
        output = []
        for s in self.sensors:
            if not s.name in self.excludesensors:
        return asarray(output)

    def getSensorNames(self):
        return [s.name for s in self.sensors]

    def getActuatorNames(self):
        return [a.name for a in self.actuators]

    def getSensorByName(self, name):
            idx = self.getSensorNames().index(name)
        except ValueError:
            warnings.warn("sensor " + name + " is not in sensor list.")
            return []

        return self.sensors[idx].getValues()

    def indim(self):
        num = 0
        for a in self.actuators:
            num += a.getNumValues()
        return num

    def getActionLength(self):
        print "getActionLength() is deprecated. use property 'indim' instead."
        return self.indim

    def outdim(self):
        return len(self.getSensors())

    def performAction(self, action):
        """ sets the values for all actuators combined. """
        pointer = 0
        for a in self.actuators:
            val = a.getNumValues()
            a._update(action[pointer : pointer + val])
            pointer += val

        for _ in range(self.stepsPerAction):

    def getXODERoot(self):
        return self.root

    # --- callback functions ---#
    def _near_callback(self, args, geom1, geom2):
        """Callback function for the collide() method.
        This function checks if the given geoms do collide and
        creates contact joints if they do."""

        # only check parse list, if objects have name
        if geom1.name != None and geom2.name != None:
            # Preliminary checking, only collide with certain objects
            for p in self.passpairs:
                g1 = False
                g2 = False
                for x in p:
                    g1 = g1 or (geom1.name.find(x) != -1)
                    g2 = g2 or (geom2.name.find(x) != -1)
                if g1 and g2:
                    return ()

        # Check if the objects do collide
        contacts = ode.collide(geom1, geom2)

        # Create contact joints
        world, contactgroup = args
        for c in contacts:
            p = c.getContactGeomParams()
            # parameters from Niko Wolf
            c.setBounceVel(0.05)  # Set the minimum incoming velocity necessary for bounce
            c.setSoftERP(0.6)  # Set the contact normal "softness" parameter
            c.setSoftCFM(0.00005)  # Set the contact normal "softness" parameter
            c.setSlip1(0.02)  # Set the coefficient of force-dependent-slip (FDS) for friction direction 1
            c.setSlip2(0.02)  # Set the coefficient of force-dependent-slip (FDS) for friction direction 2
            c.setMu(self.FricMu)  # Set the Coulomb friction coefficient
            j = ode.ContactJoint(world, contactgroup, c)
            j.name = None
            j.attach(geom1.getBody(), geom2.getBody())

    def getCurrentStep(self):
        return self.stepCounter

    def updateClients(self):
        self.updateDone = False
        if not self.updateLock.acquire(False):

        # build message to send
        message = []
        for (body, geom) in self.body_geom:
            item = {}
            # real bodies (boxes, spheres, ...)
            if body != None:
                # transform (rotate, translate) body accordingly
                item["position"] = body.getPosition()
                item["rotation"] = body.getRotation()
                if hasattr(body, "color"):
                    item["color"] = body.color

                # switch different geom objects
                if type(geom) == ode.GeomBox:
                    # cube
                    item["type"] = "GeomBox"
                    item["scale"] = geom.getLengths()
                elif type(geom) == ode.GeomSphere:
                    # sphere
                    item["type"] = "GeomSphere"
                    item["radius"] = geom.getRadius()

                elif type(geom) == ode.GeomCCylinder:
                    # capped cylinder
                    item["type"] = "GeomCCylinder"
                    item["radius"] = geom.getParams()[0]
                    item["length"] = geom.getParams()[1] - 2 * item["radius"]

                elif type(geom) == ode.GeomCylinder:
                    # solid cylinder
                    item["type"] = "GeomCylinder"
                    item["radius"] = geom.getParams()[0]
                    item["length"] = geom.getParams()[1]
                    # TODO: add other geoms here

                # no body found, then it must be a plane (we only draw planes)
                if type(geom) == ode.GeomPlane:
                    # plane
                    item["type"] = "GeomPlane"
                    item["normal"] = geom.getParams()[0]  # the normal vector to the plane
                    item["distance"] = geom.getParams()[1]  # the distance to the origin


        # Listen for clients
        if self.server.clients > 0:
            # If there are clients send them the new data
        self.updateDone = True

    def step(self):
        """ Here the ode physics is calculated by one step. """

        # call additional callback functions for all kinds of tasks (e.g. printing)

        # Detect collisions and create contact joints
        self.space.collide((self.world, self.contactgroup), self._near_callback)

        # Simulation step
        # Remove all contact joints

        # update all sensors
        for s in self.sensors:

        # update clients
        if self.render and self.updateDone:
            if self.server.clients > 0 and self.realtime:

        # increase step counter
        self.stepCounter += 1
        return self.stepCounter

    def _printfunc(self):
        # print self.root.namedChild('palm').getODEObject().getPosition()

    def specialkeyfunc(self, c, x, y):
        """Derived classes can implement extra functionality here"""

    # --- helper functions ---#
    def _print_help(self):
        """ prints out the keyboard shortcuts. """
        print "v   -> toggle view with mouse on/off"
        print "s   -> toggle screen capture on/off"
        print "d   -> drop an object"
        print "f   -> lift all objects"
        print "m   -> toggle mouse view (press button to zoom)"
        print "r   -> random torque at all joints"
        print "a/z -> negative/positive torque to all joints"
        print "g   -> print current state"
        print "n   -> reset environment"
        print "x,q -> exit program"

    def specialfunctionDoc(self):
        """Derived classes can implement extra functionality here"""
Ejemplo n.º 9
class ShipSteeringEnvironment(Environment):
    Simulates an ocean going ship with substantial inertia in both forward
    motion and rotation, plus noise.

    State space (continuous):
        h       heading of ship in degrees (North=0)
        hdot    angular velocity of heading in degrees/minute
        v       velocity of ship in knots
    Action space (continuous):
        rudder  angle of rudder
        thrust  propulsion of ship forward

    # some (more or less) physical constants
    dt = 4.  # simulated time (in seconds) per step
    mass = 1000.  # mass of ship in unclear units
    I = 1000.  # rotational inertia of ship in unclear units

    def __init__(self, render=True, ip="", port="21580", numdir=1):
        # initialize the environment (randomly)
        self.action = [0.0, 0.0]
        self.delay = False
        self.numdir = numdir  # number of directions in which ship starts
        self.render = render
        if self.render:
            self.updateDone = True
            self.updateLock = threading.Lock()
            self.server = UDPServer(ip, port)

    def step(self):
        """ integrate state using simple rectangle rule """
        thrust = float(self.action[0])
        rudder = float(self.action[1])
        h, hdot, v = self.sensors
        rnd = random.normal(0, 1.0, size=3)

        thrust = min(max(thrust, -1), +2)
        rudder = min(max(rudder, -90), +90)
        drag = 5 * h + (rudder**2 + rnd[0])
        force = 30.0 * thrust - 2.0 * v - 0.02 * v * drag + rnd[1] * 3.0
        v = v + self.dt * force / self.mass
        v = min(max(v, -10), +40)
        torque = -v * (rudder + h + 1.0 * hdot + rnd[2] * 10.)
        last_hdot = hdot
        hdot += torque / self.I
        hdot = min(max(hdot, -180), 180)
        h += (hdot + last_hdot) / 2.0
        if h > 180.:
            h -= 360.
        elif h < -180.:
            h += 360.
        self.sensors = (h, hdot, v)

    def closeSocket(self):

    def reset(self):
        """ re-initializes the environment, setting the ship to rest at a random orientation.
        #               [h,                           hdot, v]
        self.sensors = [random.uniform(-30., 30.), 0.0, 0.0]
        if self.render:
            if self.server.clients > 0:
                # If there are clients send them reset signal
                self.server.send(["r", "r", "r"])

    def getHeading(self):
        """ auxiliary access to just the heading, to be used by GoNorthwardTask """
        return self.sensors[0]

    def getSpeed(self):
        """ auxiliary access to just the speed, to be used by GoNorthwardTask """
        return self.sensors[2]

    def getSensors(self):
        """ returns the state one step (dt) ahead in the future. stores the state in
            self.sensors because it is needed for the next calculation.
        return self.sensors

    def performAction(self, action):
        """ stores the desired action for the next time step.
        self.action = action
        if self.render:
            if self.updateDone:
                if self.server.clients > 0:

    def updateRenderer(self):
        self.updateDone = False
        if not self.updateLock.acquire(False): return

        # Listen for clients
        if self.server.clients > 0:
            # If there are clients send them the new data
        self.updateDone = True

    def indim(self):
        return len(self.action)

    def outdim(self):
        return len(self.sensors)