Ejemplo n.º 1
def apply_affine_itk_transform_on_image(input_image,
    input_data = np.float32(input_image.get_data())

    if reference_image is None:
        reference_image = input_image

    #set the interpolation order to 1 if not specified
    if order is None:
        order = 1

    ref_data = np.float32(reference_image.get_data())

    #create index for the reference space
    i = np.arange(0, ref_data.shape[0])
    j = np.arange(0, ref_data.shape[1])
    k = np.arange(0, ref_data.shape[2])
    iv, jv, kv = np.meshgrid(i, j, k, indexing='ij')

    iv = np.reshape(iv, (-1))
    jv = np.reshape(jv, (-1))
    kv = np.reshape(kv, (-1))

    #convert the transform from itk (LPS) to nibabel (RAS)
    nb_transform, nb_center = convert_itk_transform_to_affine_transform(
        transform, center)

    #compute the coordinates in the input image
    pointset = np.zeros((4, iv.shape[0]))
    pointset[0, :] = iv
    pointset[1, :] = jv
    pointset[2, :] = kv
    pointset[3, :] = np.ones((iv.shape[0]))

    #no need to specify the center here because it is included in itk-based nb_transform
    #pointset = transform_a_set_of_points(pointset,nb_transform,reference_image.affine,np.linalg.inv(input_image.affine))
    pointset = transform_a_set_of_points(pointset, nb_transform,

    #compute the interpolation
    val = np.zeros(iv.shape)
                    [pointset[0, :], pointset[1, :], pointset[2, :]],

    output_data = np.reshape(val, ref_data.shape)

    return nibabel.Nifti1Image(output_data, reference_image.affine)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def apply_affine_itk_transform_on_image(input_image, transform, center, reference_image=None, order=None):
  input_data = np.float32(input_image.get_data())
  if reference_image is None:
    reference_image = input_image

  #set the interpolation order to 1 if not specified
  if order is None:
    order = 1
  ref_data = np.float32(reference_image.get_data())    
  #create index for the reference space
  i = np.arange(0,ref_data.shape[0])
  j = np.arange(0,ref_data.shape[1])
  k = np.arange(0,ref_data.shape[2])
  iv,jv,kv = np.meshgrid(i,j,k,indexing='ij')
  iv = np.reshape(iv,(-1))
  jv = np.reshape(jv,(-1))
  kv = np.reshape(kv,(-1))
  #convert the transform from itk (LPS) to nibabel (RAS) 
  nb_transform, nb_center = convert_itk_transform_to_affine_transform(transform,center)

  #compute the coordinates in the input image
  pointset = np.zeros((4,iv.shape[0]))
  pointset[0,:] = iv
  pointset[1,:] = jv
  pointset[2,:] = kv
  pointset[3,:] = np.ones((iv.shape[0]))

  #no need to specify the center here because it is included in itk-based nb_transform  
  #pointset = transform_a_set_of_points(pointset,nb_transform,reference_image.affine,np.linalg.inv(input_image.affine))
  pointset = transform_a_set_of_points(pointset,nb_transform,reference_image.affine,np.linalg.inv(input_image.affine),nb_center)

  #compute the interpolation
  val = np.zeros(iv.shape)            
  output_data = np.reshape(val,ref_data.shape)
  return nibabel.Nifti1Image(output_data, reference_image.affine)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def compute_H(y, x, w2wtransform, psf, mask):
  Compute the matrix H, y = Hx
  y : low resolution
  x : high resolution
  y : one nibabel image
    An array containing the lr resolution pixels (list of array) 
  x : one nibabel image
    An array containing the hr resolution pixels (array)
  w2w_transform : ndarray
    Transform from world to world coordinate (y to x), as a 2D array (homogeneous matrix)
  psf : ndarray
    PSF kernel
  mask : one nibabel image
    List of array containing points to process  
  H : sparse matrix
    Sparse matrix H corresponding to the observation model y=Hx
  print 'Computing the observation matrix H (for each low-resolution image)'
  t = time()
  psfCenter = (np.array(psf.shape) -1.0 )/2.0

  LRSpacing = np.float32(np.array(y.header['pixdim'][1:4]))
  ydata  = np.float32(y.get_data())
  lookup_lr_index = np.arange(ydata.size).reshape(ydata.shape).astype(int)

  HRSize    = np.float32(np.array(x.header['dim'][1:4]))
  HRSpacing = np.float32(np.array(x.header['pixdim'][1:4]))
  xdata     = np.float32(x.get_data())
  lookup_hr_index = np.arange(xdata.size).reshape(xdata.shape)

  #Create a large empty sparse matrix
  H = lil_matrix((np.int(ydata.size),np.int(xdata.size)))
  #Compute the inverse of the affine matrix (from X to world coordinate)
  inverseMatrixX = np.linalg.inv(x.affine)
  #tmpH is a temporary variable to avoid many access to the sparse matrix H
  tmpH = np.zeros((xdata.size))  
  ratioi = HRSpacing[0]/LRSpacing[0]
  ratioj = HRSpacing[1]/LRSpacing[1]
  ratiok = HRSpacing[2]/LRSpacing[2]
  #Precompute PSF shift (expressed in the coordinate system of current LR image
  psfShift = np.zeros((4,psf.size))
  psfValues = np.zeros((psf.size))
  index = 0
  for ipsf in range(psf.shape[0]):
    for jpsf in range(psf.shape[1]):
      for kpsf in range(psf.shape[2]):
        psfShift[0,index] = (ipsf - psfCenter[0])*ratioi
        psfShift[1,index] = (jpsf - psfCenter[1])*ratioj
        psfShift[2,index] = (kpsf - psfCenter[2])*ratiok
        psfValues[index] = psf[ipsf,jpsf,kpsf]

  #convert the transform from itk (LPS) to nibabel (RAS)
  transform, center = convert_itk_transform_to_affine_transform(w2wtransform[0],w2wtransform[1])
  #Get index to process in the current LR image
  nonzeroMask = np.nonzero(mask.get_data())
  for i,j,k in zip(nonzeroMask[0],nonzeroMask[1],nonzeroMask[2]):
    #Compute the index of current voxel in y
    indexlr = lookup_lr_index[i,j,k]

    #Loop over PSF elements (put all psf points into psfPoints array)
    psfPoints = np.array([[i],[j],[k],[1]]) + psfShift

    #Transform index to world coordinate (y)
    #Transform world coordinate (y) to world coordinate (x)
    #Transform world coordinate (x) to index
    #These three transforms are applied using the following function:
    pointset = transform_a_set_of_points(psfPoints,np.linalg.inv(transform),y.affine,inverseMatrixX,center)
    #pointset = transform_a_set_of_points(psfPoints,transform,y[l].affine,np.linalg.inv(x.affine),center)

    #Do psf weights interpolation on the grid of x (HR image)
    #we do here basic linear interpolation of the weights
    floorPoints = np.int32(np.floor(pointset))

    w1 = pointset - floorPoints
    w2 = 1 - w1

    #weights for linear interpolation
    w = np.zeros((8,psf.size))
    w[0,:] = w2[0,:] *  w2[1,:] * w2[2,:]
    w[1,:] = w1[0,:] *  w2[1,:] * w2[2,:]
    w[2,:] = w1[0,:] *  w1[1,:] * w2[2,:]
    w[3,:] = w1[0,:] *  w1[1,:] * w1[2,:]
    w[4,:] = w2[0,:] *  w1[1,:] * w1[2,:]
    w[5,:] = w1[0,:] *  w2[1,:] * w1[2,:]
    w[6,:] = w2[0,:] *  w2[1,:] * w1[2,:]
    w[7,:] = w2[0,:] *  w1[1,:] * w2[2,:]

    #To fill efficiently the sparse matrix H, we need to store nonzero elements index.
    #Indeed, finding non zero element is very long in a vector (size of x)
    tmpHList = []
    #Loop over all transformed PSF points to accumulate weights
    for f,weight in zip(floorPoints.T,w.T):
      if (f>=0).all() and (f[0:3]<HRSize-1).all():

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0],f[1],f[2]]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[0]

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0]+1,f[1],f[2]]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[1]
        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0]+1,f[1]+1,f[2]]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[2]

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0]+1,f[1]+1,f[2]+1]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[3]

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0],f[1]+1,f[2]+1]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[4]

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0]+1,f[1],f[2]+1]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[5]

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0],f[1],f[2]+1]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[6]

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0],f[1]+1,f[2]]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[7]
        #H[lookup_lr_index[i,j,k],lookup_hr_index[f[0],f[1],f[2]]] = 1.0
    #Get the list of index to update in H
    tmpHIndex = np.unique(np.asarray(tmpHList))
    if tmpHIndex.size > 0:
      #Fill the corresponding line of the sparse matrix
      H[indexlr,tmpHIndex] = tmpH[tmpHIndex] 
      #Set tmpH to zero
      tmpH[tmpHIndex] = 0
  #normalization of rows (using sklearn)
  H_normalized = normalize(H, norm='l1', axis=1)

  print 'Computation done in '+str(time()-t)+' s'
  return H_normalized
Ejemplo n.º 4
def compute_H(y, x, w2wtransform, psf, mask):
  Compute the matrix H, y = Hx
  y : low resolution
  x : high resolution
  y : one nibabel image
    An array containing the lr resolution pixels (list of array) 
  x : one nibabel image
    An array containing the hr resolution pixels (array)
  w2w_transform : ndarray
    Transform from world to world coordinate (y to x), as a 2D array (homogeneous matrix)
  psf : ndarray
    PSF kernel
  mask : one nibabel image
    List of array containing points to process  
  H : sparse matrix
    Sparse matrix H corresponding to the observation model y=Hx
  print('Computing the observation matrix H (for each low-resolution image)')
  t = time()
  psfCenter = (np.array(psf.shape) -1.0 )/2.0

  LRSpacing = np.float32(np.array(y.header['pixdim'][1:4]))
  ydata  = np.float32(y.get_data())
  lookup_lr_index = np.arange(ydata.size).reshape(ydata.shape).astype(int)

  HRSize    = np.float32(np.array(x.header['dim'][1:4]))
  HRSpacing = np.float32(np.array(x.header['pixdim'][1:4]))
  xdata     = np.float32(x.get_data())
  lookup_hr_index = np.arange(xdata.size).reshape(xdata.shape)

  #Create a large empty sparse matrix
  H = lil_matrix((np.int(ydata.size),np.int(xdata.size)))
  #Compute the inverse of the affine matrix (from X to world coordinate)
  inverseMatrixX = np.linalg.inv(x.affine)
  #tmpH is a temporary variable to avoid many access to the sparse matrix H
  tmpH = np.zeros((xdata.size))  
  ratioi = HRSpacing[0]/LRSpacing[0]
  ratioj = HRSpacing[1]/LRSpacing[1]
  ratiok = HRSpacing[2]/LRSpacing[2]
  #Precompute PSF shift (expressed in the coordinate system of current LR image
  psfShift = np.zeros((4,psf.size))
  psfValues = np.zeros((psf.size))
  index = 0
  for ipsf in range(psf.shape[0]):
    for jpsf in range(psf.shape[1]):
      for kpsf in range(psf.shape[2]):
        psfShift[0,index] = (ipsf - psfCenter[0])*ratioi
        psfShift[1,index] = (jpsf - psfCenter[1])*ratioj
        psfShift[2,index] = (kpsf - psfCenter[2])*ratiok
        psfValues[index] = psf[ipsf,jpsf,kpsf]

  #convert the transform from itk (LPS) to nibabel (RAS)
  transform, center = convert_itk_transform_to_affine_transform(w2wtransform[0],w2wtransform[1])
  #Get index to process in the current LR image
  nonzeroMask = np.nonzero(mask.get_data())
  for i,j,k in zip(nonzeroMask[0],nonzeroMask[1],nonzeroMask[2]):
    #Compute the index of current voxel in y
    indexlr = lookup_lr_index[i,j,k]

    #Loop over PSF elements (put all psf points into psfPoints array)
    psfPoints = np.array([[i],[j],[k],[1]]) + psfShift

    #Transform index to world coordinate (y)
    #Transform world coordinate (y) to world coordinate (x)
    #Transform world coordinate (x) to index
    #These three transforms are applied using the following function:
    pointset = transform_a_set_of_points(psfPoints,np.linalg.inv(transform),y.affine,inverseMatrixX,center)
    #pointset = transform_a_set_of_points(psfPoints,transform,y[l].affine,np.linalg.inv(x.affine),center)

    #Do psf weights interpolation on the grid of x (HR image)
    #we do here basic linear interpolation of the weights
    floorPoints = np.int32(np.floor(pointset))

    w1 = pointset - floorPoints
    w2 = 1 - w1

    #weights for linear interpolation
    w = np.zeros((8,psf.size))
    w[0,:] = w2[0,:] *  w2[1,:] * w2[2,:]
    w[1,:] = w1[0,:] *  w2[1,:] * w2[2,:]
    w[2,:] = w1[0,:] *  w1[1,:] * w2[2,:]
    w[3,:] = w1[0,:] *  w1[1,:] * w1[2,:]
    w[4,:] = w2[0,:] *  w1[1,:] * w1[2,:]
    w[5,:] = w1[0,:] *  w2[1,:] * w1[2,:]
    w[6,:] = w2[0,:] *  w2[1,:] * w1[2,:]
    w[7,:] = w2[0,:] *  w1[1,:] * w2[2,:]

    #To fill efficiently the sparse matrix H, we need to store nonzero elements index.
    #Indeed, finding non zero element is very long in a vector (size of x)
    tmpHList = []
    #Loop over all transformed PSF points to accumulate weights
    for f,weight in zip(floorPoints.T,w.T):
      if (f>=0).all() and (f[0:3]<HRSize-1).all():

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0],f[1],f[2]]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[0]

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0]+1,f[1],f[2]]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[1]
        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0]+1,f[1]+1,f[2]]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[2]

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0]+1,f[1]+1,f[2]+1]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[3]

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0],f[1]+1,f[2]+1]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[4]

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0]+1,f[1],f[2]+1]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[5]

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0],f[1],f[2]+1]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[6]

        indexhr = lookup_hr_index[f[0],f[1]+1,f[2]]
        tmpH[indexhr] += weight[7]
        #H[lookup_lr_index[i,j,k],lookup_hr_index[f[0],f[1],f[2]]] = 1.0
    #Get the list of index to update in H
    tmpHIndex = np.unique(np.asarray(tmpHList))
    if tmpHIndex.size > 0:
      #Fill the corresponding line of the sparse matrix
      H[indexlr,tmpHIndex] = tmpH[tmpHIndex] 
      #Set tmpH to zero
      tmpH[tmpHIndex] = 0
  #normalization of rows (using sklearn)
  H_normalized = normalize(H, norm='l1', axis=1)

  print('Computation done in '+str(time()-t)+' s')
  return H_normalized