Ejemplo n.º 1
def loop_convolve(x, filter):
    ''' Wraps around x and convolves with the filter '''
    require_shape((gt(0),), x)
    n = x.shape[0]
    a = zeros(shape=3 * n) 
    a[0:n] = x
    a[n:(2 * n)] = x
    a[2 * n:(3 * n)] = x
    af = convolve(a, filter, mode='same')
    require_shape((3 * n,), af)
    result = af[(n):(2 * n)]
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_olfaction_Ttheta(positions, fder):
    positions: 2 x n  vector
    f_der: n x n
    require_shape((2, gt(0)), positions)
    n = positions.shape[1]
    require_shape((n, n), fder)
    results = ndarray(shape=(n, n))

    for i in range(n):
        J = array([ [0, -1], [1, 0]])
        Js = dot(J, positions[:, i])
        results[i, :] = dot(positions.transpose(), Js)

    results = results * fder # it IS element by element
    return results
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_olfaction_Txy(positions, fder, distances):
    positions: 2 x n  vector
    f_der, distances: n x n
    returns Tx, Ty,   each n x n
    require_shape((2, gt(0)), positions)
    n = positions.shape[1]
    require_shape((n, n), fder)
    Tx = ndarray((n, n))
    Ty = ndarray((n, n))

    for i in range(n):
        rep = tile(positions[:, i], (n, 1)).transpose()
        require_shape((2, n), rep)
        diff = positions - rep
        Tx[i, :] = diff[0, :]
        Ty[i, :] = diff[1, :]
    # we add eps because otherwise 0/0 = NAN
    eps = 0.0001
    Tx = (Tx / (distances + eps)) * fder
    Ty = (Ty / (distances + eps)) * fder
    return Tx, Ty
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create_distance_matrix(positions):
    ''' Returns the corresponding distance matrix 
        Position: 2 x n vector '''
    require_shape((2, gt(0)), positions)
    n = positions.shape[1]
    results = ndarray(shape=(n, n))

    for i in range(n):
        rep = tile(positions[:, i], (n, 1)).transpose()
        require_shape((2, n), rep)
        diff = positions - rep
        distances = sqrt(sum(square(diff), axis=0))
        require_shape((n,), distances)
        results[i, :] = distances

    return results
Ejemplo n.º 5
def create_report_fields(result, report_id=None):
    report = Node(report_id)
    fields = [('x_y', result.lattice_x_y, result.fields_x_y),
              ('x_theta', result.lattice_x_theta, result.fields_x_theta),
              ('theta_y', result.lattice_theta_y, result.fields_theta_y) ]

    fig_fields = report.figure('fields', caption='Inner products', shape=(3, 3))
    # Compute inner product w/ right direction
    fig_inner = report.figure(id='inner', caption='Inner products')

    fig_success = report.figure(id='success', caption='Success')
    for field_name, lattice, field in fields:
        field = array(field)
        average = numpy.mean(field, 0)
        #print "List  shape: %s " % str(field.shape)
        #print "Mean shape: %s " % str(average.shape)
        require_shape((gt(0), gt(0), 3), average)

        for i, cmd_name in [(0, 'vx'), (1, 'vy'), (2, 'vtheta')]:
            image_name = '%s-%s' % (field_name, cmd_name)

            fi = average[:, :, i].squeeze()
            require_shape((gt(0), gt(0)), fi)
            max_value = abs(fi).max()
            # let's allow a matrix with all 0
            if max_value == 0:
                max_value = 1

            report.data(image_name, fi)
            fig_fields.sub(image_name, display='posneg', max_value=max_value,
    def lattice2pose(lattice):
        def rbs2pose(rbs):
            p = rbs.get_2d_position()
            theta = rbs.get_2d_orientation()
            return array([p[0, 0], p[1, 0], theta])
        return map(lambda x: map(rbs2pose, x), lattice)
    for field_name, lattice, field in fields:
        lattice = array(lattice2pose(lattice))
        inners = []
        for commands in field:
            print "lattice shape", lattice.shape
            #print "commands shape", commands.shape
            inner = numpy.sum(lattice * commands, axis=2) 
        average_inner = numpy.mean(array(inners), 0)
        require_shape((gt(0), gt(0)), average_inner)
        success = numpy.mean(array(inners) > 0, 0) # XXX should be < 0
        require_shape((gt(0), gt(0)), success)
        image_name = 'inner-%s' % (field_name)
        max_value = abs(fi).max()
        # let's allow a matrix with all 0
        if max_value == 0:
            max_value = 1
        report.data(image_name, average_inner)
        fig_inner.sub(image_name, display='posneg',
                      max_value=max_value, caption=field_name)

        image_name = 'success-%s' % (field_name)
        report.data(image_name, success)
        fig_success.sub(image_name, display='success')

    return report
Ejemplo n.º 6
def analyze_olfaction_covariance(covariance, receptors):
    ''' Covariance: n x n covariance matrix.
        Positions:  list of n  positions '''
    positions = [pose.get_2d_position() for pose, sens in receptors] #@UnusedVariable
    positions = array(positions).transpose().squeeze()
    require_shape(square_shape(), covariance)
    n = covariance.shape[0]
    require_shape((2, n), positions)
    distances = create_distance_matrix(positions)
    correlation = cov2corr(covariance)
    flat_distances = distances.reshape(n * n) 
    flat_correlation = correlation.reshape(n * n)
    # let's fit a polynomial
    deg = 4
    poly = polyfit(flat_distances, flat_correlation, deg=deg)  
    knots = linspace(min(flat_distances), max(flat_distances), 2000)
    poly_int = polyval(poly, knots)
    poly_fder = polyder(poly)
    fder = polyval(poly_fder, distances)
    Ttheta = create_olfaction_Ttheta(positions, fder)
    Tx, Ty = create_olfaction_Txy(positions, fder, distances)
    report = Node('olfaction-theory')
    report.data('flat_distances', flat_distances)
    report.data('flat_correlation', flat_correlation)
    with report.data_file('dist_vs_corr', 'image/png') as filename:
        pylab.plot(flat_distances, flat_correlation, '.')
        pylab.plot(knots, poly_int, 'r-')
        pylab.title('Correlation vs distance')
        pylab.legend(['data', 'interpolation deg = %s' % deg]) 
    with report.data('fder', fder).data_file('fder', 'image/png') as filename:
        pylab.plot(knots, polyval(poly_fder, knots), 'r-')
        pylab.title('f der')
    report.data('distances', distances)
    report.data('correlation', correlation)
    report.data('covariance', covariance)
    report.data('f', polyval(poly, distances))   
    f = report.figure(id='cor-vs-distnace', caption='Estimated kernels',
                       shape=(3, 3))
    f.sub('f', display='scale')
    f.sub('distances', display='scale')
    f.sub('correlation', display='posneg')
    f.sub('covariance', display='posneg')
    T = numpy.zeros(shape=(3, Tx.shape[0], Tx.shape[1]))
    T[0, :, :] = Tx
    T[1, :, :] = Ty
    T[2, :, :] = Ttheta
    T_report = create_report_figure_tensors(T, report_id='tensors',
        caption="Predicted learned tensors")

    return report