Ejemplo n.º 1
def _compileSrc(be, compileCmd, source, objPaths, buildStatus):
    be (in): BuildElements object
    compileCmd (in): the compile command so far 
    source (in): the c or cpp source file to compile (every source file gets it's own object file)
    objPaths (out): list of all object paths that will be passed to the linker
    buildStatus (out): build status for this particular compile

    if not os.path.exists(source):
        buildStatus.writeError(source + " is missing, exiting build")

    objFile = os.path.basename(source)
    objFile = objFile.replace(os.path.splitext(source)[1], be.objExt)
    objPath = os.path.join(be.buildPath, objFile)

    # check if it's up to date
    objExisted = os.path.exists(objPath)
    if objExisted:
        objTimestamp = float(os.stat(objPath).st_mtime)
        if not utils.sourceNeedsBuilding(be.incPaths, source, objTimestamp):
            buildStatus.status = "up to date"

    # Microsoft Visual C has to have the objPathFlag cuddled up directly next to the objPath - no space in between them (grrr)
    if be.compiler.startswith("msvc"):
        cmd = compileCmd + [source, be.objPathFlag + objPath]
        cmd = compileCmd + [source, be.objPathFlag, objPath]

    if be.showCompilerCmds:
        log.info("\n" + " ".join(cmd) + "\n")

    buildStatus.description = utils.runCmd(cmd)

    if os.path.exists(objPath):
        if objExisted:
            if float(os.stat(objPath).st_mtime) > objTimestamp:
                buildStatus.status = "built"
            buildStatus.status = "built"

    if buildStatus.status == "built":
        buildStatus.description = "compiled " + os.path.basename(source)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def build(argv=[], buildingLib=False):
    the main function, does the heavy lifting
    argv (in): command line arguments

    # cleaning
    if "-cl" in argv:
        return clean(argv)
    if "-cla" in argv:
        return cleanall(argv)

        be = BuildElements(argv)
    except Exception as e:
        return False

    buildStatus = BuildStatus(be.target, be.buildPath)  # final build status

    # lock - early return
    if be.locked and os.path.exists(be.targetInstallPath):
        buildStatus.writeInfo("locked", be.target + " is locked")
        return True

    # building
    startTime = time.time()

    threading = True

    log.info("building " + be.infoStr)

    if not os.path.exists(be.installPath):

    if not os.path.exists(be.buildPath):

    incPathList = []
    for incPath in be.incPaths:
        if os.path.exists(incPath):
            incPathList += ["-I", incPath]
            log.warning("incPath {0} doesn't exist".format(incPath))

    for (
    ) in (
    ):  # external include libs (for cases where 3rd party header includes are using "" instead of <> ie Unreal)
        if os.path.exists(incPath):
            incPathList += ["-I", extIncPath]
            log.warning("extIncPath {0} doesn't exist".format(extIncPath))

    definesList = []
    for define in be.defines:
        definesList += ["-D", define]

    # qt moc file compilation
    mocPaths = []
    for qtClass in be.qtClasses:
        found = False
        mocPath = "{0}/moc_{1}.cpp".format(be.buildPath, qtClass)
        qtClassHeader = qtClass + ".h"

        for (
        ) in be.incPaths:  # find the header file, # TODO: should there be a separate list of headers ie be.mocIncPaths?
            includePath = incPath + "/" + qtClassHeader
            if not os.path.exists(includePath):

            if (
                and float(os.stat(mocPath).st_mtime) < float(os.stat(includePath).st_mtime)
                or not os.path.exists(mocPath)
                buildStatus.description = "qt moc: " + utils.runCmd(
                    ["moc"] + definesList + [includePath, "-o", mocPath]

            if not os.path.exists(mocPath):
                return False

            found = True

        if not found:
            buildStatus.writeError("can't find {0} for qt moc compilation".format(qtClassHeader))
            return False

    for mocPath in mocPaths:

    buildStatusDeps = []  # the build status for each dependency: objs and libs
    threads = []
    i = 0

    # compile
    objPaths = []
    cmd = [be.compilerCmd, be.objFlag] + incPathList + definesList + be.flags

    if threading:
        for source in be.sources:
            buildStatusDep = BuildStatus(source)
            thread = Thread(None, target=_compileSrc, args=(be, cmd, source, objPaths, buildStatusDep))
            i += 1
        for source in be.sources:
            buildStatusDep = BuildStatus(source)
            _compileSrc(be, cmd, source, objPaths, buildStatusDep)
            i += 1

    # build library dependencies
    libCmds = []
    libsBuilding = []
    if be.binaryType == "exe" or be.binaryType == "plugin":
        for lib in be.libs:
            libName = lib
            if be.compiler.startswith("msvc"):
                libCmds += [
                    libName + be.staticExt
                ]  # you need to link against the .lib stub file even if it's ultimately a .dll that gets linked
                libCmds += [be.libFlag, libName]

            # check if the lib has a directory for building
            if threading:
                for libSrcDir in be.libSrcPaths:
                    libSrcDir = os.path.join(libSrcDir, lib)
                    if os.path.exists(libSrcDir):
                        buildStatusDep = BuildStatus(lib)
                        thread = Thread(None, target=_buildLib, args=(be, libSrcDir, buildStatusDep))
                        i += 1
                for libSrcPath in be.libSrcPaths:
                    if not os.path.exists("libSrcPath"):
                        log.warning("libSrcPath {0} doesn't exist".format(libSrcPath))
                    libSrcPath = os.path.join(libSrcPath, lib)
                    if os.path.exists(libSrcPath):
                        buildStatusDep = BuildStatus(lib)
                        _buildLib(be, libSrcDir, buildStatusDep)
                        i += 1

    # wait for all the threads before checking the results
    for thread in threads:

    allUpToDate = True
    for buildStatusDep in buildStatusDeps:
        if buildStatusDep.status == "failed":
                "{0} failed because {1} failed because...\n\n{2}\n...determined in seconds\n\n".format(
                    buildStatusDep.description.encode("ascii", "ignore"),
                    str(int(time.time() - startTime)),
            return False
        elif buildStatusDep.status == "built":
            allUpToDate = False

    # revise the library paths
    for i in range(len(be.libPaths)):
        revisedLibPath = be.libPaths[i] + be.binaryRelPath
        if os.path.exists(revisedLibPath):
            be.libPaths[i] = revisedLibPath

    # linking
    linkCmd = []

    if allUpToDate and os.path.exists(be.targetInstallPath):
            "up to date",
            "{0} is up to date, determined in {1} seconds\n".format(be.infoStr, str(int(time.time() - startTime))),
        if not buildingLib:
        return True

    # microsoft's compiler / linker can only handle so many characters on the command line
    msvcLinkCmdFilePath = be.buildPath + "/linkCmd"
    if be.compiler.startswith("msvc"):
        msvcLinkCmd = '{0}"{1}" {2} {3}'.format(
            be.targetFlag, be.targetInstallPath, " ".join(objPaths), " ".join(libCmds)
        msvcLinkCmdFp = open(msvcLinkCmdFilePath, "w")
        linkCmd += [be.linker, "@" + msvcLinkCmdFilePath]
        if be.showLinkerCmds:
            log.info("\nmsvcLinkCmd: {0}\n".format(msvcLinkCmd))
        linkCmd += [be.linker, be.targetFlag, be.targetInstallPath] + objPaths + libCmds

    if be.binaryType != "static":  # TODO: is this the case for msvc?
        linkCmd += be.linkFlags

    if (
        be.binaryType == "exe"
        or be.binaryType == "plugin"
        or (be.compilerRoot == "msvc" and be.binaryType == "dynamic")

        for libPath in be.libPaths:
            if not os.path.exists(libPath):
                log.warning("libPath {0} doesn't exist".format(libPath))
            if be.compiler.startswith("msvc"):
                linkCmd += [be.libPathFlag + os.path.normpath(libPath)]
                linkCmd += [be.libPathFlag, os.path.normpath(libPath)]

    # get the timestamp of the existing target if it exists
    linked = False
    targetExisted = False
    oldTargetTimeStamp = None
    if os.path.exists(be.targetInstallPath):
        oldTargetTimeStamp = float(os.stat(be.targetInstallPath).st_mtime)
        targetExisted = True

    if be.showLinkerCmds:
        log.info("\n{0}\n".format(" ".join(linkCmd)))

    buildStatus.description = utils.runCmd(linkCmd)

    if os.path.exists(be.targetInstallPath):
        if targetExisted:
            if float(os.stat(be.targetInstallPath).st_mtime) > oldTargetTimeStamp:
                linked = True
            linked = True

    if linked:
        log.info("linked " + be.infoStr)
        buildStatus.writeError("linking failed because " + buildStatus.description)
        return False

    # copy dynamic library dependencies (built by this build) to the install path
    if be.binaryType == "exe" or be.binaryType == "plugin":
        for lib in libsBuilding:
            for libPath in be.libPaths:
                dynamicPath = libPath + "/"
                if be.compilerRoot == "gcc" or be.compilerRoot == "clang":
                    dynamicPath += "lib"
                dynamicPath += lib + be.dynamicExt
                if os.path.exists(dynamicPath):
                    utils.copyfile(dynamicPath, be.installPath)

        "{0} built {1}\ncompleted in {2} seconds\n".format(
            be.infoStr, be.targetInstallPath, str(int(time.time() - startTime))


    # run a post-build script if it exists
    if not buildingLib:

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def __init__(self, argv):
      argv (input): a list of arguments with a flag, value pairing ie ['-c', 'gcc'] (where -c is the flag and gcc is the value)

    # get any arguments passed in
    if type(argv) is not list:
      raise Exception('args must be a list, not a {0}'.format(argv))

    self.target = ''
    self.binaryType = ''  # exe, static, dynamic, plugin
    self.compiler = ''  # g++-4.4 g++ clang++ msvc110 etc
    self.osType = ''  # linux, osx, windows
    self.binaryFormat = '64bit'  # 32bit, 64bit etc
    self.buildType = 'debug'  # debug, release etc

    self.hiddenFiles = False  # if pybythec files are "hidden files"

    self.filetype = ''  # elf, mach-o, pe

    self.multithread = True

    self.locked = False

    self.showCompilerCmds = False
    self.showLinkerCmds = False

    self.buildDir = 'pybythec'
    self.hideBuildDirs = False

    self.installPath = '.'  #self.buildDir

    self.configKeys = [] # can be declared in the config files
    self.customKeys = [] # custom keys that are both declared on the command line and found in the config file(s)

    self.sources = []
    self.libs = []
    self.defines = []
    self.flags = []
    self.linkFlags = []

    self.incPaths = []
    self.extIncPaths = []  # these will not be checked for timestamps
    self.libPaths = []
    self.libSrcPaths = []
    self.keys = []

    self.qtClasses = []

    self.libInstallPathAppend = True
    self.plusplus = True

    # defaults
    if platform.system() == 'Linux':
      if not len(self.osType):
        self.osType = 'linux'
      if not len(self.compiler):
        self.compiler = 'g++'
      if not len(self.filetype):
        self.filetype = 'elf'
    elif platform.system() == 'Darwin':
      if not len(self.osType):
        self.osType = 'osx'
      if not len(self.compiler):
        self.compiler = 'clang++'
      if not len(self.filetype):
        self.filetype = 'mach-o'
    elif platform.system() == 'Windows':
      if not len(self.osType):
        self.osType = 'windows'
      if not len(self.compiler):
        i = 25  # NOTE: hopefully that covers enough VisualStudio releases
        vcPath = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio {0}.0/VC'
        foundVc = False
        while i > 5:
          if os.path.exists(vcPath.format(i)):
            foundVc = True
          i -= 1
        if foundVc:
          self.compiler = 'msvc-{0:02}0'.format(i)
          raise Exception('can\'t find a compiler for Windows')
      if not len(self.filetype):
        self.filetype = 'pe'
      raise Exception('os does not appear to be Linux, OS X or Windows')

    # parse the args
    args = dict()
    argKey = str()
    keyFound = False

    for arg in argv:
      if keyFound:
        args[argKey] = arg
        keyFound = False
      if arg == '-cl' or arg == '-cla':  # cleaning
        args[arg] = ''
      elif arg == '-c' or arg == '-os' or arg == '-b' or arg == '-bf' or arg == '-d' or arg == '-p' or arg == '-ck':
        argKey = arg
        keyFound = True
      elif arg == '-v':
        raise Exception('version: {0}'.format(utils.__version__))
        raise Exception('{0} is not a valid argumnet\nvalid arguments:\n\n'
                        '-c   compiler: any variation of gcc, clang, or msvc ie g++-4.4, msvc110\n'
                        '-os  operating system: currently linux, osx, or windows\n'
                        '-b   build type: debug release etc \n'
                        '-bf  binary format: 32bit, 64bit etc\n'
                        '-p   path to a pybythec project config file (json format)\n'
                        '-cl  clean the build\n'
                        '-cla clean the build and the builds of all library dependencies\n'
                        '-v   version\n'
                        '-ck  custom keys that you want this build to use (comma delineated, no spaces ie foo,bar)\n'
                        '-d   directory of the library being built, likely only used when building a library as a dependency (ie from a project)\n'.format(arg))

    self.cwDir = os.getcwd()
    if '-d' in args:
      self.cwDir = args['-d']

  # json config files
    globalCf = None
    projectCf = None
    localCf = None

    # global config
    if not globalCf and '-g' in args:
      globalCf = utils.loadJsonFile(args['-g'])
    if 'PYBYTHEC_GLOBALS' in os.environ:
      globalCf = utils.loadJsonFile(os.environ['PYBYTHEC_GLOBALS'])
    if not globalCf:
      globalCf = utils.loadJsonFile('.pybythecGlobals.json')
    if not globalCf:
      globalCf = utils.loadJsonFile('pybythecGlobals.json')  
    if not globalCf:
      homeDirPath = ''
      if platform.system() == 'Windows':
        homeDirPath = os.environ['USERPROFILE']
        homeDirPath = os.environ['HOME']
      globalCf = utils.loadJsonFile(homeDirPath + '/.pybythecGlobals.json')
      if not globalCf:
        globalCf = utils.loadJsonFile(homeDirPath + '/pybythecGlobals.json')
    if not globalCf:
      log.warning('no global pybythec json file found')

  # project config
    if 'PYBYTHEC_PROJECT' in os.environ:
      projectCf = os.environ['PYBYTHEC_PROJECT']
    if not projectCf and '-p' in args:
      projectCf = utils.loadJsonFile(args['-p'])
    if not projectCf:
      projectCf = utils.loadJsonFile(self.cwDir + '/pybythecProject.json')
    if not projectCf:
      projectCf = utils.loadJsonFile(self.cwDir + '/.pybythecProject.json')

  # local config, expected to be in the current working directory
    localConfigPath = self.cwDir + '/pybythec.json'
    if not os.path.exists(localConfigPath):
      localConfigPath = self.cwDir + '/.pybythec.json'
    if os.path.exists(localConfigPath):
      localCf = utils.loadJsonFile(localConfigPath)

    if globalCf is not None:
    if projectCf is not None:
    if localCf is not None:

    # command line overrides
    if '-os' in args:
      self.osType = args['-os']

    if '-b' in args:
      self.buildType = args['-b']

    if '-bf' in args:
      self.binaryFormat = args['-bf']

    # compiler special case: os specific compiler selection
    if type(self.compiler) == dict:
      compiler = []
      self.keys = [self.osType]
      if globalCf and 'compiler' in globalCf:
        self._getArgsList(compiler, globalCf['compiler'])
      if projectCf and 'compiler' in projectCf:
        self._getArgsList(compiler, projectCf['compiler'])
      if localCf and 'compiler' in localCf:
        self._getArgsList(compiler, localCf['compiler'])
      if len(compiler):
        self.compiler = compiler[0]

    # one final commandline override: the compiler
    if '-c' in args:
      self.compiler = args['-c']

    # TODO: verify things like does this compiler actually exist (to prevent getting poor error messages)

    # currently compiler root can either be gcc, clang or msvc
    self.compilerRoot = self.compiler
    if self.compilerRoot.startswith('gcc') or self.compilerRoot.startswith('g++'):
      self.compilerRoot = 'gcc'
    elif self.compilerRoot.startswith('clang') or self.compilerRoot.startswith('clang++'):
      self.compilerRoot = 'clang'
    elif self.compilerRoot.startswith('msvc'):
      self.compilerRoot = 'msvc'
      raise Exception('unrecognized compiler {0}'.format(self.compiler))

    # compiler version
    self.compilerVersion = ''
    v = self.compiler.split('-')
    if len(v) > 1:
      self.compilerVersion = '-' + v[1]

    self.keys = ['all', self.compilerRoot, self.compiler, self.osType, self.binaryType, self.buildType, self.binaryFormat]

    # custom keys
    if '-ck' in args:
      cmdLineKeys = args['-ck']
      for ck in self.configKeys:
        if type(cmdLineKeys) == str:
          if ck == cmdLineKeys:
        else: # assume list
          if ck in cmdLineKeys:
      self.keys += self.customKeys

    if self.multithread:

    if globalCf is not None:
    if projectCf is not None:
    if localCf is not None:

    # deal breakers
    if not len(self.target):
      raise Exception('no target specified')
    elif not len(self.binaryType):
      raise Exception('no binary type specified')
    elif not len(self.binaryFormat):
      raise Exception('no binary format specified')
    elif not len(self.buildType):
      raise Exception('no build type specified')
    elif not len(self.sources):
      raise Exception('no source files specified')

    if not (self.binaryType == 'exe' or self.binaryType == 'static' or self.binaryType == 'dynamic' or self.binaryType == 'plugin'):
      raise Exception('unrecognized binary type: ' + self.binaryType)

    if self.hideBuildDirs:
      self.buildDir = '.' + self.buildDir

    # compiler config
    self.compilerCmd = self.compiler
    self.linker = ''
    self.targetFlag = ''
    self.libFlag = ''
    self.libPathFlag = ''
    self.objExt = ''
    self.objPathFlag = ''

    self.staticExt = ''
    self.dynamicExt = ''
    self.pluginExt = ''

    # gcc / clang
    if self.compilerRoot == 'gcc' or self.compilerRoot == 'clang':

      if not self.plusplus:  # if forcing plain old C (ie when a library is being built as a dependency that is only C compatible)
        if self.compilerRoot == 'gcc':
          self.compilerCmd = self.compilerCmd.replace('g++', 'gcc')
        elif self.compilerRoot == 'clang':
          self.compilerCmd = self.compilerCmd.replace('clang++', 'clang')

      self.objFlag = '-c'
      self.objExt = '.o'
      self.objPathFlag = '-o'
      self.defines.append('_' + self.binaryFormat.upper())  # TODO: you sure this is universal?

      # link
      self.linker = self.compilerCmd  # 'ld'
      self.targetFlag = '-o'
      self.libFlag = '-l'
      self.libPathFlag = '-L'
      self.staticExt = '.a'
      self.dynamicExt = '.so'
      self.pluginExt = '.so'

      # log.info('*** filetype {0}'.format(self.filetype))

      if self.filetype == 'mach-o':
        self.dynamicExt = '.dylib'
        self.pluginExt = '.bundle'

      if self.binaryType == 'static' or self.binaryType == 'dynamic':
        self.target = 'lib' + self.target

      if self.binaryType == 'exe':
      elif self.binaryType == 'static':
        self.target = self.target + '.a'
        self.linker = 'ar'
        self.targetFlag = 'r'
      elif self.binaryType == 'dynamic':
        self.target = self.target + self.dynamicExt
      elif self.binaryType == 'plugin':
        self.target = self.target + self.pluginExt

    # msvc / msvc
    elif self.compilerRoot == 'msvc':

      # compile
      self.compilerCmd = 'cl'
      self.objFlag = '/c'
      self.objExt = '.obj'
      self.objPathFlag = '/Fo'

      # link
      self.linker = 'link'
      self.targetFlag = '/OUT:'
      self.libFlag = ''
      self.libPathFlag = '/LIBPATH:'
      self.staticExt = '.lib'
      self.dynamicExt = '.dll'
      if self.binaryFormat == '64bit':

      if self.binaryType == 'exe':
        self.target += '.exe'
      elif self.binaryType == 'static':
        self.target += self.staticExt
        self.linker = 'lib'
      elif self.binaryType == 'dynamic' or self.binaryType == 'plugin':
        self.target += self.dynamicExt

      # make sure the compiler is in PATH
      if utils.runCmd(self.compilerCmd).startswith('[WinError 2]'):
        raise Exception('compiler not found, check the paths set in bins')

      raise Exception('unrecognized compiler root: ' + self.compilerRoot)

    # determine paths
    self.installPath = utils.makePathAbsolute(self.cwDir, self.installPath)
    self._resolvePaths(self.cwDir, self.sources)
    self._resolvePaths(self.cwDir, self.incPaths)
    self._resolvePaths(self.cwDir, self.extIncPaths)
    self._resolvePaths(self.cwDir, self.libPaths)
    self._resolvePaths(self.cwDir, self.libSrcPaths)

    self.binaryRelPath = '/{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(self.buildType, self.compiler, self.binaryFormat)

    binRelPath = self.binaryRelPath 
    for ck in self.customKeys:
      binRelPath += '/' + ck

    self.buildPath = utils.makePathAbsolute(self.cwDir, './' + self.buildDir + binRelPath)

    if self.libInstallPathAppend and (self.binaryType == 'static' or self.binaryType == 'dynamic'):
      self.installPath += binRelPath

    self.targetInstallPath = os.path.join(self.installPath, self.target)

    self.infoStr = '{0} ({1} {2} {3}'.format(self.target, self.buildType, self.compiler, self.binaryFormat)
    if len(self.customKeys):
      for ck in self.customKeys:
        self.infoStr += ' ' + ck
    self.infoStr += ')'