Ejemplo n.º 1
def ensemble_compute_acl(filename,
    """Computes the autocorrleation length for a parallel tempered, ensemble

    Parameter values are averaged over all walkers at each iteration and
    temperature.  The ACL is then calculated over the averaged chain.

    filename : str
        Name of a samples file to compute ACLs for.
    start_index : int, optional
        The start index to compute the acl from. If None (the default), will
        try to use the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise,
        will start at the first sample.
    end_index : int, optional
        The end index to compute the acl to. If None, will go to the end
        of the current iteration.
    min_nsamples : int, optional
        Require a minimum number of samples to compute an ACL. If the
        number of samples per walker is less than this, will just set to
        ``inf``. Default is 10.

        A dictionary of ntemps-long arrays of the ACLs of each parameter.
    acls = {}
    with loadfile(filename, 'r') as fp:
        if end_index is None:
            end_index = fp.niterations
        tidx = numpy.arange(fp.ntemps)
        for param in fp.variable_params:
            these_acls = numpy.zeros(fp.ntemps)
            for tk in tidx:
                samples = fp.read_raw_samples(param,
                # contract the walker dimension using the mean, and flatten
                # the (length 1) temp dimension
                samples = samples.mean(axis=1)[0, :]
                if samples.size < min_nsamples:
                    acl = numpy.inf
                    acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(samples)
                if acl <= 0:
                    acl = numpy.inf
                these_acls[tk] = acl
            acls[param] = these_acls
        maxacl = numpy.array(list(acls.values())).max()
        logging.info("ACT: %s", str(maxacl * fp.thinned_by))
    return acls
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _getacl(si):
     # si: the samples loaded for a specific chain; may have nans in it
     si = si[~numpy.isnan(si)]
     if len(si) < min_nsamples:
         acl = numpy.inf
         acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(si)
     if acl <= 0:
         acl = numpy.inf
     return acl
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ensemble_compute_acl(filename,
    """Computes the autocorrleation length for an ensemble MCMC.

    Parameter values are averaged over all walkers at each iteration.
    The ACL is then calculated over the averaged chain. If an ACL cannot
    be calculated because there are not enough samples, it will be set
    to ``inf``.

    filename : str
        Name of a samples file to compute ACLs for.
    start_index : int, optional
        The start index to compute the acl from. If None, will try to use
        the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise, will start
        at the first sample.
    end_index : int, optional
        The end index to compute the acl to. If None, will go to the end
        of the current iteration.
    min_nsamples : int, optional
        Require a minimum number of samples to compute an ACL. If the
        number of samples per walker is less than this, will just set to
        ``inf``. Default is 10.

        A dictionary giving the ACL for each parameter.
    acls = {}
    with loadfile(filename, 'r') as fp:
        for param in fp.variable_params:
            samples = fp.read_raw_samples(param,
            samples = samples.mean(axis=0)
            # if < min number of samples, just set to inf
            if samples.size < min_nsamples:
                acl = numpy.inf
                acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(samples)
            if acl <= 0:
                acl = numpy.inf
            acls[param] = acl
        maxacl = numpy.array(list(acls.values())).max()
        logging.info("ACT: %s", str(maxacl * fp.thin_interval))
    return acls
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def compute_acl(cls, filename, start_index=None, end_index=None,
        """Computes the autocorrleation length for all model params and
        temperatures in the given file.

        Parameter values are averaged over all walkers at each iteration and
        temperature.  The ACL is then calculated over the averaged chain.

        filename : str
            Name of a samples file to compute ACLs for.
        start_index : {None, int}
            The start index to compute the acl from. If None, will try to use
            the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise, will start
            at the first sample.
        end_index : {None, int}
            The end index to compute the acl to. If None, will go to the end
            of the current iteration.
        min_nsamples : int, optional
            Require a minimum number of samples to compute an ACL. If the
            number of samples per walker is less than this, will just set to
            ``inf``. Default is 10.

            A dictionary of ntemps-long arrays of the ACLs of each parameter.
        acls = {}
        with cls._io(filename, 'r') as fp:
            if end_index is None:
                end_index = fp.niterations
            tidx = numpy.arange(fp.ntemps)
            for param in fp.variable_params:
                these_acls = numpy.zeros(fp.ntemps)
                for tk in tidx:
                    samples = fp.read_raw_samples(
                        param, thin_start=start_index, thin_interval=1,
                        thin_end=end_index, temps=tk, flatten=False)[param]
                    # contract the walker dimension using the mean, and flatten
                    # the (length 1) temp dimension
                    samples = samples.mean(axis=1)[0, :]
                    if samples.size < min_nsamples:
                        acl = numpy.inf
                        acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(samples)
                    if acl <= 0:
                        acl = numpy.inf
                    these_acls[tk] = acl
                acls[param] = these_acls
        return acls
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def compute_acls(cls, fp, start_index=None, end_index=None):
        """Computes the autocorrleation length for all variable args and
        temperatures in the given file.

        Parameter values are averaged over all walkers at each iteration and
        temperature.  The ACL is then calculated over the averaged chain. If
        the returned ACL is `inf`,  will default to the number of current

        fp : InferenceFile
            An open file handler to read the samples from.
        start_index : {None, int}
            The start index to compute the acl from. If None, will try to use
            the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise, will start
            at the first sample.
        end_index : {None, int}
            The end index to compute the acl to. If None, will go to the end
            of the current iteration.

            A dictionary of ntemps-long arrays of the ACLs of each parameter.
        acls = {}
        if end_index is None:
            end_index = fp.niterations
        tidx = numpy.arange(fp.ntemps)
        for param in fp.variable_args:
            these_acls = numpy.zeros(fp.ntemps, dtype=int)
            for tk in tidx:
                samples = cls.read_samples(fp,
                # contract the walker dimension using the mean, and flatten
                # the (length 1) temp dimension
                samples = samples.mean(axis=1)[0, :]
                acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(samples)
                if numpy.isinf(acl):
                    acl = samples.size
                these_acls[tk] = acl
            acls[param] = these_acls
        return acls
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def compute_acl(cls, filename, start_index=None, end_index=None,
        """Computes the autocorrleation length for all model params in the
        given file.

        Parameter values are averaged over all walkers at each iteration.
        The ACL is then calculated over the averaged chain. If an ACL cannot
        be calculated because there are not enough samples, it will be set
        to ``inf``.

        filename : str
            Name of a samples file to compute ACLs for.
        start_index : int, optional
            The start index to compute the acl from. If None, will try to use
            the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise, will start
            at the first sample.
        end_index : int, optional
            The end index to compute the acl to. If None, will go to the end
            of the current iteration.
        min_nsamples : int, optional
            Require a minimum number of samples to compute an ACL. If the
            number of samples per walker is less than this, will just set to
            ``inf``. Default is 10.

            A dictionary giving the ACL for each parameter.
        acls = {}
        with cls._io(filename, 'r') as fp:
            for param in fp.variable_params:
                samples = fp.read_raw_samples(
                    param, thin_start=start_index, thin_interval=1,
                    thin_end=end_index, flatten=False)[param]
                samples = samples.mean(axis=0)
                # if < min number of samples, just set to inf
                if samples.size < min_nsamples:
                    acl = numpy.inf
                    acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(samples)
                if acl <= 0:
                    acl = numpy.inf
                acls[param] = acl
        return acls
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def compute_acls(cls, fp, start_index=None, end_index=None):
        """Computes the autocorrleation length for all variable args and
        temperatures in the given file.
        Parameter values are averaged over all walkers at each iteration and
        temperature.  The ACL is then calculated over the averaged chain. If
        the returned ACL is `inf`,  will default to the number of current

        fp : InferenceFile
            An open file handler to read the samples from.
        start_index : {None, int}
            The start index to compute the acl from. If None, will try to use
            the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise, will start
            at the first sample.
        end_index : {None, int}
            The end index to compute the acl to. If None, will go to the end
            of the current iteration.

            An ntemps-long `FieldArray` containing the ACL for each temperature
            and for each variable argument, with the variable arguments as
        acls = {}
        if end_index is None:
            end_index = fp.niterations
        tidx = numpy.arange(fp.ntemps)
        for param in fp.variable_args:
            these_acls = numpy.zeros(fp.ntemps, dtype=int)
            for tk in tidx:
                samples = cls.read_samples(fp, param, thin_start=start_index,
                                           thin_interval=1, thin_end=end_index,
                                           temps=tk, flatten=False)[param]
                # contract the walker dimension using the mean, and flatten
                # the (length 1) temp dimension
                samples = samples.mean(axis=1)[0,:]
                acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(samples)
                if numpy.isinf(acl):
                    acl = samples.size
                these_acls[tk] = acl
            acls[param] = these_acls
        return FieldArray.from_kwargs(**acls)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def compute_acls(cls, fp, start_index=None, end_index=None):
        """Computes the autocorrleation length for all variable args for all
        walkers for all temps in the given file. If the returned acl is inf,
        will default to the number of requested iterations.

        fp : InferenceFile
            An open file handler to read the samples from.
        start_index : {None, int}
            The start index to compute the acl from. If None, will try to use
            the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise, will start
            at the first sample.
        end_index : {None, int}
            The end index to compute the acl to. If None, will go to the end
            of the current iteration.

            An ntemps x nwalkers `WaveformArray` containing the acl for each
            walker and temp for each variable argument, with the variable
            arguments as fields.
        acls = {}
        if end_index is None:
            end_index = fp.niterations
        tidx = numpy.arange(fp.ntemps)
        widx = numpy.arange(fp.nwalkers)
        for param in fp.variable_args:
            these_acls = numpy.zeros((fp.ntemps, fp.nwalkers), dtype=int)
            for tk in tidx:
                for wi in widx:
                    samples = cls.read_samples(fp,
                    acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(samples)
                    these_acls[tk, wi] = int(min(acl, samples.size))
            acls[param] = these_acls
        return WaveformArray.from_kwargs(**acls)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def compute_acls(cls, fp, start_index=None, end_index=None):
        """Computes the autocorrleation length for all variable args for all
        walkers for all temps in the given file. If the returned acl is inf,
        will default to the number of requested iterations.

        fp : InferenceFile
            An open file handler to read the samples from.
        start_index : {None, int}
            The start index to compute the acl from. If None, will try to use
            the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise, will start
            at the first sample.
        end_index : {None, int}
            The end index to compute the acl to. If None, will go to the end
            of the current iteration.

            An ntemps x nwalkers `FieldArray` containing the acl for each
            walker and temp for each variable argument, with the variable
            arguments as fields.
        acls = {}
        if end_index is None:
            end_index = fp.niterations
        tidx = numpy.arange(fp.ntemps)
        widx = numpy.arange(fp.nwalkers)
        for param in fp.variable_args:
            these_acls = numpy.zeros((fp.ntemps, fp.nwalkers), dtype=int)
            for tk in tidx:
                for wi in widx:
                    samples = cls.read_samples(
                            fp, param,
                            thin_start=start_index, thin_interval=1,
                            walkers=wi, temps=tk)[param]
                    acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(samples)
                    these_acls[tk, wi] = int(min(acl, samples.size))
            acls[param] = these_acls
        return FieldArray.from_kwargs(**acls)
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: base.py Proyecto: vivienr/gwin
    def compute_acls(cls, fp, start_index=None, end_index=None):
        """Computes the autocorrleation length for all model params in the
        given file.

        Parameter values are averaged over all walkers at each iteration.
        The ACL is then calculated over the averaged chain. If the returned ACL
        is `inf`,  will default to the number of current iterations.

        fp : InferenceFile
            An open file handler to read the samples from.
        start_index : {None, int}
            The start index to compute the acl from. If None, will try to use
            the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise, will start
            at the first sample.
        end_index : {None, int}
            The end index to compute the acl to. If None, will go to the end
            of the current iteration.

            A dictionary giving the ACL for each parameter.
        acls = {}
        for param in fp.variable_params:
            samples = cls.read_samples(fp,
            samples = samples.mean(axis=0)
            acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(samples)
            if numpy.isinf(acl):
                acl = samples.size
            acls[param] = acl
        return acls
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def compute_acls(cls, fp, start_index=None, end_index=None):
        """Computes the autocorrleation length for all variable args in the
        given file.

        Parameter values are averaged over all walkers at each iteration.
        The ACL is then calculated over the averaged chain. If the returned ACL
        is `inf`,  will default to the number of current iterations.

        fp : InferenceFile
            An open file handler to read the samples from.
        start_index : {None, int}
            The start index to compute the acl from. If None, will try to use
            the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise, will start
            at the first sample.
        end_index : {None, int}
            The end index to compute the acl to. If None, will go to the end
            of the current iteration.

            A dictionary giving the ACL for each parameter.
        acls = {}
        for param in fp.variable_args:
            samples = cls.read_samples(fp, param,
                                           thin_interval=1, thin_end=end_index,
            samples = samples.mean(axis=0)
            acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(samples)
            if numpy.isinf(acl):
                acl = samples.size
            acls[param] = acl
        return acls