Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_segment_summary_times(scienceFile, segmentName):
    This function will find the times for which the segment_summary is set
    for the flag given by segmentName.

    scienceFile : SegFile
        The segment file that we want to use to determine this.
    segmentName : string
        The DQ flag to search for times in the segment_summary table.

    summSegList : glue.segments.segmentlist
        The times that are covered in the segment summary table.
    # Parse the segmentName
    segmentName = segmentName.split(':')
    if not len(segmentName) in [2, 3]:
        raise ValueError("Invalid channel name %s." % (segmentName))
    ifo = segmentName[0]
    channel = segmentName[1]
    version = ''
    if len(segmentName) == 3:
        version = int(segmentName[2])

    # Load the filename
    xmldoc = utils.load_filename(

    # Get the segment_def_id for the segmentName
    segmentDefTable = table.get_table(xmldoc, "segment_definer")
    for entry in segmentDefTable:
        if (entry.ifos == ifo) and (entry.name == channel):
            if len(segmentName) == 2 or (entry.version == version):
                segDefID = entry.segment_def_id
        raise ValueError("Cannot find channel %s in segment_definer table."\

    # Get the segmentlist corresponding to this segmentName in segment_summary
    segmentSummTable = table.get_table(xmldoc, "segment_summary")
    summSegList = segments.segmentlist([])
    for entry in segmentSummTable:
        if entry.segment_def_id == segDefID:
            segment = segments.segment(entry.start_time, entry.end_time)

    return summSegList
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_segment_summary_times(scienceFile, segmentName):
    This function will find the times for which the segment_summary is set
    for the flag given by segmentName.

    scienceFile : SegFile
        The segment file that we want to use to determine this.
    segmentName : string
        The DQ flag to search for times in the segment_summary table.

    summSegList : glue.segments.segmentlist
        The times that are covered in the segment summary table.
    # Parse the segmentName
    segmentName = segmentName.split(':')
    if not len(segmentName) in [2,3]:
        raise ValueError("Invalid channel name %s." %(segmentName))
    ifo = segmentName[0]
    channel = segmentName[1]
    version = ''
    if len(segmentName) == 3:
        version = int(segmentName[2])

    # Load the filename
    xmldoc = utils.load_filename(scienceFile.cache_entry.path,

    # Get the segment_def_id for the segmentName
    segmentDefTable = table.get_table(xmldoc, "segment_definer")
    for entry in segmentDefTable:
        if (entry.ifos == ifo) and (entry.name == channel):
            if len(segmentName) == 2 or (entry.version==version):
                segDefID = entry.segment_def_id
        raise ValueError("Cannot find channel %s in segment_definer table."\

    # Get the segmentlist corresponding to this segmentName in segment_summary
    segmentSummTable = table.get_table(xmldoc, "segment_summary")
    summSegList = segments.segmentlist([])
    for entry in segmentSummTable:
        if entry.segment_def_id == segDefID:
            segment = segments.segment(entry.start_time, entry.end_time)

    return summSegList
Ejemplo n.º 3
def select_segments_by_definer(segment_file, segment_name=None, ifo=None):
    """ Return the list of segments that match the segment name
    segment_file: str
        path to segment xml file
    segment_name: str
        Name of segment
    ifo: str, optional
    seg: list of segments
    from pycbc_glue.ligolw.ligolw import LIGOLWContentHandler as h
    indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(segment_file, False, contenthandler=h)
    segment_table = table.get_table(indoc, 'segment')

    seg_def_table = table.get_table(indoc, 'segment_definer')
    def_ifos = seg_def_table.getColumnByName('ifos')
    def_names = seg_def_table.getColumnByName('name')
    def_ids = seg_def_table.getColumnByName('segment_def_id')

    valid_id = []
    for def_ifo, def_name, def_id in zip(def_ifos, def_names, def_ids):
        if ifo and ifo != def_ifo:
        if segment_name and segment_name != def_name:
        valid_id += [def_id]

    start = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('start_time'))
    start_ns = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('start_time_ns'))
    end = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('end_time'))
    end_ns = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('end_time_ns'))
    start, end = start + 1e-9 * start_ns, end + 1e-9 * end_ns
    did = segment_table.getColumnByName('segment_def_id')

    keep = numpy.array([d in valid_id for d in did])
    if sum(keep) > 0:
        return start_end_to_segments(start[keep], end[keep])
        return segmentlist([])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def select_segments_by_definer(segment_file, segment_name=None, ifo=None):
    """ Return the list of segments that match the segment name
    segment_file: str
        path to segment xml file
    segment_name: str
        Name of segment
    ifo: str, optional
    seg: list of segments
    from pycbc_glue.ligolw.ligolw import LIGOLWContentHandler as h; lsctables.use_in(h)
    indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(segment_file, False, contenthandler=h)
    segment_table  = table.get_table(indoc, 'segment')

    seg_def_table = table.get_table(indoc, 'segment_definer')
    def_ifos = seg_def_table.getColumnByName('ifos')
    def_names = seg_def_table.getColumnByName('name')
    def_ids = seg_def_table.getColumnByName('segment_def_id')
    valid_id = []
    for def_ifo, def_name, def_id in zip(def_ifos, def_names, def_ids):
        if ifo and ifo != def_ifo:
        if segment_name and segment_name != def_name:
        valid_id += [def_id]

    start = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('start_time'))
    start_ns = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('start_time_ns'))
    end = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('end_time'))
    end_ns = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('end_time_ns'))
    start, end = start + 1e-9 * start_ns, end + 1e-9 * end_ns
    did = segment_table.getColumnByName('segment_def_id')
    keep = numpy.array([d in valid_id for d in did])
    if sum(keep) > 0:
        return start_end_to_segments(start[keep], end[keep])
        return segmentlist([])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def start_end_from_segments(segment_file):
    Return the start and end time arrays from a segment file.
    segment_file: xml segment file
    start: numpy.ndarray
    end: numpy.ndarray
    from pycbc_glue.ligolw.ligolw import LIGOLWContentHandler as h; lsctables.use_in(h)
    indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(segment_file, False, contenthandler=h)
    segment_table  = table.get_table(indoc, lsctables.SegmentTable.tableName)
    start = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('start_time'))
    start_ns = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('start_time_ns'))
    end = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('end_time'))
    end_ns = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('end_time_ns'))
    return start + start_ns * 1e-9, end + end_ns * 1e-9
Ejemplo n.º 6
def start_end_from_segments(segment_file):
    Return the start and end time arrays from a segment file.
    segment_file: xml segment file
    start: numpy.ndarray
    end: numpy.ndarray
    from pycbc_glue.ligolw.ligolw import LIGOLWContentHandler as h; lsctables.use_in(h)
    indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(segment_file, False, contenthandler=h)
    segment_table  = table.get_table(indoc, lsctables.SegmentTable.tableName)
    start = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('start_time'))
    start_ns = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('start_time_ns'))
    end = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('end_time'))
    end_ns = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('end_time_ns'))
    return start + start_ns * 1e-9, end + end_ns * 1e-9
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ReadSimInspiralFromFiles(fileList, verbose=False):
  Read the simInspiral tables from a list of files

  @param fileList: list of input files
  @param verbose: print ligolw_add progress
  simInspiralTriggers = None

  for thisFile in fileList:
    doc = utils.load_filename(thisFile, gz=(thisFile or "stdin").endswith(".gz"), verbose=verbose, contenthandler=ExtractSimInspiralTableLIGOLWContentHandler)
    # extract the sim inspiral table
    try: simInspiralTable = \
      table.get_table(doc, lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName)
    except: simInspiralTable = None
    if simInspiralTriggers and simInspiralTable: 
    elif not simInspiralTriggers:
      simInspiralTriggers = simInspiralTable

  return simInspiralTriggers
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, sim_file, **kwds):
     self.indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(
         sim_file, False, contenthandler=LIGOLWContentHandler)
     self.table = table.get_table(self.indoc,
     self.extra_args = kwds
Ejemplo n.º 9
import pylab
from pycbc_glue.ligolw import table, utils, lsctables
from sys import argv
import numpy

pycbc_file = argv[1]
lal_file = argv[2]

pdoc = utils.load_filename(pycbc_file)
ldoc = utils.load_filename(lal_file)

ptrig = table.get_table(pdoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName)
ltrig = table.get_table(ldoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName)

t = table.get_table(pdoc, lsctables.FilterTable.tableName)
start = t[0].start_time

psnr = ptrig.get_column('snr')
pchi = ptrig.get_column('chisq')
pmc = ptrig.get_column('mchirp')
psig = ptrig.get_column('sigmasq')
pend_time = (ptrig.get_column('end_time') - start)+ 1e-9 * ptrig.get_column('end_time_ns') 

lsnr = ltrig.get_column('snr')
lchi = ltrig.get_column('chisq')
lmc = ltrig.get_column('mchirp')
lsig = ltrig.get_column('sigmasq')
lend_time = (ltrig.get_column('end_time') - start) + 1e-9 * ltrig.get_column('end_time_ns')

def find_nearest(v1, v2):
    i1 = []
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, filename, approximant=None, parameters=None,
        self.has_compressed_waveforms = False
        ext = os.path.basename(filename)
        if ext.endswith(('.xml', '.xml.gz', '.xmlgz')):
            self.filehandler = None
            self.indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(
                filename, False, contenthandler=LIGOLWContentHandler)
            self.table = table.get_table(
                self.indoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName)
            self.table = pycbc.io.WaveformArray.from_ligolw_table(self.table,

            # inclination stored in xml alpha3 column
            names = list(self.table.dtype.names)
            names = tuple([n if n != 'alpha3' else 'inclination' for n in names])

            # low frequency cutoff in xml alpha6 column
            names = tuple([n if n!= 'alpha6' else 'f_lower' for n in names])
            self.table.dtype.names = names

        elif ext.endswith(('hdf', '.h5')):
            self.indoc = None
            f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
            self.filehandler = f
                fileparams = map(str, f.attrs['parameters'])
            except KeyError:
                # just assume all of the top-level groups are the parameters
                fileparams = map(str, f.keys())
                logging.info("WARNING: no parameters attribute found. "
                    "Assuming that %s " %(', '.join(fileparams)) +
                    "are the parameters.")
            # use WaveformArray's syntax parser to figure out what fields
            # need to be loaded
            if parameters is None:
                parameters = fileparams
            common_fields = list(pycbc.io.WaveformArray(1,
            add_fields = list(set(parameters) &
                (set(fileparams) - set(common_fields)))
            # load
            dtype = []
            data = {}
            for key in common_fields+add_fields:
                data[str(key)] = f[key][:]
                dtype.append((str(key), data[key].dtype))
            num = f[fileparams[0]].size
            self.table = pycbc.io.WaveformArray(num, dtype=dtype)
            for key in data:
                self.table[key] = data[key]
            # add the compressed waveforms, if they exist
            self.has_compressed_waveforms = 'compressed_waveforms' in f 
            raise ValueError("Unsupported template bank file extension %s" %(

        # if approximant is specified, override whatever was in the file
        # (if anything was in the file)
        if approximant is not None:
            # get the approximant for each template
            apprxs = self.parse_approximant(approximant)
            if 'approximant' not in self.table.fieldnames:
                self.table = self.table.add_fields(apprxs, 'approximant')
                self.table['approximant'] = apprxs
        self.extra_args = kwds
Ejemplo n.º 11
# Grab all relevant Omicron trigger files
omicron_times = []
omicron_snr = []
omicron_freq = []

for era in eras:
    # Generate list of all Omicron SnglBurst xml trigger files
    file_list = glob.glob(args.omicron_dir +
                          '/%s/%s_Omicron/%s/%s-%s_Omicron-*.xml.gz' %
                          (args.ifo, args.omicron_channel, era, args.ifo,
                           args.omicron_channel.replace('-', '_')))

    # Parse trigger files into SNR, time, and frequency for Omicron triggers
    for file in file_list:
        omicron_xml = utils.load_filename(file,
        snglburst_table = table.get_table(omicron_xml,

        for row in snglburst_table:
            if (row.snr > args.omicron_snr_thresh
                    and omicron_start_time < row.peak_time < omicron_end_time):
                omicron_times.append(row.peak_time +
                                     row.peak_time_ns * 10**(-9))

# Generate inspiral waveform and calculate f(t) to plot on top of Omicron triggers
hp, hc = get_td_waveform(approximant='SEOBNRv2',
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, sim_file, **kwds):
     self.indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(
         sim_file, False, contenthandler=LIGOLWContentHandler)
     self.table = table.get_table(self.indoc, lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName)
     self.extra_args = kwds
    eras = [gps_era_start]

# Grab all relevant Omicron trigger files
omicron_times = []
omicron_snr = []
omicron_freq = []

for era in eras:
    # Generate list of all Omicron SnglBurst xml trigger files
    file_list = glob.glob(args.omicron_dir + 
    # Parse trigger files into SNR, time, and frequency for Omicron triggers
    for file in file_list:
        omicron_xml = utils.load_filename(file, contenthandler=DefaultContentHandler)
        snglburst_table = table.get_table(omicron_xml, lsctables.SnglBurstTable.tableName)

        for row in snglburst_table:
            if (row.snr > args.omicron_snr_thresh and 
                    omicron_start_time < row.peak_time < omicron_end_time):
                omicron_times.append(row.peak_time + row.peak_time_ns * 10**(-9))

# Generate inspiral waveform and calculate f(t) to plot on top of Omicron triggers
hp, hc = get_td_waveform(approximant='SEOBNRv2', mass1=m1, mass2=m2,
                 spin1x=0, spin1y=0, spin1z=s1z,
                 spin2x=0, spin2y=0, spin2z=s2z,
                 delta_t=(1./32768.), f_lower=30)
Ejemplo n.º 14
import pylab
from pycbc_glue.ligolw import table, utils, lsctables
from sys import argv
import numpy

pycbc_file = argv[1]
lal_file = argv[2]

pdoc = utils.load_filename(pycbc_file)
ldoc = utils.load_filename(lal_file)

ptrig = table.get_table(pdoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName)
ltrig = table.get_table(ldoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName)

t = table.get_table(pdoc, lsctables.FilterTable.tableName)
start = t[0].start_time

psnr = ptrig.get_column('snr')
pchi = ptrig.get_column('chisq')
pmc = ptrig.get_column('mchirp')
psig = ptrig.get_column('sigmasq')
pend_time = (ptrig.get_column('end_time') -
             start) + 1e-9 * ptrig.get_column('end_time_ns')

lsnr = ltrig.get_column('snr')
lchi = ltrig.get_column('chisq')
lmc = ltrig.get_column('mchirp')
lsig = ltrig.get_column('sigmasq')
lend_time = (ltrig.get_column('end_time') -
             start) + 1e-9 * ltrig.get_column('end_time_ns')
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, filename, approximant=None, parameters=None, **kwds):
        self.has_compressed_waveforms = False
        ext = os.path.basename(filename)
        if ext.endswith(('.xml', '.xml.gz', '.xmlgz')):
            self.filehandler = None
            self.indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(
                filename, False, contenthandler=LIGOLWContentHandler)
            self.table = table.get_table(self.indoc,
            self.table = pycbc.io.WaveformArray.from_ligolw_table(
                self.table, columns=parameters)

            # inclination stored in xml alpha3 column
            names = list(self.table.dtype.names)
            names = tuple(
                [n if n != 'alpha3' else 'inclination' for n in names])

            # low frequency cutoff in xml alpha6 column
            names = tuple([n if n != 'alpha6' else 'f_lower' for n in names])
            self.table.dtype.names = names

        elif ext.endswith(('hdf', '.h5')):
            self.indoc = None
            f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
            self.filehandler = f
                fileparams = map(str, f.attrs['parameters'])
            except KeyError:
                # just assume all of the top-level groups are the parameters
                fileparams = map(str, f.keys())
                logging.info("WARNING: no parameters attribute found. "
                             "Assuming that %s " % (', '.join(fileparams)) +
                             "are the parameters.")
            # use WaveformArray's syntax parser to figure out what fields
            # need to be loaded
            if parameters is None:
                parameters = fileparams
            common_fields = list(
                pycbc.io.WaveformArray(1, names=parameters).fieldnames)
            add_fields = list(
                set(parameters) & (set(fileparams) - set(common_fields)))
            # load
            dtype = []
            data = {}
            for key in common_fields + add_fields:
                data[str(key)] = f[key][:]
                dtype.append((str(key), data[key].dtype))
            num = f[fileparams[0]].size
            self.table = pycbc.io.WaveformArray(num, dtype=dtype)
            for key in data:
                self.table[key] = data[key]
            # add the compressed waveforms, if they exist
            self.has_compressed_waveforms = 'compressed_waveforms' in f
            raise ValueError("Unsupported template bank file extension %s" %

        # if approximant is specified, override whatever was in the file
        # (if anything was in the file)
        if approximant is not None:
            # get the approximant for each template
            apprxs = self.parse_approximant(approximant)
            if 'approximant' not in self.table.fieldnames:
                self.table = self.table.add_fields(apprxs, 'approximant')
                self.table['approximant'] = apprxs
        self.extra_args = kwds