Ejemplo n.º 1
	def segmentlistdict(self):
		A segmentlistdict object describing the instruments and
		time spanned by this CacheEntry.  A new object is
		constructed each time this attribute is accessed (segments
		are immutable so there is no reason to try to share a
		reference to the CacheEntry's internal segment;
		modifications of one would not be reflected in the other


		>>> c = CacheEntry(u"H1 S5 815901601 576.5 file://localhost/home/kipp/tmp/1/H1-815901601-576.xml")
		>>> c.segmentlistdict
		{u'H1': [segment(LIGOTimeGPS(815901601, 0), LIGOTimeGPS(815902177, 500000000))]}

		The \"observatory\" column of the cache entry, which is
		frequently used to store instrument names, is parsed into
		instrument names for the dictionary keys using the same
		rules as pycbc_glue.ligolw.lsctables.instrument_set_from_ifos().


		>>> c = CacheEntry(u"H1H2, S5 815901601 576.5 file://localhost/home/kipp/tmp/1/H1H2-815901601-576.xml")
		>>> c.segmentlistdict
		{u'H1H2': [segment(LIGOTimeGPS(815901601, 0), LIGOTimeGPS(815902177, 500000000))]}
		# the import has to be done here to break the cyclic
		# dependancy
		from pycbc_glue.ligolw.lsctables import instrument_set_from_ifos
		instruments = instrument_set_from_ifos(self.observatory) or (None,)
		return segments.segmentlistdict((instrument, segments.segmentlist(self.segment is not None and [self.segment] or [])) for instrument in instruments)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def get_by_name(self, name, clip_to_valid = False):
		Retrieve the active segmentlists whose name equals name.
		The result is a segmentlistdict indexed by instrument.  All
		segmentlist objects within it will be copies of the
		contents of this object, modifications will not affect the
		contents of this object.  If clip_to_valid is True then the
		segmentlists will be intersected with their respective
		intervals of validity, otherwise they will be the verbatim
		active segments.

		NOTE:  the intersection operation required by clip_to_valid
		will yield undefined results unless the active and valid
		segmentlist objects are coalesced.
		result = segments.segmentlistdict()
		for seglist in self:
			if seglist.name != name:
			segs = seglist.active
			if clip_to_valid:
				# do not use in-place intersection
				segs = segs & seglist.valid
			for instrument in seglist.instruments:
				if instrument in result:
					raise ValueError("multiple '%s' segmentlists for instrument '%s'" % (name, instrument))
				result[instrument] = segs.copy()
		return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def segmentlistdict(self):
		A segmentlistdict object describing the instruments and
		time spanned by this CacheEntry.  A new object is
		constructed each time this attribute is accessed (segments
		are immutable so there is no reason to try to share a
		reference to the CacheEntry's internal segment;
		modifications of one would not be reflected in the other


		>>> c = CacheEntry(u"H1 S5 815901601 576.5 file://localhost/home/kipp/tmp/1/H1-815901601-576.xml")
		>>> c.segmentlistdict
		{u'H1': [segment(LIGOTimeGPS(815901601, 0), LIGOTimeGPS(815902177, 500000000))]}

		The \"observatory\" column of the cache entry, which is
		frequently used to store instrument names, is parsed into
		instrument names for the dictionary keys using the same
		rules as pycbc_glue.ligolw.lsctables.instrument_set_from_ifos().


		>>> c = CacheEntry(u"H1H2, S5 815901601 576.5 file://localhost/home/kipp/tmp/1/H1H2-815901601-576.xml")
		>>> c.segmentlistdict
		{u'H1H2': [segment(LIGOTimeGPS(815901601, 0), LIGOTimeGPS(815902177, 500000000))]}
        # the import has to be done here to break the cyclic
        # dependancy
        from pycbc_glue.ligolw.lsctables import instrument_set_from_ifos
        instruments = instrument_set_from_ifos(self.observatory) or (None, )
        return segments.segmentlistdict(
             segments.segmentlist(self.segment is not None and [self.segment]
                                  or [])) for instrument in instruments)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def segmentlistdict_from_short_string(s, boundtype=int):
	Parse a string representation of a set of named segmentlists into a
	segmentlistdict object.  The string encoding is that generated by
	segmentlistdict_to_short_string().  The optional boundtype argument
	will be passed to from_range_strings() when parsing the segmentlist
	objects from the string.


	>>> segmentlistdict_from_short_string("H1=0:10,35,100:/L1=5:15,45:60")
	{'H1': [segment(0, 10), segment(35, 35), segment(100, infinity)], 'L1': [segment(5, 15), segment(45, 60)]}

	This function, and its inverse segmentlistdict_to_short_string(),
	are intended to be used to allow small segmentlistdict objects to
	be encoded in command line options and config files.  For large
	segmentlistdict objects or when multiple sets of segmentlists are
	required, the LIGO Light Weight XML encoding available through the
	pycbc_glue.ligolw library should be used.
    d = segments.segmentlistdict()
    for token in s.strip().split("/"):
        key, ranges = token.strip().split("=")
        d[key.strip()] = from_range_strings(ranges.strip().split(","),
    return d
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def to_segmentlistdict(self):
		Return a segmentlistdict object describing the instruments
		and times spanned by the entries in this Cache.  The return
		value is coalesced.
		d = segments.segmentlistdict()
		for entry in self:
			d |= entry.segmentlistdict
		return d
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def to_segmentlistdict(self):
		Return a segmentlistdict object describing the instruments
		and times spanned by the entries in this Cache.  The return
		value is coalesced.
        d = segments.segmentlistdict()
        for entry in self:
            d |= entry.segmentlistdict
        return d
Ejemplo n.º 7
def segmenttable_get_by_name(xmldoc, name):
	Retrieve the segmentlists whose name equals name.  The result is a
	segmentlistdict indexed by instrument.

	The output of this function is not coalesced, each segmentlist
	contains the segments as found in the segment table.

	NOTE:  this is a light-weight version of the .get_by_name() method
	of the LigolwSegments class intended for use when the full
	machinery of that class is not required.  Considerably less
	document validation and error checking is performed by this
	version.  Consider using that method instead if your application
	will be interfacing with the document via that class anyway.
	# find required tables

	def_table = lsctables.SegmentDefTable.get_table(xmldoc)
	seg_table = lsctables.SegmentTable.get_table(xmldoc)

	# segment_def_id --> instrument names mapping but only for
	# segment_definer entries bearing the requested name

	instrument_index = dict((row.segment_def_id, row.instruments) for row in def_table if row.name == name)

	# populate result segmentlistdict object from segment_def_map table
	# and index

	instruments = set(instrument for instruments in instrument_index.values() for instrument in instruments)
	result = segments.segmentlistdict((instrument, segments.segmentlist()) for instrument in instruments)

	for row in seg_table:
		if row.segment_def_id in instrument_index:
			seg = row.segment
			for instrument in instrument_index[row.segment_def_id]:

	# done

	return result
Ejemplo n.º 8
def setup_datafind_workflow(workflow,
    Setup datafind section of the workflow. This section is responsible for
    generating, or setting up the workflow to generate, a list of files that
    record the location of the frame files needed to perform the analysis.
    There could be multiple options here, the datafind jobs could be done at
    run time or could be put into a dag. The subsequent jobs will know
    what was done here from the OutFileList containing the datafind jobs
    (and the Dagman nodes if appropriate.
    For now the only implemented option is to generate the datafind files at
    runtime. This module can also check if the frameFiles actually exist, check
    whether the obtained segments line up with the original ones and update the
    science segments to reflect missing data files.

    workflow: pycbc.workflow.core.Workflow
        The workflow class that stores the jobs that will be run.
    scienceSegs : Dictionary of ifo keyed glue.segment.segmentlist instances
        This contains the times that the workflow is expected to analyse.
    outputDir : path
        All output files written by datafind processes will be written to this
    seg_file : SegFile, optional (default=None)
        The file returned by get_science_segments containing the science
        segments and the associated segment_summary. This will
        be used for the segment_summary test and is required if, and only if,
        performing that test.
    tags : list of string, optional (default=None)
        Use this to specify tags. This can be used if this module is being
        called more than once to give call specific configuration (by setting
        options in [workflow-datafind-${TAG}] rather than [workflow-datafind]).
        This is also used to tag the Files returned by the class to uniqueify
        the Files and uniqueify the actual filename.
        FIXME: Filenames may not be unique with current codes!

    datafindOuts : OutGroupList
        List of all the datafind output files for use later in the pipeline.
    sci_avlble_file : SegFile
        SegFile containing the analysable time after checks in the datafind
        module are applied to the input segment list. For production runs this
        is expected to be equal to the input segment list.
    scienceSegs : Dictionary of ifo keyed glue.segment.segmentlist instances
        This contains the times that the workflow is expected to analyse. If
        the updateSegmentTimes kwarg is given this will be updated to reflect
        any instances of missing data.
    sci_avlble_name : string
        The name with which the analysable time is stored in the
    if tags is None:
        tags = []
    logging.info("Entering datafind module")
    cp = workflow.cp

    # Parse for options in ini file
    datafind_method = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-datafind", "datafind-method",

    if cp.has_option_tags("workflow-datafind", "datafind-check-segment-gaps",
        checkSegmentGaps = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-datafind",
                                           "datafind-check-segment-gaps", tags)
        checkSegmentGaps = "no_test"
    if cp.has_option_tags("workflow-datafind", "datafind-check-frames-exist",
        checkFramesExist = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-datafind",
                                           "datafind-check-frames-exist", tags)
        checkFramesExist = "no_test"
    if cp.has_option_tags("workflow-datafind",
                          "datafind-check-segment-summary", tags):
        checkSegmentSummary = cp.get_opt_tags(
            "workflow-datafind", "datafind-check-segment-summary", tags)
        checkSegmentSummary = "no_test"

    logging.info("Starting datafind with setup_datafind_runtime_generated")
    if datafind_method == "AT_RUNTIME_MULTIPLE_CACHES":
        datafindcaches, datafindouts = \
            setup_datafind_runtime_cache_multi_calls_perifo(cp, scienceSegs,
                                                          outputDir, tags=tags)
    elif datafind_method == "AT_RUNTIME_SINGLE_CACHES":
        datafindcaches, datafindouts = \
            setup_datafind_runtime_cache_single_call_perifo(cp, scienceSegs,
                                                          outputDir, tags=tags)
    elif datafind_method == "AT_RUNTIME_MULTIPLE_FRAMES":
        datafindcaches, datafindouts = \
            setup_datafind_runtime_frames_multi_calls_perifo(cp, scienceSegs,
                                                          outputDir, tags=tags)
    elif datafind_method == "AT_RUNTIME_SINGLE_FRAMES":
        datafindcaches, datafindouts = \
            setup_datafind_runtime_frames_single_call_perifo(cp, scienceSegs,
                                                          outputDir, tags=tags)
    elif datafind_method == "AT_RUNTIME_FAKE_DATA":
    elif datafind_method == "FROM_PREGENERATED_LCF_FILES":
        ifos = scienceSegs.keys()
        datafindcaches, datafindouts = \
            setup_datafind_from_pregenerated_lcf_files(cp, ifos,
                                                       outputDir, tags=tags)
        msg = """Entry datafind-method in [workflow-datafind] does not have "
              expected value. Valid values are 
              Consult the documentation for more info."""
        raise ValueError(msg)

    using_backup_server = False
    if datafind_method == "AT_RUNTIME_MULTIPLE_FRAMES" or \
                                  datafind_method == "AT_RUNTIME_SINGLE_FRAMES":
        if cp.has_option_tags("workflow-datafind",
                              "datafind-backup-datafind-server", tags):
            using_backup_server = True
            backup_server = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-datafind",
            cp_new = copy.deepcopy(cp)
            cp_new.set("workflow-datafind", "datafind-ligo-datafind-server",
            cp_new.set('datafind', 'urltype', 'gsiftp')
            backup_datafindcaches, backup_datafindouts =\
                                             scienceSegs, outputDir, tags=tags)
            backup_datafindouts = datafind_keep_unique_backups(\
                                             backup_datafindouts, datafindouts)

    logging.info("setup_datafind_runtime_generated completed")
    # If we don't have frame files covering all times we can update the science
    # segments.
    if checkSegmentGaps in ['warn', 'update_times', 'raise_error']:
        logging.info("Checking science segments against datafind output....")
        newScienceSegs = get_science_segs_from_datafind_outs(datafindcaches)
        logging.info("New segments calculated from data find output.....")
        missingData = False
        for ifo in scienceSegs.keys():
            # If no science segments in input then do nothing
            if not scienceSegs[ifo]:
                msg = "No science segments are present for ifo %s, " % (ifo)
                msg += "the segment metadata indicates there is no analyzable"
                msg += " strain data between the selected GPS start and end "
                msg += "times."
            if not newScienceSegs.has_key(ifo):
                msg = "No data frames were found corresponding to the science "
                msg += "segments for ifo %s" % (ifo)
                missingData = True
                if checkSegmentGaps == 'update_times':
                    scienceSegs[ifo] = segments.segmentlist()
            missing = scienceSegs[ifo] - newScienceSegs[ifo]
            if abs(missing):
                msg = "From ifo %s we are missing frames covering:" % (ifo)
                msg += "\n%s" % "\n".join(map(str, missing))
                missingData = True
                if checkSegmentGaps == 'update_times':
                    # Remove missing time, so that we can carry on if desired
                    logging.info("Updating science segments for ifo %s." %
                    scienceSegs[ifo] = scienceSegs[ifo] - missing

        if checkSegmentGaps == 'raise_error' and missingData:
            raise ValueError("Workflow cannot find needed data, exiting.")
        logging.info("Done checking, any discrepancies are reported above.")
    elif checkSegmentGaps == 'no_test':
        errMsg = "checkSegmentGaps kwarg must take a value from 'no_test', "
        errMsg += "'warn', 'update_times' or 'raise_error'."
        raise ValueError(errMsg)

    # Do all of the frame files that were returned actually exist?
    if checkFramesExist in ['warn', 'update_times', 'raise_error']:
        logging.info("Verifying that all frames exist on disk.")
        missingFrSegs, missingFrames = \
        missingFlag = False
        for ifo in missingFrames.keys():
            # If no data in the input then do nothing
            if not scienceSegs[ifo]:
            # If using a backup server, does the frame exist remotely?
            if using_backup_server:
                # WARNING: This will be slow, but hopefully it will not occur
                #          for too many frames. This could be optimized if
                #          it becomes necessary.
                new_list = []
                for frame in missingFrames[ifo]:
                    for dfout in datafindouts:
                        dfout_pfns = list(dfout.pfns)
                        dfout_urls = [a.url for a in dfout_pfns]
                        if frame.url in dfout_urls:
                            pfn = dfout_pfns[dfout_urls.index(frame.url)]
                            if len(dfout.pfns) == 0:
                                msg = "Frame %s not found locally. "\
                                msg += "Replacing with remote url(s) %s." \
                                           %(str([a.url for a in dfout.pfns]),)
                missingFrames[ifo] = new_list
            if missingFrames[ifo]:
                msg = "From ifo %s we are missing the following frames:" % (
                msg += '\n'.join([a.url for a in missingFrames[ifo]])
                missingFlag = True
            if checkFramesExist == 'update_times':
                # Remove missing times, so that we can carry on if desired
                logging.info("Updating science times for ifo %s." % (ifo))
                scienceSegs[ifo] = scienceSegs[ifo] - missingFrSegs[ifo]

        if checkFramesExist == 'raise_error' and missingFlag:
            raise ValueError("Workflow cannot find all frames, exiting.")
        logging.info("Finished checking frames.")
    elif checkFramesExist == 'no_test':
        errMsg = "checkFramesExist kwarg must take a value from 'no_test', "
        errMsg += "'warn', 'update_times' or 'raise_error'."
        raise ValueError(errMsg)

    # Check if there are cases where frames exist, but no entry in the segment
    # summary table are present.
    if checkSegmentSummary in ['warn', 'raise_error']:
        logging.info("Checking the segment summary table against frames.")
        dfScienceSegs = get_science_segs_from_datafind_outs(datafindcaches)
        missingFlag = False
        # NOTE: Should this be overrideable in the config file?
        sci_seg_name = "SCIENCE"
        if seg_file is None:
            err_msg = "You must provide the science segments SegFile object "
            err_msg += "if using the datafind-check-segment-summary option."
            raise ValueError(err_msg)
        if seg_file.seg_summ_dict is None:
            err_msg = "The provided science segments SegFile object must "
            err_msg += "contain a valid segment_summary table if using the "
            err_msg += "datafind-check-segment-summary option."
            raise ValueError(err_msg)
        seg_summary_times = seg_file.seg_summ_dict
        for ifo in dfScienceSegs.keys():
            curr_seg_summ_times = seg_summary_times[ifo + ":" + sci_seg_name]
            missing = (dfScienceSegs[ifo] & seg_file.valid_segments)
            missing = missing - curr_seg_summ_times
            scienceButNotFrame = scienceSegs[ifo] - dfScienceSegs[ifo]
            missing2 = scienceSegs[ifo] - scienceButNotFrame
            missing2 = missing2 - curr_seg_summ_times
            if abs(missing):
                msg = "From ifo %s the following times have frames, " % (ifo)
                msg += "but are not covered in the segment summary table."
                msg += "\n%s" % "\n".join(map(str, missing))
                missingFlag = True
            if abs(missing2):
                msg = "From ifo %s the following times have frames, " % (ifo)
                msg += "are science, and are not covered in the segment "
                msg += "summary table."
                msg += "\n%s" % "\n".join(map(str, missing2))
                missingFlag = True
        if checkSegmentSummary == 'raise_error' and missingFlag:
            errMsg = "Segment_summary discrepancy detected, exiting."
            raise ValueError(errMsg)
    elif checkSegmentSummary == 'no_test':
        errMsg = "checkSegmentSummary kwarg must take a value from 'no_test', "
        errMsg += "'warn', or 'raise_error'."
        raise ValueError(errMsg)

    # Now need to create the file for SCIENCE_AVAILABLE
    sci_avlble_dict = segments.segmentlistdict()
    # NOTE: Should this be overrideable in the config file?
    sci_avlble_name = "SCIENCE_AVAILABLE"
    for ifo in scienceSegs.keys():
        sci_avlble_dict[ifo + ':' + sci_avlble_name] = scienceSegs[ifo]

    sci_avlble_file = SegFile.from_segment_list_dict(

    logging.info("Leaving datafind module")
    if datafind_method == "AT_RUNTIME_FAKE_DATA":
        datafindouts = None
        datafindouts = FileList(datafindouts)

    return datafindouts, sci_avlble_file, scienceSegs, sci_avlble_name
Ejemplo n.º 9
def setup_datafind_workflow(workflow, scienceSegs, outputDir, seg_file=None,
    Setup datafind section of the workflow. This section is responsible for
    generating, or setting up the workflow to generate, a list of files that
    record the location of the frame files needed to perform the analysis.
    There could be multiple options here, the datafind jobs could be done at
    run time or could be put into a dag. The subsequent jobs will know
    what was done here from the OutFileList containing the datafind jobs
    (and the Dagman nodes if appropriate.
    For now the only implemented option is to generate the datafind files at
    runtime. This module can also check if the frameFiles actually exist, check
    whether the obtained segments line up with the original ones and update the
    science segments to reflect missing data files.

    workflow: pycbc.workflow.core.Workflow
        The workflow class that stores the jobs that will be run.
    scienceSegs : Dictionary of ifo keyed glue.segment.segmentlist instances
        This contains the times that the workflow is expected to analyse.
    outputDir : path
        All output files written by datafind processes will be written to this
    seg_file : SegFile, optional (default=None)
        The file returned by get_science_segments containing the science
        segments and the associated segment_summary. This will
        be used for the segment_summary test and is required if, and only if,
        performing that test.
    tags : list of string, optional (default=None)
        Use this to specify tags. This can be used if this module is being
        called more than once to give call specific configuration (by setting
        options in [workflow-datafind-${TAG}] rather than [workflow-datafind]).
        This is also used to tag the Files returned by the class to uniqueify
        the Files and uniqueify the actual filename.
        FIXME: Filenames may not be unique with current codes!

    datafindOuts : OutGroupList
        List of all the datafind output files for use later in the pipeline.
    sci_avlble_file : SegFile
        SegFile containing the analysable time after checks in the datafind
        module are applied to the input segment list. For production runs this
        is expected to be equal to the input segment list.
    scienceSegs : Dictionary of ifo keyed glue.segment.segmentlist instances
        This contains the times that the workflow is expected to analyse. If
        the updateSegmentTimes kwarg is given this will be updated to reflect
        any instances of missing data.
    sci_avlble_name : string
        The name with which the analysable time is stored in the
    if tags is None:
        tags = []
    logging.info("Entering datafind module")
    cp = workflow.cp

    # Parse for options in ini file
    datafindMethod = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-datafind",
                                     "datafind-method", tags)

    if cp.has_option_tags("workflow-datafind",
                          "datafind-check-segment-gaps", tags):
        checkSegmentGaps = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-datafind",
                                          "datafind-check-segment-gaps", tags)
        checkSegmentGaps = "no_test"
    if cp.has_option_tags("workflow-datafind",
                          "datafind-check-frames-exist", tags):
        checkFramesExist = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-datafind",
                                          "datafind-check-frames-exist", tags)
        checkFramesExist = "no_test"
    if cp.has_option_tags("workflow-datafind",
                          "datafind-check-segment-summary", tags):
        checkSegmentSummary = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-datafind",
                                       "datafind-check-segment-summary", tags)
        checkSegmentSummary = "no_test"

    logging.info("Starting datafind with setup_datafind_runtime_generated")
    if datafindMethod == "AT_RUNTIME_MULTIPLE_CACHES":
        datafindcaches, datafindouts = \
            setup_datafind_runtime_cache_multi_calls_perifo(cp, scienceSegs,
                                                          outputDir, tags=tags)
    elif datafindMethod == "AT_RUNTIME_SINGLE_CACHES":
        datafindcaches, datafindouts = \
            setup_datafind_runtime_cache_single_call_perifo(cp, scienceSegs,
                                                          outputDir, tags=tags)
    elif datafindMethod == "AT_RUNTIME_MULTIPLE_FRAMES":
        datafindcaches, datafindouts = \
            setup_datafind_runtime_frames_multi_calls_perifo(cp, scienceSegs,
                                                          outputDir, tags=tags)
    elif datafindMethod == "AT_RUNTIME_SINGLE_FRAMES":
        datafindcaches, datafindouts = \
            setup_datafind_runtime_frames_single_call_perifo(cp, scienceSegs,
                                                          outputDir, tags=tags)

    elif datafindMethod == "FROM_PREGENERATED_LCF_FILES":
        ifos = scienceSegs.keys()
        datafindcaches, datafindouts = \
            setup_datafind_from_pregenerated_lcf_files(cp, ifos,
                                                       outputDir, tags=tags)
        msg = "Entry datafind-method in [workflow-datafind] does not have "
        msg += "expected value. Valid values are "
        msg += "Consult the documentation for more info."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    using_backup_server = False
    if datafindMethod == "AT_RUNTIME_MULTIPLE_FRAMES" or \
                                  datafindMethod == "AT_RUNTIME_SINGLE_FRAMES":
        if cp.has_option_tags("workflow-datafind",
                          "datafind-backup-datafind-server", tags):
            using_backup_server = True
            backup_server = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-datafind",
                                      "datafind-backup-datafind-server", tags)
            cp_new = copy.deepcopy(cp)
                                "datafind-ligo-datafind-server", backup_server)
            cp_new.set('datafind', 'urltype', 'gsiftp')
            backup_datafindcaches, backup_datafindouts =\
                                             scienceSegs, outputDir, tags=tags)
            backup_datafindouts = datafind_keep_unique_backups(\
                                             backup_datafindouts, datafindouts)

    logging.info("setup_datafind_runtime_generated completed")
    # If we don't have frame files covering all times we can update the science
    # segments.
    if checkSegmentGaps in ['warn','update_times','raise_error']:
        logging.info("Checking science segments against datafind output....")
        newScienceSegs = get_science_segs_from_datafind_outs(datafindcaches)
        logging.info("New segments calculated from data find output.....")
        missingData = False
        for ifo in scienceSegs.keys():
            # If no science segments in input then do nothing
            if not scienceSegs[ifo]:
                msg = "No science segments are present for ifo %s, " %(ifo)
                msg += "the segment metadata indicates there is no analyzable"
                msg += " strain data between the selected GPS start and end "
                msg += "times."
            if not newScienceSegs.has_key(ifo):
                msg = "No data frames were found corresponding to the science "
                msg += "segments for ifo %s" %(ifo)
                missingData = True
                if checkSegmentGaps == 'update_times':
                    scienceSegs[ifo] = segments.segmentlist()
            missing = scienceSegs[ifo] - newScienceSegs[ifo]
            if abs(missing):
                msg = "From ifo %s we are missing frames covering:" %(ifo)
                msg += "\n%s" % "\n".join(map(str, missing))
                missingData = True
                if checkSegmentGaps == 'update_times':
                    # Remove missing time, so that we can carry on if desired
                    logging.info("Updating science segments for ifo %s."
                    scienceSegs[ifo] = scienceSegs[ifo] - missing

        if checkSegmentGaps == 'raise_error' and missingData:
            raise ValueError("Workflow cannot find needed data, exiting.")
        logging.info("Done checking, any discrepancies are reported above.")
    elif checkSegmentGaps == 'no_test':
        errMsg = "checkSegmentGaps kwarg must take a value from 'no_test', "
        errMsg += "'warn', 'update_times' or 'raise_error'."
        raise ValueError(errMsg)

    # Do all of the frame files that were returned actually exist?
    if checkFramesExist in ['warn','update_times','raise_error']:
        logging.info("Verifying that all frames exist on disk.")
        missingFrSegs, missingFrames = \
        missingFlag = False
        for ifo in missingFrames.keys():
            # If no data in the input then do nothing
            if not scienceSegs[ifo]:
            # If using a backup server, does the frame exist remotely?
            if using_backup_server:
                # WARNING: This will be slow, but hopefully it will not occur
                #          for too many frames. This could be optimized if
                #          it becomes necessary.
                new_list = []
                for frame in missingFrames[ifo]:
                    for dfout in datafindouts:
                        dfout_pfns = list(dfout.pfns)
                        dfout_urls = [a.url for a in dfout_pfns]
                        if frame.url in dfout_urls:
                            pfn = dfout_pfns[dfout_urls.index(frame.url)]
                            if len(dfout.pfns) == 0:
                                msg = "Frame %s not found locally. "\
                                msg += "Replacing with remote url(s) %s." \
                                           %(str([a.url for a in dfout.pfns]),)
                missingFrames[ifo] = new_list
            if missingFrames[ifo]:
                msg = "From ifo %s we are missing the following frames:" %(ifo)
                msg +='\n'.join([a.url for a in missingFrames[ifo]])
                missingFlag = True
            if checkFramesExist == 'update_times':
                # Remove missing times, so that we can carry on if desired
                logging.info("Updating science times for ifo %s." %(ifo))
                scienceSegs[ifo] = scienceSegs[ifo] - missingFrSegs[ifo]

        if checkFramesExist == 'raise_error' and missingFlag:
            raise ValueError("Workflow cannot find all frames, exiting.")
        logging.info("Finished checking frames.")
    elif checkFramesExist == 'no_test':
        errMsg = "checkFramesExist kwarg must take a value from 'no_test', "
        errMsg += "'warn', 'update_times' or 'raise_error'."
        raise ValueError(errMsg)

    # Check if there are cases where frames exist, but no entry in the segment
    # summary table are present.
    if checkSegmentSummary in ['warn', 'raise_error']:
        logging.info("Checking the segment summary table against frames.")
        dfScienceSegs = get_science_segs_from_datafind_outs(datafindcaches)
        missingFlag = False
        # NOTE: Should this be overrideable in the config file?
        sci_seg_name = "SCIENCE"
        if seg_file is None:
            err_msg = "You must provide the science segments SegFile object "
            err_msg += "if using the datafind-check-segment-summary option."
            raise ValueError(err_msg)
        if seg_file.seg_summ_dict is None:
            err_msg = "The provided science segments SegFile object must "
            err_msg += "contain a valid segment_summary table if using the "
            err_msg += "datafind-check-segment-summary option."
            raise ValueError(err_msg)
        seg_summary_times = seg_file.seg_summ_dict
        for ifo in dfScienceSegs.keys():
            curr_seg_summ_times = seg_summary_times[ifo + ":" + sci_seg_name]
            missing = (dfScienceSegs[ifo] & seg_file.valid_segments)
            missing = missing - curr_seg_summ_times
            scienceButNotFrame = scienceSegs[ifo] - dfScienceSegs[ifo]
            missing2 = scienceSegs[ifo] - scienceButNotFrame
            missing2 = missing2 - curr_seg_summ_times
            if abs(missing):
                msg = "From ifo %s the following times have frames, " %(ifo)
                msg += "but are not covered in the segment summary table."
                msg += "\n%s" % "\n".join(map(str, missing))
                missingFlag = True
            if abs(missing2):
                msg = "From ifo %s the following times have frames, " %(ifo)
                msg += "are science, and are not covered in the segment "
                msg += "summary table."
                msg += "\n%s" % "\n".join(map(str, missing2))
                missingFlag = True
        if checkSegmentSummary == 'raise_error' and missingFlag:
            errMsg = "Segment_summary discrepancy detected, exiting."
            raise ValueError(errMsg)
    elif checkSegmentSummary == 'no_test':
        errMsg = "checkSegmentSummary kwarg must take a value from 'no_test', "
        errMsg += "'warn', or 'raise_error'."
        raise ValueError(errMsg)

    # Now need to create the file for SCIENCE_AVAILABLE
    sci_avlble_dict = segments.segmentlistdict()
    # NOTE: Should this be overrideable in the config file?
    sci_avlble_name = "SCIENCE_AVAILABLE"
    for ifo in scienceSegs.keys():
        sci_avlble_dict[ifo + ':' + sci_avlble_name] = scienceSegs[ifo]

    sci_avlble_file = SegFile.from_segment_list_dict('SCIENCE_AVAILABLE',
                            sci_avlble_dict, ifo_list = scienceSegs.keys(),
                            extension='.xml', tags=tags, directory=outputDir)

    logging.info("Leaving datafind module")
    return FileList(datafindouts), sci_avlble_file, scienceSegs, sci_avlble_name