def GetHeapGraph(self): if self.GetGraphType() != GRAPH_HEAP: return fontSize = 7.5 fontFace = 'arial.ttc' wnd = self.GetWnd() w, h = -, - width = w height = h c = chart.XYChart(width, height, bgColor=chart.Transparent) c.setColors(chart.whiteOnBlackPalette) c.setBackground(chart.Transparent) c.setTransparentColor(-1) c.setAntiAlias(1, 1) offsX = 60 offsY = 17 canvasWidth = width - 1 * offsX - 50 canvasHeight = height - offsY * 2.5 plotArea = c.setPlotArea(offsX, offsY, canvasWidth, canvasHeight, 1711276032, -1, -1, 5592405) import random c.addLegend(85, 18, 0, fontFace, fontSize).setBackground(chart.Transparent) random.seed(1001) for k, lst in self.heaphistory.iteritems(): name = 'monitor_setting_heap_%s' % k if not settings.user.ui.Get(name, 1): continue memData = [] timeData = [] for t, n in lst: memData.append(n / 1024 / 1024) year, month, wd, day, hour, minutes, sec, ms = util.GetTimeParts( t) timeData.append( chart.chartTime(year, month, day, hour, minutes, sec)) lines = c.addLineLayer() l = (random.randint(0, 15), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)) l = '0x%X%X%Xee' % (l[0], l[1], l[2]) lines.addDataSet(memData, int(l, 16), '#%s' % k).setLineWidth(1) lines.setXData(timeData) c.xAxis().setDateScale3('{value|hh:nn}') leftAxis = c.yAxis() leftAxis.setTitle('Heap Size (MB)') buf = c.makeChart2(chart.PNG) hostBitmap = trinity.Tr2HostBitmap(w, h, 1, trinity.PIXEL_FORMAT.B8G8R8A8_UNORM) hostBitmap.LoadFromPngInMemory(buf) linegr = uicls.Sprite(, align=uiconst.TOALL) linegr.GetMenu = self.GetHeapGraphMenu linegr.texture.atlasTexture = uicore.uilib.CreateTexture(width, height) linegr.texture.atlasTexture.CopyFromHostBitmap(hostBitmap)
def drawPic_mem(self, _list): self.num02 += 1 self._label02.append(str(self.num02)) self._data02.append(_list[1][0]) c = pychartdir.XYChart(500, 400) c.setPlotArea(60, 40, 400, 300) c.addLineLayer(self._data02) c.xAxis().setLabels(self._label02) c.makeChart("tmp02.png") mImage = wx.Image("tmp02.png") mImage = mImage.Scale(500, 300) self.bitmap_mem.SetBitmap(wx.BitmapFromImage(mImage))
def drawPic(self, _list): self.num += 1 self._label.append(str(self.num)) self._data.append(_list[0][0]) self.writeCsv(_list[0][0]) c = pychartdir.XYChart(500, 400) c.setPlotArea(30, 20, 400, 300) c.addLineLayer(self._data) c.xAxis().setLabels(self._label) c.makeChart("tmp.png") mImage = wx.Image("tmp.png") mImage = mImage.Scale(500, 300) self.bitmap_cpu.SetBitmap(wx.BitmapFromImage(mImage))
def GetPNGForUserHours(username, hours): ''' @param username: Username of user for whom to get a stats PNG @param hours: user hours dict hour => minutes @return: bytes of a PNG of a chart presenting the minutes the user is signed on in each hour of the day. ''' labels = ['%02d' % h for h in range(0, 24)] data = [hours[h] for h in range(0, 24)] chart = pychartdir.XYChart(700, 400) chart.addTitle('Total minutes per day for each hour for %s' % username) chart.setPlotArea(45, 20, 600, 300) chart.addBarLayer(data) chart.xAxis().setLabels(labels) chart.xAxis().setTitle('Hour during the day') chart.yAxis().setTitle('Average minutes per hour per day') return chart.makeChart2(pychartdir.PNG)
def CreateGraph(self, data, parent): l = [(k, v) for k, v in data.iteritems()] l.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) yData = [x[1] for x in l] xData = ['%.1fs' % (x[0] / 1000.0) for x in l] fontSize = 7.5 fontFace = 'arial.ttc' width = parent.width height = int(parent.height * 0.4) c = chart.XYChart(width, height, bgColor=chart.Transparent) c.addTitle('Frametime in ms') c.setColors(chart.whiteOnBlackPalette) c.setBackground(chart.Transparent) c.setTransparentColor(-1) c.setAntiAlias(1, 1) offsX = 60 offsY = 17 canvasWidth = width - 1 * offsX - 50 canvasHeight = height - offsY * 2.5 c.setPlotArea(offsX, offsY, canvasWidth, canvasHeight, 1711276032, -1, -1, 5592405) c.addLegend(85, 18, 0, fontFace, fontSize).setBackground(chart.Transparent) c.addLineLayer(yData) c.yAxis().setTitle('ms') c.xAxis().setLabels(xData) c.xAxis().setLabelStep(len(data) / 5) buf = c.makeChart2(chart.PNG) hostBitmap = trinity.Tr2HostBitmap(width, height, 1, trinity.PIXEL_FORMAT.B8G8R8A8_UNORM) hostBitmap.LoadFromPngInMemory(buf) graphSprite = Sprite(parent=parent, align=uiconst.TOALL) graphSprite.texture.atlasTexture = uicore.uilib.CreateTexture( width, height) graphSprite.texture.atlasTexture.CopyFromHostBitmap(hostBitmap) return graphSprite
def GetGraph(self): isPerf = False if self.GetGraphType() == GRAPH_PERFORMANCE: isPerf = True fontSize = 7.5 fontFace = 'arial.ttc' wnd = self.GetWnd() w, h = -, - minutes = settings.user.ui.Get('monitor_setting_memory_time', 60) trend = blue.pyos.cpuUsage[-minutes * 60 / 10:] memCounters = {} perfCounters = {} mega = 1.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 timeData = [] memData = [] pymemData = [] bluememData = [] othermemData = [] workingsetData = [] ppsData = [] fpsData = [] threadCpuData = [] procCpuData = [] lastT = lastpf = 0 t1 = 0 if len(trend) > 1: t, cpu, mem, sched = trend[0] lastT = t lastpf = mem[-1] t1 = trend[0][0] benice = blue.pyos.BeNice for t, cpu, mem, sched in trend: benice() elap = t - t1 t1 = t mem, pymem, workingset, pagefaults, bluemem = mem fps, nr_1, ny, ns, dur, nr_2 = sched fpsData.append(fps) memData.append(mem * mega) pymemData.append(pymem * mega) bluememData.append(bluemem * mega) othermem = (mem - bluemem) * mega if othermem < 0: othermem = 0 othermemData.append(othermem) workingsetData.append(workingset * mega) thread_u, proc_u, kernel_u, process_kernel_u = cpu if elap: thread_cpupct = thread_u / float(elap) * 100.0 proc_cpupct = proc_u / float(elap) * 100.0 else: thread_cpupct = proc_cpupct = 0.0 threadCpuData.append(thread_cpupct) procCpuData.append(proc_cpupct) dt = t - lastT lastT = t pf = pagefaults - lastpf lastpf = pagefaults pps = pf / (dt * 1e-07) if dt else 0 ppsData.append(pps) year, month, wd, day, hour, minutes, sec, ms = util.GetTimeParts(t) timeData.append( chart.chartTime(year, month, day, hour, minutes, sec)) if len(ppsData) > 1: ppsData[0] = ppsData[1] memCounters['blue_memory'] = (False, bluememData, 3377390, 1, False) memCounters['other_memory'] = (False, othermemData, 16776960, 1, False) memCounters['python_memory'] = (False, pymemData, 65280, 1, False) memCounters['total_memory'] = (False, memData, 16711680, 2, False) memCounters['working_set'] = (False, workingsetData, 65535, 1, False) memCounters['thread_cpu'] = (True, threadCpuData, 6749952, 1, True) memCounters['fps'] = (True, fpsData, 16711680, 1, False) width = w height = h c = chart.XYChart(width, height, bgColor=chart.Transparent) c.setColors(chart.whiteOnBlackPalette) c.setBackground(chart.Transparent) c.setTransparentColor(-1) c.setAntiAlias(1, 1) offsX = 60 offsY = 17 canvasWidth = width - 1 * offsX - 50 canvasHeight = height - offsY * 2.5 plotArea = c.setPlotArea(offsX, offsY, canvasWidth, canvasHeight, 1711276032, -1, -1, 5592405) c.addLegend(85, 18, 0, fontFace, fontSize).setBackground(chart.Transparent) if len(timeData) > 1: c.xAxis().setDateScale3('{value|hh:nn}') lines = c.addLineLayer() lines2 = c.addLineLayer2() lines2.setUseYAxis2() leftAxis = c.yAxis() rightAxis = c.yAxis2() if isPerf: leftAxis.setTitle('Frames per second') rightAxis.setTitle('CPU (%)') else: leftAxis.setTitle('Memory (MB)') for i, k in enumerate(memCounters.keys()): if settings.user.ui.Get('monitor_setting_%s' % k, 1): title = k.replace('_', ' ').capitalize() if isPerf == memCounters[k][0]: data = memCounters[k][1] col = memCounters[k][2] lineWidth = memCounters[k][3] if not memCounters[k][4]: l = lines else: l = lines2 l.addDataSet(data, col, title).setLineWidth(lineWidth) lines.setXData(timeData) lines2.setXData(timeData) if trend: pf = trend[-1][2][-1] label = 'Working set: %iMB, Virtual mem: %iMB, Page faults: %s' % ( workingsetData[-1], memData[-1], util.FmtAmt(pf)) c.addText(offsX, 2, label) buf = c.makeChart2(chart.PNG) hostBitmap = trinity.Tr2HostBitmap(w, h, 1, trinity.PIXEL_FORMAT.B8G8R8A8_UNORM) hostBitmap.LoadFromPngInMemory(buf) linegr = uicls.Sprite(, align=uiconst.TOALL) linegr.GetMenu = self.GetGraphMenu linegr.texture.atlasTexture = uicore.uilib.CreateTexture(width, height) linegr.texture.atlasTexture.CopyFromHostBitmap(hostBitmap)
def donor_radar_chart(): d = request.args radar = d.get('radar') try: radar = json.loads(radar) # donor_name, days, pontos_0, pontos_7 except ValueError: return '' lowX, bigX = 0, 0 lowY, bigY = sys.maxint, -sys.maxint - 1 days, name, points, slope, y, x = list(), list(), list(), list(), list( ), list() for l in radar: days.append(l[1]) name.append(l[0]) points.append(float(l[2])) slope.append(float(l[3]) / 7) if len(points) == 1: x.append(0) y.append(0) else: x.append((points[-1] - points[0]) / (slope[0] - slope[-1])) y.append(points[-1]) bigX = lowX + 100 if len(x) > 1: if x[1] > lowX + 100: bigX = x[1] n = len(radar) - 1 for i in range(n, 0, -1): if x[i] < bigX: n = i bigX = x[i] break x, y = list(), list() for i in range(0, n + 1): x.append([lowX, 1]) y.append([points[i], 1]) if y[i][0] < lowY: lowY = y[i][0] y[i][1] = slope[i] * bigX + points[i] if y[i][1] > bigY: bigY = y[i][1] x[i][1] = bigX chartX, chartY, plotX, plotY = 640, 300, 520, 220 c = pychartdir.XYChart(chartX, chartY, pychartdir.Transparent) setPlotAreaObj = c.setPlotArea(80, 35, plotX, plotY) setPlotAreaObj.setGridColor(0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0, -1, pychartdir.Transparent) c.setNumberFormat(',') layer = c.addLineLayer2() layer.setLineWidth(2) for i in range(0, n + 1): layer.addDataSet(y[i], -1, name[i]) layer.setXData(x[i]) xLabels = list() if bigX > 9: for i in range(0, 10): xLabels.append(locale.format('%.0f', bigX * i / 9.0, True)) else: if bigX < 1: div = bigX else: div = int(bigX) i = 0 while i <= max(1, bigX): xLabels.append(locale.format('%.1f', i, True)) i += 1 if div == 0 else bigX / div yLabels = list() for i in range(0, 10): yLabels.append( locale.format('%.0f', (lowY + ((bigY - lowY) * i / 9.0)) / 100, True)) c.yAxis().setLinearScale2(lowY, bigY, yLabels) c.xAxis().setLinearScale2(lowX, bigX, xLabels) legend = c.addLegend(95, 40, 1, "normal", 11) legend.setBackground(pychartdir.Transparent, pychartdir.Transparent) legend.setFontColor(0x202020) c.yAxis().setLabelStyle("normal", 8) c.xAxis().setLabelStyle("normal", 8) c.yAxis().setTitle("Hundred Points", "normal", 10) c.xAxis().setTitle("Days", "normal", 10) m = pychartdir.MultiChart(chartX, chartY, 0xfafafa) m.addChart(0, 0, c) m.addTitle("Radar Scope", "normal", 13) response = make_response(m.makeChart2(pychartdir.PNG)) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png' return response
def team_history_chart(): d = request.args history = d.get('history') try: history = json.loads(history) # points, wus, day, dow except ValueError: return '' #history = history[:-1] day = list(); dayX = list(); points = list(); pointsPerWu = list(); i = 0; min_dow = min((d[3] for d in history)) max_points = max((d[0] for d in history)) if max_points >= 100000: divider = 1000 points_title = "Points (1,000)" wus_title = "Points per WU (1,000)" else: divider = 1 points_title = "Points" wus_title = "Points per WU" for i, d in enumerate(history): if d[3] == min_dow: day.append(d[2][-5:]) else: day.append('-') dayX.append(i) points.append(d[0] / divider) if d[1] == 0: pointsPerWu.append(0) else: pointsPerWu.append(d[0] / d[1]) chartX, chartY, plotX, plotY = 640, 300, 520, 220 c = pychartdir.XYChart(chartX, chartY, pychartdir.Transparent) setPlotAreaObj = c.setPlotArea(60, 35, plotX, plotY) setPlotAreaObj.setGridColor(0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0, -1, pychartdir.Transparent) c.setNumberFormat(',') legend = c.addLegend(60, 10, 0, "vera.ttf", 10) legend.setBackground(pychartdir.Transparent) layer = c.addLineLayer() dataSetObj = layer.addDataSet(points, 0xbb0000, points_title) dataSetObj.setDataSymbol(pychartdir.CircleSymbol, 5, 0xdd0000, 0xdd0000) layer.setLineWidth(1) curve = pychartdir.ArrayMath(points) curve.lowess() splineLayerObj = c.addSplineLayer(curve.result(), 0xff0000, "") splineLayerObj.setLineWidth(2) c.xAxis().setLabels(day) c.yAxis().setAutoScale(0.01, 0.01, 0.1) c.yAxis().setColors(0x000000, 0xbb0000) c.xAxis().setTickLength2(6,3) labelStyleObj = c.xAxis().setLabelStyle("normal", 8) labelStyleObj.setFontAngle(0) labelStyleObj.setPos(0, 5) trendLayerObj = c.addTrendLayer(points, c.dashLineColor(0xbb0000, pychartdir.DashLine), "") trendLayerObj.setLineWidth(2) c2 = pychartdir.XYChart(chartX, chartY, pychartdir.Transparent) c2.setPlotArea(60, 35, plotX, plotY, pychartdir.Transparent, -1, pychartdir.Transparent, pychartdir.Transparent, pychartdir.Transparent) c2.setNumberFormat(',') legend = c2.addLegend(420, 10, 0, "normal", 10) legend.setBackground(pychartdir.Transparent) c2.yAxis().setAutoScale(0.01, 0.01, 0.1) c2.yAxis().setColors(0x000000, 0x004400) c2.setYAxisOnRight() layer = c2.addLineLayer() dataSetObj = layer.addDataSet(pointsPerWu, 0x004400, wus_title) dataSetObj.setDataSymbol(pychartdir.CircleSymbol, 5, 0x00bb00, 0x00bb00) layer.setLineWidth(1) m = pychartdir.MultiChart(chartX, chartY, 0xfafafa) m.addChart(0, 0, c2) m.addChart(0, 0, c) title = m.addTitle("Daily (UTC) Production History", "normal", 13) response = make_response(m.makeChart2(pychartdir.PNG)) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png' return response
def team_size_chart(): d = request.args history = d.get('history') try: history = json.loads(history) # nm, am, day except ValueError: return '' am, am_x, nm, nm_x = [], [], [], [] am_title = "Active Members" nm_title = "New Members" d = history[0] am.append(pychartdir.NoValue if d[0] is None else d[0]) am_x.append(dt(d[2])) nm.append(pychartdir.NoValue if d[1] is None else d[1]) nm_x.append(dt(d[2])) for d in history[1:-2]: nm.append(pychartdir.NoValue if d[1] is None else d[1]) nm_x.append(dt(d[2])) if d[0] is not None: am.append(d[0]) am_x.append(dt(d[2])) d = history[-1] am.append(pychartdir.NoValue if d[0] is None else d[0]) am_x.append(dt(d[2])) nm.append(pychartdir.NoValue if d[1] is None else d[1]) nm_x.append(dt(d[2])) #return repr([am, am_x, nm, nm_x]) chartX, chartY, plotX, plotY = 640, 300, 520, 220 c = pychartdir.XYChart(chartX, chartY, 0xfafafa) c.addTitle("Team Size History", "normal", 13) c.yAxis().setAutoScale(0.01, 0.01, 0.1) c.yAxis().setColors(0x000000, 0xbb0000) c.xAxis().setTickLength2(6, 3) c.xAxis().setLabelFormat('{value|mm-dd}') c.setNumberFormat(',') setPlotAreaObj = c.setPlotArea(60, 35, plotX, plotY) setPlotAreaObj.setGridColor(0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0, -1, pychartdir.Transparent) legend = c.addLegend(60 + plotX / 2, 10, 0, "vera.ttf", 10) legend.setBackground(pychartdir.Transparent) legend.setAlignment(pychartdir.Top) layer = c.addLineLayer() layer.setXData(am_x) dataSetObj = layer.addDataSet(am, 0xbb0000, am_title) dataSetObj.setDataSymbol(pychartdir.CircleSymbol, 3, 0xdd0000, 0xdd0000) layer.setLineWidth(1) curve = pychartdir.ArrayMath(am) curve.lowess2(am_x) splineLayerObj = c.addSplineLayer(curve.result(), 0xff0000, "") splineLayerObj.setXData(am_x) splineLayerObj.setLineWidth(2) labelStyleObj = c.xAxis().setLabelStyle("normal", 8) labelStyleObj.setFontAngle(0) labelStyleObj.setPos(0, 5) trendLayerObj = c.addTrendLayer( am, c.dashLineColor(0xbb0000, pychartdir.DashLine), "") trendLayerObj.setLineWidth(2) trendLayerObj.setXData(am_x) c.yAxis2().setAutoScale(0.01, 0.01, 0.1) c.yAxis2().setColors(0x000000, 0x004400) layer = c.addLineLayer() layer.setUseYAxis2() layer.setXData(nm_x) dataSetObj = layer.addDataSet(nm, 0x004400, nm_title) dataSetObj.setDataSymbol(pychartdir.CircleSymbol, 3, 0x00bb00, 0x00bb00) layer.setLineWidth(1) response = make_response(c.makeChart2(pychartdir.PNG)) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png' return response