Ejemplo n.º 1
    def prepare_folder(self, entry_id, workdir='.', source_dir='.'):
        Prepare directories for abinit execution

        :param entry_id:    bson.ObjectID of the entry that will be used for preparing the folder
        :param source_dir: (str) is the directory where 'abinit.files' and 'batch.pbs' should be present
                           those directories will be symbolically linked inside the individual work directories
        :param workdir: (str) Base work directory for abinit executions. Inside this directory, a set of subdirectories
                              will be created using the mongo ID as name.

        # Individual workdir
        iworkdir = workdir + os.sep + str(entry_id)

        if not os.path.isdir(iworkdir):

        if os.path.lexists(iworkdir + os.sep + 'abinit.files'):
            os.remove(iworkdir + os.sep + 'abinit.files')
        if not os.path.isfile(source_dir + os.sep + 'abinit.files'):
                'WARNIG: The file %s should be present on %s, symbolic links will be created pointing '
                'to that location' % ('abinit.files', source_dir))
        os.symlink(os.path.abspath(source_dir + os.sep + 'abinit.files'),
                   iworkdir + os.sep + 'abinit.files')

        abiinput = AbinitInput(self.input_path)
        params = self.get_correlation_params(entry_id, final=False)
        dmatpawu = params2dmatpawu(params)
        abiinput['dmatpawu'] = list(dmatpawu.flatten())
        abiinput.write(iworkdir + os.sep + 'abinit.in')

        d_abiinput = AbinitInput(iworkdir + os.sep + 'abinit.in')
        d_dmatpawu = d_abiinput['dmatpawu']
        assert (d_dmatpawu is not None)
        d_params = dmatpawu2params(d_dmatpawu, self.ndim)
        if not np.all(
                np.sum(d_params['occupations'], axis=1) == np.array(
                'ERROR: Inconsistent number of DFT+U electrons for correlated orbitals: %s'
                % entry_id)
            print('From the population: %s ' % self.num_electrons_dftu)
            print('From "abinit.in":    %s ' % d_params['occupations'])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def prepare_folder(self, entry_id, workdir='.', source_dir='.'):
        Prepare directories for abinit execution

        :param entry_id:    bson.ObjectID of the entry that will be used for preparing the folder
        :param source_dir: (str) is the directory where 'abinit.files' and 'batch.pbs' should be present
                           those directories will be symbolically linked inside the individual work directories
        :param workdir: (str) Base work directory for abinit executions. Inside this directory, a set of subdirectories
                              will be created using the mongo ID as name.

        # Individual workdir
        iworkdir = workdir+os.sep+str(entry_id)

        if not os.path.isdir(iworkdir):

        if os.path.lexists(iworkdir + os.sep + 'abinit.files'):
            os.remove(iworkdir + os.sep + 'abinit.files')
        if not os.path.isfile(source_dir + os.sep + 'abinit.files'):
            print('WARNIG: The file %s should be present on %s, symbolic links will be created pointing '
                  'to that location' % ('abinit.files', source_dir))
        os.symlink(os.path.abspath(source_dir + os.sep + 'abinit.files'), iworkdir + os.sep + 'abinit.files')

        abiinput = AbinitInput(self.input_path)
        params = self.get_correlation_params(entry_id, final=False)
        dmatpawu = params2dmatpawu(params)
        abiinput['dmatpawu'] = list(dmatpawu.flatten())
        abiinput.write(iworkdir + os.sep + 'abinit.in')

        d_abiinput = AbinitInput(iworkdir + os.sep + 'abinit.in')
        d_dmatpawu = d_abiinput['dmatpawu']
        assert(d_dmatpawu is not None)
        d_params = dmatpawu2params(d_dmatpawu, self.ndim)
        if not np.all(np.sum(d_params['occupations'], axis=1) == np.array(self.num_electrons_dftu)):
            print('ERROR: Inconsistent number of DFT+U electrons for correlated orbitals: %s' % entry_id)
            print('From the population: %s ' % self.num_electrons_dftu)
            print('From "abinit.in":    %s ' % d_params['occupations'])
Ejemplo n.º 3

    print("Checking that abinit.in contains value for lpawu...", end='')
    if 'lpawu' not in abi.variables:
        raise ValueError("ERROR: Could not open abinit.in")
        print('Yes, max lpawu=%d' % max(abi['lpawu']))

    print('Setting ABINIT variables usedmatpu=%d, nstep=%d and tolvrs=%e' %
          (usedmatpu, nstep, tolvrs))
    abi['usedmatpu'] = usedmatpu
    abi['nstep'] = nstep
    abi['tolvrs'] = tolvrs
    print('Writting modified abinit.in')

    # Getting the index from the last execution and adding one for the next run
    index = 0
    while True:
        if os.path.isfile('abinit_%02d.in' % index):
            index += 1

    if index >= max_nruns:
            "Total number of runs has been achieve already, increse 'max_nruns' if you want to continue"
Ejemplo n.º 4
            if not os.path.isdir(args.basepath + os.sep + name):
                os.mkdir(args.basepath + os.sep + name)
            abi = AbinitInput(args.basepath + os.sep + 'abinit.in')

            abi['upawu'] = ""
            for i in dbi['u']:
                abi['upawu'] += str(i) + " "
            abi['upawu'] += 'eV'

            abi['jpawu'] = ""
            for i in dbi['j']:
                abi['jpawu'] += str(i) + " "
            abi['jpawu'] += 'eV'

            abipath = args.basepath + os.sep + name + os.sep + 'abinit.in'

            abifiles = args.basepath + os.sep + name + os.sep + 'abinit.files'
            if os.path.lexists(abifiles):
                os.path.abspath(args.basepath + os.sep + 'abinit.files'),
            for i in [x for x in os.listdir(args.basepath) if x[-3:] == 'xml']:
                psp = args.basepath + os.sep + name + os.sep + i
                if os.path.lexists(psp):
                os.symlink(os.path.abspath(args.basepath + os.sep + i), psp)

            popu[name] = OrbitalDFTU(pcdb, abipath)
            if not os.path.isdir(args.basepath + os.sep + name):
                os.mkdir(args.basepath + os.sep + name)
            abi = AbinitInput(args.basepath + os.sep + 'abinit.in')
            abi['upawu'] = ""
            for i in dbi['u']:
                abi['upawu'] += str(i) + " "
            abi['upawu'] += 'eV'
            abi['jpawu'] = ""
            for i in dbi['j']:
                abi['jpawu'] += str(i) + " "
            abi['jpawu'] += 'eV'

            abipath = args.basepath + os.sep + name + os.sep + 'abinit.in'

            abifiles = args.basepath + os.sep + name + os.sep + 'abinit.files'
            if os.path.lexists(abifiles):
            os.symlink(os.path.abspath(args.basepath + os.sep + 'abinit.files'), abifiles)
            for i in [x for x in os.listdir(args.basepath) if x[-3:] == 'xml']:
                psp = args.basepath + os.sep + name + os.sep + i
                if os.path.lexists(psp):
                os.symlink(os.path.abspath(args.basepath + os.sep + i), psp)

            popu[name] = OrbitalDFTU(pcdb, abipath)

    # Specific actions for 'populate', 'run', 'search' and 'plot'
    if args.subparser_name == 'populate':