Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_domain(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Creates a grid if needed

            domain (dictionary): dictionary defining the domain.
        raise PluginError("The function create_domain was not defined")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def create_chemicalscheme(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Creates a chemical scheme if needed

            chemistry (dictionary): dictionary defining the chelical scheme
        raise PluginError("The function create_chemicalscheme was not defined")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def read_grid(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read a grid from an existing file

            self (Domain): plugin defining the domain. Should include
            filegrid to be able to read the grid from a file

            Grid domain with meshgrids for center lon/lat and corner lon/lat
        raise PluginError("The function read_grid was not defined")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def read_chemicalscheme(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read a chemical scheme from an existing file

            self (Chemistry): plugin defining the chemistry. Should include
            dirscheme grid to be able to read the chemistry from files

            Characteristics of the chemical scheme
        raise PluginError("The function read_scheme was not defined")
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_loaded(cls, name, version, plugin_type):
        """Get the correct loaded plugin, given its name, version and type

            name (str):  name of the plugin
            version (str):  version of the plugin
            plugin_type (str): type of plugin

            Plugin: plugin module for plugin version
        if not cls.is_loaded(name, version, plugin_type):
            raise PluginError(
                "No {} module loaded for plugin {} and Version {}".format(
                    plugin_type, name, version))

        return cls.loaded_instances[cls.plugin_key(name, version, plugin_type)]
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_registered(cls, name, version, plugin_type):
        """Get the correct registered plugin, given its name, version and type

            name (str):  name of the plugin
            version (str):  version of the plugin
            plugin_type (str): type of plugin

            Plugin: plugin module for plugin version
        if not cls.is_registered(name, version, plugin_type):
            raise PluginError(
                "No {} module found for plugin {} and Version {}".format(
                    plugin_type, name, version))

        module = importlib.import_module(cls.registered[cls.plugin_key(
            name, version, plugin_type)])

        return module
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _fetch_requirement(cls, plg, key, name, version, plg_type, fromsub,
                           empty, preftree):

        pref_plg = [
            s for s in cls.subreference_instances.get(key, []) if preftree in s

        # If in children
        if key in cls._get_attribute_list(plg):
            plg_tmp = getattr(plg, key)

        # If not in children but at level 0 of Yaml
        elif key in cls.reference_instances:
            plg_tmp = cls.reference_instances[key]

        # If not at level 0, but no ambiguity
        elif len(cls.subreference_instances.get(key, [])) == 1 and fromsub:
            plg_tmp = list(cls.subreference_instances[key].values())[0]

        # If not at level 0, but ambiguity
        elif (len(cls.subreference_instances.get(key, [])) >= 1 and fromsub
              and len(pref_plg) == 1):
            plg_tmp = cls.subreference_instances[key][pref_plg[0]]

        elif empty:
            if cls.is_registered(name, version, plg_type):
                plg_tmp = cls.load_registered(name, version, plg_type)

                plg_tmp = cls.get_subclass(plg_type)()

        # Error in the yaml if reaching this point
            plg_tmp = None
            raise PluginError(
                "{} needs a plugin '{}/{}/{}' and an "
                "inconsistent one was proposed in the Yaml".format(
                    plg, key, name, version))

        return plg_tmp
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def childclass_factory(cls, plg_orig, child_type=None, overwrite=False):
        """Generates an instance of one of Plugin's child classes. Transfers
        all existing attributes in the argument plugin to the output
        child-class instance

            plg_orig (Plugin): the plugin to turn into a child-class instance
            child_type (str): sub-class type to generate if not available in
            overwrite (bool): overwrite the class type of the origin plugin

            child_plg: a plugin with all the attributes from plg_orig,
            but as a child-class instance

        if getattr(plg_orig.plugin, "type", None) is None:
            if child_type is None:
                raise PluginError(
                    "The Child-class factory was called on a plugin "
                    "that was not correctly initialized: {} / {}".format(
                        plg_orig, plg_orig.orig_name))

                plg_type = child_type

            plg_type = plg_orig.plugin.type

        # If the type is not referenced, don't do anything
        if not cls.is_allowed(plg_type):
            return plg_orig

        # Load the subclass
        child_plg = cls.get_subclass(plg_type)(plg_orig=plg_orig)

        return child_plg
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def ini_periods(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty ini_periods method"""

        raise PluginError("This is the default empty ini_periods method")
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def flushrun(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty flushrun method"""

        raise PluginError("This is the default empty flushrun method")
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def make_input(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty make_input method"""

        raise PluginError("This is the default empty make_input method")
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def outputs2native(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty outputs2native method"""

        raise PluginError("This is the default empty outputs2native method")
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def control2native(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty control2native method"""

        raise PluginError("This is the default empty control2native method")
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def native2control(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty native2control method"""

        raise PluginError("This is the default empty native2control method")
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def load(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty load method"""

        raise PluginError("This is the default empty load method")
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def dump(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty dump method"""

        raise PluginError("This is the default empty dump method")
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def sqrtbprod_ad(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty sqrtbprod_ad method"""

        raise PluginError("This is the default empty sqrtbprod_ad method")
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _check_requirements(cls,
        """Checking that required modules and plugins are loaded.
        If not, load them.

        Requirements are defined in the __init__.py file of the
        corresponding plugin module.

            plg (Plugin): a plugin to initialize

        Notes: Some basic parameters are added as requirements to all plugins;
        These are:
            'datei', 'datef', 'workdir', 'logfile', 'verbose'


        # Dealing with default requirements supposed to be given at level 0
        for key in plg.default_requirements:
            if key not in cls._get_attribute_list(plg):
                if key in cls.reference_instances:
                    setattr(plg, key, cls.reference_instances[key])

                    raise PluginError(
                        "The default key '{}' is not prescribed"
                        "neither in the plugin {}, nor in the "
                        "level 0 of the configuration file".format(key, plg))

        # Looping over requirements and including them
        for key in plg.requirements:
            key_req = plg.requirements[key]
            fromany = key_req.get("any", False)
            fromsub = key_req.get("subplug", False)
            preftree = key_req.get("preftree", "")
            empty = key_req.get("empty", False)
            name = key_req.get("name", None)
            version = key_req.get("version", "")
            plg_type = key_req.get("type", key)
            newplg = key_req.get("newplg", False)

            # If not from any plugin, but no default value specified, error
            if not fromany and name is None:
                raise PluginError(
                    "{} needs a specific {}, but none was specified \n"
                    "Please check requirements in your module".format(
                        plg, key))

            # If needs a Plugin explicitly defined,
            # look for it at level 0 of setup, or in children,
            # or in unambiguous level N plugins
            plg_tmp = cls._fetch_requirement(plg, key, name, version, plg_type,
                                             fromsub, empty, preftree)

            # If has a prescribed name
            tmp_plugin = getattr(plg_tmp, "plugin", None)
            tmp_name = getattr(tmp_plugin, "name", None)
            tmp_version = getattr(tmp_plugin, "version", None)
            if (getattr(getattr(plg_tmp, "plugin", None), "name", None)
                    is not None and fromany) or (
                        tmp_name is not None and name == tmp_name
                        and version == tmp_version and type(plg_tmp)
                        == cls.get_subclass(plg_type) and not fromany):
                plg_out = plg_tmp

            # If a default is defined, load from registered
            elif (name is not None and fromany) or (tmp_name is None
                                                    and not fromany):
                plg_out = cls.load_registered(name,

            # Otherwise, if accepts empty classes
            elif empty:
                plg_out = plg_tmp

            # Error in the yaml if reaching this point
                raise PluginError(
                    "{} needs a plugin '{}/{}/{}' and an "
                    "inconsistent one was proposed in the Yaml".format(
                        plg, key, name, version))

            if plg_out is None:
                raise Exception(
                    "{} needs a Plugin '{}' to run properly\n"
                    "there is none in its children nor at the level 0 of "
                    "Please check your Yaml".format(plg, key))

            # Keep in memory to initialize a new instance of the plugin or not
            plg.plugin.newplg = newplg

            # Adding auxiliary attributes if any
            aux_ids = [
                "name", "version", "type", "any", "subplug", "preftree",
                "empty", "newplg"
            for attr in key_req:
                if attr not in aux_ids:
                    setattr(plg_out, attr, key_req[attr])

            # Attaching the requirement to the parent plugin
            setattr(plg, key, plg_out)

        # Load the requirements if not already done
        cls.load_setup(plg, parent_plg_type, level, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def simul(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty simul method"""

        raise PluginError("This is the default empty simul method")
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def minimize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty minimize function

        raise PluginError("The function minimize was not defined")
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def parse_tracers(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty minimize function

        raise PluginError("The function parse_tracers was not defined")
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def native2inputs(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty native2inputs method"""

        raise PluginError("This is the default empty native2inputs method")
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Default empty execute method"""

        raise PluginError("This is the default empty execute method")