Ejemplo n.º 1
def decode(representation, version):
    """Decodes a CIM instance from passed xml representation.

    Keyword arguments:
    representation -- an xml representation of a CIM instance (i.e. either a filepath, a url or an etree element).

    # Defensive programming.
    if representation is None:
        raise CIMException("Cannot decode null representations.")
    if version not in CIM_SCHEMAS:
        raise CIMException("{0} is an unsupported CIM version.".format(version))

    # Deserialize xml & associated namespaces.
    xml, nsmap = get_cim_xml(representation, return_nsmap=True)

    # Validate xml.
    if _can_decode_from_xml(xml) == False:
        raise CIMException("Representation failed CIM XML validation.")

    # Get cim type.
    type = xml.tag.split("}")[1]

    # Get decoder by type.
    if type not in _decoders[version]:
        raise CIMException("No decoder exists for the following CIM type :: {0}.".format(type))
    decoder = _decoders[version][type]

    # Return decoded instance injected with type information.
    obj = decode_xml(decoder, xml, nsmap, None)
    _set_cim_type_info(obj, version, type)
    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _can_decode_from_xml(xml):
    """Determines a priori whether xml is decodeable.

    Keyword Arguments:
    xml - xml representation of a CIM instance.
    # Deserialize xml (if necessary).
    if isinstance(xml, et._Element) == False:
        xml = get_cim_xml(xml)

    # False if representation has not been converted to an lxml.etree.
    if isinstance(xml, et._Element) == False:
        return False

    # False if representation is an invliad cim xml instance.
    # TODO - implement via call to CIM validator component.

    # All tests have passed therefore return true.
    return True