def fig_61_62_63(kernel_language='Python', iplot=False, htmlplot=False, solver_type='classic', outdir='./_output'): """ Compare several methods for advecting a Gaussian and square wave. The settings coded here are for Figure 6.1(a). For Figure 6.1(b), set solver.order=2. For Figure 6.2(a), set solver.order=2 and solver.limiters = pyclaw.limiters.tvd.minmod For Figure 6.2(b), set solver.order=2 and solver.limiters = pyclaw.limiters.tvd.superbee For Figure 6.2(c), set solver.order=2 and solver.limiters = pyclaw.limiters.tvd.MC For Figure 6.3, set IC='wavepacket' and other options as appropriate. """ import numpy as np import pyclaw if solver_type == 'sharpclaw': solver = pyclaw.SharpClawSolver1D() else: solver = pyclaw.ClawSolver1D() solver.kernel_language = kernel_language from riemann import rp_advection solver.num_waves = rp_advection.num_waves if solver.kernel_language == 'Python': solver.rp = rp_advection.rp_advection_1d solver.bc_lower[0] = 2 solver.bc_upper[0] = 2 solver.limiters = 0 solver.order = 1 solver.cfl_desired = 0.8 x = pyclaw.Dimension('x', 0.0, 1.0, mx) grid = pyclaw.Grid(x) num_eqn = 1 state = pyclaw.State(grid, num_eqn) state.problem_data['u'] = 1. xc = if IC == 'gauss_square': state.q[0, :] = np.exp(-beta * (xc - x0)**2) + (xc > 0.6) * (xc < 0.8) elif IC == 'wavepacket': state.q[0, :] = np.exp(-beta * (xc - x0)**2) * np.sin(80. * xc) else: raise Exception('Unrecognized initial condition specification.') claw = pyclaw.Controller() claw.solution = pyclaw.Solution(state) claw.solver = solver claw.outdir = outdir claw.tfinal = 10.0 status = if htmlplot: pyclaw.plot.html_plot(outdir=outdir) if iplot: pyclaw.plot.interactive_plot(outdir=outdir)
def burgers(iplot=1, htmlplot=0, outdir='./_output'): """ Example from Chapter 11 of LeVeque, Figure 11.8. Shows decay of an initial wave packet to an N-wave with Burgers' equation. """ import numpy as np import pyclaw solver = pyclaw.ClawSolver1D() solver.num_waves = 1 solver.limiters = pyclaw.limiters.tvd.MC solver.bc_lower[0] = pyclaw.BC.periodic solver.bc_upper[0] = pyclaw.BC.periodic #=========================================================================== # Initialize grids and then initialize the solution associated to the grid #=========================================================================== x = pyclaw.Dimension('x', -8.0, 8.0, 1000) grid = pyclaw.Grid(x) num_eqn = 1 state = pyclaw.State(grid, num_eqn) xc = state.q[0, :] = (xc > -np.pi) * (xc < np.pi) * (2. * np.sin(3. * xc) + np.cos(2. * xc) + 0.2) state.q[0, :] = state.q[0, :] * (np.cos(xc) + 1.) state.problem_data['efix'] = True #=========================================================================== # Setup controller and controller parameters. Then solve the problem #=========================================================================== claw = pyclaw.Controller() claw.tfinal = 6.0 claw.num_output_times = 30 claw.solution = pyclaw.Solution(state) claw.solver = solver claw.outdir = outdir status = if htmlplot: pyclaw.plot.html_plot(outdir=outdir) if iplot: pyclaw.plot.interactive_plot(outdir=outdir)
def shallow_4_Rossby_Haurwitz(iplot=0,htmlplot=False,outdir='./_output'): # Import pyclaw module import pyclaw #=========================================================================== # Set up solver and solver parameters #=========================================================================== solver = pyclaw.ClawSolver2D() import riemann solver.rp = riemann.rp2_shallow_sphere import classic2 solver.fmod = classic2 # Set boundary conditions # ======================= # Conserved variables solver.bc_lower[0] = pyclaw.BC.periodic solver.bc_upper[0] = pyclaw.BC.periodic solver.bc_lower[1] = pyclaw.BC.custom # Custom BC for sphere solver.bc_upper[1] = pyclaw.BC.custom # Custom BC for sphere solver.user_bc_lower = qbc_lower_y solver.user_bc_upper = qbc_upper_y # Auxiliary array solver.aux_bc_lower[0] = pyclaw.BC.periodic solver.aux_bc_upper[0] = pyclaw.BC.periodic solver.aux_bc_lower[1] = pyclaw.BC.custom # Custom BC for sphere solver.aux_bc_upper[1] = pyclaw.BC.custom # Custom BC for sphere solver.user_aux_bc_lower = auxbc_lower_y solver.user_aux_bc_upper = auxbc_upper_y # Dimensional splitting ? # ======================= solver.dimensional_split = 0 # Transverse increment waves and transverse correction waves are computed # and propagated. # ======================================================================= solver.transverse_waves = 2 # Number of waves in each Riemann solution # ======================================== solver.num_waves = 3 # Use source splitting method # =========================== solver.source_split = 2 # Set source function # =================== solver.step_source = fortran_src_wrapper # Set the limiter for the waves # ============================= solver.limiters = pyclaw.limiters.tvd.MC #=========================================================================== # Initialize domain and state, then initialize the solution associated to the # state and finally initialize aux array #=========================================================================== # Domain: # ==== xlower = -3.0 xupper = 1.0 mx = 100 ylower = -1.0 yupper = 1.0 my = 50 # Check whether or not the even number of cells are used in in both # directions. If odd numbers are used a message is print at screen and the # simulation is interrputed. if(mx % 2 != 0 or my % 2 != 0): import sys message = 'Please, use even numbers of cells in both direction. ' \ 'Only even numbers allow to impose correctly the boundary ' \ 'conditions!' print message sys.exit(0) x = pyclaw.Dimension('x',xlower,xupper,mx) y = pyclaw.Dimension('y',ylower,yupper,my) domain = pyclaw.Domain([x,y]) dx =[0] dy =[1] # Define some parameters used in Fortran common blocks solver.fmod.comxyt.dxcom = dx solver.fmod.comxyt.dycom = dy solver.fmod.sw.g = 11489.57219 solver.rp.comxyt.dxcom = dx solver.rp.comxyt.dycom = dy solver.rp.sw.g = 11489.57219 # Define state object # =================== num_eqn = 4 # Number of equations num_aux = 16 # Number of auxiliary variables state = pyclaw.State(domain,num_eqn,num_aux) # Override default mapc2p function # ================================ state.grid.mapc2p = mapc2p_sphere_vectorized # Set auxiliary variables # ======================= import problem # Get lower left corner coordinates xlower,ylower = state.grid.lower[0],state.grid.lower[1] num_ghost = 2 auxtmp = np.ndarray(shape=(num_aux,mx+2*num_ghost,my+2*num_ghost), dtype=float, order='F') auxtmp = problem.setaux(mx,my,num_ghost,mx,my,xlower,ylower,dx,dy,auxtmp,Rsphere) state.aux[:,:,:] = auxtmp[:,num_ghost:-num_ghost,num_ghost:-num_ghost] # Set index for capa state.index_capa = 0 # Set initial conditions # ====================== # 1) Call fortran function qtmp = np.ndarray(shape=(num_eqn,mx+2*num_ghost,my+2*num_ghost), dtype=float, order='F') qtmp = problem.qinit(mx,my,num_ghost,mx,my,xlower,ylower,dx,dy,qtmp,auxtmp,Rsphere) state.q[:,:,:] = qtmp[:,num_ghost:-num_ghost,num_ghost:-num_ghost] # 2) call python function define above #qinit(state,mx,my) #=========================================================================== # Set up controller and controller parameters #=========================================================================== claw = pyclaw.Controller() claw.keep_copy = False claw.output_style = 1 claw.num_output_times = 10 claw.tfinal = 10 claw.solution = pyclaw.Solution(state,domain) claw.solver = solver claw.outdir = outdir #=========================================================================== # Solve the problem #=========================================================================== status = #=========================================================================== # Plot results #=========================================================================== if htmlplot: pyclaw.plot.html_plot(outdir=outdir) if iplot: pyclaw.plot.interactive_plot(outdir=outdir)
def test_3x3_grid(): r"""This test simply solves a 3x3 grid, once with PyClaw and once as one patch with PeanoClaw. In the end it checks if the resulting qbcs match. """ #=========================================================================== # Import libraries #=========================================================================== import numpy as np import pyclaw import peanoclaw #=========================================================================== # Setup solver and solver parameters for PyClaw run #=========================================================================== pyclaw_solver = setup_solver() #=========================================================================== # Setup solver and solver parameters for PeanoClaw run #=========================================================================== peanoclaw_solver = setup_solver() peano_solver = peanoclaw.Solver(peanoclaw_solver, 1.0) #=========================================================================== # Initialize domain and state, then initialize the solution associated to the # state and finally initialize aux array #=========================================================================== # Domain: xlower = 0.0 xupper = 1.0 mx = 3 ylower = 0.0 yupper = 1.0 my = 3 x = pyclaw.Dimension(xlower,xupper,mx,name='x') y = pyclaw.Dimension(ylower,yupper,my,name='y') domain = pyclaw.Domain([x,y]) num_eqn = 3 # Number of equations pyclaw_state = pyclaw.State(domain,num_eqn) peanoclaw_state = pyclaw.State(domain, num_eqn) grav = 1.0 # Parameter (global auxiliary variable) pyclaw_state.problem_data['grav'] = grav peanoclaw_state.problem_data['grav'] = grav # Initial solution # ================ # Riemann states of the dam break problem damRadius = 0.2 hl = 2. ul = 0. vl = 0. hr = 1. ur = 0. vr = 0. qinit(pyclaw_state,hl,ul,vl,hr,ur,vl,damRadius) # This function is defined above qinit(peanoclaw_state,hl,ul,vl,hr,ur,vl,damRadius) # This function is defined above tfinal = 1.0 #=========================================================================== # Set up controller and controller parameters for PyClaw run #=========================================================================== pyclaw_controller = pyclaw.Controller() pyclaw_controller.tfinal = tfinal pyclaw_controller.solution = pyclaw.Solution(pyclaw_state,domain) pyclaw_controller.solver = pyclaw_solver pyclaw_controller.num_output_times = 1 #=========================================================================== # Set up controller and controller parameters for PyClaw run #=========================================================================== peanoclaw_controller = pyclaw.Controller() peanoclaw_controller.tfinal = tfinal peanoclaw_controller.solution = pyclaw.Solution(peanoclaw_state,domain) peanoclaw_controller.solver = peano_solver peanoclaw_controller.num_output_times = 1 assert(np.max(np.abs(pyclaw_solver.qbc - peanoclaw_solver.qbc)) < 1e-9)
def acoustics(solver_type='classic',iplot=True,htmlplot=False,outdir='./_output',problem='figure 9.4'): """ This example solves the 1-dimensional variable-coefficient acoustics equations in a medium with a single interface. """ from numpy import sqrt, abs import pyclaw if solver_type=='classic': solver = pyclaw.ClawSolver1D() elif solver_type=='sharpclaw': solver = pyclaw.SharpClawSolver1D() else: raise Exception('Unrecognized value of solver_type.') solver.num_waves=2 solver.limiters = pyclaw.limiters.tvd.MC solver.bc_lower[0] = pyclaw.BC.extrap solver.bc_upper[0] = pyclaw.BC.extrap solver.aux_bc_lower[0] = pyclaw.BC.extrap solver.aux_bc_upper[0] = pyclaw.BC.extrap x = pyclaw.Dimension('x',-5.0,5.0,500) grid = pyclaw.Grid(x) num_eqn = 2 num_aux = 2 state = pyclaw.State(grid,num_eqn,num_aux) if problem == 'figure 9.4': rhol = 1.0 cl = 1.0 rhor = 2.0 cr = 0.5 elif problem == 'figure 9.5': rhol = 1.0 cl = 1.0 rhor = 4.0 cr = 0.5 zl = rhol*cl zr = rhor*cr xc = state.aux[0,:] = (xc<=0)*zl + (xc>0)*zr # Impedance state.aux[1,:] = (xc<=0)*cl + (xc>0)*cr # Sound speed # initial condition: half-ellipse state.q[0,:] = sqrt(abs(1.-(xc+3.)**2))*(xc>-4.)*(xc<-2.) state.q[1,:] = state.q[0,:] + 0. claw = pyclaw.Controller() claw.solution = pyclaw.Solution(state) claw.solver = solver claw.tfinal = 5.0 claw.num_output_times = 10 # Solve status = # Plot results if htmlplot: pyclaw.plot.html_plot(outdir=outdir) if iplot: pyclaw.plot.interactive_plot(outdir=outdir)
def fig_31_38(kernel_language='Fortran',solver_type='classic',iplot=False,htmlplot=False,outdir='./_output'): r"""Produces the output shown in Figures 3.1 and 3.8 of the FVM book. These involve simple waves in the acoustics system.""" import pyclaw import numpy as np #================================================================= # Import the appropriate solver type, depending on the options passed #================================================================= if solver_type=='classic': solver = pyclaw.ClawSolver1D() elif solver_type=='sharpclaw': solver = pyclaw.SharpClawSolver1D() else: raise Exception('Unrecognized value of solver_type.') #======================================================================== # Instantiate the solver and define the system of equations to be solved #======================================================================== solver.kernel_language=kernel_language from riemann import rp_acoustics solver.num_waves=rp_acoustics.num_waves if kernel_language=='Python': solver.rp = rp_acoustics.rp_acoustics_1d solver.limiters = pyclaw.limiters.tvd.MC solver.bc_lower[0] = pyclaw.BC.wall solver.bc_upper[0] = pyclaw.BC.extrap #======================================================================== # Instantiate the grid and set the boundary conditions #======================================================================== x = pyclaw.Dimension('x',-1.0,1.0,800) grid = pyclaw.Grid(x) num_eqn = 2 state = pyclaw.State(grid,num_eqn) #======================================================================== # Set problem-specific variables #======================================================================== rho = 1.0 bulk = 0.25 state.problem_data['rho']=rho state.problem_data['bulk']=bulk state.problem_data['zz']=np.sqrt(rho*bulk) state.problem_data['cc']=np.sqrt(bulk/rho) #======================================================================== # Set the initial condition #======================================================================== beta=100; gamma=0; x0=0.75 state.q[0,:] = 0.5*np.exp(-80 * xc**2) + 0.5*(np.abs(xc+0.2)<0.1) state.q[1,:] = 0. #======================================================================== # Set up the controller object #======================================================================== claw = pyclaw.Controller() claw.solution = pyclaw.Solution(state) claw.solver = solver claw.outdir = outdir claw.tfinal = 3.0 claw.num_output_times = 30 # Solve status = # Plot results if htmlplot: pyclaw.plot.html_plot(outdir=outdir) if iplot: pyclaw.plot.interactive_plot(outdir=outdir)
def shallow_4_Rossby_Haurwitz(iplot=0, htmlplot=False, outdir='./_output'): # Import pyclaw module import pyclaw #=========================================================================== # Set up solver and solver parameters #=========================================================================== solver = pyclaw.ClawSolver2D() # Set boundary conditions # ======================= # Conserved variables solver.bc_lower[0] = pyclaw.BC.periodic solver.bc_upper[0] = pyclaw.BC.periodic solver.bc_lower[1] = pyclaw.BC.custom # Custom BC for sphere solver.bc_upper[1] = pyclaw.BC.custom # Custom BC for sphere solver.user_bc_lower = qbc_lower_y solver.user_bc_upper = qbc_upper_y # Auxiliary array solver.aux_bc_lower[0] = pyclaw.BC.periodic solver.aux_bc_upper[0] = pyclaw.BC.periodic solver.aux_bc_lower[1] = pyclaw.BC.custom # Custom BC for sphere solver.aux_bc_upper[1] = pyclaw.BC.custom # Custom BC for sphere solver.user_aux_bc_lower = auxbc_lower_y solver.user_aux_bc_upper = auxbc_upper_y # Dimensional splitting ? # ======================= solver.dimensional_split = 0 # Transverse increment waves and transverse correction waves are computed # and propagated. # ======================================================================= solver.transverse_waves = 2 # Number of waves in each Riemann solution # ======================================== solver.num_waves = 3 # Use source splitting method # =========================== solver.source_split = 2 # Set source function # =================== solver.step_source = fortran_src_wrapper # Set the limiter for the waves # ============================= solver.limiters = pyclaw.limiters.tvd.MC #=========================================================================== # Initialize domain and state, then initialize the solution associated to the # state and finally initialize aux array #=========================================================================== # Domain: # ==== xlower = -3.0 xupper = 1.0 mx = 40 ylower = -1.0 yupper = 1.0 my = 20 x = pyclaw.Dimension('x', xlower, xupper, mx) y = pyclaw.Dimension('y', ylower, yupper, my) domain = pyclaw.Domain([x, y]) dx =[0] dy =[1] # Define some parameters used in classic2 import classic2 classic2.comxyt.dxcom = dx classic2.comxyt.dycom = dy classic2.sw.g = 11489.57219 # Override default mapc2p function # ================================ grid = domain.grid grid.mapc2p = mapc2p_sphere_vectorized # Define state object # =================== num_eqn = 4 # Number of equations num_aux = 16 # Number of auxiliary variables state = pyclaw.State(domain, num_eqn, num_aux) # Set auxiliary variables # ======================= import problem # Get lower left corner coordinates xlower, ylower = grid.lower[0], grid.lower[1] num_ghost = 2 auxtmp = np.ndarray(shape=(num_aux, mx + 2 * num_ghost, my + 2 * num_ghost), dtype=float, order='F') auxtmp = problem.setaux(mx, my, num_ghost, mx, my, xlower, ylower, dx, dy, auxtmp, Rsphere) state.aux[:, :, :] = auxtmp[:, num_ghost:-num_ghost, num_ghost:-num_ghost] # Set index for capa state.index_capa = 0 # Set initial conditions # ====================== # 1) Call fortran function qtmp = np.ndarray(shape=(num_eqn, mx + 2 * num_ghost, my + 2 * num_ghost), dtype=float, order='F') qtmp = problem.qinit(mx, my, num_ghost, mx, my, xlower, ylower, dx, dy, qtmp, auxtmp, Rsphere) state.q[:, :, :] = qtmp[:, num_ghost:-num_ghost, num_ghost:-num_ghost] # 2) call python function define above #qinit(state,mx,my) #=========================================================================== # Set up controller and controller parameters #=========================================================================== claw = pyclaw.Controller() claw.keep_copy = True claw.output_style = 1 claw.num_output_times = 10 claw.tfinal = 10 claw.solution = pyclaw.Solution(state, domain) claw.solver = solver claw.outdir = outdir #=========================================================================== # Solve the problem #=========================================================================== status = #=========================================================================== # Plot results #=========================================================================== if htmlplot: pyclaw.plot.html_plot(outdir=outdir) if iplot: pyclaw.plot.interactive_plot(outdir=outdir) # Define variable usedto verify the correctness of the regression test # ==================================================================== height = claw.frames[claw.num_output_times].state.q[0, :, :] return height