Ejemplo n.º 1
 def templateClustering(self, file, radius, order, solver, initial, storage_flag, conn_weigh_flag, tolerance, connection, expected_cluster_length, ccore_flag):
     result_testing = False;
     # If phases crosses each other because of random part of the network then we should try again.
     for attempt in range(0, 4, 1):
         sample = read_sample(file);
         network = syncnet(sample, radius, connection, initial, conn_weigh_flag, ccore_flag);
         analyser = network.process(order, solver, storage_flag);
         clusters = analyser.allocate_clusters(tolerance);
         obtained_cluster_sizes = [len(cluster) for cluster in clusters];
         if (len(obtained_cluster_sizes) != len(expected_cluster_length)):
         if (obtained_cluster_sizes != expected_cluster_length):
         # Unit-test is passed
         result_testing = True;
     assert result_testing;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testCoreInterfaceIntInputData(self):
     result = False;
     for _ in range(0, 20, 1):
         syncnet_instance = syncnet([ [1], [2], [3], [20], [21], [22] ], 3, conn_represent.MATRIX, initial_type.EQUIPARTITION, ccore = True);
         analyser = syncnet_instance.process(0.999, solve_type.FAST);
         result = (len(analyser.allocate_clusters(0.1)) == 2);
         if (result is True): break;
     assert True == result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __analyse_colors(self, image_source, collect_dynamic):
     @brief Performs color segmentation by the first layer.
     @param[in] image_source (string): Path to image file that should be processed.
     @param[in] collect_dynamic (bool): If 'True' then whole dynamic of the first layer of the network is collected.
     @return (syncnet_analyser) Analyser of color segmentation results of the first layer.
     network = syncnet(image_source, self.__color_radius, ccore = True);
     analyser = network.process(self.__order_color, solve_type.FAST, collect_dynamic);
     return analyser;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def templateConnectionApi(connection_storage_type, ccore_flag):
     sample = read_sample(SIMPLE_SAMPLES.SAMPLE_SIMPLE1);
     network = syncnet(sample, 15, conn_repr = connection_storage_type, ccore = ccore_flag);
     for i in range(len(network)):
         neighbors = network.get_neighbors(i);
         assert len(sample) == len(network);
         assert len(neighbors) == len(network) - 1;
         assert i not in neighbors;
         for j in range(len(network)):
             if (i != j):
                 assert network.has_connection(i, j) == True;
                 assert network.has_connection(i, j) == False;
Ejemplo n.º 5
def template_clustering(file, radius, order, show_dyn = False, show_conn = False, show_clusters = True, ena_conn_weight = False, ccore_flag = False):
    sample = read_sample(file);
    network = syncnet(sample, radius, enable_conn_weight = ena_conn_weight, ccore = ccore_flag);
    (ticks, (dyn_time, dyn_phase)) = timedcall(network.process, order, solve_type.FAST, show_dyn);
    print("Sample: ", file, "\t\tExecution time: ", ticks, "\n");
    if (show_dyn == True):
        draw_dynamics(dyn_time, dyn_phase, x_title = "Time", y_title = "Phase", y_lim = [0, 2 * 3.14]);
    if (show_conn == True):
    if (show_clusters == True):
        clusters = network.get_clusters(0.1);
        draw_clusters(sample, clusters);
Ejemplo n.º 6
def template_clustering(file, radius, order, show_dyn = False, show_conn = False, show_clusters = True, ena_conn_weight = False, ccore_flag = True, tolerance = 0.1):
    sample = read_sample(file);
    network = syncnet(sample, radius, enable_conn_weight = ena_conn_weight, ccore = ccore_flag);
    (ticks, analyser) = timedcall(network.process, order, solve_type.FAST, show_dyn);
    print("Sample: ", file, "\t\tExecution time: ", ticks, "\n");
    if (show_dyn == True):
    if ( (show_conn == True) and (ccore_flag == False) ):
    if (show_clusters == True):
        clusters = analyser.allocate_clusters(tolerance);
        draw_clusters(sample, clusters);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __create_sync_layer(self, weights):
     @brief Creates second layer of the network.
     @param[in] weights (list): List of weights of SOM neurons.
     @return (syncnet) Second layer of the network.
     sync_layer = syncnet(weights, 0.0, initial_phases = initial_type.RANDOM_GAUSSIAN, ccore = False);
     for oscillator_index1 in range(0, len(sync_layer)):
         for oscillator_index2 in range(oscillator_index1 + 1, len(sync_layer)):
             if (self.__has_object_connection(oscillator_index1, oscillator_index2)):
                 sync_layer.set_connection(oscillator_index1, oscillator_index2);
     return sync_layer;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def process(self, number_neighbours, collect_dynamic=False, order=0.999):
        @brief Performs simulation of the oscillatory network.
        @param[in] number_neighbours (uint): Number of neighbours that should be used for calculation average distance and creation connections between oscillators.
        @param[in] collect_dynamic (bool): If True - returns whole dynamic of oscillatory network, otherwise returns only last values of dynamics.
        @param[in] order (double): Order of process synchronization that should be considered as end of clustering, destributed 0..1.
        @return (tuple) Dynamic of oscillatory network. If argument 'collect_dynamic' = True, than return dynamic for the whole simulation time,
                otherwise returns only last values (last step of simulation) of dynamic.
        @see get_som_clusters()
        @see get_clusters()

        # train self-organization map.
        self._som.train(self._data, 100)

        # prepare to build list.
        weights = list()
        # must be cleared, if it's used before.
        for i in range(self._som.size):
            if self._som.awards[i] > 0:

        # calculate trusted distance between objects.
        radius = 0
        if len(weights) >= number_neighbours:
            radius = average_neighbor_distance(weights, number_neighbours)
            radius = 0

        # create oscillatory neural network.
        self._sync = syncnet(weights, radius, initial_phases=initial_type.EQUIPARTITION)
        self._analyser = self._sync.process(order, collect_dynamic=collect_dynamic)

        # Draw SOM clusters.
        # clusters = self._sync.get_clusters();
        # draw_clusters(weights, clusters);
        # self._som.show_network(awards = False, belongs = True);

        # return dynamic if it was requested.
        return (self._analyser.time, self._analyser.output)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __analyse_color_segment(self, image_size, color_segment, collect_dynamic):
     @brief Performs object segmentation of separate segment.
     @param[in] image_size (list): Image size presented as a [width x height].
     @param[in] color_segment (list): Image segment that should be processed.
     @param[in] collect_dynamic (bool): If 'True' then whole dynamic of the second layer of the network is collected.
     @return (syncnet_analyser) Analyser of object segmentation results of the second layer.
     coordinates = self.__extract_location_coordinates(image_size, color_segment);
     if (len(coordinates) < self.__noise_size):
         return None;
     network = syncnet(coordinates, self.__object_radius, ccore = True);
     analyser = network.process(self.__order_object, solve_type.FAST, collect_dynamic);
     return analyser;
Ejemplo n.º 10
def template_animated_clustering(file, radius, order, expected_cluster_amount, title_animation = None):
    sample = read_sample(file);
    expected_result_obtained = False;
    analyser = None;
    while (expected_result_obtained == False):
        network = syncnet(sample, radius, initial_phases = initial_type.RANDOM_GAUSSIAN, ccore = True);
        analyser = network.process(order, solve_type.FAST, True);
        clusters = analyser.allocate_clusters(0.1);
        if (len(clusters) == expected_cluster_amount):
            print("Expected result is obtained - start rendering...")
            expected_result_obtained = True;
            visualizer = cluster_visualizer();
            visualizer.append_clusters(clusters, sample);
            print("Expected result is NOT obtained - rendering is NOT started ( actual:", len(clusters), ")...");
    syncnet_visualizer.animate_cluster_allocation(sample, analyser, tolerance = 0.1, save_movie = "clustering_animation.mp4", title = title_animation);
Ejemplo n.º 11
def template_clustering(file, radius, order, show_dyn = False, show_conn = False, show_clusters = True, ena_conn_weight = False, ccore_flag = True, tolerance = 0.1):
    sample = read_sample(file)
    syncnet_instance = syncnet(sample, radius, enable_conn_weight = ena_conn_weight, ccore = ccore_flag)

    (ticks, analyser) = timedcall(syncnet_instance.process, order, solve_type.FAST, show_dyn)
    print("Sample: ", file, "\t\tExecution time: ", ticks)

    if show_dyn == True:
        sync_visualizer.show_local_order_parameter(analyser, syncnet_instance)
        #sync_visualizer.animate_correlation_matrix(analyser, colormap = 'hsv')
    if show_conn == True:
    if show_clusters == True:
        clusters = analyser.allocate_clusters(tolerance)
        print("Amount of allocated clusters: ", len(clusters))
        draw_clusters(sample, clusters)
    return (sample, clusters)
def template_segmentation_image(source, color_radius, object_radius,
                                noise_size, show_dyn):
    data = read_image(source)
    print("Pixel dimension: ", len(data[0]))

    network = syncnet(data, color_radius, ccore=True)
    print("Network has been created")

    (ticks, (t, dyn)) = timedcall(network.process, 0.9995, solve_type.FAST,
    # (t, dyn) = network.process(0.998, solve_type.FAST, show_dyn);

    print("Sample: ", source, "\t\tExecution time: ", ticks, "\n")

    if (show_dyn is True):
        draw_dynamics(t, dyn)

    clusters = network.get_clusters()
    real_clusters = [
        cluster for cluster in clusters if len(cluster) > noise_size

    draw_image_mask_segments(source, real_clusters)

    if (object_radius is None):

    # continue analysis
    pointer_image = Image.open(source)
    image_size = pointer_image.size

    object_colored_clusters = []
    object_colored_dynamics = []
    total_dyn = []

    for cluster in clusters:
        coordinates = []
        for index in cluster:
            y = floor(index / image_size[0])
            x = index - y * image_size[0]

            coordinates.append([x, y])


        # perform clustering analysis of the colored objects
        if (network is not None):
            del network
            network = None

        if (len(coordinates) < noise_size):

        network = syncnet(coordinates, object_radius, ccore=True)
        (t, dyn) = network.process(0.999, solve_type.FAST, show_dyn)

        if (show_dyn is True):
            object_colored_dynamics.append((t, dyn))

        object_clusters = network.get_clusters()

        # decode it
        real_description_clusters = []
        for object_cluster in object_clusters:
            real_description = []
            for index_object in object_cluster:


            if (len(real_description) > noise_size):

        # draw_image_mask_segments(source, [ cluster ]);
        # draw_image_mask_segments(source, real_description_clusters);

    draw_image_mask_segments(source, object_colored_clusters)

    if (show_dyn is True):
        draw_dynamics_set(object_colored_dynamics, None, None, None,
                          [0, 2 * 3.14], False, False)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def templateShowNetwork(file, radius, ccore_flag, connection_storage_type = conn_represent.MATRIX):
        sample = read_sample(file);
        network = syncnet(sample, radius, conn_repr = connection_storage_type, ccore = ccore_flag);

def template_segmentation_image(source, color_radius, object_radius, noise_size, show_dyn):    
    data = read_image(source);
    print("Pixel dimension: ", len(data[0]));

    network = syncnet(data, color_radius, ccore = True);
    print("Network has been created");
    (ticks, (t, dyn)) = timedcall(network.process, 0.9995, solve_type.FAST, show_dyn);
    # (t, dyn) = network.process(0.998, solve_type.FAST, show_dyn);
    print("Sample: ", source, "\t\tExecution time: ", ticks, "\n");
    if (show_dyn is True):
        draw_dynamics(t, dyn);
    clusters = network.get_clusters();
    real_clusters = [cluster for cluster in clusters if len(cluster) > noise_size];
    draw_image_mask_segments(source, real_clusters);
    if (object_radius is None):
    # continue analysis
    pointer_image = Image.open(source);
    image_size = pointer_image.size;
    object_colored_clusters = [];
    object_colored_dynamics = [];
    total_dyn = [];
    for cluster in clusters:
        coordinates = [];
        for index in cluster:
            y = floor(index / image_size[0]);
            x = index - y * image_size[0];
            coordinates.append([x, y]);
        # perform clustering analysis of the colored objects
        if (network is not None):
            del network;
            network = None;
        if (len(coordinates) < noise_size):
        network = syncnet(coordinates, object_radius, ccore = True);
        (t, dyn) = network.process(0.999, solve_type.FAST, show_dyn);
        if (show_dyn is True):
            object_colored_dynamics.append( (t, dyn) );
        object_clusters = network.get_clusters();
        # decode it
        real_description_clusters = [];
        for object_cluster in object_clusters:
            real_description = [];
            for index_object in object_cluster:
            if (len(real_description) > noise_size):
        # draw_image_mask_segments(source, [ cluster ]);
        # draw_image_mask_segments(source, real_description_clusters);
    draw_image_mask_segments(source, object_colored_clusters);
    if (show_dyn is True):
        draw_dynamics_set(object_colored_dynamics, None, None, None, [0, 2 * 3.14], False, False);
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def testVisualizeClusteringAnimationNoError(self):
        sample = read_sample(SIMPLE_SAMPLES.SAMPLE_SIMPLE1)
        network = syncnet(sample, 1.0)
        analyser = network.process(0.998, solve_type.FAST, True)

        syncnet_visualizer.animate_cluster_allocation(sample, analyser)
    def templateShowNetwork(file, radius, ccore_flag, connection_storage_type = conn_represent.MATRIX):
        sample = read_sample(file);
        network = syncnet(sample, radius, conn_repr = connection_storage_type, ccore = ccore_flag);

Ejemplo n.º 17
def process_syncnet(sample):
    instance = syncnet(sample, 3.0, initial_phases = initial_type.EQUIPARTITION)
    (ticks, _) = timedcall(instance.process)
    return ticks
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def testVisualizerNoFailure(self):
        sample = read_sample(SIMPLE_SAMPLES.SAMPLE_SIMPLE1);
        network = syncnet(sample, 1.0, ccore = False);

        analyser = network.simulate(25, 5, solve_type.FAST, True);
        syncnet_visualizer.animate_cluster_allocation(sample, analyser);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def templateShowNetwork(self, file, radius, ccore_flag):
     sample = read_sample(file)
     network = syncnet(sample, radius, ccore=ccore_flag)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def template_segmentation_image(source, color_radius, object_radius, noise_size, show_dyn):    
    data = read_image(source);
    print("Pixel dimension: ", len(data[0]));

    network = syncnet(data, color_radius, ccore = True);
    print("Network has been created");
    (ticks, analyser) = timedcall(network.process, 0.9995, solve_type.FAST, show_dyn);
    print("Sample: ", source, "\t\tExecution time: ", ticks, "\n");
    if (show_dyn is True):
    clusters = analyser.allocate_clusters();
    real_clusters = [cluster for cluster in clusters if len(cluster) > noise_size];
    draw_image_mask_segments(source, real_clusters);
    if (object_radius is None):
    # continue analysis
    pointer_image = Image.open(source);
    image_size = pointer_image.size;
    object_colored_clusters = [];
    object_colored_dynamics = [];
    total_dyn = [];
    for cluster in clusters:
        coordinates = [];
        for index in cluster:
            y = floor(index / image_size[0]);
            x = index - y * image_size[0];
            coordinates.append([x, y]);
        # perform clustering analysis of the colored objects
        if (network is not None):
            del network;
            network = None;
        if (len(coordinates) < noise_size):
        network = syncnet(coordinates, object_radius, ccore = True);
        analyser = network.process(0.999, solve_type.FAST, show_dyn);
        if (show_dyn is True):
            object_colored_dynamics.append( (analyser.time, analyser.output) );
        object_clusters = analyser.allocate_clusters();
        # decode it
        real_description_clusters = [];
        for object_cluster in object_clusters:
            real_description = [];
            for index_object in object_cluster:
            if (len(real_description) > noise_size):
        # draw_image_mask_segments(source, [ cluster ]);
        # draw_image_mask_segments(source, real_description_clusters);
    draw_image_mask_segments(source, object_colored_clusters);
    if (show_dyn is True):
        draw_dynamics_set(object_colored_dynamics, None, None, None, [0, 2 * 3.14], False, False);
def process_syncnet(sample):
    instance = syncnet(sample, 3.0, initial_phases=initial_type.EQUIPARTITION)
    (ticks, _) = timedcall(instance.process)
    return ticks