Ejemplo n.º 1
# how can you easily do that with the Data object?

# 1) calculate the weights ...
#     these are dependent on the number of days  which you get as ...

ml = air._get_days_per_month()
print ml

w = ml / float(sum(ml))  # relative weights
print w
print 'The sum of the weights should be 1.: ', sum(w)

# 2) now we need to multiply the data with the weights and then
#  sum up over time
new = air.mul_tvec(w,
                   copy=True)  # check also the other options of this routine!
res = new.timsum(return_object=True)  # gives a 2D array with weighted results
print res.shape

map_plot(air, title='classical unweighted temporal mean', show_stat=True)
map_plot(res, title='weighted temporal mean', show_stat=True)

# you will see that the differences are marginal, but they are nevertheless there
# for this example.
Ejemplo n.º 2
# how can you easily do that with the Data object?

# 1) calculate the weights ...
#     these are dependent on the number of days  which you get as ...

ml = air._get_days_per_month()
print ml

w = ml / float(sum(ml))  # relative weights
print w
print 'The sum of the weights should be 1.: ', sum(w)

# 2) now we need to multiply the data with the weights and then
#  sum up over time
new = air.mul_tvec(w, copy=True)  # check also the other options of this routine!
res = new.timsum(return_object=True)  # gives a 2D array with weighted results
print res.shape

map_plot(air, title='classical unweighted temporal mean', show_stat=True)
map_plot(res, title='weighted temporal mean', show_stat=True)
map_plot(air.sub(res), title='difference', show_stat=True, cmap_data='RdBu_r', vmin=-0.1, vmax=0.1)

# you will see that the differences are marginal, but they are nevertheless there
# for this example.
