Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, title='PyCocao', raiser=False, **kwds):
        '''New L{App}.

           @keyword title: App name or title (C{str}).
           @keyword raiser: Throw exceptions for silent errors (C{bool}).
           @keyword kwds: Optional, additional keyword arguments.

           @raise RuntimeError: Duplicate L{App}s.
        if _Globals.App:
            raise RuntimeError('%s already exists' % (_Globals.App, ))
        _Globals.App = self
        if raiser:
            _Globals.raiser = raiser

        self.NS = NSMain.Application
        # add a method to set the app's title
        self.NS.setTitle_ = nsBundleRename
        #       pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()  # created by NSApplication
        self.title = title

        if kwds:  # optional, additional attributes
            super(App, self).__init__(**kwds)

        self.NSdelegate = retain(NSApplicationDelegate.alloc().init(self))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, title='Main', screen=None, fraction=0.5,
                                     frame=None, excl=0, auto=False, **kwds):
        '''Create a new L{Window}.

           @keyword title: Window title (C{str}).
           @keyword screen: The screen to place the window on (C{int}) or
                            C{None} for the current one.  Use C{screen=0}
                            for the built-in screen or C{screen=1} for the
                            first external monitor, etc.
           @keyword fraction: Window size as fraction of the screen (C{float}),
                              defining the window C{B{frame}}.
           @keyword frame: The window's origin and I{content} size (L{Rect},
                           L{NSRect_t}, L{NSRect4_t}), overriding B{C{fraction}}.
           @keyword excl: Window I{styles} to exclude (L{WindowStyle}C{.attribute}).
           @keyword auto: Release window resource when closed (C{bool}).
           @keyword kwds: Optional, additional keyword arguments.

           @raise WindowError: Unique C{Id} exists.
        if frame is None:
            self._frame = Frame(screen, fraction=fraction)
            self.NS = NSWindow.alloc().initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_(
                                       WindowStyle.Typical ^ excl,  # PYCHOK expected
        else:  # for .tables.TableWindow
            self._frame = Frame(frame)
            self.NS = NSWindow.alloc().initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_screen_(
                                       WindowStyle.Typical ^ excl,  # PYCHOK expected
                                       Screens.Main.NS)  # like .tables.TableWindow
        self.title = bytes2str(title)

        if kwds:
            super(Window, self).__init__(**kwds)

        # XXX self.NS.setIdentifier_(int2NS(id(self)))
        self._NSuniqID = u = self.NS.uniqueID()
        if u in _Globals.Windows:
            raise WindowError('%s %r exists: %r' % ('.uniqueID', u,  _Globals.Windows[u]))
        elif u:
            _Globals.Windows[u] = self

        if _Globals.App and not self.app:
            self.app = _Globals.App

        if auto:
            self._auto = True

        self.NSdelegate = retain(NSWindowDelegate.alloc().init(self))
    def __new__(cls, ustr):
        '''New L{NSStr} wrapping C{NS[Constant]String}.

           @param ustr: The string value (C{str} or C{unicode}).

           @return: The string (L{NSStr}).
        self = super(NSStr, cls).__new__(cls, cfString(ustr))
        self._str = bytes2str(ustr)
        # L{ObjCinstance} caches ObjC objects using the
        # objc_ptr.value as key, which may or may not
        # create in a singleton for each string value,
        # retaining strings seems to help singletons.
        return self if len(ustr) > 1 else retain(self)
    def __init__(self, title='Main', frame=None, excl=0, auto=False, **kwds):
        '''Create a new L{Window}.

           @keyword title: Window title (C{str}).
           @keyword frame: Window frame (L{Rect}, L{NSRect_t}, L{NSRect4_t}, or None).
           @keyword excl: Window styles to exclude (L{WindowStyle}C{.attribute}).
           @keyword auto: Release window resource when closed (C{bool}).
           @keyword kwds: Optional, additional keyword arguments.

           @raise WindowError: Unique C{Id} exists.
        self._frame = Screen(0.5) if frame is None else Rect(frame)
        self._ratio = self._frame.width, self._frame.height

        self.NS = NSWindow.alloc(
            WindowStyle.Typical ^ excl,  # PYCHOK expected
        self.title = bytes2str(title)

        if kwds:
            super(Window, self).__init__(**kwds)

        # XXX self.NS.setIdentifier_(int2NS(id(self)))
        self._NSuniqID = u = self.NS.uniqueID()
        if u in _Globals.Windows:
            raise WindowError('%s %r exists: %r' %
                              ('.uniqueID', u, _Globals.Windows[u]))
        _Globals.Windows[u] = self

        if _Globals.App and not self.app:
            self.app = _Globals.App

        if auto:
            self._auto = True

        self.NSdelegate = retain(NSWindowDelegate.alloc().init(self))
 def BundleName(self):
     '''Get the C{NS/CFBundleName}.
     if self._BundleName is None:
         _NSMain._BundleName = retain(NSStr('CFBundleName'))
     return self._BundleName
 def TableColumn(self):
     '''Get a blank C{NSTableColumn}.
     if self._TableColumn is None:
         _NSMain._TableColumn = retain(NSTableColumn.alloc().init())
     return self._TableColumn
 def Screen(self):
     '''Get the C{NSScreen.mainScreen}.
     if self._Screen is None:
         _NSMain._Screen = retain(NSScreen.alloc().init().mainScreen())
     return self._Screen
 def PrintInfo(self):
     '''Get the C{NSPrintInfo}.
     if self._PrintInfo is None:
         _NSMain._PrintInfo = retain(NSPrintInfo.sharedPrintInfo())
     return self._PrintInfo
 def Null(self):
     '''Get the C{NSNull}.
     if self._Null is None:
         _NSMain._Null = retain(NSNull.alloc().init())
     return self._Null
 def LayoutManager(self):
     '''Get the C{NSLayoutManager}.
     if self._LayoutManager is None:
         _NSMain._LayoutManager = retain(NSLayoutManager.alloc().init())
     return self._LayoutManager
 def FontManager(self):
     '''Get the C{NSFontManager.sharedFontManager}.
     if self._FontManager is None:
         _NSMain._FontManager = retain(NSFontManager.sharedFontManager())
     return self._FontManager
 def BooleanYES(self):
     '''Get C{NSBoolean(YES)}.
     if self._BooleanYES is None:
         _NSMain._BooleanYES = retain(NSBoolean(YES))
     return self._BooleanYES
 def Bundle(self):
     '''Get the C{NSBundle.mainBundle}.
     if self._Bundle is None:
         _NSMain._Bundle = retain(NSBundle.mainBundle())
     return self._Bundle
 def BooleanNO(self):
     '''Get C{NSBoolean(NO)}.
     if self._BooleanNO is None:
         _NSMain._BooleanNO = retain(NSBoolean(NO))
     return self._BooleanNO
 def Application(self):
     '''Get the C{NSApplication.sharedApplication}.
     if self._Application is None:
         _NSMain._Application = retain(NSApplication.sharedApplication())
     return self._Application
Ejemplo n.º 16
class _NS(object):
    '''(INTERNAL) Singletons.
    BlankCell = retain(NSStr(''))
    EmptyCell = retain(NSStr('-'))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def display(self, title, width=400, height=300):
        '''Show the table in a scrollable window.

           @param title: Window title (C{str}).
           @keyword width: Window frame width (C{int} or C{float}).
           @keyword height: Window frame height (C{int} or C{float}).

           @return: The window (L{TableWindow}).

           @raise ValueError: Invalid header column ":width", font
                              ":trait" or text ":alignment".
        f = Rect4(0, 0, width, height)
        v = NSTableView.alloc().initWithFrame_(f.NS)

        cols = []
        high = 0
        id2i = {}  # map col.identifier to col number
        wide = f.width  # == v.frame().size.width
        # <https://Developer.Apple.com/documentation/appkit/nstablecolumn>
        for i, h in enumerate(self._headers):
            # note, the identifier MUST be an NSStr (to avoid warnings)
            t = retain(NSStr(str(i)))
            c = NSTableColumn.alloc().initWithIdentifier_(t)
            # simply map col.identifier to I{int}, instead of frequent,
            # costly int(nsString2str(col.identifier())) conversions in
            # _NSTableViewDelegate.tableView_objectValueForTableColumn_row_
            id2i[c.identifier()] = i
            # <https://Developer.Apple.com/documentation/appkit/nscell>
            h = _format(h, c)
                NSStr(h)))  # == c.headerCell().setStringValue_(NSStr(h))
            # <https://Developer.Apple.com/documentation/uikit/nstextalignment>
            # increase row height 1-2 points to show (bold) descenders
            high = max(high, Font(c.dataCell().font()).height + 2)
            wide -= c.width()

        if wide > 0:  # stretch last col to frame edge
            c.setWidth_(float(wide + c.width()))
        if high > v.rowHeight():  # adjust the row height

        # <https://Developer.Apple.com/library/content/documentation/
        #        Cocoa/Conceptual/TableView/VisualAttributes/VisualAttributes.html>
                            | NSTableViewSolidVerticalGridLineMask)
        #       v.setDrawsGrid_(YES)  # XXX obsolete, not needed

        d = NSTableViewDelegate.alloc().init(cols, self._rows, id2i)
        #       v.setEditing_(NSMain.NO_false)  # NO

        self.NS = retain(v)
        self.NSdelegate = retain(d)

        self._window = w = TableWindow(title, self)
        # v.setDelegate_(w.delegate)
        return w
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def _nstr(col):
     return retain(NSStr(str(col))) if col else _NS.BlankCell