Ejemplo n.º 1
 def connect(self):
     if self.cmd is not None:
     cfg = self.config()
         "TapeNode[%s] creating serial %s, %s",
         self, cfg['loc'], cfg['baud'])
     # add options for fake tape node
     if cfg['loc'] == 'fake':
         # make fake cmd and fake mgr
         self.cmd = 'fake'
         self.mgr = FakeManager(
             commands, cfg['tension_target'], cfg['tension_range'])
         self._barcodes = cfg.get(
             'fakebarcodes', {}).get('initial', [])
         # save initial barcodes
         self.serial = serial.Serial(cfg['loc'], cfg['baud'])
         self.comando = pycomando.Comando(self.serial)
         self.cmd = pycomando.protocols.CommandProtocol(self.comando)
         self.comando.register_protocol(1, self.cmd)
         self.mgr = pycomando.protocols.command.EventManager(
             self.cmd, commands)
         time.sleep(4)  # wait for the arduino to start
     self.mgr.on('error', self._error)
     logger.info("TapeNode[%s] connected to %s", self, cfg['loc'])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def connect(port=None, baud=115200):
    global conn, com, mgr
    conn = serial.Serial(find_port(), baud)
    com = pycomando.Comando(conn)
    text = pycomando.protocols.TextProtocol(com)
    cmd = pycomando.protocols.CommandProtocol(com)
    com.register_protocol(0, text)
    com.register_protocol(1, cmd)
    mgr = pycomando.protocols.command.EventManager(cmd, commands)
    return mgr
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, port):
        self.port = port
        self._serial = serial.Serial(self.port, 9600)
        # set rising edge of RTS to reset comando
        self.com = pycomando.Comando(self._serial)
        self.cmd = pycomando.protocols.command.CommandProtocol()
        self.com.register_protocol(0, self.cmd)
        mgr = pycomando.protocols.command.EventManager(self.cmd, base_cmds)
        self._text = pycomando.protocols.text.TextProtocol()

        self.name = names[mgr.blocking_trigger('name')[0].value]
        super(TeensyBody, self).__init__(self.name)

        self._last_hb = time.time()

        # clear callbacks, register name specific commands
        self.cmd.callbacks = {}
        self.mgr = pycomando.protocols.command.EventManager(
            self.cmd, cmds[self.name])

        def print_text(txt, n=self.name):
            print("DEBUG[body.%s]:%s" % (n, txt))

        self.com.register_protocol(1, self._text)

        # setup report callbacks
        def make_callback(n):
            cbn = n

            def cb(*args):
                vs = [a.value for a in args]
                #print("%s: %s" % (cbn, vs))
                if len(vs) == 1:
                    self.log.debug({cbn: vs[0]})
                    self.log.debug({cbn: vs})
                self.trigger(cbn, *vs)

            return cb

        r = reports.get(self.name, {})
        for k in r:
            self.mgr.on(k, make_callback(k))
            # setup reporting periods
            self.mgr.trigger(k, r[k])

        self.mgr.on('heading', self._on_heading)
        self.mgr.trigger('heading', 500)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, port=None):
     super(SteelJoystick, self).__init__()
     self.mapping = default_mapping
     if port is None:
         ts = utils.find_teensies_by_type('joystick')
         if len(ts) != 1:
             raise IOError("Didn't find custom joystick: %s" % (ts, ))
         port = ts[0]['port']
     self.port = port
     self.com = pycomando.Comando(serial.Serial(self.port, 9600))
     self.cmd = pycomando.protocols.command.CommandProtocol()
     self.com.register_protocol(0, self.cmd)
     #self.text = pycomando.protocols.TextProtocol()
     self.mgr = pycomando.protocols.command.EventManager(self.cmd, cmds)
     # attach callbacks
     self.mgr.on('axis', self.on_axis)
     self.mgr.on('button', self.on_button)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, port):
        print("Connecting to teensy on port: %s" % port)
        self.port = port
        #self._serial = serial.Serial(self.port, 9600)
        self._serial = open_port(self.port)
        # set rising edge of RTS to reset comando
        # start up comando
        self.com = pycomando.Comando(self._serial)
        self.cmd = pycomando.protocols.command.CommandProtocol()
        self._text = pycomando.protocols.text.TextProtocol()

        self.com.register_protocol(0, self.cmd)
        # used for callbacks
        self.mgr = pycomando.protocols.command.EventManager(self.cmd, cmds)
        # easier for calling
        # self.ns = self.mgr.build_namespace()
        # get leg number
        logger.debug("%s Get leg number" % port)
        ln = self.mgr.blocking_trigger('leg_number')[0].value
        print("Connected to leg %s on port %s" % (ln, port))
        super(Teensy, self).__init__(ln)

        def print_text(txt, leg_number=ln):
            print("DEBUG[%s]:%s" % (leg_number, txt))

        self.com.register_protocol(1, self._text)

        # load calibration setup
        for v in calibration.setup.get(self.leg_number, []):
            self.log.debug({'calibration': v})
            print("calibration: %s" % v)
            f, args = v
            logger.debug("Calibration: %s, %s" % (f, args))
            self.mgr.trigger(f, *args)
        # write out leg geometry
        for (ji, jn) in enumerate(['hip', 'thigh', 'knee']):
            j = getattr(self.geometry, jn)
            for attr in consts.GEOM_INDEX_BY_NAME:
                code = consts.GEOM_INDEX_BY_NAME[attr]
                value = getattr(j, attr)
                self.log.debug({'set_geometry': (ji, code, value)})
                self.mgr.trigger('set_geometry', ji, code, value)

        self.mgr.on('estop', self.on_estop)
        self.loop_time_stats = utils.StatsMonitor()

        # disable leg

        # verify seed time against python code
        seed_time = self.mgr.blocking_trigger('pid_seed_time')[0].value
        # set plan tick on first leg connected
        if consts.PLAN_TICK is None:
            # round to nearest ms
            consts.PLAN_TICK = numpy.round(seed_time * 1000.) / 1000.
        if abs(seed_time - consts.PLAN_TICK) > 1E-9:
            raise ValueError(
                "PID seed time [%s] for leg %s does not match python %s" %
                (seed_time, self.leg_number, consts.PLAN_TICK))

        # send first heartbeat

        self.mgr.on('report_xyz', self.on_report_xyz)
        self.mgr.on('report_angles', self.on_report_angles)
        self.mgr.on('report_pid', self.on_report_pid)
        self.mgr.on('report_pwm', self.on_report_pwm)
        self.mgr.on('report_adc', self.on_report_adc)
        self.mgr.on('report_loop_time', self.on_report_loop_time)

        self.calibrators = {
            'calf': calibration.CalfCalibrator(),
            # hip, thigh, knee

        # request current calibration values
Ejemplo n.º 6
#!/usr/bin/env python

import time

import serial

import pycomando

com = pycomando.Comando(serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600))
text = pycomando.protocols.TextProtocol(com)

com.register_protocol(0, text)

def show(text):


while True:
Ejemplo n.º 7
# ctypes is useful for defining fixed size data types
import ctypes
import sys

import pycomando
import serial

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    raise Exception("A serial port must be supplied: commands.py <port>")
port = sys.argv[1]

# open the serial port
serial_port = serial.Serial(port, 9600)

# create comando, the stream handler
com = pycomando.Comando(serial_port)
# create a few protocols to receive text and send/receive commands
text = pycomando.protocols.TextProtocol(com)
cmd = pycomando.protocols.CommandProtocol(com)

# register the created protocols, the protocol ids (first argument)
# should match on both the arduino and in python
com.register_protocol(0, text)
com.register_protocol(1, cmd)

# define a callback to be used for the text protocol
def print_message(msg):
    # just print out the message with a header
    print("from arduino->%s" % msg)
Ejemplo n.º 8

def get_time():
    global teensy_time, receipt_time
    teensy_time = None
    receipt_time = None
    sent_time = time.time()
    while teensy_time is None:
    return teensy_time, sent_time, receipt_time

# connect to teensy
conn = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 115200)
com = pycomando.Comando(conn)
text = pycomando.protocols.TextProtocol(com)
cmd = pycomando.protocols.CommandProtocol(com)
com.register_protocol(0, text)
com.register_protocol(1, cmd)

cmd.register_callback(5, new_time)

# sync
t1p, t1, _ = get_time()
# delay_request
t2, _, t2p = get_time()
# compute offset
offset = (t1p - t1 - t2p + t2) / 2.
print("\tt1p: %s" % t1p)
Ejemplo n.º 9
# play with the path so we can import pycomando even if it's nto installed
    import pycomando
except ImportError:
    import pycomando

# connect to the serial port
port = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600)
# if this is an arduino, reset it and wait
#time.sleep(1)  # wait for arduino

# create our stream handler
com = pycomando.Comando(port)
# make a very simple text protocol
text = pycomando.protocols.TextProtocol(com)

# define a default message callback
# this will get called whenever a message is received
def show(bs):
    print("Arduino said: %s" % bs)

# tell the text protocol what to do when a message is received
text.receive_message = show

# register the text protocol with comando
com.register_protocol(0, text)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        'result': (ctypes.c_int32, ),
    31: {
        'name': 'set_tension_limits',
        'args': (ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_int32),
    32: {
        'name': 'get_tension_limits',
        'result': (ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_int32),

l = smaract.find_systems()[0]
m = smaract.MCS(l)

c = pycomando.Comando(serial.Serial(port, baud))
echo = pycomando.protocols.EchoProtocol(c)
cmd = pycomando.protocols.CommandProtocol(c)

c.register_protocol(0, echo)
c.register_protocol(1, cmd)

mgr = pycomando.protocols.command.EventManager(cmd, commands)

def throw_error(code):
    raise Exception(code)

mgr.on('error', throw_error)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, port):
        self.port = port
        self.com = pycomando.Comando(serial.Serial(self.port, 9600))
        self.cmd = pycomando.protocols.command.CommandProtocol()
        self.text = pycomando.protocols.TextProtocol()
        self.com.register_protocol(0, self.cmd)
        self.com.register_protocol(1, self.text)
        self.text.receive_message = print_message
        # used for callbacks
        self.mgr = pycomando.protocols.command.EventManager(self.cmd, cmds)
        # easier for calling
        # self.ns = self.mgr.build_namespace()
        # get leg number
        logger.debug("%s Get leg number" % port)
        ln = self.mgr.blocking_trigger('leg_number')[0].value
        super(Teensy, self).__init__(ln)

        self._text = pycomando.protocols.text.TextProtocol()

        def print_text(txt, leg_number=ln):
            print("DEBUG[%s]:%s" % (leg_number, txt))

        self.com.register_protocol(1, self._text)

        # load calibration setup
        for v in calibration.setup.get(self.leg_number, []):
            self.log.debug({'calibration': v})
            f, args = v
            logger.debug("Calibration: %s, %s" % (f, args))
            self.mgr.trigger(f, *args)

        self.mgr.on('estop', self.on_estop)
        self.loop_time_stats = utils.StatsMonitor()

        # disable leg

        # verify seed time against python code
        seed_time = self.mgr.blocking_trigger('pid_seed_time')[0].value
        # set plan tick on first leg connected
        if consts.PLAN_TICK is None:
            # round to nearest ms
            consts.PLAN_TICK = numpy.round(seed_time * 1000.) / 1000.
        if abs(seed_time - consts.PLAN_TICK) > 1E-9:
            raise ValueError(
                "PID seed time [%s] for leg %s does not match python %s" %
                (seed_time, self.leg_number, consts.PLAN_TICK))

        # send first heartbeat

        self.mgr.on('report_xyz', self.on_report_xyz)
        self.mgr.on('report_angles', self.on_report_angles)
        self.mgr.on('report_pid', self.on_report_pid)
        self.mgr.on('report_pwm', self.on_report_pwm)
        self.mgr.on('report_adc', self.on_report_adc)
        self.mgr.on('report_loop_time', self.on_report_loop_time)

        self.calibrators = {
            'calf': calibration.CalfCalibrator(),
            # hip, thigh, knee

        # request current calibration values
Ejemplo n.º 12
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import time

import serial

import pycomando
import stompy

if len(sys.argv) < 1:
    raise Exception("Must provide port as argument")
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    raise Exception("Must provide leg number as second argument")
port = sys.argv[1]
leg_number = int(sys.argv[2])

comm = serial.Serial(port, 9600)
com = pycomando.Comando(comm)
cmd = pycomando.protocols.command.CommandProtocol()
com.register_protocol(0, cmd)
mgr = pycomando.protocols.command.EventManager(cmd, stompy.leg.teensy.cmds)
r = mgr.blocking_trigger('leg_number', leg_number)

r = mgr.blocking_trigger('leg_number')[0].value
print("Leg number is now: %s" % r)
print("Don't forget to add serial number to stompy/utils.py")