Ejemplo n.º 1
def _ask_for_source_of_new_iso(base_sys, _b_prober, _pseed_):
    """Queries for Backup, from iso, or boostrap as the source for the build
    # pseed (pre-master-seed) is not used now that we know the system.
    stage = 'ask-for-source-of-new-iso'
    base_list = []

    if base_sys == 'other':
        _mseed_ = _pseed_
        base = pycone._base(base_sys)
        _mseed_ = pycone._master_seed(base)

    if _b_prober:
        base_list = pyconeQ.backup_list + pyconeQ.iso_list + pyconeQ.custom_list

        # create a list of choices return the users choice
        choice = pycone._choose_from(base_list, pyconeQ.base_type_msg + '\n' + stage)

        # choice_list with Backup
        choice_list = [_sys_backup, _from_iso, _bootstrap]
        ## go get the system wanted for operations
        base_list = pyconeQ.iso_list + pyconeQ.custom_list
        # create a list of choices return the users choice with Backup disabled
        choice = pycone._choose_from(base_list, pyconeQ.base_type_msg + '\n' + stage)

        # choice_list without Backup
        choice_list = [_from_iso, _bootstrap]
        # choice list without Backup
    # choices, System Backup, From ISO, or Bootstrap
    pycone._print_log(base_list, choice + 1, stage)##

    choice_list[choice](base_sys, _mseed_)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _confirm_os_probe(_pseed_):
    """Probes the system, returns the result and asks user to confirm.
    Works with system backup, not needed for iso or bootstrap.
    stage = 'confirm-os-probe'

    _pseed_ = pycone._master_seed(None)
    # create a pre-master-seed; no <distro>-seed
    pycone._print_log('### pseed ###', _pseed_, 'test')##

    _probed_name = pycone._os_prober(_pseed_)
    # get the system through prober
    _probed_sys = pycone._base(_probed_name)
    # return the full distro-seed name, if exists
    c_pseed = str.capitalize(str(_probed_name))
    # capitalized string just for use in query
    pycone._print_log(_probed_name, _probed_sys, stage)##

    if (_probed_sys != False):
        # be sure base did not return false(ie distro seed does not exist)
        choice = pycone._choose_from(pyconeQ.yes_no_list, pyconeQ.which_system % c_pseed + '\n' + stage)
        # probe current system, then user confirm
        choice_list = [_ask_for_source_of_new_iso, _ask_base_system]
        # on yes, go create master seed, then continue to question for Backup, etc
        # on no, continue to manual list of options, check with seedlist, then on to Backup (just a detour)if seedlist != False
        _b_prober = True
        # states os_prober returned a name, correct or not

        pycone._print_log(pyconeQ.yes_no_list, choice + 1, stage)##
        pycone._print_log(c_pseed, None, stage)##

        choice_list[choice](_probed_name, _b_prober, _pseed_)
        _b_prober = False
        _ask_base_system(None, _b_prober, _pseed_)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _get_base_system(source):
    stage = 'get base system'
    pycone._print_log('', stage)

    sys_q_list = pycone._system_list()
    # return a list of choices from available system seeds and quit/help
    pycone._print_log(sys_q_list, stage)

    choice_list = pycone._choice_list(sys_q_list)
    # return a numerated list of choices for user
    pycone._print_log(choice_list, stage)

    choice = pycone._choose_from(sys_q_list, pyconeQ.base_sys)
    # return the users choice
    pycone._print_log(choice + 1, stage)

    pycone._do_help_quit(choice, sys_q_list + pyconeQ.quit_help_list)## this seems incorrect
    # allows 'help' and 'quit' choices to work

    base_system = str.lower(sys_q_list[choice])
    # make the choice to lower letter for easier manipulation
    pycone._print_log(base_system, stage)

    base_sys = pycone._base(base_system)
    # get the full seed name
    pycone._print_log(base_sys, stage)

    # master_seed =
    # creates a master seed from base + user + main seeds

    base_sys_seed = pycone.pyne_dir(base_sys)
    # get the full seed path and name
    pycone._print_log(base_sys_seed, stage)

    return base_sys
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _q_my_system(_pseed_, source):

    stage = 'q-my-system'
    pycone._print_log('', stage)##
    c_system = str.capitalize(_pseed_)
    choice = pycone._choose_from(pyconeQ.yes_no_list, pyconeQ.which_system % c_system)
    # probe current system, then user confirm
    pycone._print_log(c_system, stage)##
    pycone._print_log(pyconeQ.yes_no_list, stage)##
    pycone._print_log(choice + 1, stage)##

    if choice == 0:
        # choose a backup of current system
        pycone._print_log(choice + 1, stage)##
        base = pycone._base(_pseed_)
        pycone._print_log('pseed', stage)##
        pycone._print_log(_pseed_, stage)##
        _mseed_ = pycone._master_seed(str.lower(base))
        pycone._print_log('mseed', stage)##
        pycone._print_log(_mseed_, stage)##
    elif choice == 1:
        # choose to use an existing iso file
        pycone._print_log(choice + 1, stage)##
        pycone._do_help_quit(choice, pyconeQ.yes_no_list)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _confirm_base_system(empty):
    """Probes the system, returns the result and asks user to confirm.
    Works with system backup, not needed for iso or bootstrap.
    stage = 'confirm-base-system'

    _pseed_ = pycone._master_seed('')
    pycone._print_log('pseed ####', _pseed_, 'test')##

    _probe = pycone._os_prober(_pseed_)
    # get the system through prober
    _probed_sys = pycone._base(_probe)
    # return the full distro-seed name, if exists
    c_pseed = str.capitalize(str(_probe))
    # capitalized string just for use in query
    pycone._print_log(_probe, _probed_sys, stage)##

    if (_probed_sys != False):
        # be sure base did not return false(ie distro seed does not exist)
        choice = pycone._choose_from(pyconeQ.yes_no_list, pyconeQ.which_system % c_pseed)
        # probe current system, then user confirm
        choice_list = [_seed_probe_match, _get_base_system]
        # on yes, go create master seed, then continue to question for Backup, etc
        # on no, continue to manual list of options, check with seedlist, then on to Backup (just a detour)if seedlist != False
        ## create the create-master-seed def

        pycone._print_log(pyconeQ.yes_no_list, choice + 1, stage)##
        pycone._print_log(c_system, '', stage)##

Ejemplo n.º 6
def _seed_probe_match(_probe_):
    """create a full master-seed file with distro-seed
    _dseed_ = pycone._base(_probe_)
    # return the full name of the seed
    _mseed_ = pycone._master_seed(_dseed_)