class SeverityType(types.TypeDecorator): """Severity, or impact that an item may have on something if it did not exist.""" impl = INTEGER enumerations = Enums("Unknown", "MajorLoss", "MinorLoss", "MinorLossHasReplacement", "CauseDifficulty", "Annoyance", "Trivial") def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): return int(value) @classmethod def process_result_value(cls, value, dialect): return cls.enumerations.find(value) @classmethod def get_choices(cls): return cls.enumerations.choices @classmethod def get_default(cls): return cls.enumerations[0] @classmethod def validate(cls, value): return cls.enumerations.find(int(value))
class ValueType(types.TypeDecorator): """base types of attribute value types. Usually a value_type column name. """ impl = INTEGER enumerations = Enums("object", "string", "unicode", "integer", "float", "boolean") def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): return int(value) @classmethod def process_result_value(cls, value, dialect): return cls.enumerations.find(value) @classmethod def get_choices(cls): return cls.enumerations.choices @classmethod def get_default(cls): return cls.enumerations[0] @classmethod def validate(cls, value): return cls.enumerations.find(int(value))
class LikelihoodType(types.TypeDecorator): """Approximate likelihood (probability quartile) that an event may occur.""" impl = INTEGER enumerations = Enums("Unknown", "VeryLikely", "Likely", "Possible", "Unlikely", "VeryUnlikely") def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): return int(value) @classmethod def process_result_value(cls, value, dialect): return cls.enumerations.find(value) @classmethod def get_choices(cls): return cls.enumerations.choices @classmethod def get_default(cls): return cls.enumerations[0] @classmethod def validate(cls, value): return cls.enumerations.find(int(value))
class TestCaseType(types.TypeDecorator): """TestCase test type. Where in the cycle this test is applied.""" impl = INTEGER enumerations = Enums("unit", "system", "integration", "regression", "performance") def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): return int(value) @classmethod def process_result_value(cls, value, dialect): return cls.enumerations.find(value) @classmethod def get_choices(cls): return cls.enumerations.choices @classmethod def get_default(cls): return cls.enumerations[1] @classmethod def validate(cls, value): return cls.enumerations.find(int(value))
def _initfsm(self): # state names: [NAME, SLASH, QUOTE, SLASHQUOTE, PARAM, PARAMNAME, VALUE, ENDLINE, PARAMVAL, PARAMQUOTE, VSLASH, ] = Enums( "NAME", "SLASH", "QUOTE", "SLASHQUOTE", "PARAM", "PARAMNAME", "VALUE", "ENDLINE", "PARAMVAL", "PARAMQUOTE", "VSLASH", ) f = _RFC2822FSM(NAME) f.add_default_transition(self._error, NAME) # f.add_transition_list(IANA_TOKEN, NAME, self._addtext, NAME) f.add_transition(":", NAME, self._endname, VALUE) f.add_transition(";", NAME, self._endname, PARAMNAME) f.add_transition_list(VALUE_CHAR, VALUE, self._addtext, VALUE) f.add_transition(CR, VALUE, None, ENDLINE) f.add_transition(LF, ENDLINE, self._doline, NAME) # parameters f.add_transition_list(IANA_TOKEN, PARAMNAME, self._addtext, PARAMNAME) f.add_transition("=", PARAMNAME, self._endparamname, PARAMVAL) f.add_transition_list(SAFE_CHAR, PARAMVAL, self._addtext, PARAMVAL) f.add_transition(",", PARAMVAL, self._nextparam, PARAMVAL) f.add_transition(";", PARAMVAL, self._nextparam, PARAMNAME) f.add_transition(DQUOTE, PARAMVAL, self._startquote, PARAMQUOTE) f.add_transition_list(QSAFE_CHAR, PARAMQUOTE, self._addtext, PARAMQUOTE) f.add_transition(DQUOTE, PARAMQUOTE, self._endquote, PARAMVAL) f.add_transition(":", PARAMVAL, self._nextparam, VALUE) # slashes f.add_transition("\\", VALUE, None, VSLASH) f.add_transition(ANY, VSLASH, self._slashescape, VALUE) # f.add_transition("\\", QUOTE, None, SLASHQUOTE) # f.add_transition(ANY, SLASHQUOTE, self._slashescape, QUOTE) # # double quotes # f.add_transition(DQUOTE, xxx, None, QUOTE) # f.add_transition(DQUOTE, QUOTE, self._doublequote, xxx) # f.add_transition(ANY, QUOTE, self._addtext, QUOTE) f.reset() self._fsm = f
class PriorityType(types.TypeDecorator): """TestCase priority type.""" impl = INTEGER enumerations = Enums("P_UNKNOWN", "P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5") def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): return int(value) @classmethod def process_result_value(cls, value, dialect): return cls.enumerations.find(value) @classmethod def get_choices(cls): return cls.enumerations.choices @classmethod def get_default(cls): return cls.enumerations[0] @classmethod def validate(cls, value): return cls.enumerations.find(int(value))
class TestCaseStatus(types.TypeDecorator): """TestCase status indicates test case lifecycle state.""" impl = INTEGER enumerations = Enums("new", "reviewed", "deprecated") def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): return int(value) @classmethod def process_result_value(cls, value, dialect): return cls.enumerations.find(value) @classmethod def get_choices(cls): return cls.enumerations.choices @classmethod def get_default(cls): return cls.enumerations[0] @classmethod def validate(cls, value): return cls.enumerations.find(int(value))
def test_XHTML(self): """Construct an XHTML page. Verify visually.""" htd = XHTML.new_document(dtds.XHTML) htd.title = "This is the title." htd.add_header(1, 'Main document & "stuff"') htd.new_para("This is a test. This is text.") htd.add_unordered_list(["List line one.", "list line two."]) BR = htd.get_new_element("Br") A = htd.get_new_element("A", href="somelink.html") A.add_text("some link") p = htd.get_para() p.append(A) p.add_text(" This is ") b = p.bold("bold") p.add_text(" text. using ") stb = htd.get_new_element("B") stb.add_text("bold tags") p.text(stb) p.add_text(" Dynamic Date: ") p.append(XHTML.DynamicNode(thedate)) rp = str(p) htd.append(POM.ASIS(rp)) # table methods t = htd.add_table(border=1) t.summary = "This is a test table." t.caption("table caption") h = t.set_heading(2, "heading col 2") h.set_attribute("class", "headerclass") t.set_heading(1, "heading col 1") t.set_cell(1, 1, "row 1, col 1") t.set_cell(1, 2, "row 2, col 1") t.set_cell(2, 1, "row 1, col 2") t.set_cell(2, 2, "row 2, col 2") # sections div = htd.get_section("section1") div.add_header(1, "Div heading.") div.new_para("First div para.") htd.append(div) div2 = div.get_section("section2") div2.new_para("Second div para") div.append(div2) dl = div.add_definition_list() dl.add_definitions({ "def1": "The definition of 1", "def2": "The definition of 2" }) # using the nodemaker object NM = htd.nodemaker ul = NM( "Ul", None, NM("Li", None, "line 1"), NM("Li", None, "line 2"), NM("Li", None, "Date: ", NM("code", None, thedate)), # another way to add dynamic node ) htd.append(ul) htd.append(NM("JS", None, 'var a = new Array(8);')) # using the creator object. creator = htd.creator parts = creator([("Just", "just/"), "How will this turn out?", ["It is hard to tell.", "Well, not too hard."]]) htd.add_comment( "the name attribute is required for all but submit & reset") htd.append(parts) f = htd.add_form(action="http://localhost:4001/cgi-bin/", method="post") f.add_textarea("mytextarea", """Default text in the textarea.""") f.append(BR) f.add_input(type="text", name="mytext", value="mytext text") f.append(BR) f.add_input(type="button", name="button1", src="button.png", value="Button") f.append(BR) f.add_input(type="submit", name="submit1", src="submit.png", value="Ok") f.append(BR) f.add_radiobuttons("radlist", ["one", "two", "three", "four"], vertical=False) f.append(BR) f.add_checkboxes("checks", ["one", "two", "three", "four"], vertical=True) f.append(BR) f.add_fileinput(name="myfile", default="/etc/hosts") f.append(BR) f.add_textinput(name="mytext", label="Enter text") f.append(BR) f.yes_no("What's it gonna be?") f.add_select([ "one", "two", ("three", True), "four", { "agroup": ["group1", "group2"] } ], name="myselect") f.append(BR) f.add_select( { "Group1": Enums("g1one", "g1two", "g1three") + [("g1four", True)], "Group2": Enums("g2one", "g2two", "g2three"), "Group3": Enums("g3one", "g3two", "g3three"), }, name="useenums") f.append(BR) f.add_select(["mone", "mtwo", ("mthree", True), ("mfour", True)], name="multiselect", multiple=True) f.append(BR) set = f.add_fieldset("afieldset") set.add_textinput(name="settext", label="Enter set text") set.add_textinput(name="settext2", label="Enter set text 2", default="Default text.") set.append(BR) tbl = htd.new_table([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [NULL, NULL, NULL], ["col1", "col2", "col3"], width="100%", summary="autogenerated") gentable = table.GenericTable(["heading1", "heading2", "heading3"], title="Sample generic table") gentable.append([1, 2, 3]) gentable.append([4, 5, 6]) tbl2 = htd.new_table_from_GenericTable(gentable) # object subdoc = XHTML.new_document(dtds.XHTML) parts = subdoc.creator( ("Add a document object.", ["Some data.", "some more data.."])) subdoc.append(parts) sdfo = open("/tmp/subdoc.html", "w") subdoc.emit(sdfo) sdfo.close() htd.add_object(data="subdoc.html", type=subdoc.MIMETYPE, width="400px", height="600px") htd.emit(sys.stdout) print "-----" fo = open(XHTMLFILENAME, "w") bw = POM.BeautifulWriter(fo, XHTML.INLINE) htd.emit(bw) fo.close() print "----- Form values:" print f.fetch_form_values() print "----- Form elements:" felems = f.fetch_form_elements() for name, elemlist in felems.items(): print repr(name), ": ", repr(elemlist) print # visually verify the page."file://%s" % (XHTMLFILENAME, ))
def make_states(*args): "converts an argument list of strings to a list of Enum. Use as state transitions." return Enums(list(map(str, args)))
return cls.enumerations.find(value) @classmethod def get_choices(cls): return cls.enumerations.choices @classmethod def get_default(cls): return cls.enumerations[0] @classmethod def validate(cls, value): return cls.enumerations.find(int(value)) TESTRESULTS = Enums(PASSED=1, FAILED=0, INCOMPLETE=-1, ABORT=-2, NA=-3, EXPECTED_FAIL=-4) TESTRESULTS.sort() class TestResultType(types.TypeDecorator): """Possible status of test case or test runner objects.""" impl = INTEGER enumerations = TESTRESULTS def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): return int(value) @classmethod def process_result_value(cls, value, dialect): return cls.enumerations.find(value)
@classmethod def get_choices(cls): return cls.enumerations.choices @classmethod def get_default(cls): return cls.enumerations[0] @classmethod def validate(cls, value): return cls.enumerations.find(int(value)) TESTRESULTS = Enums(PASSED=1, FAILED=0, INCOMPLETE=-1, ABORT=-2, NA=-3, EXPECTED_FAIL=-4) TESTRESULTS.sort() class TestResultType(types.TypeDecorator): """Possible status of test case or test runner objects.""" impl = INTEGER enumerations = TESTRESULTS def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): return int(value) @classmethod