Ejemplo n.º 1
    def calculate_sizes(self, tl_args):
        hw_constrained_threads_per_block = cuda_tools.DeviceData().max_threads

        # T <= floor(MAX_shared / (13M + 8N)) from cuTauLeaping paper eq (5)
        # threads_per_block = math.floor(
        # max_shared_mem / (13 * tl_args.M + 8 * tl_args.N))
        # HOWEVER, for my implementation:
        #   type                size    var     number
        #   curandStateMRG32k3a 80      rstate  1
        #   uint                32      x       N
        #   float               32      c       P
        #   float               32      a       M
        #   u char              8       Xeta    M
        #   int                 32      K       M
        #   int                 32      x_prime N
        #   T <= floor(Max_shared / (9M + 8N + 4P + 10) (bytes)
        max_shared_mem = cuda_tools.DeviceData().shared_memory
        shared_mem_constrained_threads_per_block = math.floor(
            max_shared_mem /
            (9 * tl_args.M + 8 * tl_args.N + 4 * len(tl_args.c)) + 10)

        max_threads_per_block = min(hw_constrained_threads_per_block,

        warp_size = cuda_tools.DeviceData().warp_size

        # optimal T is a multiple of warp size
        max_warps_per_block = math.floor(max_threads_per_block / warp_size)
        max_optimal_threads_per_block = max_warps_per_block * warp_size

        if (max_optimal_threads_per_block >= 256) and (tl_args.U >= 2560):
            block_size = 256
        elif max_optimal_threads_per_block >= 128 and (tl_args.U >= 1280):
            block_size = 128
        elif max_optimal_threads_per_block >= 64 and (tl_args.U >= 640):
            block_size = 64
        elif max_optimal_threads_per_block >= 32:
            block_size = 32
            block_size = max_optimal_threads_per_block

        if tl_args.U <= 2:
            block_size = tl_args.U

        grid_size = int(math.ceil(float(tl_args.U) / float(block_size)))

        tl_args.U = int(grid_size * block_size)

        return grid_size, block_size
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def setVariables(self):

        # compile the update functions for H and W as elementwise Matrix-Mult.
        # is not in skcuda
        H_size = self.rank * self.m
        W_size = self.n * self.rank
        max_threads = tools.DeviceData().max_threads
        self.block_H = int(np.min([H_size, max_threads]))
        self.block_W = int(np.min([W_size, max_threads]))
        self.grid_H = np.int(np.ceil(H_size/np.float32(self.block_H)))
        self.grid_W = np.int(np.ceil(W_size/np.float32(self.block_W)))
        mod_H = compiler.SourceModule(update_kernel_code % H_size)
        mod_W = compiler.SourceModule(update_kernel_code % W_size)
        self.update_H = mod_H.get_function("ew_md")
        self.update_W = mod_W.get_function("ew_md")

        # allocate the matrices on the GPU
        self.H_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(self.H)
        self.W_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(self.W)
        self.X_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(self.X)
        self.WTW_gpu = gpuarray.empty((self.rank, self.rank), np.float32)
        self.WTWH_gpu = gpuarray.empty(self.H.shape, np.float32)
        self.WTX_gpu = gpuarray.empty(self.H.shape, np.float32)
        self.XHT_gpu = gpuarray.empty(self.W.shape, np.float32)
        self.WH_gpu = gpuarray.empty(self.X.shape, np.float32)
        self.WHHT_gpu = gpuarray.empty(self.W.shape, np.float32)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def setVariables(self):
        n, m, r = self.n, self.m, self.rank

        # compile the matrix separations and G update functions for CUDA
        G_size = m * r
        FTF_size = r**2
        max_threads = tools.DeviceData().max_threads
        self.block_G = int(np.min([G_size, max_threads]))
        self.grid_G = np.int(np.ceil(G_size/np.float32(self.block_G)))
        self.block_FTF = int(np.min([FTF_size, max_threads]))
        self.grid_FTF = np.int(np.ceil(FTF_size/np.float32(self.block_FTF)))
        mod_msepXTF = compiler.SourceModule(matrix_separation_code % G_size)
        mod_msepFTF = compiler.SourceModule(matrix_separation_code % FTF_size)
        mod_Gupdate = compiler.SourceModule(G_update_code % G_size)
        self.matrix_separationXTF = \
        self.matrix_separationFTF = \
        self.G_ew_update = mod_Gupdate.get_function("G_ew_update")

        # allocate the matrices on the GPU
        self.G_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(self.G)
        self.F_gpu = gpuarray.empty((n,r), np.float32)
        self.X_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(self.X)
        self.GTG_gpu = gpuarray.empty((r,r), np.float32)
        self.GTGinv_gpu = gpuarray.empty((r,r), np.float32)
        self.XG_gpu = gpuarray.empty((n,r), np.float32)
        self.XTF_gpu = gpuarray.empty((m,r), np.float32)
        self.FTF_gpu = gpuarray.empty((r,r), np.float32)
        self.XTFpos_gpu = gpuarray.empty((m,r), np.float32)
        self.XTFneg_gpu = gpuarray.empty((m,r), np.float32)
        self.FTFpos_gpu = gpuarray.empty((r,r), np.float32)
        self.FTFneg_gpu = gpuarray.empty((r,r), np.float32)
        self.GFTFneg_gpu = gpuarray.empty((m,r), np.float32)
        self.GFTFpos_gpu = gpuarray.empty((m,r), np.float32)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_kernel_function_info(a, W1=0, W2=1, W3=1):
    """Show kernel information
        1. max #threads per block, 
        2. active warps per MP, 
        3. thread block per MP, 
        4. usage of shared memory, 
        5. const memory , 
        6. local memory 
        7. registers
        8. hardware occupancy
        9. limitation of the hardware occupancy

    import pycuda.tools as tl
    import pycuda.driver as dri
    dev = dri.Device(0)
    td = tl.DeviceData()
    if not W1:
        W1 = a.max_threads_per_block
    to = tl.OccupancyRecord(td, W1 * W2 * W3, a.shared_size_bytes, a.num_regs)

    print "***************************************"
    print "  Function Info    "
    print "   -> max threads per block: %d / %d / %d" % \
    print "   -> shared mem : %d / %d" % (a.shared_size_bytes,
    print "   -> const mem : %d" % a.const_size_bytes
    print "   -> local mem : %d" % a.local_size_bytes
    print "   -> register : %d / %d" % (a.num_regs, td.registers)
    print "   -> thread block per MP %d / %d" % \
            (to.tb_per_mp, td.thread_blocks_per_mp)
    print "   -> warps per MP %d / %d" % (to.warps_per_mp, td.warps_per_mp)
    print "   -> occupancy %f" % to.occupancy
    print "   -> limitation %s" % to.limited_by
    print "  Block size : %dx%dx%d" % (W1, W2, W3)
    print "***************************************"
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def run(self):

        # obtain a CUDA context
        if self._card < 0:
            self._context = tools.make_default_context()
            self._context = driver.Device(self._card).make_context()

        if self._info:
            print "cuda-sim: running on device ", self._card, self._context.get_device().name(), \

        # hack for SDE code
        self._device = 0

        # compile code
        self._completeCode, self._compiledRunMethod = self._compile(

        blocks, threads = self._get_optimal_gpu_param()
        if self._info:
            print "cuda-sim: threads/blocks:", threads, blocks

        # make multiples of initValues incase beta > 1
        init_new = np.zeros(
            (len(self._initValues) * self._beta, self._speciesNumber))
        for i in range(len(self._initValues)):
            for j in range(self._beta):
                for k in range(self._speciesNumber):
                    init_new[i * self._beta + j][k] = self._initValues[i][k]
        self._initValues = copy.deepcopy(init_new)

        if self._info:
            print "cuda-sim: kernel mem local / shared / registers : ", self._compiledRunMethod.local_size_bytes, \
                self._compiledRunMethod.shared_size_bytes, self._compiledRunMethod.num_regs
            occ = tools.OccupancyRecord(
            print "cuda-sim: threadblocks per mp / limit / occupancy :", occ.tb_per_mp, occ.limited_by, occ.occupancy

        if self._timing:
            start = time.time()

        # number of device calls
        runs = int(math.ceil(blocks / float(self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE)))
        for i in range(runs):
            # for last device call calculate number of remaining threads to run
            if i == runs - 1:
                runblocks = int(blocks % self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE)
                if runblocks == 0:
                    runblocks = self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE
                runblocks = int(self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE)

            if self._info:
                print "cuda-sim: Run", runblocks, "blocks."

            min_index = self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE * i * threads
            max_index = min_index + threads * runblocks
            run_parameters = self._parameters[min_index /
                                              self._beta:max_index /
            run_init_values = self._initValues[min_index:max_index]

            # first run store return Value
            if i == 0:
                self._returnValue = self._run_simulation(
                    run_parameters, run_init_values, runblocks, threads)
                self._returnValue = np.append(
                    self._run_simulation(run_parameters, run_init_values,
                                         runblocks, threads),

        self.output_cpu.put([self._card, self._returnValue])

        # if self._timing:
        #    print "cuda-sim: GPU blocks / threads / running time:", threads, blocks, round((time.time()-start),4), "s"

        if self._info:
            print ""

        # return the context
        del self._context

        return self._returnValue
Ejemplo n.º 6
Pycuda modules
import pycuda.driver as drv
if auto_init_context:
    import pycuda.autoinit
    ctx = pycuda.autoinit.context
    dev = drv.Device(0)
    ctx = dev.make_context(drv.ctx_flags.SCHED_AUTO | drv.ctx_flags.MAP_HOST)

from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
import pycuda.tools as tl

td = tl.DeviceData()
cuda = drv
ANUGA modules
from anuga_cuda import kernel_path as kp
from anuga_cuda import *

#domain1 = domain_create()
#domain2 = rearrange_domain(domain1)
#domain2 = domain_create()
domain1 = generate_merimbula_domain()
domain2 = generate_merimbula_domain()

N = domain2.number_of_elements
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def run(self, parameters, initValues, timing=True, info=False):

        #check parameters and initValues for compability with pre-defined parameterNumber and spieciesNumber
        if (len(parameters[0]) != self._parameterNumber):
            print "Error: Number of parameters specified (" + str(
                _parameterNumber) + ") and given in parameter array (" + str(
                    len(parameters[0])) + ") differ from each other!"
        elif (len(initValues[0]) != self._speciesNumber):
            print "Error: Number of species specified (" + str(
                self._speciesNumber) + ") and given in species array (" + str(
                    len(initValues[0])) + ") differ from each other!"
        elif (len(parameters) != len(initValues)):
            print "Error: Number of sets of parameters (" + str(
                len(parameters)) + ") and species (" + str(
                    len(initValues)) + ") do not match!"

        if (self._compiledRunMethod == None and self._runtimeCompile):
            #compile to determine blocks and threads
            self._completeCode, self._compiledRunMethod = self._compileAtRuntime(
                self._stepCode, parameters)

        blocks, threads = self._getOptimalGPUParam(parameters)
        if info == True:
            print "cuda-sim: threads/blocks:", threads, blocks

        # real runtime compile

        #self._seedValue = seed

        # make multiples of initValues
        initNew = np.zeros((len(initValues) * self._beta, self._speciesNumber))
        for i in range(len(initValues)):
            for j in range(self._beta):
                for k in range(self._speciesNumber):
                    initNew[i * self._beta + j][k] = initValues[i][k]
        initValues = initNew

        if info == True:
            print "cuda-sim: kernel mem local / shared / registers : ", self._compiledRunMethod.local_size_bytes, self._compiledRunMethod.shared_size_bytes, self._compiledRunMethod.num_regs
            occ = tools.OccupancyRecord(
            print "cuda-sim: threadblocks per mp / limit / occupancy :", occ.tb_per_mp, occ.limited_by, occ.occupancy

        if timing:
            start = time.time()

        # number of device calls
        runs = int(math.ceil(blocks / float(self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE)))
        for i in range(runs):
            # for last device call calculate number of remaining threads to run
            if (i == runs - 1):
                runblocks = int(blocks % self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE)
                if (runblocks == 0):
                    runblocks = self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE
                runblocks = int(self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE)

            if info == True:
                print "cuda-sim: Run", runblocks, "blocks."

            minIndex = self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE * i * threads
            maxIndex = minIndex + threads * runblocks
            runParameters = parameters[minIndex / self._beta:maxIndex /
            runInitValues = initValues[minIndex:maxIndex]

            #first run store return Value
            if (i == 0):
                returnValue = self._runSimulation(runParameters, runInitValues,
                                                  runblocks, threads)
                returnValue = np.append(returnValue,
                                            runParameters, runInitValues,
                                            runblocks, threads),

        if timing:
            print "cuda-sim: GPU blocks / threads / running time:", threads, blocks, round(
                (time.time() - start), 4), "s"

        if info:
            print ""

        return returnValue
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, vol, img, ray_step_mm=None, render_op='drr'):
        source = """
        #include "cuda_math.h"

        //------------------------------ DATA STRUCTURES -------------------------------	
        struct sRenderParams
            // 2D detector data
            uint2 sizes2D;
            float2 steps2D;
            // 3D image data
            uint3 sizes3D; float1 __padding1;
            float3 steps3D; float1 __padding2;
            float3 boxmin; float1 __padding3;
            float3 boxmax; float1 __padding4;
            // Source position
            float3 ray_org; float1 __padding5;
            // Step along rays
            float1 ray_step, __padding6;
            // Transformation from 2D image to 2D plane in WCS 
            float T2D[16];
        //-------------------------------- DEVICE CODE ---------------------------------	
        // Device variables
        extern "C" {
        texture<float, cudaTextureType3D, cudaReadModeElementType> d_tex;
        // Intersect ray with a 3D volume:
        // see https://wiki.aalto.fi/download/attachments/40023967/ 
        // gpgpu.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1265652539000
        int intersectBox(
            float3 ray_org, float3 raydir, 
            sRenderParams *d_params, 
            float *tnear, float *tfar )
            // Compute intersection of ray with all six bbox planes
            float3 invR = make_float3(1.0f) / raydir;
            float3 tbot = invR * (d_params->boxmin - ray_org);
            float3 ttop = invR * (d_params->boxmax - ray_org);	
            // Re-order intersections to find smallest and largest on each axis
            float3 tmin = fminf(ttop, tbot);
            float3 tmax = fmaxf(ttop, tbot);
            // Find the largest tmin and the smallest tmax
            float largest_tmin = fmaxf(fmaxf(tmin.x, tmin.y), fmaxf(tmin.x, tmin.z));
            float smallest_tmax = fminf(fminf(tmax.x, tmax.y), fminf(tmax.x, tmax.z));
            *tnear = largest_tmin;
            *tfar = smallest_tmax;
            return smallest_tmax > largest_tmin;	
        // Define DRR operator
        struct drr_operator
            static __inline__ __host__ __device__ 
            void compute ( 
                float &in, float &acc )
                acc += in;
        // Define MIP operator
        struct mip_operator
            static __inline__ __host__ __device__ 
            void compute ( 
                float &in, float &acc )
                if(in > acc)
                    acc = in;
        // Define MINIP operator
        struct minip_operator
            static __inline__ __host__ __device__ 
            void compute ( 
                float &in, float &acc )
                if(in < acc)
                    acc = in;
        // Homogeneous transformation: 
        // multiplication of a point w homog. transf. matrix
        /*static __inline__ __host__ __device__ 
        float3 hom_trans(float*& Tx, float3& pos)
            float xw = Tx[0]*pos.x + Tx[4]*pos.y +  Tx[8]*pos.z + Tx[12];
            float yw = Tx[1]*pos.x + Tx[5]*pos.y +  Tx[9]*pos.z + Tx[13];
            float zw = Tx[2]*pos.x + Tx[6]*pos.y + Tx[10]*pos.z + Tx[14];
            return make_float3( xw, yw, zw );
        static __inline__ __host__ __device__ 
        float3 hom_trans(float*& Tx, float3& pos)
            float xw = Tx[0]*pos.x + Tx[1]*pos.y +  Tx[2]*pos.z + Tx[3];
            float yw = Tx[4]*pos.x + Tx[5]*pos.y +  Tx[6]*pos.z + Tx[7];
            float zw = Tx[8]*pos.x + Tx[9]*pos.y + Tx[10]*pos.z + Tx[11];
            return make_float3( xw, yw, zw );
        // Rendering kernel: 
        // traverses the volume and performs linear interpolation
        extern "C" {
        void render_kernel( 
            float* d_image, 
            float* d_Tx, float* d_TxT2D, 
            sRenderParams *d_params )	
            // Resolve 2D image index
            float x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
            float y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
            if ( (uint(x) >= d_params->sizes2D.x) || 
                    (uint(y) >= d_params->sizes2D.y) ) 
            float3 ray_org, pos2D;
            // Transform source position to volume space
            ray_org = hom_trans( d_Tx, d_params->ray_org );
            // Create a point in 2D detector space
            pos2D = make_float3( x*d_params->steps2D.x, y*d_params->steps2D.y, 0.0f );
            // Inline homogeneous transformation to volume space
            // ie., (x,y) pixel in 3D volume coordinate system
            pos2D = hom_trans( d_TxT2D, pos2D );
            // Find eye ray in world space that points from the X-ray source 
            // to the current pixel on the detector plane:
            // - ray origin is in the X-ray source (xs,ys,zs)
            // - unit vector points to the point in detector plane (xw-xs,yw-ys,zw-zs)		
            float3 ray_dir = normalize( pos2D - ray_org ); 
            // Find intersection with 3D volume
            float tnear, tfar;
            if ( ! intersectBox(ray_org, ray_dir, d_params, &tnear, &tfar) )
            // March along ray from front to back		
            float dt = d_params->ray_step.x;
            float3 pos = make_float3(
                (ray_org.x + ray_dir.x*tnear) / d_params->steps3D.x, 
                (ray_org.y + ray_dir.y*tnear) / d_params->steps3D.y, 
                (ray_org.z + ray_dir.z*tnear) / d_params->steps3D.z);
            float3 step = make_float3(
                ray_dir.x * dt / d_params->steps3D.x, 
                ray_dir.y * dt / d_params->steps3D.y, 
                ray_dir.z * dt / d_params->steps3D.z);
            #ifdef RENDER_MINIP
            float acc = 1e+7;
            float acc = 0;
            for( ; tnear<=tfar; tnear+=dt )
                // resample the volume
                float sample = tex3D( d_tex, pos.x+0.5f, pos.y+0.5f, pos.z+0.5f );
                #ifdef RENDER_MAXIP
                mip_operator::compute( sample, acc );
                #elif RENDER_MINIP
                minip_operator::compute( sample, acc );
                #elif RENDER_DRR
                drr_operator::compute( sample, acc );
                // update position
                pos += step;
            // Write to the output buffer
            uint idx = uint(x) + uint(y) * d_params->sizes2D.x;
            d_image[idx] = acc;	
        // Rendering kernel: 
        // traverses the volume and performs linear interpolation
        // for selected points in the 2d image
        extern "C" {
        void render_kernel_idx( 
            float* d_image, uint* d_idx, uint max_idx,
            float* d_Tx, float* d_TxT2D, 
            sRenderParams *d_params )	
            // Resolve 1D index
            uint idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
            if ( idx > max_idx )				
            uint idx_t = d_idx[ idx ];
            // Resolve 2D image index
            uint y = idx_t / d_params->sizes2D.x;
            uint x = idx_t - y * d_params->sizes2D.x;
            //if ( (uint(x) >= d_params->sizes2D.x) || 
            //		(uint(y) >= d_params->sizes2D.y) ) 
            //	return;		
            float3 ray_org, pos2D;
            // Transform souce position to volume space
            ray_org = hom_trans( d_Tx, d_params->ray_org );
            // Create a point in 2D detector space
            pos2D = make_float3(float(x)*d_params->steps2D.x, 
                float(y)*d_params->steps2D.y, 0.0f);
            // Inline homogeneous transformation to volume space
            // ie., (x,y) pixel in 3D volume coordinate system
            pos2D = hom_trans( d_TxT2D, pos2D );
            // Find eye ray in world space that points from the X-ray source 
            // to the current pixel on the detector plane:
            // - ray origin is in the X-ray source (xs,ys,zs)
            // - unit vector points to the point in detector plane (xw-xs,yw-ys,zw-zs)		
            float3 ray_dir = normalize( pos2D - ray_org ); 
            // Find intersection with 3D volume
            float tnear, tfar;
            if ( ! intersectBox(ray_org, ray_dir, d_params, &tnear, &tfar) )
            // March along ray from front to back		
            float dt = d_params->ray_step.x;
            float3 pos = make_float3(
                (ray_org.x + ray_dir.x*tnear)/d_params->steps3D.x, 
                (ray_org.y + ray_dir.y*tnear)/d_params->steps3D.y, 
                (ray_org.z + ray_dir.z*tnear)/d_params->steps3D.z);
            float3 step = make_float3(
            #ifdef RENDER_MINIP
            float acc = 1e+7;
            float acc = 0;
            for( ; tnear<=tfar; tnear+=dt )
                // resample the volume
                float sample = tex3D(d_tex, pos.x+0.5f, pos.y+0.5f, pos.z+0.5f);
                #ifdef RENDER_MAXIP
                mip_operator::compute( sample, acc );
                #elif RENDER_MINIP
                minip_operator::compute( sample, acc );
                #elif RENDER_DRR
                drr_operator::compute( sample, acc );
                // update position
                pos += step;
            // Write to the output buffer
            d_image[idx] = acc;
        if render_op not in self.VALID_RENDER_OPERATION:
            raise ValueError(
                'Rendering operation "{}" is not valid.'.format(render_op))
        cmodule = pycuda.compiler.SourceModule(
                "C:\\Users\\Ana\\Documents\\ROBOTSKI VID SEMINAR\\include"
        # include_dirs=[os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'include')],

        self._texture = cmodule.get_texref('d_tex')
        self._renderer = cmodule.get_function('render_kernel')
        self._renderer_idx = cmodule.get_function('render_kernel_idx')

        if ray_step_mm is None:
            ray_step_mm = float(np.linalg.norm(vol['spac']) / 2.0)

        self._params_d = cuda.mem_alloc(RenderParams.mem_size)
        self.params = RenderParams(
                boxmin=np.array((0, 0, 0), dtype='float32').flatten(),
                boxmax=(np.array(vol['img'].shape[::-1]) - 1.0) *
                trans_2d=np.array(img['TPos'], dtype='float32').flatten()),

        # Copy array to texture memory
            cuda.np_to_array(vol['img'].astype('float32'), order='C'))
        # We could set the next if we wanted to address the image
        # in normalized coordinates ( 0 <= coordinate < 1.)
        # self._texture.set_flags(cuda.TRSF_READ_AS_INTEGER)
        # self._texture.set_flags(cuda.TRSF_NORMALIZED_COORDINATES)
        # Perform linear interpolation
        self._texture.set_address_mode(0, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP)
        self._texture.set_address_mode(1, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP)
        self._texture.set_address_mode(2, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP)

        # check max threads per block for current GPU
        max_threads_per_block = tools.DeviceData().max_threads

        if self.BLOCK_SIZE_1D is None:
            self.BLOCK_SIZE_1D = max_threads_per_block
        elif self.BLOCK_SIZE_1D > max_threads_per_block:
            raise ValueError(
                'Parameter BLOCK_SIZE_1D={} exceeds maximal pool of threads per block '
                '(current GPU has maximum of {} threads per block).'.format(
                    self.BLOCK_SIZE_1D, max_threads_per_block))

        if self.BLOCK_SIZE_2D is None:
            self.BLOCK_SIZE_2D = 2
            while self.BLOCK_SIZE_2D**2 < max_threads_per_block:
                self.BLOCK_SIZE_2D *= 2
        elif self.BLOCK_SIZE_2D**2 > max_threads_per_block:
            raise ValueError(
                'Parameter BLOCK_SIZE_2D={} (squared=) exceeds maximal pool of threads per block '
                '(current GPU has maximum of {} threads per block).'.format(
                    self.BLOCK_SIZE_2D, self.BLOCK_SIZE_2D**2,

        # threads per block
        nx, ny = self.params.values.sizes2d
        self._blocksize_2d = (
            nx if nx < self.BLOCK_SIZE_2D else self.BLOCK_SIZE_2D,
            ny if ny < self.BLOCK_SIZE_2D else self.BLOCK_SIZE_2D, 1)
        # blocks per grid
        self._gridsize_2d = (int(nx / self._blocksize_2d[0]),
                             int(ny / self._blocksize_2d[1]), 1)