Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_model_mapper(model, stoppage=None, full=True):
    """Get a dictionary of name: class for all the objects in model."""
    model = get_model(model)
    flat_models = get_flat_models_from_model(model)

    # this is the list of all the referenced objects
    model_name_map = get_model_name_map(flat_models)
    # flip the dictionary so I can access each class by name
    model_name_map = {v: k for k, v in model_name_map.items()}

    if full:
        if not stoppage:
            stoppage = set(
                ['NoExtraBaseModel', 'ModelMetaclass', 'BaseModel', 'object'])
        # Pydantic does not necessarily add all the baseclasses to the OpenAPI
        # documentation. We check all of them and them to the list if they are not
        # already added
        models = list(model_name_map.values())
        for model in models:
            for cls in type.mro(model):
                if cls.__name__ in stoppage:
                if cls.__name__ not in model_name_map:
                    model_name_map[cls.__name__] = cls

    return model_name_map
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_flat_models_with_submodels():
    class Foo(BaseModel):
        a: str

    class Bar(BaseModel):
        b: List[Foo]

    class Baz(BaseModel):
        c: Dict[str, Bar]

    flat_models = get_flat_models_from_model(Baz)
    assert flat_models == set([Foo, Bar, Baz])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def api_sanitize(
    pydantic_model: Type[BaseModel],
    fields_to_leave: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    Function to clean up pydantic models for the API by:
        1.) Making fields optional
        2.) Allowing dictionaries in-place of the objects for MSONable quantities

    WARNING: This works in place, so it mutates the model and all sub-models

        fields_to_leave: list of strings for model fields as "model__name__.field"

    models = [
        for model in get_flat_models_from_model(pydantic_model)
        if issubclass(model, BaseModel)
    ]  # type: List[Type[BaseModel]]

    fields_to_leave = fields_to_leave or []
    fields_tuples = [f.split(".") for f in fields_to_leave]
    assert all(len(f) == 2 for f in fields_tuples)

    for model in models:
        model_fields_to_leave = {f[1] for f in fields_tuples if model.__name__ == f[0]}
        for name, field in model.__fields__.items():
            field_type = field.type_

            if name not in model_fields_to_leave:
                field.required = False
                field.field_info.default = None

            if field_type is not None and allow_dict_msonable:
                if lenient_issubclass(field_type, MSONable):
                    field.type_ = allow_msonable_dict(field_type)
                    for sub_type in get_args(field_type):
                        if lenient_issubclass(sub_type, MSONable):

    return pydantic_model