Ejemplo n.º 1
    def dmap_array_to_bytes(self, array: DmapArray) -> bytes:
        Converts a DmapArray to the byte format.

        Byte format: name, data type, dimension, shape, data

        array : DmapArray
            Dmap array to be converted to bytes

        array_total_bytes : bytes
            Total bytes of the array
        # need to ensure the array is flattened
        if array.data_type_fmt == 'c' and isinstance(array.value[0], str):
            raise dmap_exceptions.DmapCharError(array.name, self.rec_num)
        elif array.data_type_fmt == 's':
            message = "Error: Trying to read array of strings."\
                " Currently not implemented."\
                " Failed at record {}".format(self.rec_num)
            raise dmap_exceptions.DmapDataError(self.filename, message)

        array_value = array.value.flatten()
        array_name = "{0}\0".format(array.name)
        array_name_format = '{0}s'.format(len(array_name))
        array_name_bytes = struct.pack(array_name_format,

        array_type_bytes = struct.pack('c',

        array_dim_bytes = struct.pack('i', array.dimension)
        array_shape_bytes = bytes()
        if array.dimension > 1:
        for size in array.shape:
            array_shape_bytes += struct.pack('i', size)

        array_data_bytes = array_value.tostring()

        array_total_bytes = array_name_bytes + array_type_bytes + \
            array_dim_bytes + array_shape_bytes + array_data_bytes

        return array_total_bytes
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def read_scalar(self) -> DmapScalar:
        Reads a scalar and stores the properties into a namedtuple DmapScalar.

        DmapScalar: namedtuple
            data structure that contains the data properties of
            the scalar read in

            if the data type format is DMap
            NOTE: In RST, this is allowed, if an example shows up where this is
            allowed s raise as an issue in the GitHub so the code can
            be re-accessed.

        See Also
        check_data_type : for other possible raised exceptions
        read_data : reads the data stored in the byte array

        # String and char have a byte size of 1
        scalar_name = self.read_data('s', 1)
        scalar_type = self.read_data('c', 1)

        self.check_data_type(scalar_type, scalar_name)

        scalar_type_fmt = DMAP_DATA_TYPES[scalar_type][0]
        scalar_fmt_byte = DMAP_DATA_TYPES[scalar_type][1]

        if scalar_type_fmt != DMAP:
            scalar_value = self.read_data(scalar_type_fmt, scalar_fmt_byte)
            message = "Error: Trying to read DMap data type for a scalar."\
                " Failed at record {}".format(self.rec_num)
            # Not sure when this is used in a
            # so better to raise an error if used re-access the code.
            raise dmap_exceptions.DmapDataError(self.dmap_file, message)

        return DmapScalar(scalar_name, scalar_value,
                          scalar_type, scalar_type_fmt)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _empty_record_check(self):
     if self.dmap_records == []:
         raise dmap_exceptions.DmapDataError(self.filename,
                                             "DMap record is empty "
                                             "there is nothing to write.")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def read_array(self, record_size) -> DmapArray:
        Reads an array from a DMap record the byte arrays and
        stores the data properties in a DmapArray structure.

        DmapArray : namedtuple
             data structure that contains the data properties of
             the array read in.

                if the array properties (like a dimension size == 0)
                are incorrect.

        See Also
        read_data : reads the data in the byte array
        read_numerical_array : reads in a numerical array from the byte array
        read_string_array: reads in a string/DMap array
        array_name = self.read_data('s', 1)
        array_type = self.read_data('c', 1)

        self.check_data_type(array_type, array_name)

        array_type_fmt = DMAP_DATA_TYPES[array_type][0]
        array_fmt_bytes = DMAP_DATA_TYPES[array_type][1]

        array_dimension = self.read_data('i', 4)
        self.bytes_check(array_dimension, "array dimension",
                         record_size, "record size")
                                 "{name} array dimension"

        array_shape = [self.read_data('i', 4)
                       for i in range(0, array_dimension)]
        if array_dimension > 1:

        # slist is the array that holds the range gates that have valid data
        # when qflg is 1
        if any(x <= 0 for x in array_shape) and array_name != "slist":
            message = "Error: Array shape {shape} contains "\
                "dimension size <= 0."\
                " Failed at record {rec}".format(shape=array_shape,
            raise dmap_exceptions.DmapDataError(self.dmap_file, message)

        for i in range(array_dimension):
            if array_shape[i] >= record_size:
                message = "Error: Array {index}-dimension size {size}"\
                    " exceeds record size: {rec_size}. "\
                    "Failed at record {rec}"\
                raise dmap_exceptions.DmapDataError(self.dmap_file, message)

        # We could use np.prod(array_shape) but the for loop has a better
        # time performance. Note: cells can also be read as number of elements
        # depending on your background.
        total_num_cells = 1
        for i in array_shape:
            total_num_cells *= i
        self.bytes_check(total_num_cells, "total number of cells",
                         record_size, "record size")

        total_num_cells_bytes = total_num_cells * array_fmt_bytes
                         "total number of cells in bytes",
                         record_size, "record size")

        # parsing an array of strings requires a different method. Numpy can't
        # parse strings or dmaps into arrays the way it can for other
        # types because it doesn't
        # know the sizes. They have to be manually read the slow way.
        # Because chars
        # are encoded as hex literals, they have to be read one at a
        # time to make sense.

        if array_type_fmt == 's':
            message = "Error: Trying to read array of strings."\
                " Currently not implemented."\
                " Failed at record {}".format(self.rec_num)
            # Not sure when this is used in a
            # so better to raise an error if used re-access the code.
            raise dmap_exceptions.DmapDataError(self.dmap_file, message)
            # FIXME: Not working
            # array_value = self.read_string_array(array_shape,
            #                                     array_type_fmt,
            #                                     array_fmt_bytes)
        elif array_type == DMAP:
            message = "Trying to read DMap array data type."\
                " Failed at record {}".format(self.rec_num)
            # Not sure when this is used in a
            # so better to raise an error if used re-access the code.
            raise dmap_exceptions.DmapDataError(self.dmap_file, message)
            array_value = self.read_numerical_array(array_shape,

        return DmapArray(array_name, array_value, array_type, array_type_fmt,
                         array_dimension, array_shape)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_initial_data_integrity(self):
        Quick method for testing the integrity of the dmap data.

            If the cursor is not set to an expected value.
            If the data is corrupted by some byte offset.

        See Also
        zero_check : raises ZeroByteError
        byte_check : raises MistmatchByteError
        pydarn_log.debug("Testing the integrity of the /stream")
        total_block_size = 0  # unit of bytes
        if self.cursor != 0:
            raise dmap_exceptions.CursorError(self.cursor, 0, self.rec_num)

        while self.cursor < self.dmap_end_bytes:
            s headers contain the following:
                - encoding identifier: is a unique 32-bit integer that
                  indicates how the block was constructed.
                  It is used to differentiate between the possible future
                  changes to the DataMap format.
                - block size: 32-bit integer that represents the total size of
                  block including the header and the data.
                - Number of Scalars: number of scalar variables
                - Scalar data: the scalar data of the record.
                  Please see DmapScalar for more information on scalars.
                - Number of arrays: number of array variables
                  Please see DmapArray for more information on arrays.
            # This is an unused variable but is need to move the cursor to the
            # next offset.
            # TODO: Possible check that uses the encoding identifier
            # encoding_identifier = self.read_data('i',4)
            self.cursor += 4
            block_size = self.read_data('i', 4)
            self.zero_negative_check(block_size, "block size")

            total_block_size += block_size
            self.bytes_check(total_block_size, "total block size",
                             self.dmap_end_bytes, "total bytes in file")

            # 2 is to include the encoding_identifier and size of data which
            # are both int types.
            self.cursor = self.cursor + block_size - 2 *\

        if total_block_size != self.dmap_end_bytes:
            message = "Error: Initial integrity check shows"\
                " total block size: {total_size} < end bytes {end_bytes}."\
                " Failed at record {rec}."\
            raise dmap_exceptions.DmapDataError(self.data_file, message)
        self.cursor = 0