Ejemplo n.º 1
def massmatrix_rowcols(complex, k):
    Compute the row and column arrays in the COO
    format of the Whitney form mass matrix
    simplices = complex[-1].simplices
    num_simplices = simplices.shape[0]
    p = complex.complex_dimension()

    if k == p:
        #top dimension
        rows = arange(num_simplices, dtype=simplices.dtype)
        cols = arange(num_simplices, dtype=simplices.dtype)
        return rows, cols

    k_faces = [tuple(x) for x in combinations(range(p + 1), k + 1)]

    faces_per_simplex = len(k_faces)
    num_faces = num_simplices * faces_per_simplex
    faces = empty((num_faces, k + 1), dtype=simplices.dtype)

    for n, face in enumerate(k_faces):
        for m, i in enumerate(face):
            faces[n::faces_per_simplex, m] = simplices[:, i]

    #faces.sort() #we can't assume that the p-simplices are sorted

    indices = simplex_array_searchsorted(complex[k].simplices, faces)

    rows = tile(indices.reshape((-1, 1)), (faces_per_simplex, )).flatten()
    cols = tile(indices.reshape((-1, faces_per_simplex)),
                (faces_per_simplex, )).flatten()

    return rows, cols
Ejemplo n.º 2
def massmatrix_rowcols(complex,k):
    Compute the row and column arrays in the COO
    format of the Whitney form mass matrix
    simplices = complex[-1].simplices
    num_simplices = simplices.shape[0]
    p = complex.complex_dimension()
    if k == p:
        #top dimension
        rows = arange(num_simplices,dtype=simplices.dtype)
        cols = arange(num_simplices,dtype=simplices.dtype)
        return rows,cols
    k_faces = [tuple(x) for x in combinations(range(p+1),k+1)]

    faces_per_simplex = len(k_faces)
    num_faces = num_simplices*faces_per_simplex
    faces     = empty((num_faces,k+1),dtype=simplices.dtype)
    for n,face in enumerate(k_faces):
        for m,i in enumerate(face):
            faces[n::faces_per_simplex,m] = simplices[:,i]

    #faces.sort() #we can't assume that the p-simplices are sorted

    indices = simplex_array_searchsorted(complex[k].simplices,faces)

    rows = tile(indices.reshape((-1,1)),(faces_per_simplex,)).flatten()
    cols = tile(indices.reshape((-1,faces_per_simplex)),(faces_per_simplex,)).flatten()

    return rows,cols
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_simple2(self):
        s = array([[0,1],[0,2],[1,2],[1,3],[1,4],[3,4]])
        v = array([[1,2],[0,2],[3,4]])
        result   = simplex_array_searchsorted(s,v)
        expected = array([2,1,5])

Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_simple1(self):
     s = array([[0],[1],[4],[6],[7],[10]])
     v = array([[6],[10],[0]])
     result   = simplex_array_searchsorted(s,v)
     expected = array([3,5,0])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_random(self):
        for n_row in [1,2,3,10,100,200]:
            for n_col in [1,2,3,4,5]:
                s = arange(n_row*n_col).reshape((n_row,n_col))

                for n_searches in [1,2,3,n_row,2*n_row]:
                    expected = random.randint(0,n_row,n_searches)

                    v = s[expected,:]

                    result = simplex_array_searchsorted(s,v)
