Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        shutil.copy2('/bin/cp', RODSHOME + '/server/bin/cmd/mycp')
        shutil.copy2(FILESDIR + '/myWorkFlow', RODSHOME + '/server/bin/cmd/')
        shutil.copy2(FILESDIR + '/tt', RODSHOME + '/server/bin/cmd/')
        assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "iput -f " + FILESDIR + "/PHOTO.JPG /tempZone/home/rods")
	getiCmdOutput(s.adminsession, "irm -rf /tempZone/home/rods/workflow")
        assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "imkdir -p /tempZone/home/rods/workflow")

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_rulemsiPhyBundleColl(self):
        rulefile = 'rulemsiPhyBundleColl.r'

        # rule test
            s.adminsession, "irule -F " + rules30dir + rulefile, "LIST",
            "Create tar file of collection /tempZone/home/rods/test on resource testallrulesResc"

        # look for the bundle
        output = getiCmdOutput(s.adminsession,
                               "ils -L /tempZone/bundle/home/rods")

        # last token in stdout should be the bundle file's full physical path
        bundlefile = output[0].split()[-1]

        # check on the bundle file's name
        assert bundlefile.find('test.') >= 0

        # check physical path on resource
        assert os.path.isfile(bundlefile)

        # now try as a normal user (expect err msg)
        assertiCmd(s.sessions[1], "irule -F " + rules30dir + rulefile, "ERROR",

        # cleanup
        s.adminsession.runCmd('irm', ['-rf', '/tempZone/bundle/home/rods'])
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_iphybun_n(self):
   assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "imkdir testColl")
   assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "icd testColl")
   filenames = []
   for i in range(0, 8):
     f = "empty" + str(i) + ".txt"
     cat(f, str(i))
     assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "iput " + f)
   assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "icd ..")
   assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "iphybun -N3 -SdemoResc -RdemoResc testColl")
   coll_dir = getiCmdOutput(s.adminsession, "ils /tempZone/bundle/home/rods")[0].split('\n')[-2].lstrip(string.printable.translate(None, "/"))
   after = getiCmdOutput(s.adminsession, "ils " + coll_dir)
   after = after[0].split('\n');
   assert(len(after) == 2 + 3)
   assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "irm -rf testColl" )
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_ilsresc_tree(self):
        # Run ilsresc --tree
        output = getiCmdOutput(s.adminsession, "ilsresc --tree")

        # Print tree (might as well...)
        print output[0]

        # Check that stderr is empty
        assert len(output[1]) == 0
 def test_ilsresc_tree(self):
     # Run ilsresc --tree
     output = getiCmdOutput(s.adminsession, "ilsresc --tree")
     # Print tree (might as well...)
     print output[0]
     # Check that stderr is empty
     assert len(output[1]) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_iphybun_n(self):
     assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "imkdir testColl")
     assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "icd testColl")
     filenames = []
     for i in range(0, 8):
         f = "empty" + str(i) + ".txt"
         pydevtest_common.cat(f, str(i))
         assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "iput " + f)
     assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "icd ..")
     assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "iphybun -N3 -SdemoResc -RdemoResc testColl")
     coll_dir = getiCmdOutput(
         s.adminsession, "ils /tempZone/bundle/home/rods")[0].split('\n')[-2].lstrip(string.printable.translate(None, "/"))
     after = getiCmdOutput(s.adminsession, "ils " + coll_dir)
     after = after[0].split('\n')
     assert(len(after) == 2 + 3)
     assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "irm -rf testColl")
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_iscan_local_file(self):
     assertiCmd( s.sessions[1], 'iscan non_existent_file', 'STDERR', 'ERROR: scanObj: non_existent_file does not exist' )
     existent_file = os.path.join( s.sessions[1]._session_dir, 'existent_file' )
     pydevtest_common.touch( existent_file )
     assertiCmd( s.sessions[1], 'iscan ' + existent_file, 'STDOUT', existent_file + ' is not registered in iRODS' )
     assertiCmd( s.sessions[1], 'iput ' + existent_file );
     output = getiCmdOutput( s.sessions[1], '''iquest "SELECT DATA_PATH WHERE DATA_NAME = 'existent_file'"''' )[0]
     data_path = output.strip().strip('-').strip()[12:]
     assertiCmd( s.sessions[1], 'iscan ' + data_path );
     assertiCmd( s.sessions[1], 'irm -f existent_file' );
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_iscan_data_object(self):
        #test that rodsusers can't use iscan -d
        assertiCmd( s.sessions[1], 'iscan -d non_existent_file', 'STDOUT', 'Could not find the requested data object or collection in iRODS.' )
        existent_file = os.path.join( s.sessions[1]._session_dir, 'existent_file' )
        pydevtest_common.make_file( existent_file, 1 )
        assertiCmd( s.sessions[1], 'iput ' + existent_file );
        output = getiCmdOutput( s.adminsession, 'iquest "SELECT DATA_PATH WHERE DATA_NAME = \'existent_file\'"' )[0]
        data_path = output.strip().strip('-').strip()[12:]
        assertiCmd( s.sessions[1], 'iscan -d existent_file', 'STDOUT', 'User must be a rodsadmin to scan iRODS data objects.' );
        os.remove( data_path )
        assertiCmd( s.sessions[1], 'iscan -d existent_file', 'STDOUT', 'User must be a rodsadmin to scan iRODS data objects.' );
        pydevtest_common.make_file( data_path, 1 )
        assertiCmd( s.sessions[1], 'irm -f existent_file' );
        zero_file = os.path.join( s.sessions[1]._session_dir, 'zero_file' )
        pydevtest_common.touch( zero_file )
        assertiCmd( s.sessions[1], 'iput ' + zero_file );
        assertiCmd( s.sessions[1], 'iscan -d zero_file', 'STDOUT', 'User must be a rodsadmin to scan iRODS data objects.' );
        assertiCmd( s.sessions[1], 'irm -f zero_file' );

        #test that rodsadmins can use iscan -d
        assertiCmd( s.adminsession, 'iscan -d non_existent_file', 'STDOUT', 'Could not find the requested data object or collection in iRODS.' )
        existent_file = os.path.join( s.adminsession._session_dir, 'existent_file' )
        pydevtest_common.make_file( existent_file, 1 )
        assertiCmd( s.adminsession, 'iput ' + existent_file );
        output = getiCmdOutput( s.adminsession, '''iquest "SELECT DATA_PATH WHERE DATA_NAME = 'existent_file'"''' )[0]
        data_path = output.strip().strip('-').strip()[12:]
        assertiCmd( s.adminsession, 'iscan -d existent_file' );
        os.remove( data_path )
        assertiCmd( s.adminsession, 'iscan -d existent_file', 'STDOUT', 'is missing, corresponding to iRODS object' );
        pydevtest_common.make_file( data_path, 1 )
        assertiCmd( s.adminsession, 'irm -f existent_file' );
        zero_file = os.path.join( s.adminsession._session_dir, 'zero_file' )
        pydevtest_common.touch( zero_file )
        assertiCmd( s.adminsession, 'iput ' + zero_file );
        assertiCmd( s.adminsession, 'iscan -d zero_file' );
        assertiCmd( s.adminsession, 'irm -f zero_file' );
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_rulemsiPhyBundleColl(self):
     rulefile = 'rulemsiPhyBundleColl.r'
     # rule test
     assertiCmd(s.adminsession,"irule -F "+rules30dir+rulefile, "LIST", "Create tar file of collection /tempZone/home/rods/test on resource testallrulesResc")
     # look for the bundle
     output = getiCmdOutput(s.adminsession, "ils -L /tempZone/bundle/home/rods")
     # last token in stdout should be the bundle file's full physical path
     bundlefile = output[0].split()[-1]
     # check on the bundle file's name
     assert bundlefile.find('test.') >= 0
     # check physical path on resource
     assert os.path.isfile(bundlefile)
     # now try as a normal user (expect err msg)
     assertiCmd(s.sessions[1],"irule -F "+rules30dir+rulefile, "ERROR", "SYS_NO_API_PRIV")
     # cleanup
     s.adminsession.runCmd('irm', ['-rf', '/tempZone/bundle/home/rods'])
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_rebalance_for_object_count(self):
        # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        # read server_config.json and .odbc.ini
        cfg = ServerConfig()

        root_dir = "/tmp/irods/big_dir"
        if os.path.exists(root_dir):

        for i in range(30):
            path = root_dir + "/rebalance_testfile_" + str(i)
            output = commands.getstatusoutput('dd if=/dev/zero of=' + path + ' bs=1M count=1')
            print output[1]
            assert output[0] == 0, "dd did not successfully exit"

        # get initial object count
        initial_output = getiCmdOutput(s.adminsession, "iadmin lr demoResc")
        objcount_line = initial_output[0].splitlines()[-1]
        initial_objcount = int(objcount_line.split(":")[-1].strip())
        print "initial: " + str(initial_objcount)

        # put the new files
        assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "iput -r " + root_dir)

        # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        # drop several rows from the R_DATA_MAIN table to jkjjq:q
        cfg.exec_sql_cmd("delete from R_DATA_MAIN where data_name like 'rebalance_testfile_1%'")

        # rebalance
        assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "iadmin modresc demoResc rebalance")

        # expected object count
        expected_objcount = initial_objcount + 19
        # 19 = 30 initial - 11 (1 and 10 through 19) deleted files
        print "expected: " + str(expected_objcount)
        assertiCmd(s.adminsession, "iadmin lr demoResc", "LIST", "resc_objcount: " + str(expected_objcount))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_ilsresc_tree_with_ascii_output(self):
        # Run ilsresc --tree with ascii output
        output = getiCmdOutput(s.adminsession, "ilsresc --tree --ascii")

        # Check that stderr is empty
        assert len(output[1]) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_ilsresc_tree(self):
        # Run ilsresc --tree
        output = getiCmdOutput(s.adminsession, "ilsresc --tree")

        # Check that stderr is empty
        assert len(output[1]) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_ilsresc_tree_with_ascii_output(self):
     # Run ilsresc --tree with ascii output
     output = getiCmdOutput(s.adminsession, "ilsresc --tree --ascii")
     # Check that stderr is empty
     assert len(output[1]) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_ilsresc_tree(self):
     # Run ilsresc --tree
     output = getiCmdOutput(s.adminsession, "ilsresc --tree")
     # Check that stderr is empty
     assert len(output[1]) == 0