Ejemplo n.º 1
def execute_mtc0( s, inst ):
  if   inst.rd == reg_map['status']:
    if s.testbin:
      val = s.rf[inst.rt]
      if val == 0:
        print "  [ passed ] %s" % s.exe_name
        line_num = 0x7fffffff & val
        print "  [ FAILED ] %s (line %s)" % (s.exe_name, line_num)
      s.running = False
      print 'SETTING STATUS'
      s.status = s.rf[inst.rt]
  elif inst.rd == reg_map['statsen']:
    s.stats_en = s.rf[inst.rt]
  elif inst.rd == reg_map['c0_staten']:
    s.stats_en = s.rf[inst.rt]

  #elif inst.rd ==  2: pass
  #  if sink[ s.sink_ptr ] != s.rf[ inst.rt ]:
  #    print 'sink:', sink[ s.sink_ptr ], 's.rf:', s.rf[ inst.rt ]
  #    raise Exception('Instruction: mtc0 failed!')
  #  print 'SUCCESS: s.rf[' + str( inst.rt ) + '] == ' + str( sink[ s.sink_ptr ] )
  #  s.sink_ptr += 1
    raise FatalError('Invalid mtc0 destination: %d!' % inst.rd )
  s.pc += 4
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: isa.py Proyecto: cfbolz/pydgin
def execute_mul(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond()):
        Rm, Rs = s.rf[inst.rm()], s.rf[inst.rs()]
        result = trim_32(Rm * Rs)
        s.rf[inst.rn()] = result

        if inst.S():
            if inst.rn() == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
            if inst.rm() == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
            if inst.rs() == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
            s.N = (result >> 31) & 1
            s.Z = result == 0

        if inst.rd() == 15:
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 3
def execute_sret(s, inst):
    if s.prv == PRV_M:
        s.pc = s.mepc
    elif s.prv == PRV_S:
        s.pc = s.sepc
        raise FatalError("sret encountered on privilege level %d" % s.prv)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def execute_mla(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond):
        if inst.rd == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
        if inst.rm == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
        if inst.rs == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
        if inst.rn == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')

        Rm, Rs, Rd = s.rf[inst.rm], s.rf[inst.rs], s.rf[inst.rd]
        result = trim_32(Rm * Rs + Rd)
        s.rf[inst.rn] = result

        if inst.S:
            s.N = (result >> 31) & 1
            s.Z = result == 0

    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 5
def execute_mrs(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond):
        if inst.R:
            raise FatalError('Cannot read SPSR in "mrs"')
            s.rf[inst.rd] = s.cpsr()
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: isa.py Proyecto: cfbolz/pydgin
def execute_bx(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond()):
        s.T = s.rf[inst.rm()] & 0x00000001
        s.rf[PC] = s.rf[inst.rm()] & 0xFFFFFFFE
        if s.T:
            raise FatalError("Entering THUMB mode! Unsupported!")

    # no pc + 4 on success
        s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 7
def execute_smull(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond):
        if inst.rd == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
        if inst.rm == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
        if inst.rs == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
        if inst.rn == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')

        RdHi, RdLo = inst.rn, inst.rd
        Rm, Rs = signed(s.rf[inst.rm]), signed(s.rf[inst.rs])
        result = Rm * Rs

        if RdHi == RdLo: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')

        s.rf[RdHi] = trim_32(result >> 32)
        s.rf[RdLo] = trim_32(result)

        if inst.S:
            s.N = (result >> 63) & 1
            s.Z = result == 0
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: isa.py Proyecto: cfbolz/pydgin
def execute_umull(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond()):
        if inst.rd() == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
        if inst.rm() == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
        if inst.rs() == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
        if inst.rn() == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')

        RdHi, RdLo = inst.rn(), inst.rd()
        Rm, Rs = s.rf[inst.rm()], s.rf[inst.rs()]
        result = Rm * Rs

        if RdHi == RdLo: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')

        s.rf[RdHi] = trim_32(result >> 32)
        s.rf[RdLo] = trim_32(result)

        if inst.S():
            s.N = (result >> 63) & 1
            s.Z = (s.rf[RdHi] == s.rf[RdLo] == 0)
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 9
def execute_umlal(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond):
        if inst.rd == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
        if inst.rm == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
        if inst.rs == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')
        if inst.rn == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')

        RdHi, RdLo = inst.rn, inst.rd
        Rm, Rs = s.rf[inst.rm], s.rf[inst.rs]
        accumulate = (s.rf[RdHi] << 32) | s.rf[RdLo]
        result = (Rm * Rs) + accumulate

        if RdHi == RdLo: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')

        s.rf[RdHi] = trim_32(result >> 32)
        s.rf[RdLo] = trim_32(result)

        if inst.S:
            s.N = (result >> 63) & 1
            s.Z = (s.rf[RdHi] == s.rf[RdLo] == 0)
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: isa.py Proyecto: cfbolz/pydgin
def execute_ldrb(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond()):
        if inst.rd() == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')

        addr = addressing_mode_2(s, inst)

        # TODO: support multiple memory accessing modes?
        # MemoryAccess( s.B, s.E )

        s.rf[inst.rd()] = s.mem.read(addr, 1)

    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 11
def do_syscall(s, syscall_num):
    if syscall_num not in syscall_funcs:
        raise FatalError("Syscall %d not implemented!" % syscall_num)

    if s.debug.enabled('syscalls'):
        print syscall_num, syscall_names[syscall_num],
        print '%s %s %s %s' % (hex(s.rf[0]), hex(s.rf[1]), hex(
            s.rf[2]), hex(s.rf[3])),
    if s.debug.enabled('syscalls'):
        if s.debug.enabled('insts'):
            print ' = ', hex(s.rf[a0]),
            print ' = ', hex(s.rf[a0])
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: isa.py Proyecto: cfbolz/pydgin
def execute_ldrsh(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond()):
        if inst.rd() == 15: raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE')

        addr = addressing_mode_3(s, inst)

        # TODO: support multiple memory accessing modes?
        # MemoryAccess( s.B, s.E )
        # TODO: alignment fault checking?
        # if (CP15_reg1_Ubit == 0) and address[0] == 0b1:

        s.rf[inst.rd()] = sign_extend_half(s.mem.read(addr, 2))

    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 13
def execute_bic(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond):
        a, (b, cout) = s.rf[inst.rn], shifter_operand(s, inst)
        result = a & trim_32(~b)
        s.rf[inst.rd] = trim_32(result)

        if inst.S:
            if inst.rd == 15: raise FatalError('Writing SPSR not implemented!')
            s.N = (result >> 31) & 1
            s.Z = trim_32(result) == 0
            s.C = cout

        if inst.rd == 15:
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def get_mcpuid(self):
        if self.state.xlen == 32:
            base = 0b00
            # TODO: not currently representing RV32E
        elif self.state.xlen == 64:
            base = 0b10
        elif self.state.xlen == 128:
            base = 0b11
            raise FatalError("XLEN=%d not supported" % self.state.xlen)

        extensions = 0
        for e in self.state.extensions:
            extensions |= 1 << (ord(e) - ord("a"))

        return r_uint((base << (self.state.xlen - 2)) | extensions)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def execute_sbc(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond):
        a, (b, _) = s.rf[inst.rn], shifter_operand(s, inst)
        result = intmask(a - b - (not s.C))
        s.rf[inst.rd] = trim_32(result)

        if inst.S:
            if inst.rd == 15: raise FatalError('Writing SPSR not implemented!')
            s.N = (result >> 31) & 1
            s.Z = trim_32(result) == 0
            s.C = not_borrow_from(result)
            s.V = overflow_from_sub(a, b, result)

        if inst.rd == 15:
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 16
def execute_mvn(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond):
        a, cout = shifter_operand(s, inst)
        result = trim_32(~a)
        s.rf[inst.rd] = result

        if inst.S:
            if inst.rd == 15: raise FatalError('Writing SPSR not implemented!')
            s.N = (result >> 31) & 1
            s.Z = trim_32(result) == 0
            s.C = cout
            s.V = s.V

        if inst.rd == 15:
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 17
def execute_adc(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond):
        a, (b, _) = s.rf[inst.rn], shifter_operand(s, inst)
        result = a + b + s.C
        s.rf[inst.rd] = trim_32(result)

        if inst.S:
            if inst.rd == 15: raise FatalError('Writing SPSR not implemented!')
            s.N = (result >> 31) & 1
            s.Z = trim_32(result) == 0
            s.C = carry_from(result)
            s.V = overflow_from_add(a, b, result)

        if inst.rd == 15:
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: isa.py Proyecto: cfbolz/pydgin
def execute_orr(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond()):
        a, (b, cout) = s.rf[inst.rn()], shifter_operand(s, inst)
        result = a | b
        s.rf[inst.rd()] = trim_32(result)

        if inst.S():
            if inst.rd() == 15:
                raise FatalError('Writing SPSR not implemented!')
            s.N = (result >> 31) & 1
            s.Z = trim_32(result) == 0
            s.C = cout
            s.V = s.V

        if inst.rd() == 15:
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: isa.py Proyecto: cfbolz/pydgin
def execute_rsc(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond()):
        a, (b, _) = s.rf[inst.rn()], shifter_operand(s, inst)
        result = b - a - (not s.C)
        s.rf[inst.rd()] = trim_32(result)

        if inst.S():
            if inst.rd() == 15:
                raise FatalError('Writing SPSR not implemented!')
            s.N = (result >> 31) & 1
            s.Z = trim_32(result) == 0
            s.C = not borrow_from(result)
            s.V = overflow_from_sub(b, a, result)

        if inst.rd() == 15:
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: isa.py Proyecto: cfbolz/pydgin
def execute_mov(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond()):
        if inst.rd() == 15 and inst.S():
            # if not CurrentModeHasSPSR(): CPSR = SPSR
            # else:                        UNPREDICTABLE
            raise FatalError('UNPREDICTABLE in user and system mode!')

        result, cout = shifter_operand(s, inst)
        s.rf[inst.rd()] = trim_32(result)

        if inst.S():
            s.N = (result >> 31) & 1
            s.Z = trim_32(result) == 0
            s.C = cout
            s.V = s.V

        if inst.rd() == 15:
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 21
def addressing_mode_3(s, inst):
    if inst.SH == 0b00:
        raise FatalError('Not a load/store instruction!')

    # Immediate vs. Register Offset
    if inst.B: index = (inst.imm_H << 4) | inst.imm_L
    else: index = s.rf[inst.rm]

    Rn = s.rf[inst.rn]
    offset_addr = Rn + index if inst.U else Rn - index

    # Offset Addressing/Pre-Indexed Addressing vs. Post-Indexed Addressing
    if inst.P: addr = offset_addr
    else: addr = Rn

    # Offset Addressing vs. Pre-/Post-Indexed Addressing
    if not (inst.P ^ inst.W):
        s.rf[inst.rn] = trim_32(offset_addr)

    return trim_32(addr)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def shifter_operand_reg(s, inst):
    shift_op = inst.shift
    Rm = s.rf[inst.rm]
    Rs = s.rf[inst.rs] & 0xFF

    out = cout = 0

    if shift_op == LOGIC_SHIFT_LEFT:
        if Rs == 0: out, cout = Rm, s.C
        elif Rs < 32: out, cout = Rm << Rs, (Rm >> 32 - Rs) & 1
        elif Rs == 32: out, cout = 0, (Rm) & 1
        elif Rs > 32: out, cout = 0, 0

    elif shift_op == LOGIC_SHIFT_RIGHT:
        if Rs == 0: out, cout = Rm, s.C
        elif Rs < 32: out, cout = Rm >> Rs, (Rm >> (Rs - 1)) & 1
        elif Rs == 32: out, cout = 0, (Rm >> 31) & 1
        elif Rs > 32: out, cout = 0, 0

    elif shift_op == ARITH_SHIFT_RIGHT:
        if Rs == 0: out, cout = Rm, s.C
        elif Rs < 32:
            out = arith_shift(Rm, Rs)
            cout = (Rm >> (Rs - 1)) & 1
        elif Rs >= 32:
            out = 0 if ((Rm >> 31) == 0) else 0xFFFFFFFF
            cout = (Rm >> 31) & 1

    elif shift_op == ROTATE_RIGHT:
        Rs4 = Rs & 0b1111
        if Rs == 0: out, cout = Rm, s.C
        elif Rs4 == 0: out, cout = Rm, (Rm >> 31) & 1
        elif Rs4 > 0: out, cout = rotate_right(Rm, Rs4), (Rm >> Rs4 - 1) & 1

        raise FatalError('Impossible shift_op!')

    return trim_32(out), cout
Ejemplo n.º 23
def execute_mfc0( s, inst ):
  #if   inst.rd ==  1: pass
  #  s.rf[ inst.rt ] = src[ s.src_ptr ]
  #  s.src_ptr += 1
  # return actual core id (this is actually thread id)
  if   inst.rd == reg_map['c0_coreid']:
    s.rf[inst.rt] = 0
  elif inst.rd == reg_map['c0_count']:
    s.rf[inst.rt] = s.num_insts
  elif inst.rd == reg_map['c0_fromsysc0']:
    # return actual core id
    s.rf[inst.rt] = 0
  elif inst.rd == reg_map['c0_fromsysc5']:
    # return core type (always 0 since pydgin has no core type)
    s.rf[inst.rt] = 0
  elif inst.rd == reg_map['c0_numcores']:
    s.rf[inst.rt] = 1
  elif inst.rd == reg_map['c0_counthi']:
    # print "WARNING: counthi always returns 0..."
    s.rf[inst.rt] = 0
    raise FatalError('Invalid mfc0 destination: %d!' % inst.rd )
  s.pc += 4
Ejemplo n.º 24
def shifter_operand(s, inst):

    # 32-bit immediate
    # http://stackoverflow.com/a/2835503
    if inst.I == 1:
        rotate_imm = inst.rotate
        operand = rotate_right(inst.imm_8, rotate_imm * 2)
        if rotate_imm == 0: cout = s.C
        else: cout = (operand >> 31) & 1
        return operand, cout

    # 32-bit register shifted by 5-bit immediate
    elif (inst.bits >> 4 & 0b1) == 0:
        return shifter_operand_imm(s, inst)

    # 32-bit register shifted by 32-bit register
    elif (inst.bits >> 7 & 0b1) == 0:
        return shifter_operand_reg(s, inst)

    # Arithmetic or Load/Store instruction extension space
        raise FatalError('Not a data-processing instruction! PC: %x' %
Ejemplo n.º 25
def shifter_operand_imm(s, inst):
    shift_op = inst.shift
    Rm = s.rf[inst.rm]
    shift_imm = inst.shift_amt
    assert 0 <= shift_imm <= 31

    if shift_op == LOGIC_SHIFT_LEFT:
        out = Rm if (shift_imm == 0) else Rm << shift_imm
        cout = s.C if (shift_imm == 0) else (Rm >> 32 - shift_imm) & 1

    elif shift_op == LOGIC_SHIFT_RIGHT:
        # NOTE: shift_imm == 0 signifies a shift by 32
        out = 0 if (shift_imm == 0) else Rm >> shift_imm
        cout = Rm >> 31 if (shift_imm == 0) else (Rm >> shift_imm - 1) & 1

    elif shift_op == ARITH_SHIFT_RIGHT:
        # NOTE: shift_imm == 0 signifies a shift by 32
        if shift_imm == 0:
            if (Rm >> 31) == 0: out, cout = 0, Rm >> 31
            else: out, cout = 0xFFFFFFFF, Rm >> 31
            out = arith_shift(Rm, shift_imm)
            cout = (Rm >> shift_imm - 1) & 1

    elif shift_op == ROTATE_RIGHT:
        # NOTE: shift_imm == 0 signifies a rotate right with extend (RRX)
        if shift_imm == 0:
            out = (r_uint(s.C) << 31) | (Rm >> 1)
            cout = Rm & 1
            out = rotate_right(Rm, shift_imm)
            cout = (Rm >> shift_imm - 1) & 1

        raise FatalError('Impossible shift_op!')

    return trim_32(out), cout
Ejemplo n.º 26
Archivo: isa.py Proyecto: cfbolz/pydgin
def execute_ldm1(s, inst):
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond()):
        addr, end_addr = addressing_mode_4(s, inst)
        register_mask = inst.register_list()

        # TODO: support multiple memory accessing modes?
        # MemoryAccess( s.B, s.E )

        for i in range(15):
            if register_mask & 0b1:
                s.rf[i] = s.mem.read(addr, 4)
                addr += 4
            register_mask >>= 1

        if register_mask & 0b1:  # reg 15
            s.rf[PC] = s.mem.read(addr, 4) & 0xFFFFFFFE
            s.T = s.rf[PC] & 0b1
            if s.T: raise FatalError("Entering THUMB mode! Unsupported!")
            assert end_addr == addr

        assert end_addr == addr - 4

    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 27
Archivo: isa.py Proyecto: cfbolz/pydgin
def execute_mrc2(s, inst):
    raise FatalError('"mrc2" instruction unimplemented!')
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 28
Archivo: isa.py Proyecto: cfbolz/pydgin
def execute_msr(s, inst):
    raise FatalError('"msr" instruction unimplemented!')
    if condition_passed(s, inst.cond()):
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4
Ejemplo n.º 29
def execute_mfuts( s, inst ):
  raise FatalError('mfuts is unsupported!')
  s.pc += 4
Ejemplo n.º 30
Archivo: isa.py Proyecto: cfbolz/pydgin
def execute_blx1(s, inst):
    raise FatalError('Called blx1: Entering THUMB mode! Unsupported')
    s.rf[PC] = s.fetch_pc() + 4