Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_key_exchange(self):
     Tests the auth function before the client has paired.  This triggers
     key exchanging.
         * remote command "exchange_keys" is sent
         * Avatar response is received and decoded
         * response triggers client save_key to be called
         * server key is received
         * response triggers server save_key to be called
         * client key is received
     client = RSAClient(self.priv_key, self.pub_key_values)
     remote = RemoteProxy()
     save_key_server = CallProxy(None, False)
     save_key_client = CallProxy(None, False)
     client.auth(remote, save_key=save_key_client)
     args, kwargs, deferred = remote.assertCalled(self, 'exchange_keys')
     avatar = RSAAvatar(self.priv_key, self.pub_key_values, self.pub_key, save_key=save_key_server, key_size=KEY_SIZE)
     args, kwargs = save_key_server.assertCalled(self)
     key = simplejson.loads(''.join(args[0]))
     self.assert_(key==self.pub_key_values, 'keys do not match')
     args, kwargs = save_key_client.assertCalled(self)
     key = simplejson.loads(''.join(args[0]))
     self.assert_(key==self.pub_key_values, 'keys do not match')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_auth(self):
        Tests the auth function
        client = RSAClient(self.priv_key)
        remote = RemoteProxy()
        client.auth(remote, server_key=self.pub_key)

        self.assertEqual(remote.func, 'auth_challenge', 'Calling auth should trigger auth_challenge call on server')
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_auth(self):
     Tests the auth function
         * auth_challenge is sent
     client = RSAClient(self.priv_key)
     remote = RemoteProxy()
     client.auth(remote, server_key=self.pub_key)
     remote.assertCalled(self, 'auth_challenge')
class NodeConnectionManager(Module):

    _signals = [

    _shared = [

    def __init__(self):

        self._lock = Lock() #general lock, use when multiple shared resources are touched

        self._listeners = {

        self._interfaces = [

        #load rsa crypto
        self.pub_key, self.priv_key = load_crypto('%s/master.key' \
                % pydra_settings.RUNTIME_FILES_DIR)
        self.rsa_client = RSAClient(self.priv_key, self.pub_key, \

        #connection management
        self.connecting = True
        self.reconnect_count = 0
        self.attempts = None
        self.reconnect_call_ID = None
        self.host = 'localhost'

    def _register(self, manager):
        Module._register(self, manager)
        #cluster management
        self.nodes = self.load_nodes()
        self.workers = {}

    def load_nodes(self):
        Load node configuration from the database
        logger.info('loading nodes')
        nodes = Node.objects.exclude(deleted=True)
        node_dict = {}
        for node in nodes:
            node_dict[node.id] = node
        logger.info('%i nodes loaded' % len(nodes))
        return node_dict

    def connect_node(self, node):
        Callback for node creation and updates.  Connect() cannot be called
        directly because those signals include a parameter

    def connect(self):
        Make connections to all Nodes that are not connected.  This method is a single control 
        for connecting to nodes.  individual nodes cannot be connected to.  This is to ensure that
        only one attempt at a time is ever made to connect to a node.
        #lock for two reasons:
        #  1) connect() cannot be called more than once at a time
        #  2) if a node fails while connecting the reconnect call will block till 
        #     connections are finished
        with self._lock:

            # make sure the various states are in sync
            for i in Node.objects.exclude(deleted=True):
                if i.id not in self.nodes:
                    self.nodes[i.id] = i
                if (i.host, i.port) in self.known_nodes:
                    self.known_nodes.discard((i.host, i.port))

            logger.info("Connecting to nodes")
            connections = []
            self.attempts = []
            for id, node in self.nodes.items():
                #only connect to nodes that aren't connected yet
                if not node.ref:
                    factory = NodeClientFactory(node, self)
                    reactor.connectTCP(node.host, node.port, factory)

                    # SSH authentication is not currently supported with perspectiveBroker.
                    # For now we'll perform a key handshake within the info/init handshake that already
                    # occurs.  Prior to the handshake completing access will be limited to info which
                    # is informational only.
                    # Note: The first time connecting to the node will accept and register whatever
                    # key is passed to it.  This is a small trade of in temporary insecurity to simplify
                    # this can be avoided by manually generating and setting the keys
                    #credential = credentials.SSHPrivateKey('master', 'RSA', node.pub_key, '', '')
                    credential = credentials.UsernamePassword('master', '1234')

                    # construct referenceable with remotes for NODE
                    client =  ModuleReferenceable(self.manager._remotes['NODE'])

                    deferred = factory.login(credential, client=client)

            defer.DeferredList(connections, consumeErrors=True).addCallbacks(
                self.nodes_connected, errbackArgs=("Failed to Connect"))

            # Release the connection flag.

    def nodes_connected(self, results):
        Called with the results of all connection attempts.  Store connections and retrieve info from node.
        The node will respond with info including how many workers it has.
        # process each connected node
        failures = False

        for result, node in zip(results, self.attempts):

            if result[0]:
                # save reference for remote calls
                node.ref = result[1]
                d = node.ref.callRemote('get_key')
                d.addCallback(self.check_node, node)

                logger.error('node:%s:%s - failed to connect' % (node.host, node.port))
                node.ref = None
                failures = True

        #single call to reconnect for all failures
        if failures:

            self.reconnect_count = 0

    def check_node(self, key, node):
        # node.pub_key is set only for paired nodes, make sure we don't attempt
        # to pair with a known pub key
        duplicate = ''.join(key) in [i.pub_key for i in self.nodes.values()]
        if duplicate and not node.pub_key:
            logger.info('deleting %s:%s - duplicate' % (node.host, node.port))

        # Authenticate with the node
        pub_key = node.load_pub_key()
        self.rsa_client.auth(node.ref, self.receive_key_node, server_key=pub_key, node=node)

        logger.info('node:%s:%s - connected' % (node.host, node.port))

    def reconnect_nodes(self, reset_counter=False):
        Called to signal that a reconnection attempt is needed for one or more nodes.  This is the single control
        for requested reconnection.  This single control is used to ensure at most 
        one request for reconnection is pending.
        #lock - Blocking here ensures that connect() cannot happen while requesting
        #       a reconnect.
        with self._lock:
            #reconnecting flag ensures that connect is only called a single time
            #it's possible that multiple nodes can have problems at the same time
            #reset_counter overrides this
            if not self.connecting or reset_counter:
                self.connecting = True

                #reset the counter, useful when a new failure occurs
                if reset_counter:
                    #cancel existing call if any
                    if self.reconnect_call_ID:

                        # There is a slight chance that this method can be called
                        # and receive the lock, after connect() has been called.
                        # in that case reconnect_call_ID will point to an already called
                        # item.  The error can just be ignored as the locking will ensure
                        # the call we are about to make does not start
                        # until the first one does.
                        except AlreadyCalled:

                    self.reconnect_count = 0

                reconnect_delay = 5*pow(2, self.reconnect_count)
                #let increment grow exponentially to 5 minutes
                if self.reconnect_count < 6:
                    self.reconnect_count += 1 
                logger.debug('reconnecting in %i seconds' % reconnect_delay)
                self.reconnect_call_ID = reactor.callLater(reconnect_delay, self.connect)

    def receive_key_node(self, key, node=None, **kwargs):
        Receives the public key from the node
        logger.debug("saving public key from node: %s" % node)
        node.pub_key = key

    def init_node(self, node):
        Start the initialization sequence with the node.  The first
        step is to query it for its information.
        d = node.ref.callRemote('info')
        d.addCallback(self.add_node, node=node)

    def add_node(self, info, node):
        Process Node information.  Most will just be stored for later use.  Info will include
        a list of workers.  The master will then connect to all Workers.
        # save node's information in the database
        node.total_memory = info['total_memory']
        node.avail_memory = info['avail_memory']
        node.cores = info['cores']
        node.stones = info['stones']

        #node key to be used by node and its workers
        node_key_str = '%s:%s' % (node.host, node.port)

        # create worker avatars
        with self._lock:
            for i in range(node.cores):
                worker_key = '%s:%i' % (node_key_str, i)
                avatar = WorkerAvatarWrapper(worker_key, node.ref)
                self.workers[worker_key] = avatar
                self.emit('WORKER_CONNECTED', avatar)

        # we have allowed access for all the workers, tell the node to init
        d = node.ref.callRemote('init_node', self.host, pydra_settings.PORT, node_key_str)
        d.addCallback(self.node_ready, node)

    def node_ready(self, result, node):
        Called when a call to initialize a Node is successful
        logger.info('node:%s - ready' % node)
class WorkerConnectionManager(Module):
    Module that manages connection with the Master for a Worker


    _shared = ["worker_key", "master", "master_port", "_lock_connection"]

    def __init__(self):

        self._listeners = {"MANAGER_INIT": self.connect, "WORKER_FINISHED": self.disconnect}

        self._remotes = [("MASTER", os.getpid)]

        self.reconnect_count = 0
        self.factory = MasterClientFactory(self.reconnect)

        # load crypto for authentication
        # workers use the same keys as their parent Node
        self.pub_key, self.priv_key = load_crypto("%s/node.key" % pydra_settings.RUNTIME_FILES_DIR)
        # self.master_pub_key = load_crypto('./node.key', False, both=False)
        self.rsa_client = RSAClient(self.priv_key)

    def _register(self, manager):
        Module._register(self, manager)
        self._lock_connection = Lock()

    def connect(self):
        Make initial connections to all Nodes

        logger.info("worker:%s - connecting to Node @ %s:%s" % (self.worker_key, "localhost", self.master_port))
        reactor.connectTCP("localhost", self.master_port, self.factory)

        # construct referenceable with remotes for MASTER
        client = ModuleReferenceable(self.manager._remotes["MASTER"])

        deferred = self.factory.login(credentials.UsernamePassword(self.worker_key, "1234"), client=client)
        deferred.addCallbacks(self.connected, self.reconnect, errbackArgs=("Failed to Connect"))

    def disconnect(self):
        if self.factory:
            self.factory.disconnecting = True

    def reconnect(self, *arg, **kw):
        with self._lock_connection:
            self.master = None
        reconnect_delay = 5 * pow(2, self.reconnect_count)
        # let increment grow exponentially to 5 minutes
        if self.reconnect_count < 6:
            self.reconnect_count += 1
        logger.debug("worker:%s - reconnecting in %i seconds" % (self.worker_key, reconnect_delay))
        self.reconnect_call_ID = reactor.callLater(reconnect_delay, self.connect)

    def connected(self, result):
        Callback called when connection to master is made
        with self._lock_connection:
            self.master = result
        self.reconnect_count = 0

        logger.info("worker:%s - connected to master @ %s:%s" % (self.worker_key, "localhost", self.master_port))

        # Authenticate with the master
        self.rsa_client.auth(result, None, self.priv_key)

    def connect_failed(self, result):
        Callback called when conenction to master fails