Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_get_groundstations():
    # Create contact plan object
    cp = ContactPlan(1000.1, 42.42)

    # Add nodes

    # Check that only matching nodes are returned
    assert cp.get_groundstations() == ['gs12']
    assert cp.get_groundstations('groundstation') == ['groundstation3']
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_load_route_list_anchoring_first_contact(mod):
    """Test function that tests the route-finding capabilities, in particular
    the correct behaviour when the anchoring mechanism is involved and the
    limiting contact is the first contact of the route.
    # First, create an contact plan that is then converted to the contact graph
    # representation and later processed by load_route_list

    # The following topology is tested in this test case:
    #           +---+
    #           | 5 |
    # [0:100]+--+---+--+[0:100]
    #        |         |
    #      +-+-+     +-+-+
    #      | 3 |     | 4 |
    #      +-+-+     +-+-+
    #        |         |
    # [0:100]+--+---+--+[0:100]
    #           | 2 |
    #           +-+-+
    #             |
    #             |[30:70]
    #             |
    #           +-+-+
    #           | 1 |
    #           +---+

    contact_plan = ContactPlan(1000, 0)

    # Add contacts
    contact_plan.add_contact('node1', 'node2', 30, 70)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node2', 'node3', 0, 100)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node2', 'node4', 0, 100)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node3', 'node5', 0, 100)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node4', 'node5', 0, 100)

    # Generate contact graph representation
    contact_graph = ContactGraph(contact_plan)

    # Now generate a route list for possible routes from node1 to node4
    route_list_node15 = mod.load_route_list(contact_graph, 'node1', 'node5', 0)

    # Make sure that only route is found (as both possible routes run through
    # the identical first limiting contact and thus only one route suffices)
    assert len(route_list_node15) == 1

    # Check that the route is correct
    route = route_list_node15[0]
    assert route[0] == [('node1', 'node2', 30, 70, 1000, 0),
                        ('node2', 'node3', 0, 100, 1000, 0),
                        ('node3', 'node5', 0, 100, 1000, 0)] \
           or route[0] == [('node1', 'node2', 30, 70, 1000, 0),
                           ('node2', 'node4', 0, 100, 1000, 0),
                           ('node4', 'node5', 0, 100, 1000, 0)]

    assert route.edt == 30
    assert route.capacity == 40000
    assert route.to_time == 70
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_verify_capacity_calculation_consistency():
    """Test function that verifies that the capacity calculations in CGR and the
    Contact object correspond to each other.
    # The following topology is tested in this test case:
    #      +---+
    #      | 2 |
    #      +-+-+
    #        |
    # [30:90]|
    #        |
    #      +-+-+
    #      | 1 |
    #      +---+

    # Create contact plan and add single contact
    contact_plan = ContactPlan(1, 20)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node1', 'node2', 30000, 90000)

    # Generate contact graph representation
    contact_graph = ContactGraph(contact_plan)

    # Create Simulation Environment (dummy, simulation will not be
    # executed)
    env = QSim()

    # Create a Contact object that represents the one edge of the contact
    # graph and should have the same capacity value calculated as the CGR
    # functions
    contact = Contact(30000, 90000, 1, 'node1', 'node2', delay=20)

    # Now generate possible routes
    route_list_node12 = cgr.load_route_list(contact_graph, 'node1', 'node2', 0)

    # There should be only one possible route
    assert len(route_list_node12) == 1
    assert route_list_node12[0].edt == 30000
    assert route_list_node12[0].capacity == 60000
    assert route_list_node12[0].to_time == 90000
    assert route_list_node12[0].transmission_plan == ([('node1', 'node2',
                                                        30000, 90000, 1, 20)])

    # Verify that the capacities that were calculated are equal (as no packet
    # has been enqueue yet, the capacity value can be checked)
    assert contact.capacity == route_list_node12[0].capacity
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_create_contactplan_object():
    # Create contact plan object
    cp = ContactPlan(1000.1, 42.42)

    # Verify that both the datarate and the delay are properly set
    assert cp.default_datarate == 1000.1
    assert cp.default_delay == 42.42

    # Verify that plan object was initialized properly
    assert type(cp.plan) is OrderedDict
    assert type(cp.plan['nodes']) is list
    assert type(cp.plan['contacts']) is list

    # Create contact plan object
    cp = ContactPlan(100, 2)

    # Verify that both the datarate and the delay are properly set
    assert cp.default_datarate == 100.0
    assert cp.default_delay == 2.0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_get_outbound_contacts_of_node():
    # Create contact plan object
    cp = ContactPlan(1000.1, 42.42)

    # Add nodes and contacts (both resulting in adding nodes to set)
    cp.add_contact('testnode2', 'testnode3', 0.0, 1.0)
    cp.add_contact('testnode2', 'testnode3', 0.0, 1.0)
    cp.add_contact('testnode2', 'testnode3', 10.0, 11.0, bidirectional=False)

    # Verify that all contacts are returned properly
    assert cp.get_outbound_contacts_of_node('testnode1') == []
    assert cp.get_outbound_contacts_of_node('testnode2') == [
        ('testnode2', 'testnode3', 0.0, 1.0, 1000.1, 42.42),
        ('testnode2', 'testnode3', 0.0, 1.0, 1000.1, 42.42),
        ('testnode2', 'testnode3', 10.0, 11.0, 1000.1, 42.42)
    assert cp.get_outbound_contacts_of_node('testnode3') == [
        ('testnode3', 'testnode2', 0.0, 1.0, 1000.1, 42.42),
        ('testnode3', 'testnode2', 0.0, 1.0, 1000.1, 42.42)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_get_nodes():
    # Create contact plan object
    cp = ContactPlan(1000.1, 42.42)

    # Add nodes and contacts (both resulting in adding nodes to set)
    cp.add_contact('testnode2', 'testnode3', 0.0, 1.0)

    # Verify that all nodes were added properly
    assert cp.get_nodes() == ['testnode1', 'testnode2', 'testnode3']
Ejemplo n.º 7
def run_simulation(algorithm, source_list, destination_list):
    """Performs a simulation with a certain algorithm."""

    # Create simulation environment
    simulator = Simulator()

    # Generate contact plan from provided json file
    contact_plan = ContactPlan(1, 100, "tests/resources/tvg_g10_s10.json")

    # Convert contact plan to contact graph
    contact_graph = ContactGraph(contact_plan)

    # Create monitoring instance
    monitor = ReceptionMonitor(simulator.env)

    # Generate contact objects and register them
    for planned_contact in contact_plan.get_contacts():
        contact = Contact(planned_contact.from_time, planned_contact.to_time,
                          planned_contact.datarate, planned_contact.from_node,
                          planned_contact.to_node, planned_contact.delay)

    # Generate node objects and register them
    for planned_node in contact_plan.get_nodes():
        contact_list = contact_plan.get_outbound_contacts_of_node(planned_node)
        contact_dict = simulator.get_contact_dict(contact_list)
        SimpleCGRNode(planned_node, contact_dict, algorithm, contact_graph,
                      simulator, [])

    # Generate packet generator(s) and register them
    generator = BatchPacketGenerator(200, 10000, source_list, destination_list,

    # Run the simulation

    # Return the monitored results
    return monitor.packet_dict
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_clear():
    # Create contact plan object
    cp = ContactPlan(1000.1, 42.42)

    # Add nodes and contacts (both resulting in adding nodes to set)
    cp.add_contact('testnode2', 'testnode3', 0.0, 1.0)


    assert cp.plan['nodes'] == list()
    assert cp.plan['contacts'] == []
    assert cp.default_delay == 42.42
    assert cp.default_datarate == 1000.1
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_load_route_list_unavailable_route(mod):
    """Test function that tests that no route is found.
    # First, create an contact plan that is then converted to the contact graph
    # representation and later processed by load_route_list

    # The following topology is tested in this test case:
    #    +---+         +---+         +---+         +---+
    #    | 1 +---------+ 2 +---------+ 3 +---------+ 4 |
    #    +---+  35:40  +---+  20:40  +---+  20:25  +---+

    contact_plan = ContactPlan(1000, 0)

    contact_plan.add_contact('node1', 'node2', 35, 40)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node2', 'node3', 20, 40)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node3', 'node4', 20, 25)

    # Generate contact graph representation
    contact_graph = ContactGraph(contact_plan)

    # Now generate a route list for possible routes from node1 to node4
    route_list_node14 = mod.load_route_list(contact_graph, 'node1', 'node4', 0)

    # Make sure that two routes were found
    assert len(route_list_node14) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 10
def generate_test_graph(remove_edge26=False):
    """Helper function to generate a contact graph for many testcases."""

    # The following topology is tested in this test case:
    #           +---+
    #           | 8 |
    # [0:100]+--+---+--+[30:90]
    #        |         |
    #      +-+-+     +-+-+
    #      | 6 |     | 7 |
    #      +-+-+     +-+-+
    #        |         |
    #        |         |
    # [10:40]|         |[40:80]
    #        |         |
    #        |         |
    #      +-+-+     +-+-+
    #      | 2 |     | 3 |
    #      +-+-+     +-+-+
    #        |         |
    # [30:90]+--+---+--+[0:100]
    #           | 1 |
    #           +---+

    contact_plan = ContactPlan(1000, 0)
    # Create list of all nodes
    contact_plan.add_contact('node1', 'node2', 30, 90)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node1', 'node3', 0, 100)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node3', 'node7', 40, 80)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node6', 'node8', 0, 100)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node7', 'node8', 30, 90)

    # Only add edge between node2 and node6 if required
    if not remove_edge26:
        contact_plan.add_contact('node2', 'node6', 10, 40)

    # Generate contact graph representation
    contact_graph = ContactGraph(contact_plan)

    return contact_graph
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: DtnS.py Proyecto: Mathnar/Tesi
def main():
    """Simulate basic scenario."""
    # Create simulation environment
    simulator = Simulator()

    # Generate empy contact plan
    contact_plan = ContactPlan(1, 50)

    # Add a single contact from node_a to node_b from 0s to 10s to the plan
    contact_plan.add_contact('node_a', 'node_b', 0, 10000)

    # Convert contact plan to contact graph
    contact_graph = ContactGraph(contact_plan)

    # Generate contact objects and register them
    for planned_contact in contact_plan.get_contacts():
        # Create a Contact simulation object based on the ContactPlan
        # information
        contact = Contact(planned_contact.from_time, planned_contact.to_time,
                          planned_contact.datarate, planned_contact.from_node,
                          planned_contact.to_node, planned_contact.delay)
        # Register the contact as a generator object in the simulation
        # environment

    # Generate node objects and register them
    for planned_node in contact_plan.get_nodes():
        # Generate contact list of node
        contact_list = contact_plan.get_outbound_contacts_of_node(planned_node)
        # Create a dict that maps the contact identifiers to Contact simulation
        # objects
        contact_dict = simulator.get_contact_dict(contact_list)
        # Create a node simulation object
        SimpleCGRNode(planned_node, contact_dict, cgr_basic.cgr, contact_graph,
                      simulator, [])

    # Generate packet generator(s) and register them
    generator = BatchPacketGenerator(
        1,  # Create one packet
        1000,  # Packet Size: 1000 Bytes
        ['node_a'],  # From 'node_a'
        ['node_b'],  # To 'node_b'
        [0])  # At simulation time 0s
    # Register the generator as a generator object in the simulation
    # environment

    # Run the simulation for 20 seconds (20000 ms)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_load_route_list_no_route(mod):
    """Test function that tests the route-finding capabilities of the
    load_route_list function and tests that no route is found if contacts on
    route do not add up.
    # First, create an contact plan that is then converted to the contact graph
    # representation and later processed by load_route_list

    # The following topology is tested in this test case:
    #           +---+
    #           | 5 |
    # [20;30]+--+---+--+[70:80]
    #        |         |
    #      +-+-+     +-+-+
    #      | 3 |     | 4 |
    #      +-+-+     +-+-+
    #        |         |
    # [10;20]+--+---+--+[40:50]
    #           | 2 |
    #           +-+-+
    #             |
    #             |[50:60]
    #             |
    #           +-+-+
    #           | 1 |
    #           +---+

    contact_plan = ContactPlan(1000, 0)

    # Add contacts
    contact_plan.add_contact('node1', 'node2', 50, 60)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node2', 'node3', 10, 20)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node2', 'node4', 40, 50)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node3', 'node5', 20, 30)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node4', 'node5', 70, 80)

    # Generate contact graph representation
    contact_graph = ContactGraph(contact_plan)

    # Now generate a route list for possible routes from node1 to node4
    route_list_node15 = mod.load_route_list(contact_graph, 'node1', 'node5', 0)

    # Make sure that two routes were found
    assert len(route_list_node15) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_load_route_list(mod):
    """Test function that tests the route-finding capabilities of the
    load_route_list function and tests the correctness.
    # First, create an contact plan that is then converted to the contact graph
    # representation and later processed by load_route_list

    # The following topology is tested in this test case:
    #               +---+
    #               | 4 |
    #     [20;30]+--+---+--+[70:80]
    #            |         |
    #          +-+-+     +-+-+
    #          | 2 |     | 3 |
    #          +-+-+     +-+-+
    #            |         |
    #     [10;20]+--+---+--+[40:50]
    #               | 1 |
    #               +---+
    contact_plan = ContactPlan(1000, 0)

    contact_plan.add_contact('node1', 'node2', 10, 20)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node1', 'node3', 40, 50)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node2', 'node4', 20, 30)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node3', 'node4', 70, 80)

    # Generate contact graph representation
    contact_graph = ContactGraph(contact_plan)

    # Now generate a route list for possible routes from node1 to node4
    route_list_node14 = mod.load_route_list(contact_graph, 'node1', 'node4', 0)

    # Make sure that two routes were found
    assert len(route_list_node14) == 2

    # Assert characteristics of the found routes
    route1 = route_list_node14[0]
    assert route1.transmission_plan == ([('node1', 'node2', 10, 20, 1000, 0),
                                         ('node2', 'node4', 20, 30, 1000, 0)])

    assert route1.edt == 20
    assert route1.capacity == 10000
    assert route1.to_time == 20

    route2 = route_list_node14[1]
    assert route2.transmission_plan == ([('node1', 'node3', 40, 50, 1000, 0),
                                         ('node3', 'node4', 70, 80, 1000, 0)])

    assert route2.edt == 70
    assert route2.capacity == 10000
    assert route2.to_time == 50
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_add_node():
    # Create contact plan object
    cp = ContactPlan(1000.1, 42.42)

    # Add node

    # Check that new node is in node set
    assert 'testnode' in cp.plan['nodes']
    assert len(cp.plan['nodes']) == 1

    # Add node again

    # Check that new node is in the set only once
    assert 'testnode' in cp.plan['nodes']
    assert len(cp.plan['nodes']) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_create_from_contact_plan():
    plan = ContactPlan(1000, 0)

    plan.add_contact('a', 'b', 0.0, 10.0, 1000.0, 0.0, bidirectional=False)
    plan.add_contact('b', 'c', 0.0, 30.0, 1000.0, 0.0, bidirectional=False)
    plan.add_contact('a', 'c', 20.0, 30.0, 1000.0, 0.0, bidirectional=False)

    # Check if exception is thrown if invalid identifier is used
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        graph = ContactGraph([])

    graph = ContactGraph(plan)

    assert len(graph.graph) == 6

    id1 = ContactIdentifier('a', 'b', 0.0, 10.0, 1000.0, 0.0)
    id2 = ContactIdentifier('b', 'c', 0.0, 30.0, 1000.0, 0.0)
    id3 = ContactIdentifier('a', 'c', 20.0, 30.0, 1000.0, 0.0)

    assert id2 in graph.graph[id1][0]
    assert id1 in graph.graph[id2][1]
    assert len(graph.graph[id1][0]) == 2
    assert len(graph.graph[id1][1]) == 1
    assert len(graph.graph[id2][0]) == 1
    assert len(graph.graph[id2][1]) == 2
    assert len(graph.graph[id3][0]) == 1
    assert len(graph.graph[id3][1]) == 1

    # Verify number of root node vertices
    assert len(graph.graph[('a', 'a', 0, math.inf, math.inf, 0)][0]) == 2
    assert len(graph.graph[('b', 'b', 0, math.inf, math.inf, 0)][0]) == 1
    assert len(graph.graph[('c', 'c', 0, math.inf, math.inf, 0)][0]) == 0

    # Verify that vertice list of contact nodes contains vertices to correct
    # terminal nodes
    assert ('a', 'a', 0, math.inf, math.inf, 0) in graph.graph[id1][1]
    assert ('b', 'b', 0, math.inf, math.inf, 0) in graph.graph[id1][0]

    assert ('b', 'b', 0, math.inf, math.inf, 0) in graph.graph[id2][1]
    assert ('c', 'c', 0, math.inf, math.inf, 0) in graph.graph[id2][0]

    assert ('a', 'a', 0, math.inf, math.inf, 0) in graph.graph[id3][1]
    assert ('c', 'c', 0, math.inf, math.inf, 0) in graph.graph[id3][0]
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_load_route_list():
    # Create contact plan object
    cp = ContactPlan(1, 42)

    # Check if exception is thrown if file does not exist
    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
        cp = ContactPlan(1, 42, 'tests/resources/not_existing_file.json')

    # Check if exception is thrown if invalid file is loaded
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        cp = ContactPlan(1, 42, 'tests/resources/tvg_invalid_file.json')

    # Load a valid contact plan from the file
    cp = ContactPlan(1, 42, 'tests/resources/tvg_valid_file.json')

    assert ['node1', 'node2', 'node3'] == cp.plan['nodes']
    assert ('node1', 'node2', 0, 10000, 1, 42) in cp.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node2', 'node1', 0, 10000, 1, 42) in cp.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node1', 'node2', 20000, 30000, 1, 42) in cp.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node2', 'node1', 20000, 30000, 1, 42) in cp.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node2', 'node3', 30000, 40000, 1, 42) in cp.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node3', 'node2', 30000, 40000, 1, 42) in cp.plan['contacts']

    # Load a valid contact plan with custom datarate and delay from the file
    cp2 = ContactPlan(1, 100, 'tests/resources/tvg_valid_file.json')

    assert ['node1', 'node2', 'node3'] == cp2.plan['nodes']
    assert ('node1', 'node2', 0, 10000, 1, 100) in cp2.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node2', 'node1', 0, 10000, 1, 100) in cp2.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node1', 'node2', 20000, 30000, 1, 100) in cp2.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node2', 'node1', 20000, 30000, 1, 100) in cp2.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node2', 'node3', 30000, 40000, 1, 100) in cp2.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node3', 'node2', 30000, 40000, 1, 100) in cp2.plan['contacts']

    # Load a valid contact plan with custom datarate and delay from the file
    cp3 = ContactPlan(1, 42, 'tests/resources/03_tvg.json')

    assert 'NANOSATC-BR1' in cp3.plan['nodes']
    assert 'gs0' in cp3.plan['nodes']
    assert 'gs1' in cp3.plan['nodes']
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_add_contact():
    # Create contact plan object
    cp = ContactPlan(1000.1, 42.42)

    # Add contact to cp object
    cp.add_contact('node1', 'node2', 0.0, 12.2)

    # Verify that the two contacts (with the default datarate and default delay) were added properly
    assert ('node1', 'node2', 0.0, 12.2, 1000.1, 42.42) in cp.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node2', 'node1', 0.0, 12.2, 1000.1, 42.42) in cp.plan['contacts']
    assert len(cp.plan['contacts']) == 2

    # Add unidirectional contact
    cp.add_contact('node3', 'node4', 0.1, 13.4, bidirectional=False)

    # Verify that the one contact was added properly
    assert ('node3', 'node4', 0.1, 13.4, 1000.1, 42.42) in cp.plan['contacts']
    assert len(cp.plan['contacts']) == 3

    # Use specific values for datarate and delay
    cp.add_contact('node1', 'node2', 0.0, 12.2, delay=4.2)
    cp.add_contact('node1', 'node2', 0.0, 12.2, datarate=1004.2)
    cp.add_contact('node1', 'node2', 0.0, 12.2, delay=12.4, datarate=1004.2)
    cp.add_contact('node5', 'node6', 0.0, 12.2, delay=4.2, bidirectional=False)

    # Check that the added contacts are part of the cp
    assert ('node1', 'node2', 0.0, 12.2, 1000.1, 42.42) in cp.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node2', 'node1', 0.0, 12.2, 1000.1, 42.42) in cp.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node1', 'node2', 0.0, 12.2, 1004.2, 42.42) in cp.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node2', 'node1', 0.0, 12.2, 1004.2, 42.42) in cp.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node5', 'node6', 0.0, 12.2, 1000.1, 4.2) in cp.plan['contacts']
    assert ('node6', 'node5', 0.0, 12.2, 1000.1,
            4.2) not in cp.plan['contacts']

    # Check if all nodes were properly added to the contactplan node list
    assert ['node1', 'node2', 'node3', 'node4', 'node5',
            'node6'] == cp.plan['nodes']
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_cgr_base_no_route(mod):
    # First, create an contact plan that is then converted to the contact
    # graph representation and later processed by cgr()

    # The following topology is tested in this test case:
    #    +---+         +---+         +---+         +---+
    #    | 1 +---------+ 2 +---------+ 3 +---------+ 4 |
    #    +---+  35:40  +---+  20:40  +---+  20:25  +---+

    contact_plan = ContactPlan(1000, 0)

    contact_plan.add_contact('node1', 'node2', 35, 40)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node2', 'node3', 20, 40)
    contact_plan.add_contact('node3', 'node4', 20, 25)

    # Generate contact graph representation
    contact_graph = ContactGraph(contact_plan)

    # Route bundle from node1 to node 8 with size 1 and no deadline
    bundle = Packet('node1', 'node4', 1, math.inf)

    # Create empty route_list dictionary so route list for destination will be
    # regenerated
    route_list = dict()

    # Create contact list object
    contact_list = dict()

    # Create limbo list
    limbo = list()

    # Create Simulation Environment (dummy, will not be run)
    env = QSim()

    contact_list[('node1', 'node2', 35, 40, 1000, 0)] = Contact(
        35, 40, 1000, 'node1', 'node2', debug=True)
    contact_list[('node2', 'node3', 20, 40, 1000, 0)] = Contact(
        20, 40, 1000, 'node2', 'node3', debug=True)
    contact_list[('node3', 'node4', 20, 25, 1000, 0)] = Contact(
        20, 25, 1000, 'node3', 'node4', debug=True)
    contact_list[('node1', 'node1', 0, math.inf, 1000, 0)] = Contact(
        0, math.inf, 1000, 'node1', 'node1', debug=True)

    # Add dummy simulator to the contacts
    dummy = DummySimulator()
    contact_list[('node1', 'node2', 35, 40, 1000, 0)].register_simulator(dummy)
    contact_list[('node2', 'node3', 20, 40, 1000, 0)].register_simulator(dummy)
    contact_list[('node3', 'node4', 20, 25, 1000, 0)].register_simulator(dummy)
    contact_list[('node1', 'node1', 0, math.inf, 1000, 0)] \

    # Now run cgr for the bundle (with current time set to 0)
    mod.cgr(bundle, 'node1', contact_graph, route_list, contact_list, 0, limbo)

    # Make sure that the bundle is enqueue for the correct contact
    assert len(limbo) == 1
    assert len(contact_list[('node1', 'node2', 35, 40, 1000, 0)] \
        .packet_queue) == 0
    assert len(contact_list[('node2', 'node3', 20, 40, 1000, 0)] \
        .packet_queue) == 0
    assert len(contact_list[('node3', 'node4', 20, 25, 1000, 0)] \
        .packet_queue) == 0
    assert len(contact_list[('node1', 'node1', 0, math.inf, 1000, 0)] \
        .packet_queue) == 0