def dump(self, dest=None, **kwargs): if dest is None: # raise IOError("no destination metadata file defined") try: cat = self.category.get('code') except: cat = self.category dest = osp.join("%s.json" % cat) elif not isinstance(dest, string_types): raise TypeError("Wrong destination metadata file '%s'" % dest) try: assert osp.exists(dest) except AssertionError: warnings.warn('\n! Destination metadata file will be created !') else: warnings.warn( '\n! Destination metadata file will be overwritten !') meta = { k: v for (k, v) in dict(self.copy()).items() if k in self.keys() } if meta == {}: raise IOError("No metadata variable available") with open(dest, 'w') as fp: try: Json.dump(meta, fp, **kwargs) except: raise IOError("Error saving metadata file")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not args in ((), (None, )): try: meta = deepcopy( args[0] ) # deepcopy to avoid updating the default variables!!! except: meta = args[0] else: meta = {} if isinstance(meta, MetaDat): meta = dict(meta).copy() elif isinstance(meta, string_types): if not osp.exists(meta): raise IOError("Input metadata filename '%s' not recognised" % meta) with open(meta, 'rt') as fp: try: meta = Json.load(fp, serialize=kwargs.pop('serialize', False)) except: raise IOError( "Input metadata file '%s' must be in JSON format" % meta) elif not isinstance(meta, Mapping): raise TypeError( "Input metadata format '%s' not recognised - must be a mapping dictionary or a string" % type(meta)) meta.update(kwargs) super(MetaDat, self).__init__(**meta) self.__dict__ = self
def dumps(self, **kwargs): meta = { k: v for (k, v) in dict(self.copy()).items() if k in self.keys() } if meta == {}: raise IOError("No metadata variable available") try: return Json.dumps(meta, **kwargs) except: raise IOError("Error dumping metadata file")
def load(self, src=None, **kwargs): if src is None: # raise IOError("no source metadata file defined") try: cat = self.category.get('code') except: cat = self.category src = osp.join("%s.json" % cat) elif not isinstance(src, string_types): raise TypeError("Wrong source metadata file '%s'" % src) try: assert osp.exists(src) except AssertionError: raise IOError("Metadata file '%s' do not exist" % src) with open(src, 'r') as fp: try: meta = Json.load(fp, **kwargs) except: raise IOError("Error saving metadata file") if 'category' not in meta.keys() and self.category != self.CATEGORY: meta.update({'category': self.category}) return meta
def harmoniseService(facility, country=None, gc=None, **kwargs): """Generic harmonisation function. >>> harmonise.harmoniseService(facility, country = None, gc = None, **kwargs) """ #if facility is None: # facility = list(FACILITIES.keys()) if not isinstance(facility, string_types): raise TypeError( "Wrong type for input service - must be the facility type") elif not facility in FACILITIES.keys(): raise IOError( "Service type not recognised - must be a string in the list '%s'" % list(FACILITIES.keys())) if country is None: country = list(COUNTRIES.keys()) if not isinstance(country, string_types) and isinstance(country, Sequence): for ctry in country: try: harmoniseService(facility, country=ctry, gc=gc, **kwargs) except: continue return elif not isinstance(country, string_types): raise TypeError( "Wrong type for input country code - must be the ISO 2-letter string" ) elif not country in COUNTRIES.keys(): raise IOError( "Country code not recognised - must be a code of the '%s' area(s)" % list(COUNTRIES.keys())) if not (gc is None or isinstance(gc, (string_types, Mapping))): raise TypeError( "Coder type not recognised - must be a dictionary or a single string" ) CC, METADATNAT = None, {} metadir = FACILITIES[facility].get('code') # generic name ccname = "%s%s" % (country, BASENAME.get(facility, '')) # load country-dedicated module wmmhen available modname = ccname fname = '' % ccname try: assert osp.exists(osp.join(__THISDIR, metadir, fname)) # import_module('%s.%s' % (PACKNAME,modname) ) imp = import_module('.%s' % modname, '%s.%s' % (PACKNAME, metadir)) except AssertionError: logging.warning( "\n! No country py-file '%s' found - will proceed without !" % fname) except ImportError: logging.warning( "\n! No country py-module '%s' found - will proceed without !" % modname) except: raise ImportError("No country py-module '%s' loaded" % modname) else: logging.warning("\n! Country py-module '%s' found !" % imp.__name__) try: assert imp in sysmod.values() except: raise ImportError("Country py-module '%s' not loaded correctly" % imp.__name__) try: # assert 'CC' in dir(imp) CC = getattr(imp, 'CC', None) except: logging.warning("\n! Global variable 'CC' not set - use default !") # try: # # assert 'META' in dir(imp) # METADATNAT = getattr(imp, 'META', None) # assert METADATNAT is not None # except: # logging.warning("\n! No default metadata dictionary 'META' available !") # else: # logging.warning("\n! Default hard-coded metadata dictionary 'META' found !") try: # assert 'harmonise' in dir(imp) harmonise = getattr(imp, HARMONISE, None) assert harmonise is not None except: logging.warning('\n! Generic formatting/harmonisation methods used !') harmonise = harmoniseFacilityData else: logging.warning( '\n! Country-specific formatting/harmonisation methods used !') if 'methods' not in kwargs: kwargs.update({'methods': {p: None for p in PROCESSES}}) for proc in PROCESSES: try: # assert proc in dir(imp) proc_data = getattr(imp, '%s_data' % proc, None) assert proc_data is not None except: # logging.warning("! no data '%s' method used !" % proc) pass # proc_data = None else: logging.warning("\n! country-specific '%s_data' method loaded !" % proc) finally: kwargs['methods'].update({proc: proc_data}) # load country-dedicated metadata when available metadata = None metafname = '%s.json' % ccname try: metafname = osp.join(__THISDIR, metadir, metafname) assert osp.exists(metafname) with open(metafname, 'r') as fp: metadata = Json.load(fp) except (AssertionError, FileNotFoundError): logging.warning( "\n! No metadata JSON-file '%s' found - will proceed without !" % metafname) else: logging.warning("! Ad-hoc metadata found - JSON-file '%s' loaded !" % metafname) # define the actual metadata: the one loaded, or the default # metadata = metadata or METADATNAT if metadata in (None, {}): raise IOError('No metadata parsed - this cannot end up well') try: kwargs.update({'country': {'code': CC or country}}) if 'options' in kwargs.keys(): if 'locate' in kwargs['options'].keys(): kwargs['options']['locate'].update({'gc': gc}) else: kwargs['options'].update({'locate': {'gc': gc}}) else: kwargs.update({'options': {'locate': {'gc': gc}}}) res = harmonise(facility, metadata, **kwargs) except: raise IOError("Harmonisation process for country '%s' failed..." % country) else: logging.warning("\n! Harmonised data for country '%s' generated !" % country) return res