def initialize(self, **args):
     if self._init_path is None:
         GPopulation.initialize(self, **args)
         with open(self._init_path, "r") as initial_pop_file:
             for gen in self.internalPop:
                     line =
                 except StopIteration:
                     raise RuntimeError("Internal error, mismatch between "\
                                        "population size and initial "\
                                        "population file length")
                 gl = ast.literal_eval(line)
                 for i in range(len(gl)):
                         gen[i][:] = gl[i][:]
                     except TypeError:
                         gen[i][0] = gl[i]
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def initialize(self, **args):
     if self._init_path is None:
         GPopulation.initialize(self, **args)
         with open(self._init_path, "r") as initial_pop_file:
             for gen in self.internalPop:
                     line =
                 except StopIteration:
                     raise RuntimeError("Internal error, mismatch between "\
                                        "population size and initial "\
                                        "population file length")
                 gl = ast.literal_eval(line)
                 for i in range(len(gl)):
                         gen[i][:] = gl[i][:]
                     except TypeError:
                         gen[i][0] = gl[i]
Ejemplo n.º 3
class GSimpleGA(object):
    """ GA Engine Class - The Genetic Algorithm Core

       >>> ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
       >>> ga.selector.set(Selectors.GRouletteWheel)
       >>> ga.setGenerations(120)
       >>> ga.terminationCriteria.set(GSimpleGA.ConvergenceCriteria)

    :param genome: the :term:`Sample Genome`
    :param interactiveMode: this flag enables the Interactive Mode, the default is True
    :param seed: the random seed value

    .. note:: if you use the same random seed, all the runs of algorithm will be the same


    selector = None
    """ This is the function slot for the selection method
    if you want to change the default selector, you must do this: ::

       ga_engine.selector.set(Selectors.GRouletteWheel) """

    stepCallback = None
    """ This is the :term:`step callback function` slot,
    if you want to set the function, you must do this: ::

       def your_func(ga_engine):
          # Here you have access to the GA Engine
          return False


    now *"your_func"* will be called every generation.
    When this function returns True, the GA Engine will stop the evolution and show
    a warning, if False, the evolution continues.

    terminationCriteria = None
    """ This is the termination criteria slot, if you want to set one
    termination criteria, you must do this: ::


    Now, when you run your GA, it will stop when the population converges.

    There are those termination criteria functions: :func:`GSimpleGA.RawScoreCriteria`,
    :func:`GSimpleGA.ConvergenceCriteria`, :func:`GSimpleGA.RawStatsCriteria`, :func:`GSimpleGA.FitnessStatsCriteria`

    But you can create your own termination function, this function receives
    one parameter which is the GA Engine, follows an example: ::

       def ConvergenceCriteria(ga_engine):
          pop = ga_engine.getPopulation()
          return pop[0] == pop[len(pop)-1]

    When this function returns True, the GA Engine will stop the evolution and show
    a warning, if False, the evolution continues, this function is called every

    def __init__(self, genome, seed=None, interactiveMode=True):
        """ Initializator of GSimpleGA """
        if seed:

        if type(interactiveMode) != bool:
            Util.raiseException("Interactive Mode option must be True or False", TypeError)

        if not isinstance(genome, GenomeBase):
            Util.raiseException("The genome must be a GenomeBase subclass", TypeError)

        self.internalPop = GPopulation(genome)
        self.nGenerations = Consts.CDefGAGenerations
        self.pMutation = Consts.CDefGAMutationRate
        self.pCrossover = Consts.CDefGACrossoverRate
        self.nElitismReplacement = Consts.CDefGAElitismReplacement
        self.minimax = Consts.minimaxType["maximize"]
        self.elitism = True

        # Adapters
        self.dbAdapter = None
        self.migrationAdapter = None

        self.time_init = None
        self.max_time = None
        self.interactiveMode = interactiveMode
        self.interactiveGen = -1
        self.GPMode = False

        self.selector = FunctionSlot("Selector")
        self.stepCallback = FunctionSlot("Generation Step Callback")
        self.terminationCriteria = FunctionSlot("Termination Criteria")
        self.allSlots = (self.selector, self.stepCallback, self.terminationCriteria)

        self.internalParams = {}

        self.currentGeneration = 0

        # GP Testing
        for classes in Consts.CDefGPGenomes:
            if isinstance(self.internalPop.oneSelfGenome, classes):

        logging.debug("A GA Engine was created, nGenerations=%d", self.nGenerations)

    def setGPMode(self, bool_value):
        """ Sets the Genetic Programming mode of the GA Engine

        :param bool_value: True or False
        self.GPMode = bool_value

    def getGPMode(self):
        """ Get the Genetic Programming mode of the GA Engine

        :rtype: True or False
        return self.GPMode

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ A method to implement a callable object

           >>> ga_engine(freq_stats=10)

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           The callable method.
        if kwargs.get("freq_stats", None):
            return self.evolve(kwargs.get("freq_stats"))
            return self.evolve()

    def setParams(self, **args):
        """ Set the internal params

           >>> ga.setParams(gp_terminals=['x', 'y'])

        :param args: params to save

        ..versionaddd:: 0.6
           Added the *setParams* method.

    def getParam(self, key, nvl=None):
        """ Gets an internal parameter

           >>> ga.getParam("gp_terminals")
           ['x', 'y']

        :param key: the key of param
        :param nvl: if the key doesn't exist, the nvl will be returned

        ..versionaddd:: 0.6
           Added the *getParam* method.
        return self.internalParams.get(key, nvl)

    def setInteractiveGeneration(self, generation):
        """ Sets the generation in which the GA must enter in the
        Interactive Mode

        :param generation: the generation number, use "-1" to disable

        .. versionadded::0.6
           The *setInteractiveGeneration* method.
        if generation < -1:
            Util.raiseException("Generation must be >= -1", ValueError)
        self.interactiveGen = generation

    def getInteractiveGeneration(self):
        """ returns the generation in which the GA must enter in the
        Interactive Mode

        :rtype: the generation number or -1 if not set

        .. versionadded::0.6
           The *getInteractiveGeneration* method.
        return self.interactiveGen

    def setElitismReplacement(self, numreplace):
        """ Set the number of best individuals to copy to the next generation on the elitism

        :param numreplace: the number of individuals

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           The *setElitismReplacement* method.

        if numreplace < 1:
            Util.raiseException("Replacement number must be >= 1", ValueError)
        self.nElitismReplacement = numreplace

    def setInteractiveMode(self, flag=True):
        """ Enable/disable the interactive mode

        :param flag: True or False

        .. versionadded: 0.6
           The *setInteractiveMode* method.

        if type(flag) != bool:
            Util.raiseException("Interactive Mode option must be True or False", TypeError)
        self.interactiveMode = flag

    def __repr__(self):
        """ The string representation of the GA Engine """
        minimax_type = list(Consts.minimaxType.keys())[list(Consts.minimaxType.values()).index(self.minimax)]
        ret = "- GSimpleGA\n"
        ret += "\tGP Mode:\t\t %s\n" % self.getGPMode()
        ret += "\tPopulation Size:\t %d\n" % self.internalPop.popSize
        ret += "\tGenerations:\t\t %d\n" % self.nGenerations
        ret += "\tCurrent Generation:\t %d\n" % self.currentGeneration
        ret += "\tMutation Rate:\t\t %.2f\n" % self.pMutation
        ret += "\tCrossover Rate:\t\t %.2f\n" % self.pCrossover
        ret += "\tMinimax Type:\t\t %s\n" % minimax_type.capitalize()
        ret += "\tElitism:\t\t %s\n" % self.elitism
        ret += "\tElitism Replacement:\t %d\n" % self.nElitismReplacement
        ret += "\tDB Adapter:\t\t %s\n" % self.dbAdapter
        for slot in self.allSlots:
            ret += "\t" + slot.__repr__()
        ret += "\n"
        return ret

    def setMultiProcessing(self, flag=True, full_copy=False, max_processes=None):
        """ Sets the flag to enable/disable the use of python multiprocessing module.
        Use this option when you have more than one core on your CPU and when your
        evaluation function is very slow.

        Pyevolve will automaticly check if your Python version has **multiprocessing**
        support and if you have more than one single CPU core. If you don't have support
        or have just only one core, Pyevolve will not use the **multiprocessing**

        Pyevolve uses the **multiprocessing** to execute the evaluation function over
        the individuals, so the use of this feature will make sense if you have a
        truly slow evaluation function (which is commom in GAs).

        The parameter "full_copy" defines where the individual data should be copied back
        after the evaluation or not. This parameter is useful when you change the
        individual in the evaluation function.

        :param flag: True (default) or False
        :param full_copy: True or False (default)
        :param max_processes: None (default) or an integer value

        .. warning:: Use this option only when your evaluation function is slow, so you'll
                     get a good tradeoff between the process communication speed and the
                     parallel evaluation. The use of the **multiprocessing** doesn't means
                     always a better performance.

        .. note:: To enable the multiprocessing option, you **MUST** add the *__main__* check
                  on your application, otherwise, it will result in errors. See more on the
                  `Python Docs <>`__

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           The `setMultiProcessing` method.

        if type(flag) != bool:
            Util.raiseException("Multiprocessing option must be True or False", TypeError)

        if type(full_copy) != bool:
            Util.raiseException("Multiprocessing 'full_copy' option must be True or False", TypeError)

        self.internalPop.setMultiProcessing(flag, full_copy, max_processes)

    def setMigrationAdapter(self, migration_adapter=None):
        """ Sets the Migration Adapter

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           The `setMigrationAdapter` method.

        self.migrationAdapter = migration_adapter
        if self.migrationAdapter is not None:

    def setDBAdapter(self, dbadapter=None):
        """ Sets the DB Adapter of the GA Engine

        :param dbadapter: one of the :mod:`DBAdapters` classes instance

        .. warning:: the use the of a DB Adapter can reduce the speed performance of the
                     Genetic Algorithm.
        if (dbadapter is not None) and (not isinstance(dbadapter, DBBaseAdapter)):
            Util.raiseException("The DB Adapter must be a DBBaseAdapter subclass", TypeError)
        self.dbAdapter = dbadapter

    def setPopulationSize(self, size):
        """ Sets the population size, calls setPopulationSize() of GPopulation

        :param size: the population size

        .. note:: the population size must be >= 2

        if size < 2:
            Util.raiseException("population size must be >= 2", ValueError)

    def setSortType(self, sort_type):
        """ Sets the sort type, Consts.sortType["raw"]/Consts.sortType["scaled"]

           >>> ga_engine.setSortType(Consts.sortType["scaled"])

        :param sort_type: the Sort Type

        if sort_type not in Consts.sortType.values():
            Util.raiseException("sort type must be a Consts.sortType type", TypeError)
        self.internalPop.sortType = sort_type

    def setMutationRate(self, rate):
        """ Sets the mutation rate, between 0.0 and 1.0

        :param rate: the rate, between 0.0 and 1.0

        if (rate > 1.0) or (rate < 0.0):
            Util.raiseException("Mutation rate must be >= 0.0 and <= 1.0", ValueError)
        self.pMutation = rate

    def setCrossoverRate(self, rate):
        """ Sets the crossover rate, between 0.0 and 1.0

        :param rate: the rate, between 0.0 and 1.0

        if (rate > 1.0) or (rate < 0.0):
            Util.raiseException("Crossover rate must be >= 0.0 and <= 1.0", ValueError)
        self.pCrossover = rate

    def setGenerations(self, num_gens):
        """ Sets the number of generations to evolve

        :param num_gens: the number of generations

        if num_gens < 1:
            Util.raiseException("Number of generations must be >= 1", ValueError)
        self.nGenerations = num_gens

    def getGenerations(self):
        """ Return the number of generations to evolve

        :rtype: the number of generations

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           Added the *getGenerations* method
        return self.nGenerations

    def getMinimax(self):
        """ Gets the minimize/maximize mode

        :rtype: the Consts.minimaxType type

        return self.minimax

    def setMinimax(self, mtype):
        """ Sets the minimize/maximize mode, use Consts.minimaxType

        :param mtype: the minimax mode, from Consts.minimaxType

        if mtype not in Consts.minimaxType.values():
            Util.raiseException("Minimax must be maximize or minimize", TypeError)
        self.minimax = mtype

    def getCurrentGeneration(self):
        """ Gets the current generation

        :rtype: the current generation

        return self.currentGeneration

    def setElitism(self, flag):
        """ Sets the elitism option, True or False

        :param flag: True or False

        if type(flag) != bool:
            Util.raiseException("Elitism option must be True or False", TypeError)
        self.elitism = flag

    def getDBAdapter(self):
        """ Gets the DB Adapter of the GA Engine

        :rtype: a instance from one of the :mod:`DBAdapters` classes

        return self.dbAdapter

    def setMaxTime(self, seconds):
        """ Sets the maximun evolve time of the GA Engine

        :param seconds: maximum time in seconds
        self.max_time = seconds

    def getMaxTime(self):
        """ Get the maximun evolve time of the GA Engine

        :rtype: True or False
        return self.max_time

    def bestIndividual(self):
        """ Returns the population best individual

        :rtype: the best individual

        return self.internalPop.bestRaw()

    def worstIndividual(self):
        """ Returns the population worst individual

        :rtype: the best individual

        return self.internalPop.worstRaw()

    def __gp_catch_functions(self, prefix):
        """ Internally used to catch functions with some specific prefix
        as non-terminals of the GP core """
        import __main__ as mod_main

        function_set = {}

        main_dict = mod_main.__dict__
        for obj, addr in main_dict.items():
            if obj[0:len(prefix)] == prefix:
                    op_len = addr.func_code.co_argcount
                function_set[obj] = op_len

        if len(function_set) <= 0:
            Util.raiseException("No function set found using function prefix '%s' !" % prefix, ValueError)


    def initialize(self):
        """ Initializes the GA Engine. Create and initialize population """
        logging.debug("The GA Engine was initialized !")

    def getPopulation(self):
        """ Return the internal population of GA Engine

        :rtype: the population (:class:`GPopulation.GPopulation`)

        return self.internalPop

    def getStatistics(self):
        """ Gets the Statistics class instance of current generation

        :rtype: the statistics instance (:class:`Statistics.Statistics`)

        return self.internalPop.getStatistics()

    def step(self):
        """ Just do one step in evolution, one generation """
        newPop = GPopulation(self.internalPop)
        logging.debug("Population was cloned.")

        size_iterate = len(self.internalPop)

        # Odd population size
        if size_iterate % 2 != 0:
            size_iterate -= 1

        crossover_empty =

        for i in xrange(0, size_iterate, 2):
            genomeMom =
            genomeDad =

            if not crossover_empty and self.pCrossover >= 1.0:
                for it in genomeMom.crossover.applyFunctions(mom=genomeMom, dad=genomeDad, count=2):
                    (sister, brother) = it
                if not crossover_empty and Util.randomFlipCoin(self.pCrossover):
                    for it in genomeMom.crossover.applyFunctions(mom=genomeMom, dad=genomeDad, count=2):
                        (sister, brother) = it
                    sister = genomeMom.clone()
                    brother = genomeDad.clone()

            sister.mutate(pmut=self.pMutation, ga_engine=self)
            brother.mutate(pmut=self.pMutation, ga_engine=self)


        if len(self.internalPop) % 2 != 0:
            genomeMom =
            genomeDad =

            if Util.randomFlipCoin(self.pCrossover):
                for it in genomeMom.crossover.applyFunctions(mom=genomeMom, dad=genomeDad, count=1):
                    (sister, brother) = it
                sister = random.choice([genomeMom, genomeDad])
                sister = sister.clone()
                sister.mutate(pmut=self.pMutation, ga_engine=self)


        logging.debug("Evaluating the new created population.")

        if self.elitism:
            logging.debug("Doing elitism.")
            if self.getMinimax() == Consts.minimaxType["maximize"]:
                for i in xrange(self.nElitismReplacement):
                    #re-evaluate before being sure this is the best
                    if self.internalPop.bestRaw(i).score > newPop.bestRaw(i).score:
                        newPop[len(newPop) - 1 - i] = self.internalPop.bestRaw(i)
            elif self.getMinimax() == Consts.minimaxType["minimize"]:
                for i in xrange(self.nElitismReplacement):
                    #re-evaluate before being sure this is the best
                    if self.internalPop.bestRaw(i).score < newPop.bestRaw(i).score:
                        newPop[len(newPop) - 1 - i] = self.internalPop.bestRaw(i)

        self.internalPop = newPop

        logging.debug("The generation %d was finished.", self.currentGeneration)

        self.currentGeneration += 1

        if self.max_time:
           total_time = time() - self.time_init
           if total_time > self.max_time:
              return True
        return self.currentGeneration == self.nGenerations

    def printStats(self):
        """ Print generation statistics

        :rtype: the printed statistics as string

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6
           The return of *printStats* method.
        percent = self.currentGeneration * 100 / float(self.nGenerations)
        message = "Gen. %d (%.2f%%):" % (self.currentGeneration, percent)
        stat_ret = self.internalPop.printStats()
        return message + stat_ret

    def printTimeElapsed(self):
        """ Shows the time elapsed since the begin of evolution """
        total_time = time() - self.time_init
        print("Total time elapsed: %.3f seconds." % total_time)
        return total_time

    def dumpStatsDB(self):
        """ Dumps the current statistics to database adapter """
        logging.debug("Dumping stats to the DB Adapter")

    def evolve(self, freq_stats=0):
        """ Do all the generations until the termination criteria, accepts
        the freq_stats (default is 0) to dump statistics at n-generation

           >>> ga_engine.evolve(freq_stats=10)

        :param freq_stats: if greater than 0, the statistics will be
                           printed every freq_stats generation.
        :rtype: returns the best individual of the evolution

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           the return of the best individual


        stopFlagCallback = False
        stopFlagTerminationCriteria = False

        self.time_init = time()

        logging.debug("Starting the DB Adapter and the Migration Adapter if any")
        if self.dbAdapter:
        if self.migrationAdapter:

        if self.getGPMode():
            gp_function_prefix = self.getParam("gp_function_prefix")
            if gp_function_prefix is not None:

        logging.debug("Starting loop over evolutionary algorithm.")

            while True:
                if self.migrationAdapter:
                    logging.debug("Migration adapter: exchange")

                if not self.stepCallback.isEmpty():
                    for it in self.stepCallback.applyFunctions(self):
                        stopFlagCallback = it

                if not self.terminationCriteria.isEmpty():
                    for it in self.terminationCriteria.applyFunctions(self):
                        stopFlagTerminationCriteria = it

                if freq_stats:
                    if (self.currentGeneration % freq_stats == 0) or (self.getCurrentGeneration() == 0):

                if self.dbAdapter:
                    if self.currentGeneration % self.dbAdapter.getStatsGenFreq() == 0:

                if stopFlagTerminationCriteria:
                    logging.debug("Evolution stopped by the Termination Criteria !")
                    if freq_stats:
                        print("\n\tEvolution stopped by Termination Criteria function !\n")

                if stopFlagCallback:
                    logging.debug("Evolution stopped by Step Callback function !")
                    if freq_stats:
                        print("\n\tEvolution stopped by Step Callback function !\n")

                if self.interactiveMode:
                    if sys_platform[:3] == "win":
                        if msvcrt.kbhit():
                            if ord(msvcrt.getch()) == Consts.CDefESCKey:
                                print("Loading modules for Interactive Mode...",)
                                    "Windows Interactive Mode key detected ! generation=%d",
                                from pyevolve import Interaction
                                print(" done !")
                                interact_banner = "## Pyevolve v.%s - Interactive Mode ##\n" \
                                                  "Press CTRL-Z to quit interactive mode." % (pyevolve.__version__,)
                                session_locals = {
                                    "ga_engine": self,
                                    "population": self.getPopulation(),
                                    "pyevolve": pyevolve,
                                    "it": Interaction,
                                code.interact(interact_banner, local=session_locals)

                    is_interactive_generation = self.getInteractiveGeneration() == self.getCurrentGeneration()
                    if self.getInteractiveGeneration() >= 0 and is_interactive_generation:
                        print("Loading modules for Interactive Mode...")
                            "Manual Interactive Mode key detected ! generation=%d",
                        from pyevolve import Interaction
                        print(" done !")
                        interact_banner = "## Pyevolve v.%s - Interactive Mode ##" % (pyevolve.__version__,)
                        session_locals = {
                            "ga_engine": self,
                            "population": self.getPopulation(),
                            "pyevolve": pyevolve,
                            "it": Interaction
                        code.interact(interact_banner, local=session_locals)

                if self.step():

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            logging.debug("CTRL-C detected, finishing evolution.")
            if freq_stats:
                print("\n\tA break was detected, you have interrupted the evolution !\n")

        if freq_stats != 0:

        if self.dbAdapter:
            logging.debug("Closing the DB Adapter")
            if not (self.currentGeneration % self.dbAdapter.getStatsGenFreq() == 0):

        if self.migrationAdapter:
            logging.debug("Closing the Migration Adapter")

        return self.bestIndividual()

    def select(self, **args):
        """ Select one individual from population

        :param args: this parameters will be sent to the selector

        for it in self.selector.applyFunctions(self.internalPop, **args):
            return it
Ejemplo n.º 4
class GSimpleGA(object):
    """ GA Engine Class - The Genetic Algorithm Core

       >>> ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
       >>> ga.selector.set(Selectors.GRouletteWheel)
       >>> ga.setGenerations(120)
       >>> ga.terminationCriteria.set(GSimpleGA.ConvergenceCriteria)

    :param genome: the :term:`Sample Genome`
    :param interactiveMode: this flag enables the Interactive Mode, the default is True
    :param seed: the random seed value

    .. note:: if you use the same random seed, all the runs of algorithm will be the same


    selector = None
    """ This is the function slot for the selection method
    if you want to change the default selector, you must do this: ::

       ga_engine.selector.set(Selectors.GRouletteWheel) """

    stepCallback = None
    """ This is the :term:`step callback function` slot,
    if you want to set the function, you must do this: ::

       def your_func(ga_engine):
          # Here you have access to the GA Engine
          return False


    now *"your_func"* will be called every generation.
    When this function returns True, the GA Engine will stop the evolution and show
    a warning, if False, the evolution continues.

    terminationCriteria = None
    """ This is the termination criteria slot, if you want to set one
    termination criteria, you must do this: ::


    Now, when you run your GA, it will stop when the population converges.

    There are those termination criteria functions: :func:`GSimpleGA.RawScoreCriteria`,
    :func:`GSimpleGA.ConvergenceCriteria`, :func:`GSimpleGA.RawStatsCriteria`, :func:`GSimpleGA.FitnessStatsCriteria`

    But you can create your own termination function, this function receives
    one parameter which is the GA Engine, follows an example: ::

       def ConvergenceCriteria(ga_engine):
          pop = ga_engine.getPopulation()
          return pop[0] == pop[len(pop)-1]

    When this function returns True, the GA Engine will stop the evolution and show
    a warning, if False, the evolution continues, this function is called every

    def __init__(self, genome, seed=None, interactiveMode=True):
        """ Initializator of GSimpleGA """
        if seed:

        if type(interactiveMode) != bool:# BooleanType:
            Util.raiseException("Interactive Mode option must be True or False", TypeError)

        if not isinstance(genome, GenomeBase):
            Util.raiseException("The genome must be a GenomeBase subclass", TypeError)

        self.internalPop = GPopulation(genome)
        self.nGenerations = Consts.CDefGAGenerations
        self.pMutation = Consts.CDefGAMutationRate
        self.pCrossover = Consts.CDefGACrossoverRate
        self.nElitismReplacement = Consts.CDefGAElitismReplacement
        self.minimax = Consts.minimaxType["maximize"]
        self.elitism = True

        # Adapters
        self.dbAdapter = None
        self.migrationAdapter = None

        self.time_init = None
        self.max_time = None
        self.interactiveMode = interactiveMode
        self.interactiveGen = -1
        self.GPMode = False

        self.selector = FunctionSlot("Selector")
        self.stepCallback = FunctionSlot("Generation Step Callback")
        self.terminationCriteria = FunctionSlot("Termination Criteria")
        self.allSlots = (self.selector, self.stepCallback, self.terminationCriteria)

        self.internalParams = {}

        self.currentGeneration = 0

        # GP Testing
        for classes in Consts.CDefGPGenomes:
            if isinstance(self.internalPop.oneSelfGenome, classes):

        logging.debug("A GA Engine was created, nGenerations=%d", self.nGenerations)

    def setGPMode(self, bool_value):
        """ Sets the Genetic Programming mode of the GA Engine

        :param bool_value: True or False
        self.GPMode = bool_value

    def getGPMode(self):
        """ Get the Genetic Programming mode of the GA Engine

        :rtype: True or False
        return self.GPMode

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ A method to implement a callable object

           >>> ga_engine(freq_stats=10)

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           The callable method.
        if kwargs.get("freq_stats", None):
            return self.evolve(kwargs.get("freq_stats"))
            return self.evolve()

    def setParams(self, **args):
        """ Set the internal params

           >>> ga.setParams(gp_terminals=['x', 'y'])

        :param args: params to save

        ..versionaddd:: 0.6
           Added the *setParams* method.

    def getParam(self, key, nvl=None):
        """ Gets an internal parameter

           >>> ga.getParam("gp_terminals")
           ['x', 'y']

        :param key: the key of param
        :param nvl: if the key doesn't exist, the nvl will be returned

        ..versionaddd:: 0.6
           Added the *getParam* method.
        return self.internalParams.get(key, nvl)

    def setInteractiveGeneration(self, generation):
        """ Sets the generation in which the GA must enter in the
        Interactive Mode

        :param generation: the generation number, use "-1" to disable

        .. versionadded::0.6
           The *setInteractiveGeneration* method.
        if generation < -1:
            Util.raiseException("Generation must be >= -1", ValueError)
        self.interactiveGen = generation

    def getInteractiveGeneration(self):
        """ returns the generation in which the GA must enter in the
        Interactive Mode

        :rtype: the generation number or -1 if not set

        .. versionadded::0.6
           The *getInteractiveGeneration* method.
        return self.interactiveGen

    def setElitismReplacement(self, numreplace):
        """ Set the number of best individuals to copy to the next generation on the elitism

        :param numreplace: the number of individuals

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           The *setElitismReplacement* method.

        if numreplace < 1:
            Util.raiseException("Replacement number must be >= 1", ValueError)
        self.nElitismReplacement = numreplace

    def setInteractiveMode(self, flag=True):
        """ Enable/disable the interactive mode

        :param flag: True or False

        .. versionadded: 0.6
           The *setInteractiveMode* method.

        if type(flag) != bool :#BooleanType:
            Util.raiseException("Interactive Mode option must be True or False", TypeError)
        self.interactiveMode = flag

    def __repr__(self):
        """ The string representation of the GA Engine """
        minimax_type = Consts.minimaxType.keys()[Consts.minimaxType.values().index(self.minimax)]
        ret = "- GSimpleGA\n"
        ret += "\tGP Mode:\t\t %s\n" % self.getGPMode()
        ret += "\tPopulation Size:\t %d\n" % self.internalPop.popSize
        ret += "\tGenerations:\t\t %d\n" % self.nGenerations
        ret += "\tCurrent Generation:\t %d\n" % self.currentGeneration
        ret += "\tMutation Rate:\t\t %.2f\n" % self.pMutation
        ret += "\tCrossover Rate:\t\t %.2f\n" % self.pCrossover
        ret += "\tMinimax Type:\t\t %s\n" % minimax_type.capitalize()
        ret += "\tElitism:\t\t %s\n" % self.elitism
        ret += "\tElitism Replacement:\t %d\n" % self.nElitismReplacement
        ret += "\tDB Adapter:\t\t %s\n" % self.dbAdapter
        for slot in self.allSlots:
            ret += "\t" + slot.__repr__()
        ret += "\n"
        return ret

    def setMultiProcessing(self, flag=True, full_copy=False, max_processes=None):
        """ Sets the flag to enable/disable the use of python multiprocessing module.
        Use this option when you have more than one core on your CPU and when your
        evaluation function is very slow.

        Pyevolve will automaticly check if your Python version has **multiprocessing**
        support and if you have more than one single CPU core. If you don't have support
        or have just only one core, Pyevolve will not use the **multiprocessing**

        Pyevolve uses the **multiprocessing** to execute the evaluation function over
        the individuals, so the use of this feature will make sense if you have a
        truly slow evaluation function (which is commom in GAs).

        The parameter "full_copy" defines where the individual data should be copied back
        after the evaluation or not. This parameter is useful when you change the
        individual in the evaluation function.

        :param flag: True (default) or False
        :param full_copy: True or False (default)
        :param max_processes: None (default) or an integer value

        .. warning:: Use this option only when your evaluation function is slow, so you'll
                     get a good tradeoff between the process communication speed and the
                     parallel evaluation. The use of the **multiprocessing** doesn't means
                     always a better performance.

        .. note:: To enable the multiprocessing option, you **MUST** add the *__main__* check
                  on your application, otherwise, it will result in errors. See more on the
                  `Python Docs <>`__

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           The `setMultiProcessing` method.

        if type(flag) != BooleanType:
            Util.raiseException("Multiprocessing option must be True or False", TypeError)

        if type(full_copy) != BooleanType:
            Util.raiseException("Multiprocessing 'full_copy' option must be True or False", TypeError)

        self.internalPop.setMultiProcessing(flag, full_copy, max_processes)

    def setMigrationAdapter(self, migration_adapter=None):
        """ Sets the Migration Adapter

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           The `setMigrationAdapter` method.

        self.migrationAdapter = migration_adapter
        if self.migrationAdapter is not None:

    def setDBAdapter(self, dbadapter=None):
        """ Sets the DB Adapter of the GA Engine

        :param dbadapter: one of the :mod:`DBAdapters` classes instance

        .. warning:: the use the of a DB Adapter can reduce the speed performance of the
                     Genetic Algorithm.
        if (dbadapter is not None) and (not isinstance(dbadapter, DBBaseAdapter)):
            Util.raiseException("The DB Adapter must be a DBBaseAdapter subclass", TypeError)
        self.dbAdapter = dbadapter

    def setPopulationSize(self, size):
        """ Sets the population size, calls setPopulationSize() of GPopulation

        :param size: the population size

        .. note:: the population size must be >= 2

        if size < 2:
            Util.raiseException("population size must be >= 2", ValueError)

    def setSortType(self, sort_type):
        """ Sets the sort type, Consts.sortType["raw"]/Consts.sortType["scaled"]

           >>> ga_engine.setSortType(Consts.sortType["scaled"])

        :param sort_type: the Sort Type

        if sort_type not in Consts.sortType.values():
            Util.raiseException("sort type must be a Consts.sortType type", TypeError)
        self.internalPop.sortType = sort_type

    def setMutationRate(self, rate):
        """ Sets the mutation rate, between 0.0 and 1.0

        :param rate: the rate, between 0.0 and 1.0

        if (rate > 1.0) or (rate < 0.0):
            Util.raiseException("Mutation rate must be >= 0.0 and <= 1.0", ValueError)
        self.pMutation = rate

    def setCrossoverRate(self, rate):
        """ Sets the crossover rate, between 0.0 and 1.0

        :param rate: the rate, between 0.0 and 1.0

        if (rate > 1.0) or (rate < 0.0):
            Util.raiseException("Crossover rate must be >= 0.0 and <= 1.0", ValueError)
        self.pCrossover = rate

    def setGenerations(self, num_gens):
        """ Sets the number of generations to evolve

        :param num_gens: the number of generations

        if num_gens < 1:
            Util.raiseException("Number of generations must be >= 1", ValueError)
        self.nGenerations = num_gens

    def getGenerations(self):
        """ Return the number of generations to evolve

        :rtype: the number of generations

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           Added the *getGenerations* method
        return self.nGenerations

    def getMinimax(self):
        """ Gets the minimize/maximize mode

        :rtype: the Consts.minimaxType type

        return self.minimax

    def setMinimax(self, mtype):
        """ Sets the minimize/maximize mode, use Consts.minimaxType

        :param mtype: the minimax mode, from Consts.minimaxType

        if mtype not in Consts.minimaxType.values():
            Util.raiseException("Minimax must be maximize or minimize", TypeError)
        self.minimax = mtype

    def getCurrentGeneration(self):
        """ Gets the current generation

        :rtype: the current generation

        return self.currentGeneration

    def setElitism(self, flag):
        """ Sets the elitism option, True or False

        :param flag: True or False

        if type(flag) != BooleanType:
            Util.raiseException("Elitism option must be True or False", TypeError)
        self.elitism = flag

    def getDBAdapter(self):
        """ Gets the DB Adapter of the GA Engine

        :rtype: a instance from one of the :mod:`DBAdapters` classes

        return self.dbAdapter

    def setMaxTime(self, seconds):
        """ Sets the maximun evolve time of the GA Engine

        :param seconds: maximum time in seconds
        self.max_time = seconds

    def getMaxTime(self):
        """ Get the maximun evolve time of the GA Engine

        :rtype: True or False
        return self.max_time

    def bestIndividual(self):
        """ Returns the population best individual

        :rtype: the best individual

        return self.internalPop.bestRaw()

    def worstIndividual(self):
        """ Returns the population worst individual

        :rtype: the best individual

        return self.internalPop.worstRaw()

    def __gp_catch_functions(self, prefix):
        """ Internally used to catch functions with some specific prefix
        as non-terminals of the GP core """
        import __main__ as mod_main

        function_set = {}

        main_dict = mod_main.__dict__
        for obj, addr in main_dict.items():
            if obj[0:len(prefix)] == prefix:
                    op_len = addr.func_code.co_argcount
                function_set[obj] = op_len

        if len(function_set) <= 0:
            Util.raiseException("No function set found using function prefix '%s' !" % prefix, ValueError)


    def initialize(self):
        """ Initializes the GA Engine. Create and initialize population """
        logging.debug("The GA Engine was initialized !")

    def getPopulation(self):
        """ Return the internal population of GA Engine

        :rtype: the population (:class:`GPopulation.GPopulation`)

        return self.internalPop

    def getStatistics(self):
        """ Gets the Statistics class instance of current generation

        :rtype: the statistics instance (:class:`Statistics.Statistics`)

        return self.internalPop.getStatistics()

    def step(self):
        """ Just do one step in evolution, one generation """
        newPop = GPopulation(self.internalPop)
        logging.debug("Population was cloned.")

        size_iterate = len(self.internalPop)

        # Odd population size
        if size_iterate % 2 != 0:
            size_iterate -= 1

        crossover_empty =

        for i in range(0, size_iterate, 2):
            genomeMom =
            genomeDad =

            if not crossover_empty and self.pCrossover >= 1.0:
                for it in genomeMom.crossover.applyFunctions(mom=genomeMom, dad=genomeDad, count=2):
                    (sister, brother) = it
                if not crossover_empty and Util.randomFlipCoin(self.pCrossover):
                    for it in genomeMom.crossover.applyFunctions(mom=genomeMom, dad=genomeDad, count=2):
                        (sister, brother) = it
                    sister = genomeMom.clone()
                    brother = genomeDad.clone()

            sister.mutate(pmut=self.pMutation, ga_engine=self)
            brother.mutate(pmut=self.pMutation, ga_engine=self)


        if len(self.internalPop) % 2 != 0:
            genomeMom =
            genomeDad =

            if Util.randomFlipCoin(self.pCrossover):
                for it in genomeMom.crossover.applyFunctions(mom=genomeMom, dad=genomeDad, count=1):
                    (sister, brother) = it
                sister = random.choice([genomeMom, genomeDad])
                sister = sister.clone()
                sister.mutate(pmut=self.pMutation, ga_engine=self)


        logging.debug("Evaluating the new created population.")

        if self.elitism:
            logging.debug("Doing elitism.")
            if self.getMinimax() == Consts.minimaxType["maximize"]:
                for i in range(self.nElitismReplacement):
                    #re-evaluate before being sure this is the best
                    if self.internalPop.bestRaw(i).score > newPop.bestRaw(i).score:
                        newPop[len(newPop) - 1 - i] = self.internalPop.bestRaw(i)
            elif self.getMinimax() == Consts.minimaxType["minimize"]:
                for i in range(self.nElitismReplacement):
                    #re-evaluate before being sure this is the best
                    if self.internalPop.bestRaw(i).score < newPop.bestRaw(i).score:
                        newPop[len(newPop) - 1 - i] = self.internalPop.bestRaw(i)

        self.internalPop = newPop

        logging.debug("The generation %d was finished.", self.currentGeneration)

        self.currentGeneration += 1

        if self.max_time:
           total_time = time() - self.time_init
           if total_time > self.max_time:
              return True
        return self.currentGeneration == self.nGenerations

    def printStats(self):
        """ Print generation statistics

        :rtype: the printed statistics as string

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6
           The return of *printStats* method.
        percent = self.currentGeneration * 100 / float(self.nGenerations)
        message = "Gen. %d (%.2f%%):" % (self.currentGeneration, percent)
        stat_ret = self.internalPop.printStats()
        return message + stat_ret

    def printTimeElapsed(self):
        """ Shows the time elapsed since the begin of evolution """
        total_time = time() - self.time_init
        print("Total time elapsed: %.3f seconds." % total_time)
        return total_time

    def dumpStatsDB(self):
        """ Dumps the current statistics to database adapter """
        logging.debug("Dumping stats to the DB Adapter")

    def evolve(self, freq_stats=0):
        """ Do all the generations until the termination criteria, accepts
        the freq_stats (default is 0) to dump statistics at n-generation

           >>> ga_engine.evolve(freq_stats=10)

        :param freq_stats: if greater than 0, the statistics will be
                           printed every freq_stats generation.
        :rtype: returns the best individual of the evolution

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           the return of the best individual


        stopFlagCallback = False
        stopFlagTerminationCriteria = False

        self.time_init = time()

        logging.debug("Starting the DB Adapter and the Migration Adapter if any")
        if self.dbAdapter:
        if self.migrationAdapter:

        if self.getGPMode():
            gp_function_prefix = self.getParam("gp_function_prefix")
            if gp_function_prefix is not None:

        logging.debug("Starting loop over evolutionary algorithm.")

            while True:
                if self.migrationAdapter:
                    logging.debug("Migration adapter: exchange")

                if not self.stepCallback.isEmpty():
                    for it in self.stepCallback.applyFunctions(self):
                        stopFlagCallback = it

                if not self.terminationCriteria.isEmpty():
                    for it in self.terminationCriteria.applyFunctions(self):
                        stopFlagTerminationCriteria = it

                if freq_stats:
                    if (self.currentGeneration % freq_stats == 0) or (self.getCurrentGeneration() == 0):

                if self.dbAdapter:
                    if self.currentGeneration % self.dbAdapter.getStatsGenFreq() == 0:

                if stopFlagTerminationCriteria:
                    logging.debug("Evolution stopped by the Termination Criteria !")
                    if freq_stats:
                        print("\n\tEvolution stopped by Termination Criteria function !\n")

                if stopFlagCallback:
                    logging.debug("Evolution stopped by Step Callback function !")
                    if freq_stats:
                        print("\n\tEvolution stopped by Step Callback function !\n")

                if self.interactiveMode:
                    if sys_platform[:3] == "win":
                        if msvcrt.kbhit():
                            if ord(msvcrt.getch()) == Consts.CDefESCKey:
                                print("Loading modules for Interactive Mode...")
                                    "Windows Interactive Mode key detected ! generation=%d",
                                from pyevolve import Interaction
                                print(" done !")
                                interact_banner = "## Pyevolve v.%s - Interactive Mode ##\n" \
                                                  "Press CTRL-Z to quit interactive mode." % (pyevolve.__version__,)
                                session_locals = {
                                    "ga_engine": self,
                                    "population": self.getPopulation(),
                                    "pyevolve": pyevolve,
                                    "it": Interaction,
                                code.interact(interact_banner, local=session_locals)

                    is_interactive_generation = self.getInteractiveGeneration() == self.getCurrentGeneration()
                    if self.getInteractiveGeneration() >= 0 and is_interactive_generation:
                        print("Loading modules for Interactive Mode...")
                            "Manual Interactive Mode key detected ! generation=%d",
                        from pyevolve import Interaction
                        print(" done !")
                        interact_banner = "## Pyevolve v.%s - Interactive Mode ##" % (pyevolve.__version__,)
                        session_locals = {
                            "ga_engine": self,
                            "population": self.getPopulation(),
                            "pyevolve": pyevolve,
                            "it": Interaction
                        code.interact(interact_banner, local=session_locals)

                if self.step():

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            logging.debug("CTRL-C detected, finishing evolution.")
            if freq_stats:
                print("\n\tA break was detected, you have interrupted the evolution !\n")

        if freq_stats != 0:

        if self.dbAdapter:
            logging.debug("Closing the DB Adapter")
            if not (self.currentGeneration % self.dbAdapter.getStatsGenFreq() == 0):

        if self.migrationAdapter:
            logging.debug("Closing the Migration Adapter")

        return self.bestIndividual()

    def select(self, **args):
        """ Select one individual from population

        :param args: this parameters will be sent to the selector

        for it in self.selector.applyFunctions(self.internalPop, **args):
            return it