def Eventlogload(): # global file, csvWriter file_object = open( "C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-DriverFrameworks-UserMode%4Operational.evtx", "rb") evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) file = open("./regi_evtx.csv", 'w', newline="\n") csvWriter = csv.writer(file) csvWriter.writerow([ 'ControlSet', 'Device_Name', 'Serial_Number', 'Mounted_Volume_Name', 'Logical_Drive', 'Init Connected Time', 'Connected Time', 'Disconnected Time', 'LifeTime' ]) # help(pyevtx.file) # How to use pyevtx # print ("\n================== * EventLog Contents * ==================") for event_cnt in range(0, evtx_file.number_of_records): record = evtx_file.get_record(event_cnt) usb_event_log = xml_parser(record.xml_string) if usb_event_log != 0: # print (usb_event_log, end=" "); print("\n") r_s_e_csv(usb_event_log) else: pass file.close() evtx_file.close()
def pyevtx_test_single_open_close_file_object_with_dereference( filename, mode): """Tests single file-like object open and close with dereference.""" description = ( "Testing single open close of file-like object with dereference of: " "{0:s} with access: {1:s}\t").format( get_filename_string(filename), get_mode_string(mode)) print(description, end="") error_string = None result = True try: file_object = open(filename, "rb") evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object, mode) del file_object evtx_file.close() except Exception as exception: error_string = str(exception) result = False if not result: print("(FAIL)") else: print("(PASS)") if error_string: print(error_string) return result
def ParseFileObject(self, parser_mediator, file_object, **kwargs): """Parses a Windows XML EventLog (EVTX) file-like object. Args: parser_mediator: a parser mediator object (instance of ParserMediator). file_object: a file-like object. """ evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(parser_mediator.codepage) try: evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) except IOError as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( u'unable to open file with error: {0:s}'.format(exception)) return for record_index, evtx_record in enumerate(evtx_file.records): try: self._ParseRecord(parser_mediator, record_index, evtx_record) except IOError as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( u'unable to parse event record: {0:d} with error: {1:s}'.format( record_index, exception)) for record_index, evtx_record in enumerate(evtx_file.recovered_records): try: self._ParseRecord( parser_mediator, record_index, evtx_record, recovered=True) except IOError as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError(( u'unable to parse recovered event record: {0:d} with error: ' u'{1:s}').format(record_index, exception)) evtx_file.close()
def test_open_close(self): """Tests the open and close functions.""" test_source = unittest.source if not test_source: return evtx_file = pyevtx.file() # Test open and close. evtx_file.close() # Test open and close a second time to validate clean up on close. evtx_file.close() if os.path.isfile(test_source): with open(test_source, "rb") as file_object: # Test open_file_object and close. evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) evtx_file.close() # Test open_file_object and close a second time to validate clean up on close. evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) evtx_file.close() # Test open_file_object and close and dereferencing file_object. evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) del file_object evtx_file.close()
def pyevtx_test_multi_open_close_file(filename, mode): """Tests multiple open and close.""" description = ( "Testing multi open close of: {0:s} with access: {1:s}" "\t").format(get_filename_string(filename), get_mode_string(mode)) print(description, end="") error_string = None result = True try: evtx_file = pyevtx.file(), mode) evtx_file.close(), mode) evtx_file.close() except Exception as exception: error_string = str(exception) result = False if not result: print("(FAIL)") else: print("(PASS)") if error_string: print(error_string) return result
def test_open_close(self): """Tests the open and close functions.""" if not unittest.source: return evtx_file = pyevtx.file() # Test open and close. evtx_file.close() # Test open and close a second time to validate clean up on close. evtx_file.close() file_object = open(unittest.source, "rb") # Test open_file_object and close. evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) evtx_file.close() # Test open_file_object and close a second time to validate clean up on close. evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) evtx_file.close() # Test open_file_object and close and dereferencing file_object. evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) del file_object evtx_file.close()
def test_open_file_object(self): """Tests the open_file_object function.""" test_source = unittest.source if not test_source: raise unittest.SkipTest("missing source") if not os.path.isfile(test_source): raise unittest.SkipTest("source not a regular file") evtx_file = pyevtx.file() with open(test_source, "rb") as file_object: evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) with self.assertRaises(IOError): evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) evtx_file.close() with self.assertRaises(TypeError): evtx_file.open_file_object(None) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object, mode="w")
def test_close(self): """Tests the close function.""" if not unittest.source: raise unittest.SkipTest("missing source") evtx_file = pyevtx.file() with self.assertRaises(IOError): evtx_file.close()
def test_close(self): """Tests the close function.""" if not unittest.source: return evtx_file = pyevtx.file() with self.assertRaises(IOError): evtx_file.close()
def main( argc, argv ): result = 0 if argc != 1: print "Usage:\n" return 1 supported_codepages = [ "ascii", "cp874", "cp932", "cp936", "cp949", "cp950", "cp1250", "cp1251", "cp1252", "cp1253", "cp1254", "cp1255", "cp1256", "cp1257", "cp1258" ] unsupported_codepages = [ "iso-8859-1", "iso-8859-2", "iso-8859-3", "iso-8859-4", "iso-8859-5", "iso-8859-6", "iso-8859-7", "iso-8859-8", "iso-8859-9", "iso-8859-10", "iso-8859-11", "iso-8859-13", "iso-8859-14", "iso-8859-15", "iso-8859-16", "koi8_r", "koi8_u" ] evtx_file = pyevtx.file() for codepage in supported_codepages: print "Testing setting supported ASCII codepage of: %s:\t" %( codepage ), try: evtx_file.ascii_codepage = codepage result = 0 except: result = 1 if result != 0: print "(FAIL)" return 1 print "(PASS)" print "Testing setting supported ASCII codepage of: %s:\t" %( codepage ), try: evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage( codepage ) result = 0 except: result = 1 if result != 0: print "(FAIL)" return 1 print "(PASS)" for codepage in unsupported_codepages: print "Testing setting unsupported ASCII codepage of: %s:\t" %( codepage ), result = 1 try: evtx_file.ascii_codepage = codepage except RuntimeError, exception: if exception.message == "pyevtx_file_set_ascii_codepage_from_string: unable to determine ASCII codepage.": result = 0 except:
def _GetEventFileList(self): '''Get file listing of event files from specified source path''' self.filelist = [] if not os.path.isdir(self.options.events_path): raise(Exception("Events directory does not exist: {}".format(self.options.events_path))) for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(self.options.events_path): for filename in fileList: fullname = os.path.join( dirName, filename ) if (filename.lower().endswith('.evt') or filename.lower().endswith('.evtx')): if IsSupportedEventFile(fullname): self.filelist.append(fullname) elif filename.lower().endswith('.json'): # Check for EvtXtract outputfiles # if IsSupportedEvtXtractFile(fullname): self.filelist.append(fullname) self.filelist.sort() progressBar = ProgressManager.ProgressBarClass( Config.Config.UI_TYPE, count = len(self.filelist), description = u'Enumerating Event Files'.format(dirName) ) _fcnt = 0 for filename in self.filelist: if filename.lower().endswith('evtx'): wefile = pyevtx.file() self.total_records += wefile.get_number_of_records() self.total_records += wefile.get_number_of_recovered_records() wefile.close() elif filename.lower().endswith('evt'): wefile = pyevt.file() self.total_records += wefile.get_number_of_records() self.total_records += wefile.get_number_of_recovered_records() wefile.close() elif filename.lower().endswith('json'): with open(filename) as wefile: jstruct = json.load(wefile) self.total_records += len(jstruct['valid_records']) wefile.close() progressBar.Increment(1) _fcnt += 1 progressBar.Finish()
def parse_event_log(file_to_parse): file_object = open(file_to_parse, "rb") evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) SQLitedb.CreateTempTable(table_name + '_temp', table_columns) print(' Number of Records in Event Log ==> ', evtx_file.get_number_of_records()) print(' Number of recovered Records in Event Log ==> ', evtx_file.get_number_of_recovered_records()) for i in range(0, evtx_file.get_number_of_records()): event_record = [] event_record.append(ntpath.basename(file_to_parse)) event_string = "" evtx_record = evtx_file.get_record(i) event_record.append('N') if (evtx_record.get_computer_name() == None): event_record.append('NULL') else: event_record.append(evtx_record.get_computer_name()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_event_identifier()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_event_identifier_qualifiers()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_event_level()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_identifier()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_offset()) if (evtx_record.get_source_name() == None): event_record.append('NULL') else: event_record.append(evtx_record.get_source_name()) if (evtx_record.get_user_security_identifier() == None): event_record.append('NULL') else: event_record.append(evtx_record.get_user_security_identifier()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_written_time()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_written_time_as_integer()) for x in range(0, evtx_record.get_number_of_strings()): if (evtx_record.get_string(x) == None): event_string = event_string + " \n" else: event_string = event_string + evtx_record.get_string(x) + " \n" event_record.append(event_string) SQLitedb.InsertBindValues(table_name + '_temp', sql_ins_columns, sql_bind, event_record) if (SQLitedb.TableExists(table_name)): SQLitedb.AppendTempToPermanentTable(table_name) else: SQLitedb.CreatePermanentTable(table_name) SQLitedb.DropTable(table_name + '_temp')
def parse_event_log(file_to_parse): file_object = open(file_to_parse, "rb") evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) SQLitedb.CreateTempTable(table_name + '_temp', table_columns) print (' Number of Records in Event Log ==> ', evtx_file.get_number_of_records()) print (' Number of recovered Records in Event Log ==> ', evtx_file.get_number_of_recovered_records()) for i in range (0, evtx_file.get_number_of_records()): event_record = [] event_record.append(ntpath.basename(file_to_parse)) event_string = "" evtx_record = evtx_file.get_record(i) event_record.append('N') if (evtx_record.get_computer_name() == None): event_record.append('NULL') else: event_record.append(evtx_record.get_computer_name()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_event_identifier()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_event_identifier_qualifiers()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_event_level()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_identifier()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_offset()) if (evtx_record.get_source_name() == None): event_record.append('NULL') else: event_record.append(evtx_record.get_source_name()) if (evtx_record.get_user_security_identifier() == None): event_record.append('NULL') else: event_record.append(evtx_record.get_user_security_identifier()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_written_time()) event_record.append(evtx_record.get_written_time_as_integer()) for x in range (0, evtx_record.get_number_of_strings()): if (evtx_record.get_string(x) == None): event_string = event_string + " \n" else: event_string = event_string + evtx_record.get_string(x) + " \n" event_record.append(event_string) SQLitedb.InsertBindValues(table_name + '_temp', sql_ins_columns, sql_bind, event_record) if (SQLitedb.TableExists(table_name)): SQLitedb.AppendTempToPermanentTable(table_name) else: SQLitedb.CreatePermanentTable(table_name) SQLitedb.DropTable(table_name + '_temp')
def Parse(self, parser_context, file_entry): """Extract data from a Windows XML EventLog (EVTX) file. Args: parser_context: A parser context object (instance of ParserContext). file_entry: A file entry object (instance of dfvfs.FileEntry). """ file_object = file_entry.GetFileObject() evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(parser_context.codepage) try: evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) except IOError as exception: evtx_file.close() file_object.close() raise errors.UnableToParseFile( u'[{0:s}] unable to parse file {1:s} with error: {2:s}'.format( self.NAME,, exception)) for record_index in range(0, evtx_file.number_of_records): try: evtx_record = evtx_file.get_record(record_index) event_object = WinEvtxRecordEvent(evtx_record) parser_context.ProduceEvent(event_object, parser_name=self.NAME, file_entry=file_entry) except IOError as exception: logging.warning(( u'[{0:s}] unable to parse event record: {1:d} in file: {2:s} ' u'with error: {3:s}').format(self.NAME, record_index,, exception)) for record_index in range(0, evtx_file.number_of_recovered_records): try: evtx_record = evtx_file.get_recovered_record(record_index) event_object = WinEvtxRecordEvent(evtx_record, recovered=True) parser_context.ProduceEvent(event_object, parser_name=self.NAME, file_entry=file_entry) except IOError as exception: logging.debug(( u'[{0:s}] unable to parse recovered event record: {1:d} in file: ' u'{2:s} with error: {3:s}').format(self.NAME, record_index,, exception)) evtx_file.close() file_object.close()
def pyevtx_test_single_open_close_file(filename, mode): """Tests a single open and close.""" description = ( "Testing single open close of: {0:s} with access: {1:s}" "\t").format(get_filename_string(filename), get_mode_string(mode)) print(description, end="") error_string = None result = True try: evtx_file = pyevtx.file(), mode) evtx_file.close() except TypeError as exception: expected_message = ( "{0:s}: unsupported string object type.").format( "pyevtx_file_open") if not filename and str(exception) == expected_message: pass else: error_string = str(exception) result = False except ValueError as exception: expected_message = ( "{0:s}: unsupported mode: w.").format( "pyevtx_file_open") if mode != "w" or str(exception) != expected_message: error_string = str(exception) result = False except Exception as exception: error_string = str(exception) result = False if not result: print("(FAIL)") else: print("(PASS)") if error_string: print(error_string) return result
def test_get_number_of_records(self): """Tests the get_number_of_records function and number_of_records property.""" if not unittest.source: raise unittest.SkipTest("missing source") evtx_file = pyevtx.file() number_of_records = evtx_file.get_number_of_records() self.assertIsNotNone(number_of_records) self.assertIsNotNone(evtx_file.number_of_records) evtx_file.close()
def test_get_ascii_codepage(self): """Tests the get_ascii_codepage function and ascii_codepage property.""" if not unittest.source: raise unittest.SkipTest("missing source") evtx_file = pyevtx.file() ascii_codepage = evtx_file.get_ascii_codepage() self.assertIsNotNone(ascii_codepage) self.assertIsNotNone(evtx_file.ascii_codepage) evtx_file.close()
def _GetEventFileList(self): '''Get file listing of event files from specified source path''' self.filelist = [] for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(self.options.events_path): for filename in fileList: fullname = os.path.join(dirName, filename) if (filename.lower().endswith('.evt') or filename.lower().endswith('.evtx')): self.filelist.append(fullname) elif filename.lower().endswith('.json'): # Check for EvtXtract outputfiles # if IsSupportedEvtXtractFile(fullname): self.filelist.append(fullname) self.filelist.sort() progressBar = ProgressManager.ProgressBarClass( Config.Config.UI_TYPE, count=len(self.filelist), description=u'Enumerating Event Files'.format(dirName)) _fcnt = 0 for filename in self.filelist: if filename.lower().endswith('evtx'): wefile = pyevtx.file() self.total_records += wefile.get_number_of_records() self.total_records += wefile.get_number_of_recovered_records() wefile.close() elif filename.lower().endswith('evt'): wefile = pyevt.file() self.total_records += wefile.get_number_of_records() self.total_records += wefile.get_number_of_recovered_records() wefile.close() elif filename.lower().endswith('json'): with open(filename) as wefile: jstruct = json.load(wefile) self.total_records += len(jstruct['valid_records']) wefile.close() progressBar.Increment(1) _fcnt += 1 progressBar.Finish()
def ParseFileObject(self, parser_mediator, file_object, **kwargs): """Parses a Windows XML EventLog (EVTX) file-like object. Args: parser_mediator: A parser mediator object (instance of ParserMediator). file_object: A file-like object. Raises: UnableToParseFile: when the file cannot be parsed. """ evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(parser_mediator.codepage) try: evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) except IOError as exception: evtx_file.close() raise errors.UnableToParseFile( u'[{0:s}] unable to parse file {1:s} with error: {2:s}'.format( self.NAME, parser_mediator.GetDisplayName(), exception)) for record_index in range(0, evtx_file.number_of_records): try: evtx_record = evtx_file.get_record(record_index) event_object = WinEvtxRecordEvent(evtx_record) parser_mediator.ProduceEvent(event_object) except IOError as exception: logging.warning(( u'[{0:s}] unable to parse event record: {1:d} in file: {2:s} ' u'with error: {3:s}').format( self.NAME, record_index, parser_mediator.GetDisplayName(), exception)) for record_index in range(0, evtx_file.number_of_recovered_records): try: evtx_record = evtx_file.get_recovered_record(record_index) event_object = WinEvtxRecordEvent(evtx_record, recovered=True) parser_mediator.ProduceEvent(event_object) except IOError as exception: logging.debug(( u'[{0:s}] unable to parse recovered event record: {1:d} in file: ' u'{2:s} with error: {3:s}').format( self.NAME, record_index, parser_mediator.GetDisplayName(), exception)) evtx_file.close()
def _OpenFile(self): '''Open the WindowsEventHandler's evt or evtx file handle for processing''' if self.ext.lower().endswith('evtx'): self.eventfile_type = 'evtx' self.file = pyevtx.file() elif self.ext.lower().endswith('evt'): self.eventfile_type = 'evt' self.file = pyevt.file() elif self.ext.lower().endswith('json'): self.eventfile_type = 'evtxtract' self.file = EvtXtractFile() else: raise Exception( '{} Is not a supported extention. (.evt || .evtx || .json [EVTXtract json file]) [{}]' .format(self.ext, self.filename))
def pyevtx_test_single_open_close_file(filename, mode): if not filename: filename_string = "None" else: filename_string = filename print("Testing single open close of: {0:s} with access: {1:s}\t".format( filename_string, get_mode_string(mode))) result = True try: evtx_file = pyevtx.file(), mode) evtx_file.close() except TypeError as exception: expected_message = ( "{0:s}: unsupported string object type.").format( "pyevtx_file_open") if not filename and str(exception) == expected_message: pass else: print(str(exception)) result = False except ValueError as exception: expected_message = ( "{0:s}: unsupported mode: w.").format( "pyevtx_file_open") if mode != "w" or str(exception) != expected_message: print(str(exception)) result = False except Exception as exception: print(str(exception)) result = False if not result: print("(FAIL)") else: print("(PASS)") return result
def pyevtx_test_single_open_close_file_object(filename, mode): print ("Testing single open close of file-like object of: {0:s} with access: " "{1:s}\t").format(filename, get_mode_string(mode)) try: file_object = open(filename, mode) evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object, mode) evtx_file.close() except: print "(FAIL)" return False print "(PASS)" return True
def _OpenFile(self): '''Open the WindowsEventHandler's evt or evtx file handle for processing''' if self.ext.lower().endswith('evtx'): self.eventfile_type = 'evtx' self.file = pyevtx.file() elif self.ext.lower().endswith('evt'): self.eventfile_type = 'evt' self.file = pyevt.file() elif self.ext.lower().endswith('json'): self.eventfile_type = 'evtxtract' self.file = EvtXtractFile() else: raise Exception('{} Is not a supported extention. (.evt || .evtx || .json [EVTXtract json file]) [{}]'.format( self.ext, self.filename ))
def pyevtx_test_multi_open_close_file(filename, mode): print "Testing multi open close of: {0:s} with access: {1:s}\t".format( filename, get_mode_string(mode)) try: evtx_file = pyevtx.file(), mode) evtx_file.close(), mode) evtx_file.close() except: print "(FAIL)" return False print "(PASS)" return True
def ProcessEventFile(file_path): """Process an event log file. Params: file_path (str|unicode): Location of the eventlog """ if file_path.lower().endswith('.evtx'): evtx_file = pyevtx.file() ProcessEventLog(evtx_file, file_path) elif file_path.lower().endswith('.evt'): evt_file = pyevt.file() ProcessEventLog(evt_file, file_path) else: raise Exception( "File not processed (needs .evtx or .evt extention): {}".format( file_path))
def ParseFileObject(self, parser_mediator, file_object, **kwargs): """Parses a Windows XML EventLog (EVTX) file-like object. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): parser mediator. file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): a file-like object. """ evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(parser_mediator.codepage) try: evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) except IOError as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( u'unable to open file with error: {0:s}'.format(exception)) return for record_index, evtx_record in enumerate(evtx_file.records): if parser_mediator.abort: break try: self._ParseRecord(parser_mediator, record_index, evtx_record) except IOError as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( u'unable to parse event record: {0:d} with error: {1:s}'. format(record_index, exception)) for record_index, evtx_record in enumerate( evtx_file.recovered_records): if parser_mediator.abort: break try: self._ParseRecord(parser_mediator, record_index, evtx_record, recovered=True) except IOError as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError(( u'unable to parse recovered event record: {0:d} with error: ' u'{1:s}').format(record_index, exception)) evtx_file.close()
def iterate_over_records(self): #MAKE THIS LIB OPTIONAL try: import pyevtx except ImportError: print("Module pyevtx (libyal/libevtx) is not installed") print("pip3 install --upgrade libevtx-python") sys.exit(0) if self.is_valid(): evtx_file = pyevtx.file() #OPEN MMAP AS EVTX try: evtx_file.open_file_object( except IOError as e: yield (False, e.strerror, None) evtx_file.close() return # NORMAL EVENTS for i in range(0, evtx_file.get_number_of_records()): try: # is_valid, error, record yield (True, None, evtx_file.get_record(i)) except Exception as error: yield ( False, "Error opening normal record with ID: {} / {}".format( i, error.args), None) # RECOVERED EVENTS if self.recovery: for record_index in range( 0, evtx_file.number_of_recovered_records): try: yield (True, None, evtx_file.get_recovered_record(record_index)) except IOError as error: yield (False, "Error opening recovered record with ID: {}". format(record_index, error.strerror), None)
def test_open(self): """Tests the open function.""" if not unittest.source: return evtx_file = pyevtx.file() with self.assertRaises(IOError): evtx_file.close() with self.assertRaises(TypeError): with self.assertRaises(ValueError):, mode="w")
def ParseFileObject(self, parser_mediator, file_object, **kwargs): """Parses a Windows XML EventLog (EVTX) file-like object. Args: parser_mediator: a parser mediator object (instance of ParserMediator). file_object: a file-like object. Raises: UnableToParseFile: when the file cannot be parsed. """ evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(parser_mediator.codepage) try: evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) except IOError as exception: display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() raise errors.UnableToParseFile( u'[{0:s}] unable to parse file {1:s} with error: {2:s}'.format( self.NAME, display_name, exception)) for record_index, evtx_record in enumerate(evtx_file.records): try: self._ParseRecord(parser_mediator, record_index, evtx_record) except IOError as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceParseError( u'unable to parse event record: {0:d} with error: {1:s}'. format(record_index, exception)) for record_index, evtx_record in enumerate( evtx_file.recovered_records): try: self._ParseRecord(parser_mediator, record_index, evtx_record, recovered=True) except IOError as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceParseError(( u'unable to parse recovered event record: {0:d} with error: ' u'{1:s}').format(record_index, exception)) evtx_file.close()
def test_open(self): """Tests the open function.""" test_source = unittest.source if not test_source: raise unittest.SkipTest("missing source") evtx_file = pyevtx.file() with self.assertRaises(IOError): evtx_file.close() with self.assertRaises(TypeError): with self.assertRaises(ValueError):, mode="w")
def Parse(self, file_entry): """Extract data from a Windows XML EventLog (EVTX) file. Args: file_entry: A file entry object. Yields: An event object (WinEvtxRecordEvent) that contains the parsed data. """ file_object = file_entry.GetFileObject() evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(self._codepage) try: evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) except IOError as exception: raise errors.UnableToParseFile( u'[{0:s}] unable to parse file {1:s} with error: {2:s}'.format( self.parser_name,, exception)) for record_index in range(0, evtx_file.number_of_records): try: evtx_record = evtx_file.get_record(record_index) yield WinEvtxRecordEvent(evtx_record) except IOError as exception: logging.warning(( u'[{0:s}] unable to parse event record: {1:d} in file: {2:s} ' u'with error: {3:s}').format( self.parser_name, record_index,, exception)) for record_index in range(0, evtx_file.number_of_recovered_records): try: evtx_record = evtx_file.get_recovered_record(record_index) yield WinEvtxRecordEvent(evtx_record, recovered=True) except IOError as exception: logging.debug(( u'[{0:s}] unable to parse recovered event record: {1:d} in file: ' u'{2:s} with error: {3:s}').format( self.parser_name, record_index,, exception)) file_object.close()
def test_set_ascii_codepage(self): """Tests the set_ascii_codepage function.""" supported_codepages = ( "ascii", "cp874", "cp932", "cp936", "cp949", "cp950", "cp1250", "cp1251", "cp1252", "cp1253", "cp1254", "cp1255", "cp1256", "cp1257", "cp1258") evtx_file = pyevtx.file() for codepage in supported_codepages: evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(codepage) unsupported_codepages = ( "iso-8859-1", "iso-8859-2", "iso-8859-3", "iso-8859-4", "iso-8859-5", "iso-8859-6", "iso-8859-7", "iso-8859-8", "iso-8859-9", "iso-8859-10", "iso-8859-11", "iso-8859-13", "iso-8859-14", "iso-8859-15", "iso-8859-16", "koi8_r", "koi8_u") for codepage in unsupported_codepages: with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(codepage)
def pyevtx_test_single_open_close_file_object(filename, mode): print(("Testing single open close of file-like object of: {0:s} " "with access: {1:s}\t").format(filename, get_mode_string(mode))) result = True try: file_object = open(filename, "rb") evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object, mode) evtx_file.close() except Exception as exception: print(str(exception)) result = False if not result: print("(FAIL)") else: print("(PASS)") return result
def ParseFileObject(self, parser_mediator, file_object): """Parses a Windows XML EventLog (EVTX) file-like object. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): a file-like object. """ evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(parser_mediator.codepage) try: evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) except IOError as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'unable to open file with error: {0!s}'.format(exception)) return try: self._ParseRecords(parser_mediator, evtx_file) finally: evtx_file.close()
def pyevtx_test_multi_open_close_file(filename, mode): print("Testing multi open close of: {0:s} with access: {1:s}\t".format( filename, get_mode_string(mode))) result = True try: evtx_file = pyevtx.file(), mode) evtx_file.close(), mode) evtx_file.close() except Exception as exception: print(str(exception)) result = False if not result: print("(FAIL)") else: print("(PASS)") return result
def ParseFileObject(self, parser_mediator, file_object, **kwargs): """Parses a Windows XML EventLog (EVTX) file-like object. Args: parser_mediator: a parser mediator object (instance of ParserMediator). file_object: a file-like object. Raises: UnableToParseFile: when the file cannot be parsed. """ evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(parser_mediator.codepage) try: evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) except IOError as exception: display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() raise errors.UnableToParseFile( u'[{0:s}] unable to parse file {1:s} with error: {2:s}'.format( self.NAME, display_name, exception)) for record_index, evtx_record in enumerate(evtx_file.records): try: self._ParseRecord(parser_mediator, record_index, evtx_record) except IOError as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceParseError( u'unable to parse event record: {0:d} with error: {1:s}'.format( record_index, exception)) for record_index, evtx_record in enumerate(evtx_file.recovered_records): try: self._ParseRecord( parser_mediator, record_index, evtx_record, recovered=True) except IOError as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceParseError(( u'unable to parse recovered event record: {0:d} with error: ' u'{1:s}').format(record_index, exception)) evtx_file.close()
def test_open_file_object(self): """Tests the open_file_object function.""" if not unittest.source: return file_object = open(unittest.source, "rb") evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) with self.assertRaises(IOError): evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object) evtx_file.close() # TODO: change IOError into TypeError with self.assertRaises(IOError): evtx_file.open_file_object(None) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): evtx_file.open_file_object(file_object, mode="w")
def pyevtx_test_single_open_close_file(filename, mode): if not filename: filename_string = "None" else: filename_string = filename print "Testing single open close of: {0:s} with access: {1:s}\t".format( filename_string, get_mode_string(mode)) try: evtx_file = pyevtx.file(), mode) evtx_file.close() except TypeError, exception: if (not filename and exception.message == "pyevtx_file_open: unsupported string object type."): pass else: print "(FAIL)" return False
def main(): supported_codepages = [ "ascii", "cp874", "cp932", "cp936", "cp949", "cp950", "cp1250", "cp1251", "cp1252", "cp1253", "cp1254", "cp1255", "cp1256", "cp1257", "cp1258" ] unsupported_codepages = [ "iso-8859-1", "iso-8859-2", "iso-8859-3", "iso-8859-4", "iso-8859-5", "iso-8859-6", "iso-8859-7", "iso-8859-8", "iso-8859-9", "iso-8859-10", "iso-8859-11", "iso-8859-13", "iso-8859-14", "iso-8859-15", "iso-8859-16", "koi8_r", "koi8_u" ] evtx_file = pyevtx.file() result = True for codepage in supported_codepages: print("Testing setting supported ASCII codepage of: {0:s}:\t".format( codepage)), try: evtx_file.ascii_codepage = codepage result = True except: result = False if not result: print("(FAIL)") return False print("(PASS)") print("Testing setting supported ASCII codepage of: {0:s}:\t".format( codepage)), try: evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(codepage) result = True except: result = False if not result: print("(FAIL)") return False print("(PASS)") for codepage in unsupported_codepages: print("Testing setting unsupported ASCII codepage of: {0:s}:\t". format(codepage)), result = False try: evtx_file.ascii_codepage = codepage except RuntimeError as exception: expected_message = ( "{0:s}: unable to determine ASCII codepage." ).format("pyevtx_file_set_ascii_codepage_from_string") if str(exception) == expected_message: result = True except: pass if not result: print("(FAIL)") return False print("(PASS)") print("Testing setting unsupported ASCII codepage of: {0:s}:\t". format(codepage)), result = False try: evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(codepage) except RuntimeError as exception: expected_message = ( "{0:s}: unable to determine ASCII codepage." ).format("pyevtx_file_set_ascii_codepage_from_string") if str(exception) == expected_message: result = True except: pass if not result: print("(FAIL)") return False print("(PASS)") return True
def event_open(path): evtx_file = pyevtx.file() return evtx_file
def _ReadEVTX(self, source): """Read a XML EventLog file. Args: source (str): name of the EventLog file that contains the process start and stop events. Yields: pyevtx.record: XML EventLog record. """ evtx_file = pyevtx.file() # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable for evtx_record in evtx_file.records: if evtx_record.event_identifier == 4688: process_start_event = ProcessStartEvent() process_start_event.command_line = evtx_record.get_string(8) try: string_value = evtx_record.get_string(4) process_start_event.new_process_id = int(string_value, 16) except ValueError: pass process_start_event.new_process_name = evtx_record.get_string(5) try: string_value = evtx_record.get_string(7) process_start_event.process_id = int(string_value, 16) except ValueError: pass process_start_event.subject_domain_name = evtx_record.get_string(2) process_start_event.subject_logon_id = evtx_record.get_string(3) process_start_event.subject_user_name = evtx_record.get_string(1) process_start_event.subject_user_sid = evtx_record.get_string(0) process_start_event.token_elevation_type = evtx_record.get_string(6) process_start_event.written_time = evtx_record.written_time yield process_start_event elif evtx_record.event_identifier == 4689: process_stop_event = ProcessStopEvent() try: string_value = evtx_record.get_string(5) process_stop_event.process_id = int(string_value, 16) except ValueError: pass process_stop_event.process_name = evtx_record.get_string(6) process_stop_event.status = evtx_record.get_string(4) process_stop_event.subject_domain_name = evtx_record.get_string(2) process_stop_event.subject_logon_id = evtx_record.get_string(3) process_stop_event.subject_user_name = evtx_record.get_string(1) process_stop_event.subject_user_sid = evtx_record.get_string(0) process_stop_event.written_time = evtx_record.written_time yield process_stop_event evtx_file.close()
def _ReadEVTX(self, source): """Read a XML EventLog file. Args: source (str): EventLog file that contains the start and stop events. Yields: pyevtx.record: XML EventLog record. """ evtx_file = pyevtx.file() for evtx_record in evtx_file.records: if evtx_record.event_identifier == 4688: process_start_event = ProcessStartEvent() process_start_event.command_line = evtx_record.get_string(8) try: string_value = evtx_record.get_string(4) process_start_event.new_process_id = int(string_value, 16) except ValueError: pass process_start_event.new_process_name = evtx_record.get_string( 5) try: string_value = evtx_record.get_string(7) process_start_event.process_id = int(string_value, 16) except ValueError: pass process_start_event.subject_domain_name = evtx_record.get_string( 2) process_start_event.subject_logon_id = evtx_record.get_string( 3) process_start_event.subject_user_name = evtx_record.get_string( 1) process_start_event.subject_user_sid = evtx_record.get_string( 0) process_start_event.token_elevation_type = evtx_record.get_string( 6) process_start_event.written_time = evtx_record.written_time yield process_start_event elif evtx_record.event_identifier == 4689: process_stop_event = ProcessStopEvent() try: string_value = evtx_record.get_string(5) process_stop_event.process_id = int(string_value, 16) except ValueError: pass process_stop_event.process_name = evtx_record.get_string(6) process_stop_event.status = evtx_record.get_string(4) process_stop_event.subject_domain_name = evtx_record.get_string( 2) process_stop_event.subject_logon_id = evtx_record.get_string(3) process_stop_event.subject_user_name = evtx_record.get_string( 1) process_stop_event.subject_user_sid = evtx_record.get_string(0) process_stop_event.written_time = evtx_record.written_time yield process_stop_event evtx_file.close()
def main(): supported_codepages = [ "ascii", "cp874", "cp932", "cp936", "cp949", "cp950", "cp1250", "cp1251", "cp1252", "cp1253", "cp1254", "cp1255", "cp1256", "cp1257", "cp1258"] unsupported_codepages = [ "iso-8859-1", "iso-8859-2", "iso-8859-3", "iso-8859-4", "iso-8859-5", "iso-8859-6", "iso-8859-7", "iso-8859-8", "iso-8859-9", "iso-8859-10", "iso-8859-11", "iso-8859-13", "iso-8859-14", "iso-8859-15", "iso-8859-16", "koi8_r", "koi8_u"] evtx_file = pyevtx.file() result = True for codepage in supported_codepages: print("Testing setting supported ASCII codepage of: {0:s}:\t".format( codepage)), try: evtx_file.ascii_codepage = codepage result = True except: result = False if not result: print("(FAIL)") return False print("(PASS)") print("Testing setting supported ASCII codepage of: {0:s}:\t".format( codepage)), try: evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(codepage) result = True except: result = False if not result: print("(FAIL)") return False print("(PASS)") for codepage in unsupported_codepages: print("Testing setting unsupported ASCII codepage of: {0:s}:\t".format( codepage)), result = False try: evtx_file.ascii_codepage = codepage except RuntimeError as exception: expected_message = ( "{0:s}: unable to determine ASCII codepage.").format( "pyevtx_file_set_ascii_codepage_from_string") if str(exception) == expected_message: result = True except: pass if not result: print("(FAIL)") return False print("(PASS)") print("Testing setting unsupported ASCII codepage of: {0:s}:\t".format( codepage)), result = False try: evtx_file.set_ascii_codepage(codepage) except RuntimeError as exception: expected_message = ( "{0:s}: unable to determine ASCII codepage.").format( "pyevtx_file_set_ascii_codepage_from_string") if str(exception) == expected_message: result = True except: pass if not result: print("(FAIL)") return False print("(PASS)") return True
def test_signal_abort(self): """Tests the signal_abort function.""" evtx_file = pyevtx.file() evtx_file.signal_abort()