Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test01RunScanners(self):
        """ Running Logical Index Scanner """
        ## Make sure the word secret is in there.
        pdbh = DB.DBO()
        pdbh.execute("select * from dictionary where word='secret' limit 1")
        row = pdbh.fetch()
        if not row:
            pdbh.insert('dictionary', **{'word':'secret', 'class':'English', 'type':'word'})
        env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case)
        pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan",

        dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case)
        dbh2 = DB.DBO(self.test_case)
        fsfd = DBFS(self.test_case)
        dbh.execute("select inode_id, word,offset,length from LogicalIndexOffsets join %s.dictionary on LogicalIndexOffsets.word_id=%s.dictionary.id where word='secret'", (config.FLAGDB,config.FLAGDB))
        count = 0
        for row in dbh:
            count += 1
            path, inode, inode_id = fsfd.lookup(inode_id = row['inode_id'])
            fd = fsfd.open(inode=inode)
            fd.overread = True
            fd.slack = True
            data = fd.read(row['length'])
            print "Looking for %s: Found in %s at offset %s length %s %r" % (
                row['word'], inode, row['offset'], row['length'],data)
            self.assertEqual(data.lower(), row['word'].lower())

        ## Did we find all the secrets?