Ejemplo n.º 1
class PhysicsEngine:
        Simulates a motor moving something that strikes two limit switches,
        one on each end of the track. Obviously, this is not particularly
        realistic, but it's good enough to illustrate the point

    # array of (found, timestamp, angle)
    target = ntproperty("/camera/target", (0.0, float("inf"), 0.0))

    def __init__(self, physics_controller):
            :param physics_controller: `pyfrc.physics.core.PhysicsInterface` object
                                       to communicate simulation effects to

        self.physics_controller = physics_controller
        self.position = 0


        targets = [
            # right
            VisionSim.Target(15, 13, 250, 0),
            # middle
            VisionSim.Target(16.5, 15.5, 295, 65),
            # left
            VisionSim.Target(15, 18, 0, 110),

        self.vision = VisionSim(targets,

    def update_sim(self, hal_data, now, tm_diff):
            Called when the simulation parameters for the program need to be
            :param now: The current time as a float
            :param tm_diff: The amount of time that has passed since the last
                            time that this function was called

        # Simulate the drivetrain
        l_motor = hal_data["pwm"][0]["value"]
        r_motor = hal_data["pwm"][1]["value"]

        speed, rotation = drivetrains.two_motor_drivetrain(l_motor, r_motor)
        self.physics_controller.drive(speed, rotation, tm_diff)

        x, y, angle = self.physics_controller.get_position()

        data = self.vision.compute(now, x, y, angle)
        if data is not None:
            self.target = data[0][:3]
Ejemplo n.º 2
class PhysicsEngine(object):
        Simulates a motor moving something that strikes two limit switches,
        one on each end of the track. Obviously, this is not particularly
        realistic, but it's good enough to illustrate the point

    # array of (found, timestamp, angle)
    target = ntproperty('/camera/target', (0.0, float('inf'), 0.0))

    def __init__(self, physics_controller):
            :param physics_controller: `pyfrc.physics.core.PhysicsInterface` object
                                       to communicate simulation effects to

        self.physics_controller = physics_controller
        self.position = 0


        targets = [
                # right
                VisionSim.Target(15, 13, 250, 0),
                # middle
                VisionSim.Target(16.5, 15.5, 295, 65),
                # left
                VisionSim.Target(15, 18, 0, 110)

        self.vision = VisionSim(targets, 61.0, 1.5, 15, 15,

    def update_sim(self, hal_data, now, tm_diff):
            Called when the simulation parameters for the program need to be
            :param now: The current time as a float
            :param tm_diff: The amount of time that has passed since the last
                            time that this function was called

        # Simulate the drivetrain
        l_motor = hal_data['pwm'][0]['value']
        r_motor = hal_data['pwm'][1]['value']
        #global l_motor = 0.5
        #global r_motor = 0.5
        #import pdb; set_trace();
        #print("hal_data", l_motor)
        speed, rotation = drivetrains.two_motor_drivetrain(l_motor, r_motor)
        self.physics_controller.drive(speed, rotation, tm_diff)
        #print("update_sim left right forward rotate", l_motor, r_motor, speed, rotation)
        x, y, angle = self.physics_controller.get_position()
        #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
        data = self.vision.compute(now, x, y, angle)
        if data is not None:
            self.target = data[0][:3]
Ejemplo n.º 3
class PhysicsEngine:
    def __init__(self, physicsController):
        self.physicsController = physicsController

        # NavX simulation
        self.ahrs = None

        def createAHRSSim():
            self.ahrs = AHRSSim()
            return self.ahrs

        navx.AHRS.create_spi = createAHRSSim


        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        filename = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(
            inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) \
            + os.sep + "sim" + os.sep + "drivetrain.ini"
        print("Reading robot data from", filename)

        self.simulatedTalons = []
        if 'talons' in config:
            for key, value in config['talons'].items():
                num = int(key.replace('talon', ''))
                maxVel = float(value)
                self.simulatedTalons.append(SimulatedTalon(num, maxVel))

        if 'ds' in config:
            ds = config['ds']
            ds = {}
        location = int(ds.get('location', '1'))
        team = 1 if (ds.get('team', 'red').lower() == 'blue') else 0
        self.allianceStation = location - 1 + team * 3

        if 'field' in config:
            field = config['field']
            field = {}
        self.visionX = float(field.get('visionx', '0'))
        self.visionY = float(field.get('visiony', '0'))
        self.visionAngleStart = float(field.get('visionanglestart', '90'))
        self.visionAngleEnd = float(field.get('visionangleend', '270'))

    # special function called by pyfrc when simulator starts
    def initialize(self, hal_data):
        self.visionTable = NetworkTables.getTable('limelight')
                                   1)  # some arbitrary default vision data
        self.visionTable.putNumber('tx', 0)
        self.visionTable.putNumber('ty', 0)
        self.visionTable.putNumber('ts', 0)
        self.visionTable.putNumber('ta', 5)

        visionTarget = VisionSim.Target(self.visionX, self.visionY,
        self.visionSim = VisionSim([visionTarget], 60, 2, 50)
        hal_data['alliance_station'] = self.allianceStation

    # special function called by pyfrc to update the robot state
    def update_sim(self, hal_data, time, elapsed):
        global simulatedDrivetrain
        for simTalon in self.simulatedTalons:

        if simulatedDrivetrain is not None:
            robotMag, robotDir, robotTurn = simulatedDrivetrain.getRobotMovement(
            xVel = robotMag * math.cos(robotDir)
            yVel = robotMag * math.sin(robotDir)
            self.physicsController.vector_drive(xVel, yVel, -robotTurn,

        if self.ahrs != None:
            self.ahrs.angle = math.degrees(self.physicsController.angle)

        x, y, angle = self.physicsController.get_position()
        visionData = self.visionSim.compute(time, x, y, angle)
        if visionData is not None:
            targetData = visionData[0]
            self.visionTable.putNumber('tv', targetData[0])
            if targetData[0] != 0:
                self.visionTable.putNumber('tx', targetData[2])
            # DOESN'T mean no vision. vision just doesn't always update
Ejemplo n.º 4
class PhysicsEngine(object):
       Simulates a 4-wheel mecanum robot using Tank Drive joystick control 
    target = ntproperty("/camera/target", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))  #angle and distance

    def __init__(self, physics_controller):
            :param physics_controller: `pyfrc.physics.core.Physics` object
                                       to communicate simulation effects to

        self.physics_controller = physics_controller
        self.position = 0


        targets = [
            #everything on the left side of the field
            VisionSim.Target(18.5, 12.5, 90, 270),  # front cargo
            VisionSim.Target(0, 2, -90, 90),  #  pickup station           
            VisionSim.Target(22, 11.25, 180, 360),  # cargo side 1
            VisionSim.Target(23.75, 11.25, 180, 360),  # cargo side 2
            VisionSim.Target(25.5, 11.25, 180, 360),  # cargo side 3
            VisionSim.Target(17.5, 2, 90 - 29, 90 - 29 + 180),  # rocket fromt
            VisionSim.Target(21, 2, -90 + 29, -90 + 29 + 180),  # rocket back

            #everything on the left side of the field
            VisionSim.Target(18.5, 27 - 12.5, 90, 270),  # front cargo
            VisionSim.Target(0, 27 - 2, -90, 90),  #  pickup station           
            VisionSim.Target(22, 27 - 11.25, 0, 180),  # cargo side 1
            VisionSim.Target(23.75, 27 - 11.25, 0, 180),  # cargo side 2
            VisionSim.Target(25.5, 27 - 11.25, 0, 180),  # cargo side 3
            VisionSim.Target(17.5, 27 - 2, 90 + 29,
                             90 + 29 + 180),  # rocket fromt
            VisionSim.Target(21, 27 - 2, -90 - 29,
                             -90 - 29 + 180),  # rocket back
            VisionSim.Target(18.5, 14.5, 90, 270),  # front right cargo

        self.vision = VisionSim(
            61.0,  #camera FOV
            .1,  #close limit (ft)
            10,  #far limit (ft)
            15,  #update rate (hz)

        # targets – List of target positions (x, y) on field in feet
        # view_angle_start – Center angle that the robot can ‘see’ the target from (in degrees)
        # camera_fov – Field of view of camera (in degrees)
        # view_dst_start – If the robot is closer than this, the target cannot be seen
        # view_dst_end – If the robot is farther than this, the target cannot be seen
        # data_frequency – How often the camera transmits new coordinates
        # data_lag – How long it takes for the camera data to be processed and make it to the robot
        # physics_controller – If set, will draw target information in UI

    def update_sim(self, hal_data, now, tm_diff):
            Called when the simulation parameters for the program need to be
            :param now: The current time as a float
            :param tm_diff: The amount of time that has passed since the last
                            time that this function was called

        # Simulate the drivetrain
        # -> Remember, in the constructor we inverted the left motors, so
        #    invert the motor values here too!
        lr_motor = -hal_data["pwm"][1]["value"]
        rr_motor = hal_data["pwm"][3]["value"]
        lf_motor = -hal_data["pwm"][0]["value"]
        rf_motor = hal_data["pwm"][2]["value"]

        vx, vy, vw = drivetrains.mecanum_drivetrain(lr_motor, rr_motor,
                                                    lf_motor, rf_motor)
        self.physics_controller.vector_drive(vx, -vy, vw, tm_diff)

        x, y, angle = self.physics_controller.get_position()
        data = self.vision.compute(now, x, y, angle)
        if data is not None:
            self.target = [data[0][0], data[0][2], 12 * data[0][3]]
Ejemplo n.º 5
class PhysicsEngine(object):
        Your physics module must contain a class called ``PhysicsEngine``,
        and it must implement the same functions as this class.
        Alternatively, you can inherit from this object. However, that is
        not required.

    # array of (found, timestamp, angle)
    target = ntproperty("/camera/target", (0.0, float("inf"), 0.0))

    def __init__(self, physics_controller):
            The constructor must take the following arguments:
            :param physics_controller: The physics controller interface
            :type  physics_controller: :class:`.PhysicsInterface`
        self.physics_controller = physics_controller
        self.position = 0

        # Change these parameters to fit your robot!
        bumper_width = 3.25 * units.inch

        self.drivetrain = tankmodel.TankModel.theory(
            motor_cfgs.MOTOR_CFG_CIM,  # motor configuration
            137 * units.lbs,  # robot mass
            1 / 75,  # drivetrain gear ratio
            2,  # motors per side
            35 * units.inch,  # robot wheelbase
            29 * units.inch + bumper_width * 2,  # robot width
            29 * units.inch + bumper_width * 2,  # robot length
            8 * units.centimeter,  # wheel diameter

        # Precompute the encoder constant
        # -> encoder counts per revolution / wheel circumference
        self.kEncoder = (4096) / (.08 * math.pi)

        self.l_distance = 0
        self.r_distance = 0
        targets = [
            # right
            VisionSim.Target(15, 13, 250, 0),
            # middle
            VisionSim.Target(16.5, 15.5, 295, 65),
            # left
            VisionSim.Target(15, 18, 0, 110),
            VisionSim.Target(10, 25, 250, 0),
        self.vision = VisionSim(targets,

    def initialize(self, hal_data):
            Called with the hal_data dictionary before the robot has started
            running. Some values may be overwritten when devices are
            initialized... it's not consistent yet, sorry.

    def update_sim(self, hal_data, now, tm_diff):
            Called when the simulation parameters for the program need to be
            updated. This is mostly when ``wpilib.Timer.delay()`` is called.
            :param hal_data: A giant dictionary that has all data about the robot. See
                             ``hal-sim/hal_impl/data.py`` in robotpy-wpilib's repository
                             for more information on the contents of this dictionary.
            :param now: The current time
            :type  now: float
            :param tm_diff: The amount of time that has passed since the last
                            time that this function was called
            :type  tm_diff: float
        # Simulate the drivetrain
        l_motor = hal_data["CAN"][1]
        r_motor = hal_data["CAN"][2]
        #print(l_motor['value'], r_motor['value'])

        x, y, angle = self.drivetrain.get_distance(l_motor["value"],
                                                   r_motor["value"], tm_diff)
        #print(x, y, angle)
        self.physics_controller.distance_drive(x, y, angle)

        data = self.vision.compute(now, x, y, 0)
        #print("x, y, angle of robot",x,y,angle)
        if data is not None:
            self.target = data[0][:3]
        #    print("data: ",data)
        #    print("target: ",self.target)

        # encoder increments speed mutiplied by the time by some constant
        # -> must be an integer
        l_speed = int(4096 * l_motor["value"] * tm_diff)
        r_speed = int(4096 * r_motor["value"] * tm_diff)

        # Update encoders
        self.l_distance += self.drivetrain.l_velocity * tm_diff
        self.r_distance += self.drivetrain.r_velocity * tm_diff
        l_motor["quad_position"] = int(self.l_distance * self.kEncoder)
        r_motor["quad_position"] = int(self.r_distance * self.kEncoder)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class PhysicsEngine:
    Simulates a motor moving something that strikes two limit switches,
    one on each end of the track. Obviously, this is not particularly
    realistic, but it's good enough to illustrate the point

    # array of (found, timestamp, angle)
    target = ntproperty("/camera/target", (0.0, float("inf"), 0.0))

    def __init__(self, physics_controller):
        :param physics_controller: `pyfrc.physics.core.PhysicsInterface` object
                                   to communicate simulation effects to

        self.physics_controller = physics_controller
        self.position = 0

        targets = [
            # right
            VisionSimTarget(15, 13, 250, 0),
            # middle
            VisionSimTarget(16.5, 15.5, 295, 65),
            # left
            VisionSimTarget(15, 18, 0, 110),

        self.vision = VisionSim(targets,

        # Simulate the drivetrain.
        self.drivetrain = drivetrains.TwoMotorDrivetrain(

        # Create the motors.
        self.l_motor = PWMSim(1)
        self.r_motor = PWMSim(2)

        self.gyroSim = AnalogGyroSim(0)

        self.system = LinearSystemId.identifyDrivetrainSystem(
            1.98, 0.2, 1.5, 0.3)
        self.drivesim = DifferentialDrivetrainSim(

        self.leftEncoderSim = EncoderSim.createForChannel(0)
        self.rightEncoderSim = EncoderSim.createForChannel(2)

    def update_sim(self, now, tm_diff):
        Called when the simulation parameters for the program need to be

        :param now: The current time as a float
        :param tm_diff: The amount of time that has passed since the last
                        time that this function was called

        l_speed = self.l_motor.getSpeed()
        r_speed = self.r_motor.getSpeed()

        voltage = RobotController.getInputVoltage()

        self.drivesim.setInputs(l_speed * voltage, r_speed * voltage)

        self.leftEncoderSim.setDistance(self.drivesim.getLeftPosition() *
        self.leftEncoderSim.setRate(self.drivesim.getLeftVelocity() * 39.37)
        self.rightEncoderSim.setDistance(self.drivesim.getRightPosition() *
        self.rightEncoderSim.setRate(self.drivesim.getRightVelocity() * 39.37)


        pose = self.drivesim.getPose()

        currentTranslation = pose.translation()
        currentRotation = pose.rotation()

        x = currentTranslation.X()
        y = currentTranslation.Y()

        angle = currentRotation.degrees()

        data = self.vision.compute(now, x, y, angle)

        if data is not None:
            self.target = data[0][:3]
class PhysicsEngine:
    def __init__(self, physicsController):
        self.physicsController = physicsController

        # NavX simulation

        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        filename = os.path.dirname(
        ) + os.sep + "sim" + os.sep + "drivetrain.ini"
        print("Reading robot data from", filename)

        if not 'physics' in config:
            print("Please use the [physics] header in drivetrain.ini")
        physics = config['physics']
        # get() allows fallback values if the key isn't in the config file
        self.xLen = float(physics.get('xlen', '2'))
        self.yLen = float(physics.get('ylen', '3'))
        self.speed = float(physics.get('speed', '6'))
        self.drivetrain = physics.get('drivetrain', 'four')

        self.flMotor = SimulatedTalon(physics.get('canfl', '0'))
        self.frMotor = SimulatedTalon(physics.get('canfr', '0'))
        self.blMotor = SimulatedTalon(physics.get('canbl', '0'))
        self.brMotor = SimulatedTalon(physics.get('canbr', '0'))

        self.maxVel = int(physics.get('maxvel', '8000'))

        ds = config['ds']
        location = int(ds.get('location', '1'))
        team = 1 if (ds.get('team', 'red').lower() == 'blue') else 0
        self.allianceStation = location - 1 + team * 3

        field = config['field']
        self.visionX = float(field.get('visionx', '0'))
        self.visionY = float(field.get('visiony', '0'))
        self.visionAngleStart = float(field.get('visionanglestart', '90'))
        self.visionAngleEnd = float(field.get('visionangleend', '270'))

    def initialize(self, hal_data):
        self.visionTable = NetworkTables.getTable('limelight')
        self.visionTable.putNumber('tv', 1)
        self.visionTable.putNumber('tx', 0)
        self.visionTable.putNumber('ty', 0)
        self.visionTable.putNumber('ts', 0)
        self.visionTable.putNumber('ta', 5)

        visionTarget = VisionSim.Target(self.visionX, self.visionY,
        self.visionSim = VisionSim([visionTarget], 60, 2, 50)
        hal_data['alliance_station'] = self.allianceStation

    def update_sim(self, data, time, elapsed):

        fl = self.flMotor.getSpeed(data, self.maxVel)
        fr = self.frMotor.getSpeed(data, self.maxVel)
        bl = self.blMotor.getSpeed(data, self.maxVel)
        br = self.brMotor.getSpeed(data, self.maxVel)

        if self.drivetrain == "mecanum":
            vx, vy, vw = drivetrains.mecanum_drivetrain(
                bl, br, fl, fr, self.xLen, self.yLen, self.speed)
            self.physicsController.vector_drive(vx, vy, vw, elapsed)
        elif self.drivetrain == "four":
            speed, rot = drivetrains.four_motor_drivetrain(
                bl, br, fl, fr, self.xLen, self.speed)
            self.physicsController.drive(speed, rot, elapsed)
        elif self.drivetrain == "two":
            speed, rot = drivetrains.two_motor_drivetrain(
                fl, fr, self.xLen, self.speed)
            self.physicsController.drive(speed, rot, elapsed)

        # https://github.com/robotpy/robotpy-wpilib/issues/291
        data['analog_gyro'][0]['angle'] = math.degrees(

        x, y, angle = self.physicsController.get_position()
        visionData = self.visionSim.compute(time, x, y, angle)
        if visionData is not None:
            targetData = visionData[0]
            self.visionTable.putNumber('tv', targetData[0])
            if targetData[0] != 0:
                self.visionTable.putNumber('tx', targetData[2])
            # DOESN'T mean no vision. vision just doesn't always update
Ejemplo n.º 8
class PhysicsEngine(object):
        Simulates a motor moving something that strikes two limit switches,
        one on each end of the track. Obviously, this is not particularly
        realistic, but it's good enough to illustrate the point
    def __init__(self, physics_controller):
            :param physics_controller: `pyfrc.physics.core.PhysicsInterface` object
                                       to communicate simulation effects to

        self.physics_controller = physics_controller
        self.position = 0

        self.ft_per_sec = 5
        self.wheel_circumference = 18.8


        if VisionSim is not None:
            targets = [
                # right
                VisionSim.Target(16, 12, 250, 20),  # angle is 122.23
                # middle
                VisionSim.Target(18.5, 16, 295, 65),  # angle is 180
                # left
                VisionSim.Target(16, 20, 320, 110),  # angle is -142

            self.vision = VisionSim(targets,
            self.vision = None

    def nt(self):
            return self._nt
        except AttributeError:
            self._nt = NetworkTables.getTable('/')
            return self._nt

    def update_sim(self, hal_data, now, tm_diff):
            Called when the simulation parameters for the program need to be

            :param now: The current time as a float
            :param tm_diff: The amount of time that has passed since the last
                            time that this function was called

        # Simulate the drivetrain
        l_motor = -hal_data['pwm'][0]['value']
        r_motor = -hal_data['pwm'][1]['value']

        speed, rotation = drivetrains.two_motor_drivetrain(
            l_motor, r_motor, speed=self.ft_per_sec)
        self.physics_controller.drive(speed, rotation, tm_diff)

        # Inches we traveled
        distance_inches = 12.0 * speed * tm_diff

        # Use that to give a rough approximation of encoder values.. not
        # accurate for turns, but we don't need that
        # -> encoder = distance / (wheel_circumference / 360.0)

        hal_data['encoder'][0]['count'] += int(
            distance_inches / (self.wheel_circumference / 360.0))

        if self.vision:
            x, y, angle = self.physics_controller.get_position()

            #data = None
            data = self.vision.compute(now, x, y, angle)
            if data is not None:
                self.nt.putNumberArray('/camera/target', data[0][:3])

            distance = self.vision.get_immediate_distance()
            if distance is None:
                distance = 5.0 * 0.3

        hal_data['analog_in'][0]['avg_voltage'] = max(min(distance * 0.3, 5.0),