Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_cell_circumcenters_and_volumes(self):
        '''Computes the center of the circumsphere of each cell.
        cell_coords = self.node_coords[self.cells['nodes']]

        a = cell_coords[:, 1, :] - cell_coords[:, 0, :]
        b = cell_coords[:, 2, :] - cell_coords[:, 0, :]
        c = cell_coords[:, 3, :] - cell_coords[:, 0, :]

        omega = _row_dot(a, numpy.cross(b, c))

        self.cell_circumcenters = cell_coords[:, 0, :] + (
                numpy.cross(b, c) * _row_dot(a, a)[:, None] +
                numpy.cross(c, a) * _row_dot(b, b)[:, None] +
                numpy.cross(a, b) * _row_dot(c, c)[:, None]
                ) / (2.0 * omega[:, None])

        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahedron#Volume
        self.cell_volumes = abs(omega) / 6.0
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def compute_control_volumes(self):
        '''Compute the control volumes of all nodes in the mesh.
        self.control_volumes = numpy.zeros(len(self.node_coords), dtype=float)

        #   1/3. * (0.5 * edge_length) * covolume
        # = 1/6 * edge_length**2 * ce_ratio_edge_ratio
        e = self.node_coords[self.edges['nodes'][:, 1]] - \
            self.node_coords[self.edges['nodes'][:, 0]]
        vals = _row_dot(e, e) * self.ce_ratios / 6.0

        edge_nodes = self.edges['nodes']
        numpy.add.at(self.control_volumes, edge_nodes[:, 0], vals)
        numpy.add.at(self.control_volumes, edge_nodes[:, 1], vals)

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def compute_ce_ratios_algebraic(self):
        # Precompute edges.
        edges = \
            self.node_coords[self.edges['nodes'][:, 1]] - \
            self.node_coords[self.edges['nodes'][:, 0]]

        # create cells -> edges
        num_cells = len(self.cells['nodes'])
        cells_edges = numpy.empty((num_cells, 6), dtype=int)
        for cell_id, face_ids in enumerate(self.cells['faces']):
            edges_set = set(self.faces['edges'][face_ids].flatten())
            cells_edges[cell_id] = list(edges_set)

        self.cells['edges'] = cells_edges

        # Build the equation system:
        # The equation
        # |simplex| ||u||^2 = \sum_i \alpha_i <u,e_i> <e_i,u>
        # has to hold for all vectors u in the plane spanned by the edges,
        # particularly by the edges themselves.
        cells_edges = edges[self.cells['edges']]
        # <http://stackoverflow.com/a/38110345/353337>
        A = numpy.einsum('ijk,ilk->ijl', cells_edges, cells_edges)
        A = A**2

        # Compute the RHS  cell_volume * <edge, edge>.
        # The dot product <edge, edge> is also on the diagonals of A (before
        # squaring), but simply computing it again is cheaper than extracting
        # it from A.
        edge_dot_edge = _row_dot(edges, edges)
        rhs = edge_dot_edge[self.cells['edges']] * self.cell_volumes[..., None]

        # Solve all k-by-k systems at once ("broadcast"). (`k` is the number of
        # edges per simplex here.)
        # If the matrix A is (close to) singular if and only if the cell is
        # (close to being) degenerate. Hence, it has volume 0, and so all the
        # edge coefficients are 0, too. Hence, do nothing.
        sol = numpy.linalg.solve(A, rhs)

        return sol
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def compute_curl(self, vector_field):
        '''Computes the curl of a vector field. While the vector field is
        point-based, the curl will be cell-based. The approximation is based on

        .. math::
            n\cdot curl(F) = \lim_{A\\to 0} |A|^{-1} \int_{dGamma} F dr;

        see <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curl_(mathematics)>. Actually, to
        approximate the integral, one would only need the projection of the
        vector field onto the edges at the midpoint of the edges.
        edge_coords = \
            self.node_coords[self.edges['nodes'][:, 1]] - \
            self.node_coords[self.edges['nodes'][:, 0]]

        barycenters = 1./3. * numpy.sum(

        # Compute the projection of A on the edge at each edge midpoint.
        nodes = self.edges['nodes']
        x = self.node_coords[nodes]
        A = 0.5 * numpy.sum(vector_field[nodes], axis=1)
        edge_dot_A = _row_dot(edge_coords, A)

        directions = numpy.cross(
                x[self.cells['edges'], 0] - barycenters[:, None, :],
                x[self.cells['edges'], 1] - barycenters[:, None, :]
        dir_nrms = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(directions**2, axis=2))
        directions /= dir_nrms[..., None]

        # a: directions scaled with edge_dot_a
        a = directions * edge_dot_A[self.cells['edges']][..., None]

        # sum over all local edges
        curl = numpy.sum(a, axis=1)
        # Divide by cell volumes
        curl /= self.cell_volumes[..., None]
        return curl