Ejemplo n.º 1
def statistics():
    """ Page display data visualization about statistics for the recipes """

    # Count how many recipes have each meal time to send to the pie chart
    breakfast = mongo.db.recipes.find({'meal_time': 'breakfast'}).count()
    lunch = mongo.db.recipes.find({'meal_time': 'lunch'}).count()
    dinner = mongo.db.recipes.find({'meal_time': 'dinner'}).count()

    # Build pie chart
    pie_chart = Pie()
    pie_chart.title = 'Meal Times'
    pie_chart.add('Breakfast', breakfast)
    pie_chart.add('Lunch', lunch)
    pie_chart.add('Dinner', dinner)
    pie_chart = pie_chart.render_data_uri()

    # Count how many recipes have each training type to send to line chart
    endurance = mongo.db.recipes.find({'training_type': 'endurance'}).count()
    speed = mongo.db.recipes.find({'training_type': 'speed'}).count()
    strength = mongo.db.recipes.find({'training_type': 'strength'}).count()
    power = mongo.db.recipes.find({'training_type': 'power'}).count()

    # Build line chart
    line_chart = Bar()
    line_chart.title = 'Training Types'
    line_chart.add('Endurance', [{'value': endurance, 'label': 'Endurance'}])
    line_chart.add('Strength', [{'value': strength, 'label': 'Strength'}])
    line_chart.add('Power', [{'value': power, 'label': 'Power'}])
    line_chart.add('Speed', [{'value': speed, 'label': 'Speed'}])
    line_chart = line_chart.render_data_uri()

    return render_template('statists.html',
Ejemplo n.º 2
def dashboard():
    #Getting all projects
    projects = Project.select()
    #Creating a pie chart
    pie_chart = Pie()
    #adding title to pie chart
    pie_chart.title = 'Project Type'
    #instatiating two variables internal and external
    internal = 0
    external = 0
    for project in projects:
        if (project.type == 'Internal'):
            internal += 1
            external += 1

    pie_chart.add('Internal', internal)
    pie_chart.add('External', external)

    chart = pie_chart.render_data_uri()

    return render_template('index.html',
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dashboard():
    projects = Project.select()
    pie_chart = Pie()
    pie_chart.title = 'Project Type comparison'
    Internal = 0
    External = 0
    for project in projects:
        if (project.type == 'Internal'):
            Internal += 1
            External += 1
    pie_chart.add('External', External)
    pie_chart.add('Internal', Internal)
    # pie_chart.add('Chrome', 36.3)
    # pie_chart.add('Safari', 4.5)
    # pie_chart.add('Opera', 2.3)
    chart = pie_chart.render_data_uri()
    projects = Project.select()

    return render_template('index.html',
Ejemplo n.º 4
def pie_route():
    projects = Project.select()
    pie_chart = Pie()
    pie_chart.title = 'Browser usage in February 2012 (in %)'

    # instatiating two variables internal and external
    internal = 0
    external = 0

    for project in projects:
        if (project.type == 'internal'):
            internal += 1
            external += 1
    pie_chart.add('internal', internal)
    pie_chart.add('external', external)

    chart = pie_chart.render_data_uri()

    return render_template('index.html',
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_top_activity(target):
    if 'do' not in request.args.keys():
        return render_template('top_activity.html')
    required_source = {
        'start_date': request.args.get('start_date', '-1h'),
        'end_date': request.args.get('end_date', '-0h')
    required = {'start_date': 'datetime', 'end_date': 'datetime'}
    error, required_values = parse_parameters(required_source, required)
    if error:
        flash(f'Incorrect value: {error}')
        return render_template('top_activity.html')
    optional_source = {
        'wait_class': request.args.get('wait_class', ''),
        'event': request.args.get('event', ''),
        'session_id': request.args.get('session_id', ''),
        'user_name': request.args.get('user_name', ''),
        'sql_id': request.args.get('sql_id', ''),
        'object_name': request.args.get('object_name', '')
    _optional = {
        'wait_class': 'str',
        'event': 'str',
        'session_id': 'int',
        'user_name': 'str',
        'sql_id': 'str',
        'object_name': 'str'
    error, optional_values = parse_parameters(optional_source, _optional, True)
    if error:
        flash(f'Incorrect value: {error}')
        return render_template('top_activity.html')
    optional_values = {k: v for k, v in optional_values.items() if v}
    r = execute(
        target, "with h as (select sample_id, sample_time,"
        " sql_id, o.object_name, event, event_id, user_id, session_id,"
        " to_char(session_id) || ':' || to_char(session_serial#) sess"
        ", nvl(wait_class, 'CPU') wait_class"
        ", nvl(wait_class_id, -1) wait_class_id"
        ", wait_time, time_waited from v$active_session_history ash"
        " left join dba_objects o on o.object_id = ash.current_obj#"
        " where sample_time >= trunc(:start_date, 'mi') and sample_time < trunc(:end_date, 'mi')"
        " and sample_time > trunc(sysdate){}{}{}{}{}{})"
        " select 1 t, to_char(sample_time, 'hh24:mi') s, wait_class v1, wait_class_id v2, count(1) c"
        " from h group by to_char(sample_time, 'hh24:mi'), wait_class, wait_class_id union all"
        " select 2 t, sql_id s, wait_class v1, wait_class_id v2, count(1) c from h"
        " where sql_id is not null and sql_id in (select sql_id"
        " from (select sql_id, row_number() over (order by tc desc) rn"
        " from (select sql_id, count(1) tc from h"
        " where sql_id is not null group by sql_id)) where rn <= 10)"
        " group by sql_id, wait_class, wait_class_id union all"
        " select 6 t, to_char(h.session_id) || ':' || nvl(u.username, '') s,"
        " wait_class v1, wait_class_id v2, count(1) c from h"
        " left join dba_users u on u.user_id = h.user_id"
        " where sess in (select sess"
        " from (select sess, row_number() over (order by tc desc) rn"
        " from (select sess, count(1) tc from h"
        " group by sess)) where rn <= 10)"
        " group by to_char(h.session_id) || ':' || nvl(u.username, ''), wait_class, wait_class_id union all"
        " select 3 t, object_name s, wait_class v1, wait_class_id v2, count(1) c from h"
        " where object_name is not null and object_name in (select object_name"
        " from (select object_name, row_number() over (order by tc desc) rn"
        " from (select object_name, count(1) tc from h"
        " where object_name is not null group by object_name))"
        " where rn <= 10) group by object_name, wait_class, wait_class_id union all"
        " select 4 t, null s, wait_class v1, wait_class_id v2, count(1) c"
        " from h group by wait_class, wait_class_id union all"
        " select 5 t, null s, event v1, event_id v2, count(1) c"
        " from h group by event, event_id union all"
        " select 7 t, to_char(sample_time, 'hh24:mi:ss') s, null v1, null v2, count(distinct session_id) c"
        " from h group by to_char(sample_time, 'hh24:mi:ss') union all"
        " select 8 t, null s, null v1, null v2, to_number(value) c"
        " from v$parameter where name = 'cpu_count' union all"
        " select 9 t, null s, null v1, null v2, to_number(value) c"
        " from v$parameter where name = 'sessions' order by 1, 4, 2".format(
            " and nvl(wait_class, 'CPU') like :wait_class"
            if optional_values.get('wait_class', '') else "",
            " and event like :event" if optional_values.get(
                'event', '') else "", " and session_id = :session_id"
            if optional_values.get('session_id', '') else "",
            " and sql_id = :sql_id" if optional_values.get(
                'sql_id', '') else "", " and object_name like :object_name"
            if optional_values.get('object_name', '') else "",
            " and user_id in (select user_id from dba_users "
            "where username like :user_name)" if optional_values.get(
                'user_name', '') else ""), {
    colors = {
        'Other': '#F06EAA',
        'Application': '#C02800',
        'Configuration': '#5C440B',
        'Administrative': '#717354',
        'Concurrency': '#8B1A00',
        'Commit': '#E46800',
        'Idle': '#FFFFFF',
        'Network': '#9F9371',
        'User I/O': '#004AE7',
        'System I/O': '#0094E7',
        'Scheduler': '#CCFFCC',
        'Queueing': '#C2B79B',
        'CPU': '#00CC00'

    series = {
        k[1]: []
        for k in sorted(set((item[3], item[2]) for item in r if item[0] == 1),
                        key=lambda x: x[0])
    p = deepcopy(app.config['CHART_CONFIG'])
    p['style'].colors = tuple(colors[wait_class]
                              for wait_class in series.keys())
    p['height'] = 10 * 22
    session_count = max(tuple(item[4] for item in r if item[0] == 7) or (0, ))
    session_limit = max(tuple(item[4] for item in r if item[0] == 9) or (0, ))
    cpu_count = max(tuple(item[4] for item in r if item[0] == 8) or (0, ))
    top_activity = StackedLine(**p,
                               title=f'sessions(max): {session_count}, '
                               f'sessions(limit): {session_limit}, '
                               f'cpu cores: {cpu_count};')
    top_activity.fill = True
    top_activity.x_labels = sorted(set(item[1] for item in r if item[0] == 1))
    top_activity.x_labels_major_every = max(
        -(-len(top_activity.x_labels) // 20), 1)
    top_activity.truncate_label = 5
    top_activity.show_minor_x_labels = False
    for label in top_activity.x_labels:
        for serie in series.keys():
            v = tuple(
                item[4] for item in r
                if item[0] == 1 and item[1] == label and item[2] == serie)
            series[serie].append(v[0] if len(v) > 0 else 0)
    for serie in series.keys():
        top_activity.add(serie, series[serie], show_dots=False)

    top_sql = HorizontalStackedBar(**p)
    top_sql.show_legend = False
    top_sql.width = 400
    top_sql.show_x_labels = False
    top_sql.x_labels = sorted(set(item[1] for item in r if item[0] == 2),
                              key=lambda x: sum(
                                  tuple(item[4] for item in r
                                        if item[0] == 2 and item[1] == x)))
    top_sql.height = len(top_sql.x_labels) * 22
    series = {
        k[1]: []
        for k in sorted(set((item[3], item[2]) for item in r if item[0] == 2),
                        key=lambda x: x[0])
    for label in top_sql.x_labels:
        for serie in series.keys():
            v = tuple(
                item[4] for item in r
                if item[0] == 2 and item[1] == label and item[2] == serie)
            series[serie].append(v[0] if len(v) > 0 else 0)
    for serie in series.keys():
        # todo https://github.com/Kozea/pygal/issues/18
        top_sql.add(serie, [
            for i, item in enumerate(series[serie])

    top_objects = HorizontalStackedBar(**p)
    top_objects.show_legend = False
    top_objects.width = 400
    top_objects.show_x_labels = False
    top_objects.x_labels = sorted(set(item[1] for item in r if item[0] == 3),
                                  key=lambda x: sum(
                                      tuple(item[4] for item in r
                                            if item[0] == 3 and item[1] == x)))
    series = {
        k[1]: []
        for k in sorted(set((item[3], item[2]) for item in r if item[0] == 3),
                        key=lambda x: x[0])
    top_objects.height = len(top_objects.x_labels) * 22
    for label in top_objects.x_labels:
        for serie in series.keys():
            v = tuple(
                item[4] for item in r
                if item[0] == 3 and item[1] == label and item[2] == serie)
            series[serie].append(v[0] if len(v) > 0 else 0)
    for serie in series.keys():
            [dict(value=item, color=colors[serie]) for item in series[serie]])

    pie_type = 5 if 'wait_class' in optional_values.keys(
    ) or 'event' in optional_values.keys() else 4
    top_waits = Pie(**p)
    top_waits.show_legend = False
    top_waits.width = 140
    top_waits.width = 140
    top_waits.inner_radius = 0.5
    labels = tuple(
        for k in sorted(set(
            (item[3], item[2]) for item in r if item[0] == pie_type),
                        key=lambda x: x[0] if isinstance(x[0], int) else 0))
    for label in labels:
            tuple(item[4] for item in r
                  if item[0] == pie_type and item[2] == label)[0])

    top_sessions = HorizontalStackedBar(**p)
    top_sessions.show_legend = False
    top_sessions.width = 300
    top_sessions.show_x_labels = False
    top_sessions.x_labels = sorted(
        set(item[1] for item in r if item[0] == 6),
        key=lambda x: sum(
            tuple(item[4] for item in r if item[0] == 6 and item[1] == x)))
    top_sessions.height = len(top_sessions.x_labels) * 22
    series = {
        k[1]: []
        for k in sorted(set((item[3], item[2]) for item in r if item[0] == 6),
                        key=lambda x: x[0])
    for label in top_sessions.x_labels:
        for serie in series.keys():
            v = tuple(
                item[4] for item in r
                if item[0] == 6 and item[1] == label and item[2] == serie)
            series[serie].append(v[0] if len(v) > 0 else 0)
    for serie in series.keys():
        top_sessions.add(serie, [
                     target='_blank')) for i, item in enumerate(series[serie])

    return render_template(
        if 'sql_id' not in optional_values.keys() else None,
        if 'session_id' not in optional_values.keys() else None,
        top_waits=top_waits.render_data_uri() if labels else None)