Ejemplo n.º 1
    def show(self):
        screen = display.get_surface()
        draw.rect(screen, self._color,
                  (self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height))

        if not self.__controller.stopped:

            cell_x = self._x
            cell_y = self._y

            for line in self.__model.data:
                for cell in line:
                    if cell == 1:
                        draw.rect(screen, self.__living_cell_color,
                                  (cell_x, cell_y, self.__cell_size,
                    cell_x = cell_x + self.__cell_size
                cell_y = cell_y + self.__cell_size
                cell_x = self._x

            for child in self._children:
            font = SysFont('', 60)

            current_strategy_text = self.__current_strategy_text + self.__controller.strategy

            welcome_text = font.render(self.__welcome_message, True,
            current_strategy = font.render(current_strategy_text, True,
            instruction_text = font.render(self.__instruction_text, True,

            text_width, text_height = font.size(self.__welcome_message)
            cs_text_width, cs_text_height = font.size(current_strategy_text)
            i_text_width, i_text_height = font.size(self.__instruction_text)

                        (self._x + self._width / 2 - text_width / 2,
                         self._y + self._height / 2 - text_height * 2.5))
                        (self._x + self._width / 2 - i_text_width / 2,
                         self._y + self._height / 2 - text_height))
                        (self._x + self._width / 2 - cs_text_width / 2,
                         self._y + self._height / 2 + text_height / 2))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def generateNewTextImage(self) -> NoReturn:
     from Mangers.graph_manager import DimensionsManger
     diments = DimensionsManger()
     font = SysFont(get_default_font(), diments.VerticesDiments.fontSize)
     keyImage = font.render(str(self.name), True,
     wText, hText = font.size(str(self.name))
     self.wTextHalf, self.hTextHalf = wText // 2, hText // 2
     self.textImage = keyImage
     self.isMoved = True
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Text(Component):
    def __init__(self,
        self.text = text
        self.textSize = textSize
        self.color = color
        self.font = SysFont(fontType, self.textSize)
        self.size = self.font.size(self.text)
        self.surface = self.font.render(self.text, True, self.color)

    def setColor(self, color):
        color = [a if a < 255 else 255 for a in color]
        color = [a if a > 0 else 0 for a in color]
        self.color = color

    def setText(self, text):
        self.text = text

    def getText(self):
        return self.text

    def update(self):
        self.surface = self.font.render(self.text, True, self.color)
        self.rect = self.surface.get_rect()

    def select(self):

    def unSelect(self):
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def display(self, g):
                  (self.x - self.offsetX, self.y - self.offsetY))
                  (self.x - self.offsetX, self.y - self.offsetY))
     w = self.talker.pic.get_width()
     x_text, y_text = self.x + w + 10, self.y + 5
     font = SysFont("arial_unicode_ms", 40)
     words = [line.split(" ") for line in self.msg.splitlines()]
     space = font.size(' ')[0]
     for line in words:
         for word in line:
             word_surface = font.render(word, 1, (0, 0, 0))
             word_width, word_height = word_surface.get_size()
             if x_text + word_width + self.offsetX >= self.background.get_width(
             ) + self.x:
                 x_text = self.x + w + 10  # Reset the x.
                 y_text += word_height  # Start on new row.
             g.win().blit(word_surface, (x_text, y_text))
             x_text += word_width + space
         x_text = self.x + w + 10  # Reset the x.
         y_text += word_height  # Start on new row.
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Window:
    # A Window represents a display window with a title bar,
    # close box and interior drawing surface.

    def __init__(self, title, width, height):
        # Create and open a window to draw in.
        # - self is the new Window
        # - title is the str title of the window
        # - width is the int pixel width of the window
        # - height is the int pixel height of the window

        self.__surface__ = set_mode((width, height), 0, 0)
        self.__font_name__ = ''
        self.__font_size__ = 18
        self.__font__ = SysFont(self.__font_name__, self.__font_size__, True)
        self.__font_color__ = 'white'
        self.__bg_color__ = 'black'
        self.__auto_update__ = True

            self.stream = Stream()

    def close(self):
        # Close the window
        # - self is the Window

    def set_font_name(self, name):
        # Set the name of the window font used to draw strings
        # - self is the Window
        # - name is the str name of the font

        self.__font_name__ = name
        self.__font__ = SysFont(self.__font_name__, self.__font_size__, True)

    def set_font_size(self, point_size):
        # Set the point size of the window font used to draw strings
        # - self is the Window
        # - point_size is the int point size of the font

        self.__font_size__ = point_size
        self.__font__ = SysFont(self.__font_name__, self.__font_size__, True)

    def set_font_color(self, color_string):
        # Set the font color used to draw in the window
        # - self is the Window
        # - color_string is the str name of the font color

        self.__font_color__ = color_string

    def set_bg_color(self, color_string):
        # Set the background color used to draw in the window
        # - self is the Window
        # - color_string is the str name of the background color

        self.__bg_color__ = color_string

    def set_auto_update(self, true_false):
        # Set the background color used to draw in the window
        # - self is the Window
        # - true_or_false is a Boolean indicating if auto update should be on or off

        self.__auto_update__ = true_false

    def get_font_height(self):
        # Return the int pixel height of the current font.
        # - self is the Window

        return self.__font__.size('')[1]

    def get_font_color(self):
        # Return a str that represents the current window
        # font color
        # - self is the Window

        return self.__font_color__

    def get_bg_color(self):
        # Return a str that represents the current window
        # background color
        # - self is the Window

        return self.__bg_color__

    def set_bg_image(self, image_png, width, height):
        image = pygame.image.load(image_png)
        image = pygame.transform.scale(image,
                                       (self.get_width(), self.get_height()))
        self.__surface__.blit(image, [0, 0])

    def get_width(self):
        # Return the int pixel width of the window's drawable
        # interior surface
        # - self is the Window

        return self.__surface__.get_width()

    def get_height(self):
        # Return the int pixel height of the window's drawable
        # interior surface
        # - self is the Window

        return self.__surface__.get_height()

    def clear(self):
        # Erase the window contents
        # - self is the Window

        if self.__auto_update__:

    def get_surface(self):
        # Return the Pygame.Surface object that represents the
        # interior drawing surface of the window
        # - self is the Window

        return self.__surface__

    def draw_string(self, string, x, y, bg):
        # Draw a string in the window using the current font and
        # colors
        # - self is the Window
        # - string is the str object to draw
        # - x is the int x coord of the upper left corner of the
        #   string in the window
        # - y is the int y coord of the upper left corner of the
        #   string in the window

        text_image = self.__font__.render(string, True,
                                          Color(self.__font_color__), bg)
        self.__surface__.blit(text_image, (x, y))
        if self.__auto_update__:
            text_rect = Rect((x, y), text_image.get_size())

    def input_string(self, prompt, x, y):
        # Draw a prompt string in the window using the current font
        # and colors. Check keys pressed by the user until an enter
        # key is pressed and return the sequence of key presses as a
        # str object.
        # - self is the Window
        # - prompt is the str to display
        # - x is the int x coord of the upper left corner of the
        #   string in the window
        # - y is the int y coord of the upper left corner of the
        #   string in the window

        key = K_SPACE
        answer = ''
        while key != K_RETURN:
            self.draw_string(prompt + answer + '    ', x, y)
            if not self.__auto_update__:
            key = self._get_key()
            key_state = get_pressed()
            if (K_SPACE <= key <= K_z):
                if key == K_SPACE:
                    letter = ' '
                    letter = name(key)
                if key_state[K_LSHIFT] or key_state[K_RSHIFT] or key_state[
                    letter = letter.upper()
                answer = answer + letter
            if key == K_BACKSPACE:
                answer = answer[0:len(answer) - 1]
        return answer

    def get_string_width(self, string):
        # Return the int pixel width of the string using the current
        # font.
        # - self is the Window
        # - string is the str object

        return self.__font__.size(string)[0]

    def update(self):
        # Update the window by copying all drawn objects from the
        # frame buffer to the display.
        # - self is the Window


    def _get_key(self):
        # Poll the events until the user presses a key and return it.
        # Discard all other events.
        # - self is the Window

        event = poll()
        while event.type != KEYUP:
            event = poll()
        return event.key
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Window:
    # A Window represents a display window with a title bar,
    # close box and interior drawing surface.

    def __init__(self, title, width, height):
        # Create and open a window to draw in.
        # - self is the new Window
        # - title is the str title of the window
        # - width is the int pixel width of the window
        # - height is the int pixel height of the window
        self.__surface__ = set_mode((width, height), 0, 0)
        self.__font_name__ = ''
        self.__font_size__ = 18
        self.__font__ = SysFont(self.__font_name__, self.__font_size__, True)
        self.__font_color__ = 'white'
        self.__bg_color__ = 'black'
        self.__auto_update__ = True

    def close(self):
        # Close the window

    def set_font(self, font):
        """ set the font to the pygame.Font object specified """
        # assert isinstance(font, SysFont)
        self.__font = font
        self.__font_name = ""  # I don't know how to get font name from font...

    def set_font_name(self, name):
        # Set the name of the window font used to draw strings
        # - name is the str name of the font
        self.__font_name__ = name
        self.__font__ = SysFont(self.__font_name__, self.__font_size__, True)

    def get_font(self):
        """ gets and returns the pygame.Font object of the active font. """
        return self.__font__

    def get_font_name(self):
        # gets and returns the string name of the active font.
        return self.__font_name__

    def set_font_size(self, point_size):
        # Set the point size of the window font used to draw strings
        # - point_size is the int point size of the font
        self.__font_size__ = point_size
        self.__font__ = SysFont(self.__font_name__, self.__font_size__, True)

    def set_font_color(self, given_color):
        # Set the font color used to draw in the window.
        # Will accept colors as either a tuple of RGB values,
        # pygame-compatible color names as strings, or pygame.color() objects.
        if type(given_color) == Color:
            self.__font_color__ = given_color
        self.__font_color__ = Color(given_color)

    def set_bg_color(self, given_color):
        # Set the background color used to draw in the window.
        # Will accept colors as either a tuple of RGB values,
        # pygame-compatible color names as strings, or pygame.color() objects.
        if type(given_color) == Color:
            self.__bg_color__ = given_color
        self.__bg_color__ = Color(given_color)

    def set_auto_update(self, true_false):
        # Set the background color used to draw in the window
        # - true_or_false is a Boolean indicating if auto update should be on or off
        self.__auto_update__ = true_false

    def get_font_height(self):
        # Return the int pixel height of the current font.
        return self.__font__.size('')[1]

    def get_font_color(self):
        # Returns the pygame.Color object for the font.
        return self.__font_color__

    def get_bg_color(self):
        # Returns the pygame.Color object for the background.
        return self.__bg_color__

    def get_width(self):
        """ Return the int pixel width of the window's drawable
            interior surface.
        return self.__surface__.get_width()

    def get_height(self):
        """ Return the int pixel height of the window's drawable
            interior surface.
        return self.__surface__.get_height()

    def clear(self):
        """ Erase the window contents """
        if self.__auto_update__:

    def get_surface(self):
        """ Return the Pygame.Surface object that represents the
            interior drawing surface of the window.
        return self.__surface__

    def draw_string(self, string, x, y):
        """ Draw a string in the window using the current font and
            - string is the str object to draw
            - x is the int x coord of the upper left corner of the
            string in the window
            - y is the int y coord of the upper left corner of the
            string in the window
        # text_image = self.__font__.render(string, True, Color(self.__font_color__), Color(self.__bg_color__))
        text_image = self.__font__.render(string, True, self.__font_color__,
        self.__surface__.blit(text_image, (x, y))
        if self.__auto_update__:
            text_rect = Rect((x, y), text_image.get_size())

    def input_string(self, prompt, x, y):
        """ Draw a prompt string in the window using the current font
            and colors. Check keys pressed by the user until an enter
            key is pressed and return the sequence of key presses as a
            str object.
            - self is the Window
            - prompt is the str to display
            - x is the int x coord of the upper left corner of the
            string in the window
            - y is the int y coord of the upper left corner of the
            string in the window
        key = K_SPACE
        answer = ''
        while key != K_RETURN:
            self.draw_string(prompt + answer + '    ', x, y)
            if not self.__auto_update__:
            key = self._get_key()
            key_state = get_pressed()
            if (K_SPACE <= key <= K_z):
                if key == K_SPACE:
                    letter = ' '
                    letter = name(key)
                if key_state[K_LSHIFT] or key_state[K_RSHIFT] or key_state[
                    letter = letter.upper()
                answer = answer + letter
            if key == K_BACKSPACE:
                answer = answer[0:len(answer) - 1]
        return answer

    def get_string_width(self, string):
        """ Return the int pixel width of the string using the current
            - self is the Window
            - string is the str object
        return self.__font__.size(string)[0]

    def update(self):
        """ Update the window by copying all drawn objects from the
            frame buffer to the display.
            - self is the Window

    def _get_key(self):
        # Poll the events until the user presses a key and return it.
        # Discard all other events.
        # - self is the Window

        event = poll()
        while event.type != KEYUP:
            event = poll()
        return event.key
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Button:
    def __init__(
            x: int,
            y: int,
            click_handler: Callable = lambda: None,
            color: Tuple[int] = None,
            font: pygame.font.Font = None,

        self.surface = surface
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.click_handler = click_handler
        self.color = color or (224, 224, 224)
        self.border_width = border_width
        self.hover_color = hover_color
        self.clicked_color = clicked_color
        self.border_radius = border_radius
        self.text = text

        if font is None:
            self.font = SysFont('couriernew', 20)

        text_size = self.font.size(text)
        self.width = width or text_size[0] + self.border_width + 2
        self.height = height or text_size[1] + self.border_width + 2
        self.font_color = font_color or (0, 0, 0)

        self.hovered = False
        self.clicked = False
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'<Button "{self.text}" at ({self.x}, {self.y})>'

    def __contains__(self, point: Tuple[int]):
        return self.rect.collidepoint(point)

    def draw(self):
        color = self.color
        if self.clicked and self.clicked_color:
            color = self.clicked_color
        elif self.hovered and self.hover_color:
            color = self.hover_color

        if not self.border_width:
            _round_rect(self.surface, self.rect, color, self.border_radius)
            _round_rect(self.surface, self.rect, (0, 0, 0), self.border_radius)
                self.rect.inflate(-self.border_width, -self.border_width),
        text = self.font.render(self.text, 1, self.font_color)
        place = text.get_rect(center=self.rect.center)
        self.surface.blit(text, place)

    def handle_event(self, event):
        if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
            self.hovered = event.pos in self
        elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.pos in self:
            self.clicked = True
        elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
            self.clicked = False

    def handle_events(self, event_list):
        for event in event_list:
Ejemplo n.º 8
class Button:
    Button class

    Contructor params:
    surface: surface to display button
    x, y: top-left coordinates
    click_handler: function that is called when the button is clicked,
        default is lambda, doing nothing
    text: text to display on button
    width, height: button size. If not provided, calculated by size of text
    color: button color, default is (224, 224, 224)
    hover_color: button color when hovered, if None (default), no effect
    clicked_color: button color when clicked, if None (default), no effect
    border_color, border_width, border_radius - border params
    font: text font, pygame.font.Font instance, default is Courier New 20
    font_color: default is black

    Methods defined:
    draw(): draws the button on given surface

    handle_event(event): handles mouse events (hover and click). Must be called in
        main loop.

    handle_events(event_list): handles all events in event_list

    To check if given point is inside the button, use 'in' operator:
        if (120, 50) in button: ...
    def __init__(self,
                 surface: pygame.surface.Surface,
                 x: int,
                 y: int,
                 click_handler: Callable = lambda: None,
                 color: Tuple[int] = None,
                 font: pygame.font.Font = None,

        self.surface = surface
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.click_handler = click_handler
        self.color = color or (224, 224, 224)
        self.border_width = border_width
        self.hover_color = hover_color
        self.clicked_color = clicked_color
        self.border_radius = border_radius
        self.text = text

        if font is None:
            self.font = SysFont('couriernew', 20)

        text_size = self.font.size(text)
        self.width = width or text_size[0] + self.border_width + 2
        self.height = height or text_size[1] + self.border_width + 2
        self.font_color = font_color or (0, 0, 0)

        self.hovered = False
        self.clicked = False
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'<Button "{self.text}" at ({self.x}, {self.y})>'

    def __contains__(self, point: Tuple[int]):
        return self.rect.collidepoint(point)

    def draw(self):
        color = self.color
        if self.clicked and self.clicked_color:
            color = self.clicked_color
        elif self.hovered and self.hover_color:
            color = self.hover_color

        if not self.border_width:
            _round_rect(self.surface, self.rect, color, self.border_radius)
            _round_rect(self.surface, self.rect, (0, 0, 0), self.border_radius)
                self.rect.inflate(-self.border_width, -self.border_width),
                color, self.border_radius)
        text = self.font.render(self.text, 1, self.font_color)
        place = text.get_rect(center=self.rect.center)
        self.surface.blit(text, place)

    def handle_event(self, event):
        if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
            self.hovered = event.pos in self
        elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.pos in self:
            self.clicked = True
        elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
            self.clicked = False

    def handle_events(self, event_list):
        for event in event_list:
Ejemplo n.º 9
class Text:
    def __init__(self, **kw):
        wrapper for pygame's font class

        font_name -> name of the font

        text -> the text value

        size -> font size

        bold -> specifies if the font is bold

        italic -> specifies if the font is italic

        antialias -> specifies if the font has antialiasing

        color -> the font color

        background -> the font background (color?)

        self._text = kw.get('text', '')
        self._antialias = kw.get('antialias', False)
        self._font_name = kw.get('font_name', 'Arial')
        self._bold = kw.get('bold', False)
        self._italic = kw.get('italic', False)
        self._color = kw.get('color', Color('white'))
        self._size = kw.get('size', 16)
        self._background = kw.get('background')
        self._render: Surface = None
        self._needs_sysfont_update = True
        self._needs_render_update = True

        self.last_text = self.text
        self.font: PygameFont = None


    def update_sysfont(self):
        self.font = SysFont(self.font_name, self.size, self.bold, self.italic)
        self.needs_sysfont_update = False

    def update_render(self):
        self._render = self.font.render(self.text, self.antialias, self.color,
        self._needs_render_update = False

    def text_size(self):
        return self.font.size(self.text)

    def render(self):
        if self._needs_render_update:

        if self.needs_sysfont_update:

        return self._render

    def needs_sysfont_update(self):
        return self._needs_sysfont_update

    def needs_sysfont_update(self, value):
        assert isinstance(
            value, bool), 'new needs_sysfont_update value must be a bool'
        if not self._needs_render_update and value:
            self._needs_render_update = value
        self._needs_sysfont_update = value

    def text(self):
        return self._text

    def text(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            value = str(value)
        self._text = value
        self._needs_render_update = True

    def size(self):
        return self._size

    def size(self, value):
        assert isinstance(
            value, (int, float)), 'new size value must be a int or float'
        self._size = value
        self.needs_sysfont_update = True

    def color(self):
        return self._color

    def color(self, value):
        assert isinstance(
            value, (Color, tuple,
                    list)), 'new color value must be a Color, or RBG tuple'
        self._color = value
        self._needs_render_update = True

    def italic(self):
        return self._italic

    def italic(self, value):
        assert isinstance(value, bool), 'new italic value must be a bool'
        self._italic = value
        self.needs_sysfont_update = True

    def bold(self):
        return self._bold

    def bold(self, value):
        assert isinstance(value, bool), 'new bold value must be a bool'
        self._bold = value
        self.needs_sysfont_update = True

    def font_name(self):
        return self._font_name

    def font_name(self, value):
        assert isinstance(value, str), 'new font_name must be a str'
        self._font_name = value
        self.needs_sysfont_update = True

    def antialias(self):
        return self._antialias

    def antialias(self, value):
        assert isinstance(value, bool), 'new antialias value must be a bool'
        self._antialias = value
        self.needs_sysfont_update = True

    def background(self):
        return self._background

    def background(self, value):
        assert isinstance(
            value, (Color, tuple,
                    list)), 'new background must be a Color/RBG tuple or list'
        self._background = value
        self._needs_render_update = True
class Window:
    """A Window represents a display window with a title bar, close box and interior drawing surface."""
    def __init__(self, title, width, height):
        """Create and open a window to draw in.

        :param title: the str title of the window
        :param width: the int pixel width of the window
        :param height: the int pixel height of the window

        self.__surface__ = set_mode((width, height), 0, 0)
        self.__font_name__ = ''
        self.__font_size__ = 18
        self.__font__ = SysFont(self.__font_name__, self.__font_size__, True)
        self.__font_color__ = 'white'
        self.__bg_color__ = 'black'
        self.__auto_update__ = True

    def close(self):
        """Close the window."""


    def set_font_name(self, name):
        """Set the name of the window font used to draw strings.

        :param name: the str name of the font

        self.__font_name__ = name
        self.__font__ = SysFont(self.__font_name__, self.__font_size__, True)

    def set_font_size(self, point_size):
        """Set the point size of the window font used to draw strings.

        :param point_size: the int point size of the font

        self.__font_size__ = point_size
        self.__font__ = SysFont(self.__font_name__, self.__font_size__, True)

    def set_font_color(self, color_string):
        """Set the font color used to draw in the window.

        :param color_string: the str name of the font color

        self.__font_color__ = color_string

    def set_bg_color(self, color_string):
        """Set the background color used to draw in the window.

        :param color_string: the str name of the background color

        self.__bg_color__ = color_string

    def set_auto_update(self, true_false):
        """Set the background color used to draw in the window.

        :param true_false: a Boolean indicating if auto update should be on or off

        self.__auto_update__ = true_false

    def get_font_height(self):
        """Return the int pixel height of the current font.

        :return: the int pixel height of the current font

        return self.__font__.size('')[1]

    def get_font_color(self):
        """Return a str that represents the current window font color.

        :return: a str that represents the current window font color

        return self.__font_color__

    def get_bg_color(self):
        """Return a str that represents the current window.

        :return: a str that represents the current window

        return self.__bg_color__

    def get_width(self):
        """Return the int pixel width of the window's drawable interior surface.

        :return: the int pixel width of the window's drawable interior surface

        return self.__surface__.get_width()

    def get_height(self):
        """Return the int pixel height of the window's drawable interior surface.

        :return: the int pixel height of the window's drawable interior surface

        return self.__surface__.get_height()

    def clear(self):
        """Erase the window contents"""

        if self.__auto_update__:

    def get_surface(self):
        """Return the Pygame.Surface object that represents the interior drawing surface of the window.

        :return: the Pygame.Surface object that represents the interior drawing surface of the window

        return self.__surface__

    def draw_string(self, string, x, y):
        """Draw a string in the window using the current font and colors.

        :param string: the str object to draw
        :param x: the int x coord of the upper left corner of the string in the window
        :param y: is the int y coord of the upper left corner of the string in the window

        text_image = self.__font__.render(string, True,
        self.__surface__.blit(text_image, (x, y))
        if self.__auto_update__:
            text_rect = Rect((x, y), text_image.get_size())

    def input_string(self, prompt, x, y):
        """Draw a prompt string in the window using the current font and colors. Check keys pressed by the
        user until an enter key is pressed and return the sequence of key presses as a str object.

        :param prompt: the str to display
        :param x: the int x coord of the upper left corner of the string in the window
        :param y: the int y coord of the upper left corner of the string in the window

        key = K_SPACE
        answer = ''
        while key != K_RETURN:
            self.draw_string(prompt + answer + '    ', x, y)
            if not self.__auto_update__:
            key = self._get_key()
            key_state = get_pressed()
            if (K_SPACE <= key <= K_z):
                if key == K_SPACE:
                    letter = ' '
                    letter = name(key)
                if key_state[K_LSHIFT] or key_state[K_RSHIFT] or key_state[
                    letter = letter.upper()
                answer = answer + letter
            if key == K_BACKSPACE:
                answer = answer[0:len(answer) - 1]
        return answer

    def get_string_width(self, string):
        """Return the int pixel width of the string using the current font.

        :param string: the str object

        return self.__font__.size(string)[0]

    def update(self):
        """Update the window by copying all drawn objects from the frame buffer to the display."""


    def _get_key(self):
        """Poll the events until the user presses a key and return it. Discard all other events.

        :return: the user-pressed keys

        event = poll()
        while event.type != KEYUP:
            event = poll()
        return event.key