Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, width, height, surface=None):
     self.width = width
     self.height = height
     if surface:
         self.pixels = surfarray.pixels2d(surface)
         self.pixels = surfarray.pixels2d(Surface((width, height)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def do_display(cls, pixels, view, chart):
        center = view.center
        if isinstance(pixels, pygame.Surface):
            pixels = surfarray.pixels2d(pixels)
        x = y = 0
        next_x = next_y = 0
        origin = [center[i] - pixels.shape[i] // 2 for i in (0,1)]

        colors = view(chart)
            while x < pixels.shape[0]:
                y = next_y = 0
                while y < pixels.shape[1]:
                    view = chart.map_slice((origin[0] + x, origin[1] + y), colors)
                    next_x = min(x + view.shape[0], pixels.shape[0])
                    next_y = min(y + view.shape[1], pixels.shape[1])
                    pixels[x:next_x, y:next_y] = view[:next_x-x,:next_y-y]
                    if next_y <= y:
                    y = next_y
                if next_x <= x:
                x = next_x
        except IndexError as ie:
            #Didn't have a palette entry for some value, figure it out.
            states = set()
            for x in range(chart.shape[0]):
                for y in range(chart.shape[1]):
                    states.add(chart[x, y])
            print states, palette
            raise ie
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,computer):
        self._screen = {}
        self._started = False
        self._screenHeight = 1000
        self._screenWidth = 1000
        self._origin = (self._screenHeight // 2, self._screenWidth // 2)
        self._robot = self._origin
        self._started = False
        self._computer = computer
        self._surface = None
        self._pixels = None
        self._direction = 0
        for k in Game.table.keys():
            a = np.zeros((Game.blockSize,Game.blockSize),np.uint32)
            item = Game.table[k]
            for y in range(0,Game.inputBlockSize):
                for x in range(0,Game.inputBlockSize):
                    if item[y][x]== 1:
                        ] = 0XFFFFFF
            Game.table[BT(k)] = a
        if (BT.GreenEmpty not in Game.table.keys()):
            block = Game.table[BT.Empty].copy()
            Game.table[BT.GreenEmpty] = block

        self._surface = pygame.display.set_mode((self._screenWidth, self._screenHeight))
        self._surface.fill((128,128,128)) #black
        self._pixels = surfarray.pixels2d(self._surface)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, display):
        self.time = 0
        self.running = True

        self.pixels = surfarray.pixels2d(display)
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        self.game = Game()
        self.screen = Screen(s.WIDTH, s.HEIGHT)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def render(self):
        pixel_array = surfarray.pixels2d(self.surface)
        changed_pixels = np.where(self.array != self.drawn_state) # A copy of the game map where each cell is True if it is different than the drawn state, and false otherwise
        # for y, x in self.changed_pixels:
        # for i in range(changed_pixels[0].shape[0]):
        #     y = changed_pixels[0][i]
        #     x = changed_pixels[1][i]
        #     pixel_array[x*self.zoom_factor:(
        #         x+1)*self.zoom_factor, y*self.zoom_factor:(y+1)*self.zoom_factor] = colors[self.array[y,x]]

        process_render_internal(changed_pixels, pixel_array, self.array, self.zoom_factor)

        self.drawn_state = self.array.copy()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, computer, minBlockTuple, maxBlockTuple, startData):
        self._positions = {}
        self._ball = None
        self._paddle = None
        self._started = False
        self._computerOutput = []
        self._scores = []
        self._computer = computer
        self._joyStick = 0
        self._minBlockX = minBlockTuple[0]
        self._minBlockY = minBlockTuple[1]
        self._maxBlockX = maxBlockTuple[0]
        self._maxBlockY = maxBlockTuple[1]
        self._screenHeight = (self._maxBlockY + 1) * Game.blockSize
        self._screenWidth = (self._maxBlockX + 1) * Game.blockSize
        self._font = None
        self._surface = None
        self._pixels = None
        for k in Game.table.keys():
            a = np.zeros((Game.blockSize, Game.blockSize), np.uint32)
            item = Game.table[k]
            for y in range(0, Game.inputBlockSize):
                for x in range(0, Game.inputBlockSize):
                    if item[y][x] == 1:
                        a[y * Game.scalingFactor:y * Game.scalingFactor +
                          x * Game.scalingFactor:x * Game.scalingFactor +
                          Game.scalingFactor] = 0XFFFFFF
            Game.table[k] = a

        self._surface = pygame.display.set_mode(
            (self._screenWidth, self._screenHeight))
        self._surface.fill((0, 0, 0))  #black
        self._pixels = surfarray.pixels2d(self._surface)
        pygame.display.set_caption('Score: 0')
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def stamp(self, sealevel, templevel, colormap, surface):
     """Writes the planet sprite onto the given surface. Sealevel and templevel have dynamic range from -1.0 to 1.0"""
     sealevel = self.dynamic_range(sealevel)
     templevel = self.dynamic_range(-templevel)  # invert templevel
     data = surfarray.pixels2d(surface)
     np.copyto(data, self.alpha)  # A clean slate
     # Temperature
     np.subtract(self.temperature, templevel, out=self.altered_temp)
             ColorMap.SHEET_SIZE - 1,
     np.subtract(self.elevation, sealevel, out=self.altered_elevation)
             ColorMap.SHEET_SIZE - 1,
     self.scratch[:] = colormap.colors[self.altered_temp,
Ejemplo n.º 8
                slope = -1 * float(
                    decimal.Decimal(random.randrange(25, 200)) / 100)
            slope = -slope
            intercept = current_y - slope * ballX
    if slope * ballX + intercept <= 0:
        intercept += 2 * slope * ballX
        slope = -slope
    if slope * ballX + intercept >= 500:
        intercept += 2 * slope * ballX
        slope = -slope
    if d == -1:
        ballX -= 5
    if d == 1:
        ballX += 5
    X1 = surfarray.pixels2d(pygame.display.get_surface())

    # iska dekh le.. y ka and final trainingset ka jo bhi h
    count += 1
    if (count > 500):
        with open('trainX.pkl', 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(trainX, f)
        with open('trainY.pkl', 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(trainY, f)
    pygame.draw.rect(DS, WHITE, (0, r1, 15, 100))
    # pygame.draw.rect(DS, RED, (485, r2, 15, 100))
    pygame.draw.circle(DS, WHITE, (ballX, int(slope * ballX + intercept)), 10)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, computer):
        self._screen = {}
        self._started = False
        self._screenHeight = 1275
        self._screenWidth = 1275
        self._origin = (self._screenHeight // 2, self._screenWidth // 2)
        self._robot = self._origin
        self._started = False
        self._computer = computer
        self._surface = None
        self._pixels = None
        self._direction = 0
        self._textScreen = TextScreen()
        self._textScreenDraw = 0

        for k in Game.table.keys():
            if (k in [BT.Up, BT.Down, BT.Left, BT.Right, BT.Ball]):
                r, g, b, a = pygame.colordict.THECOLORS.get('yellow2')
                color = r << 16 | g << 8 | b
            elif (k == BT.BadRobot):
                r, g, b, a = pygame.colordict.THECOLORS.get('indianred3')
                color = r << 16 | g << 8 | b
            elif (k == BT.Junction):
                r, g, b, a = pygame.colordict.THECOLORS.get('cornflowerblue')
                color = r << 16 | g << 8 | b
                color = 0xFFFFFF
            a = np.zeros((Game.blockSize, Game.blockSize), np.uint32)
            item = Game.table[k]
            for y in range(0, Game.inputBlockSize):
                for x in range(0, Game.inputBlockSize):
                    if item[y][x] == 1:
                        a[y * Game.scalingFactor:y * Game.scalingFactor +
                          x * Game.scalingFactor:x * Game.scalingFactor +
                          Game.scalingFactor] = color
            if (k == BT.Up):  #Fill in sides of arrow, so it looks smooth
                a[9, 1] = a[9, 2] = a[9, 3] = a[9, 4] = a[8, 2] = a[8, 3] = a[
                    8, 4] = a[7, 3] = a[7, 4] = a[6, 4] = color
                a[15, 1] = a[15, 2] = a[15, 3] = a[15, 4] = a[16, 2] = a[
                    16, 3] = a[16, 4] = a[17, 3] = a[17, 4] = a[18, 4] = color
            if (k == BT.Down):  #Fill in sides of arrow, so it looks smooth
                a[9, 23] = a[9, 22] = a[9, 21] = a[9, 20] = a[8, 22] = a[
                    8, 21] = a[8, 20] = a[7, 21] = a[7, 20] = a[6, 20] = color
                a[15, 23] = a[15, 22] = a[15, 21] = a[15, 20] = a[16, 22] = a[
                    16, 21] = a[16, 20] = a[17, 21] = a[17, 20] = a[18,
                                                                    20] = color
            if (k == BT.Left):  #Fill in sides of arrow, so it looks smooth
                a[4, 6] = a[4, 7] = a[4, 8] = a[4, 9] = a[3, 7] = a[3, 8] = a[
                    3, 9] = a[2, 8] = a[2, 9] = a[1, 9] = color
                a[4, 18] = a[4, 17] = a[4, 16] = a[4, 15] = a[3, 17] = a[
                    3, 16] = a[3, 15] = a[2, 16] = a[2, 15] = a[1, 15] = color
            if (k == BT.Right):  #Fill in sides of arrow, so it looks smooth
                a[20, 6] = a[20, 7] = a[20, 8] = a[20, 9] = a[21, 7] = a[
                    21, 8] = a[21, 9] = a[22, 8] = a[22, 9] = a[23, 9] = color
                a[20, 18] = a[20, 17] = a[20, 16] = a[20, 15] = a[21, 17] = a[
                    21, 16] = a[21, 15] = a[22, 16] = a[22, 15] = a[23,
                                                                    15] = color
            Game.table[BT(k)] = a
        if (BT.GreenEmpty not in Game.table.keys()):
            block = Game.table[BT.Empty].copy()
            Game.table[BT.GreenEmpty] = block

        self._surface = pygame.Surface((self._screenWidth, self._screenHeight))
        #we'll us a window that is scaled smaller than the actual game surface, to get everything on a 1080 height screen.
        self._window = pygame.display.set_mode((1000, 1000))
        self._surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
        self._pixels = surfarray.pixels2d(self._surface)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self):
     self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800,800), pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.HWSURFACE)
     self.size = self.screen.get_size()
     self.pixels = surfarray.pixels2d(self.screen)
     from gamelib.popup_menu import NonBlockingPopupMenu
     self.menu = NonBlockingPopupMenu(MENU)