Ejemplo n.º 1
 def add_rect(self, new_rect: pygame.Rect):
     for sheet in Spritesheet.select():
         rects = [pygame.Rect(t.x,t.y,t.width,t.height) for t in sheet.thumbnails]
         sheet_rect = pygame.Rect(0,0,sheet.height, sheet.width)
         for rect in rects:
             crects = rects.copy()
             new_rect.topleft = rect.topright
             if new_rect.collidelist(crects) == -1:
                 if sheet_rect.contains(new_rect):
                     return sheet, new_rect
             new_rect.topleft = rect.bottomright
             if new_rect.collidelist(crects) == -1:
                 if sheet_rect.contains(new_rect):
                     return sheet, new_rect
             new_rect.topright = rect.topleft
             if new_rect.collidelist(crects) == -1:
                 if sheet_rect.contains(new_rect):
                     return sheet, new_rect
             new_rect.topright = rect.bottomleft
             if new_rect.collidelist(crects) == -1:
                 if sheet_rect.contains(new_rect):
                     return sheet, new_rect
     sheet = Spritesheet.create(height=DEFAULT_HEIGHT, width=DEFAULT_WIDTH)
     new_rect.topleft = (0, 0)
     return sheet, new_rect
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def update_world_window(self, screen, floor_s, map_data):
        blit_area = Rect(0,0,64,64)
        # Get the dirty tile -coordinates from map_data
        for dirty_tile_position in map_data.get_dirty_tile_positions:
            # Calculate the screen position for given tile
            dirty_screen_position = screen_position_of_tile(dirty_tile_position)

            area_x, area_y = dirty_tile_position
            blit_area.topleft = (area_x*64, area_y*64)

            # Blit the tile from floor, to screen.
            screen.blit(floor_s, dirty_screen_position, blit_area)
            # Blit items in the tile

            # Try if this position contains a list of items. Note: these may fail :s
            items_in_position = map_data.get_items_on_position(dirty_tile_position)
            if items_in_position is not None:
                self.draw_items_on_tile(screen, items_in_position, dirty_screen_position)

            # Blit character in here.
            character = map_data.get_character_on_position(dirty_tile_position)
            if character is not None:
                screen.blit(character.surface, dirty_screen_position)

Ejemplo n.º 3
def RenderRoundedRectangle(surface, position, dimensions, color, radius=0.5):

    targetRectangle = Rect(tuple(position), tuple(dimensions))

    alpha = color[3]
    color = (color[0], color[1], color[2], 0)

    position = targetRectangle.topleft
    targetRectangle.topleft = 0, 0

    circle = Surface([min(targetRectangle.size) * 3] * 2, SRCALPHA)
    draw.ellipse(circle, (0, 0, 0), circle.get_rect(), 0)

    circle = transform.smoothscale(
        circle, [int(min(targetRectangle.size) * radius)] * 2)

    rectangle = Surface(targetRectangle.size, SRCALPHA)
    radius = rectangle.blit(circle, (0, 0))

    radius.bottomright = targetRectangle.bottomright
    rectangle.blit(circle, radius)

    radius.topright = targetRectangle.topright
    rectangle.blit(circle, radius)

    radius.bottomleft = targetRectangle.bottomleft
    rectangle.blit(circle, radius)

    rectangle.fill((0, 0, 0), targetRectangle.inflate(-radius.w, 0))
    rectangle.fill((0, 0, 0), targetRectangle.inflate(0, -radius.h))

    rectangle.fill(color, special_flags=BLEND_RGBA_MAX)
    rectangle.fill((255, 255, 255, alpha), special_flags=BLEND_RGBA_MIN)

    return surface.blit(rectangle, position)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(
        screen: pygame.surface.Surface,
        manager: pygame_gui.UIManager,
        rect: pygame.Rect,
        bg: ty.Tuple[int, int, int] = (150, 150, 150),
    ) -> None:
        self.screen = screen
        self.manager = manager
        self.rect = rect
        self.midi_in = SingleNoteInput()
        self.bg = bg

        dropdown_rect = (0, 0, 200, MIDI_HEIGHT)

        rect = pygame.Rect(*dropdown_rect)
        rect.topleft = (self.rect.x, self.rect.y)
        keys = list(self.midi_in.apis.keys())
        self.api = pygame_gui.elements.UIDropDownMenu(
            keys, keys[0], rect, self.manager

        rect = pygame.Rect(*dropdown_rect)
        rect.topright = (self.rect.x + self.rect.width, self.rect.y)
        keys = list(self.midi_in.ports)
        self.port = pygame_gui.elements.UIDropDownMenu(
            keys, keys[0], rect, self.manager
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def update_world_window(self, screen, world_s, camera, floor_s, map_data):
        blit_area = Rect(0, 0, 64, 64)
        # Get the dirty tile -coordinates from map_data
        for dirty_tile_position in map_data.get_dirty_tile_positions:
            # Calculate the screen position for given tile
            dirty_world_position = world_pos_of_tile(dirty_tile_position)

            area_x, area_y = dirty_tile_position
            blit_area.topleft = (area_x * 64, area_y * 64)

            # Blit the tile from floor, to screen.
            world_s.blit(floor_s, dirty_world_position, blit_area)
            # Blit items in the tile

            # Try if this position contains a list of items. Note: these may fail :s
            items_in_position = map_data.get_items_on_position(dirty_tile_position)
            if items_in_position is not None:
                self.draw_items_on_tile(world_s, items_in_position, dirty_world_position)

            # Blit character in here.
            character = map_data.get_character_on_position(dirty_tile_position)
            if character is not None:
                world_s.blit(character.surface, dirty_world_position)

            camera_rectangle = camera.get_viewport_rect
            assert isinstance(camera_rectangle, Rect)
            screen.blit(world_s, (16,16), area=world_rect_of_tile_rect(camera_rectangle))

Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_topleft(self):
        """Changing the topleft attribute moves the rect and does not change
           the rect's size
        r = Rect(1, 2, 3, 4)
        new_topleft = (r.left + 20, r.top + 30)
        old_size = r.size

        r.topleft = new_topleft
        self.assertEqual(new_topleft, r.topleft)
        self.assertEqual(old_size, r.size)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_topleft( self ):
     """Changing the topleft attribute moves the rect and does not change
        the rect's size
     r = Rect( 1, 2, 3, 4 )
     new_topleft = (r.left+20,r.top+30)
     old_size = r.size
     r.topleft = new_topleft
     self.assertEqual( new_topleft, r.topleft )
     self.assertEqual( old_size, r.size )
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def rect_to_screen(self, rect, coords):
     """ Convert a rectangle into screen coordinates. """
     if coords == Renderer.COORDS_SCREEN:
         return rect
         tl = self.world_to_screen(rect.topleft)
         br = self.world_to_screen(rect.bottomright)
         ret = Rect()
         ret.topleft = tl
         ret.bottomright = br
         return ret
Ejemplo n.º 9
def new_enemy(style, player, container):
    spawn = random.randint(1, config.game["spawnrate"])
    spawn_rate = {"z": zombie_spawn, "s": skeleton_spawn}
    if not spawn > spawn_rate[style]:
    coin = random.randint(0, 10)
    enemy = config.enemies[style].copy()
    sight = {"z": zombie_sight, "s": skeleton_sight}
    enemy["sight"] = sight[style]
    enemy["awake"] = coin <= config.game["awareness"]
    enemy["rect"] = Rect(0, 0, enemy["size"], enemy["size"])
    enemy["rect"].topleft = (random.randint(
        1, config.game["width"] -
        enemy["size"]), random.randint(1,
                                       config.game["height"] - enemy["size"]))
    enemy["dead"] = False
    playerSafeZone.center = player["rect"].center
    if not enemy['rect'].colliderect(playerSafeZone):
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def place(self, r: Rect) -> Rect:
        """Place r into this texture.

        Raise NoFit if space could not be found.
        if not self.free:
            raise NoFit()

            r, block = min(
        except ValueError as e:
            if e.args[0] != 'min() arg is an empty sequence':
            raise NoFit() from None

        r.topleft = block.topleft
        self._manage_free(Rect(r), block)
        return r
Ejemplo n.º 11
def AAfilledRoundedRect(surface, rect, color, radius=0.4):
    AAfilledRoundedRect(surface, rect, color, radius=0.4)

    surface : destination
    rect    : rectangle
    color   : rgb or rgba
    radius  : 0 <= radius <= 1

    rect = Rect(rect)
    color = pygame.Color(*color)
    alpha = color.a
    color.a = 0
    pos = rect.topleft
    rect.topleft = 0, 0
    rectangle = pygame.Surface(rect.size, SRCALPHA)

    circle = pygame.Surface([min(rect.size) * 3] * 2, SRCALPHA)
    pygame.draw.ellipse(circle, (0, 0, 0), circle.get_rect(), 0)
    circle = pygame.transform.smoothscale(circle,
                                          [int(min(rect.size) * radius)] * 2)

    radius = rectangle.blit(circle, (0, 0))
    radius.bottomright = rect.bottomright
    rectangle.blit(circle, radius)
    radius.topright = rect.topright
    rectangle.blit(circle, radius)
    radius.bottomleft = rect.bottomleft
    rectangle.blit(circle, radius)

    rectangle.fill((0, 0, 0), rect.inflate(-radius.w, 0))
    rectangle.fill((0, 0, 0), rect.inflate(0, -radius.h))

    rectangle.fill(color, special_flags=BLEND_RGBA_MAX)
    rectangle.fill((255, 255, 255, alpha), special_flags=BLEND_RGBA_MIN)

    return surface.blit(rectangle, pos)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def update(self, game, dt: float, events: list):
        # Step through 15 sprite frames each second
        self.steps += dt
        frame = int(self.steps // (1.0 / 15))

        # Find our center, if we have a player to focus on
        our_center = (0, 0)
        for key, entity in game.entities.items():
            # Are they a player?
            if PlayerControl in entity and IngameObject in entity:
                # Are they us?
                if game.net.is_me(entity[PlayerControl].player_id):
                    our_center = entity[IngameObject].position

        invMapX = {"min": 0, "max": 0}
        invMapY = {"min": 0, "max": 0}

        # Draw tilemap
        for key, entity in game.entities.items():
            if Map in entity and SpriteSheet in entity:
                spritesheet = entity[SpriteSheet]
                map = entity[Map]
                # minimum and maximum tile indexes coordinates possible
                min_x = math.floor(
                    (our_center[0] - game.framework.dimensions[0] / 2) /
                min_y = math.floor(
                    (our_center[1] - game.framework.dimensions[1] / 2) /
                max_x = math.floor(
                    (our_center[0] + game.framework.dimensions[0] / 2) /
                max_y = math.floor(
                    (our_center[1] + game.framework.dimensions[1] / 2) /
                for y in range(min_y, max_y + 1):
                    for x in range(min_x, max_x + 1):
                        if 0 <= x < map.width and 0 <= y < map.height:
                            tile = map.grid[y][x]
                            tile = 20
                        img_indexes = spritesheet.tiles[str(tile - 1)]
                        if spritesheet.moving:
                            img_index = img_indexes[frame % len(img_indexes)]
                            img_index = img_indexes[0]
                        image = self.get_image(spritesheet, img_index)
                        rel_pos = (x * spritesheet.tile_size - our_center[0],
                                   y * spritesheet.tile_size - our_center[1])

                        screen_pos = (rel_pos[0] +
                                      game.framework.dimensions[0] / 2,
                                      rel_pos[1] +
                                      game.framework.dimensions[1] / 2)
                        image = image.convert()
                        alpha = math.sin(self.ticks / 1000) * 100
                        alpha = 100 - alpha
                        if alpha > 255:
                            alpha = 255
                        self.screen.blit(image, screen_pos)

        self.draw_particles(game, "below", our_center)

        #pygame.draw.rect(self.screen,(255,0,0),Rect(0,0,self.screen.get_width(), self.screen.get_height()))

        previousCollidables = []

        # Render everything we can
        for key, entity in game.entities.items():
            r = False

            # Don't check for items being picked up
            if CanPickUp in entity:
                if entity[CanPickUp].pickedUp:
                    if Wieldable in entity:
                        wieldable = entity[Wieldable]
                        if not wieldable.wielded:
                            entity[GameAction].action = "delete"

            #Check collisions for entity against all previously checked entities
            if IngameObject in entity and Collidable in entity:
                if entity[Collidable].canCollide:
                        game, key, entity[Collidable], previousCollidables)
                    previousCollidables.append((key, entity[Collidable]))

            if IngameObject in entity and Wieldable not in entity:
                # Where are they relative to us?
                pos = entity[IngameObject].position
                rel_pos = (pos[0] - our_center[0], pos[1] - our_center[1])
                screen_pos = (rel_pos[0] + game.framework.dimensions[0] / 2,
                              rel_pos[1] + game.framework.dimensions[1] / 2)
                if screen_pos[0] < 0 or screen_pos[0] > self.screen.get_width(
                ) or screen_pos[1] < 0 or screen_pos[
                        1] > self.screen.get_height():

            if IngameObject in entity and ParticleEmitter in entity:
                if entity[ParticleEmitter].colour == (-1, -1, -1):
                    r = True
                new_particles = entity[ParticleEmitter].getParticles(entity)
                for new_part in new_particles:

            # Is this an entity we should draw?
            if IngameObject in entity and SpriteSheet in entity:

                # Where are they relative to us?
                pos = entity[IngameObject].position
                rel_pos = (pos[0] - our_center[0], pos[1] - our_center[1])
                screen_pos = (rel_pos[0] + game.framework.dimensions[0] / 2,
                              rel_pos[1] + game.framework.dimensions[1] / 2)

                spritesheet = entity[SpriteSheet]
                if Wieldable in entity:
                    wieldable = entity[Wieldable]
                    wielding_player = game.entities[wieldable.player_id]
                    if wieldable.wielded:
                        io = wielding_player[IngameObject]
                        entity[IngameObject].position = (io.position[0] + 25,
                        dire = wielding_player[Directioned].direction
                        direction = Directioned(direction='default')
                        if dire == 'left':
                            entity[IngameObject].position = (io.position[0] -
                            direction = Directioned(direction='left')
                        elif dire == 'right':
                            entity[IngameObject].position = (io.position[0] +
                            direction = Directioned(direction='right')
                        elif dire == 'up':
                            entity[IngameObject].position = (io.position[0] +
                                                             io.position[1] -
                            direction = Directioned(direction='up')
                        elif dire == 'down':
                            entity[IngameObject].position = (io.position[0] -
                                                             io.position[1] +
                            direction = Directioned(direction='down')
                        if Directioned in entity:
                            entity[Directioned] = direction

                img_indexes = spritesheet.tiles["default"]

                # Will they be facing a certain direction?
                if Directioned in entity:
                    alts = spritesheet.tiles[entity[Directioned].direction]
                    if alts != None:
                        img_indexes = alts

                # Get the image relevent to how far through the animation we are
                if spritesheet.moving:
                    img_index = img_indexes[frame % len(img_indexes)]
                    img_index = img_indexes[spritesheet.default_tile]
                img = self.get_image(spritesheet, img_index)

                #Scale the image
                if img.get_size() != entity[IngameObject].size:
                    img = pygame.transform.scale(img,

                rect = Rect(screen_pos, entity[IngameObject].size)
                rect.center = screen_pos

                # Add a rectangle behind the item because the quantity is seen outside of the item
                if CanPickUp in entity:
                    pygame.draw.circle(self.screen, (0, 255, 0),
                                       (int(rect.x + rect.width / 2),
                                        int(rect.y + rect.height / 2)),
                                       int(rect.width / 2))

                # Draw the image, but only if it's on screen
                if not (rect.right < 0
                        or rect.left >= game.framework.dimensions[0]
                        or rect.bottom < 0
                        or rect.top >= game.framework.dimensions[1]):
                    self.screen.blit(img, rect)

                # If it is an item show the amount of items there are
                if CanPickUp in entity:
                    if entity[CanPickUp].quantity > 1:
                        rendered_text_qitem = self.font.render(
                            str(entity[CanPickUp].quantity), False, (0, 0, 0))

                        self.screen.blit(rendered_text_qitem, rect)

                # Center health bar and nametag
                rect.x -= 30
                # Checks if entity has an energy component
                if Energy in entity:
                    # Energy bar wrapper
                    energyBarThickness = 2
                    pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (255, 255, 255),
                                     (rect.x, rect.y - 45,
                                      100 + energyBarThickness * 2, 10),

                    # Yellow energy bar
                    if entity[Energy].value > 0:
                        currentEnergyPos = (rect.x + energyBarThickness,
                                            rect.y - 45 + energyBarThickness,
                                            10 - energyBarThickness * 2)
                        pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (255, 255, 0),

                # Checks if entity has a health component
                if Health in entity:
                    # Health bar wrapper
                    healthBarThickness = 2
                    pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (255, 255, 255),
                                     (rect.x, rect.y - 30,
                                      100 + healthBarThickness * 2, 10),

                    # Red health bar
                    if entity[Health].value > 0:
                        healthValue = int(entity[Health].value /
                                          entity[Health].maxValue * 100)
                        currentHealthPos = (rect.x + healthBarThickness,
                                            rect.y - 30 + healthBarThickness,
                                            10 - healthBarThickness * 2)
                        pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (255, 0, 0),

                if WaterBar in entity:
                    if not entity[WaterBar].disabled:
                        # Water bar wrapper
                        waterBarThickness = 2
                        pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (255, 255, 255),
                                         (rect.x, rect.y - 60,
                                          100 + waterBarThickness * 2, 10),

                        # Blue water bar
                        if entity[Health].value > 0:
                            currentWaterPos = (rect.x + waterBarThickness,
                                               rect.y - 60 + waterBarThickness,
                                               10 - waterBarThickness * 2)
                            pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0, 0, 255),

                        rect.y -= 15

                # Does the entity have a name we can draw
                if Profile in entity:
                    name = entity[Profile].name

                    # Draw our name with our font in white
                    rendered_text_surface = self.font.render(
                        name, False, entity[Profile].colour
                        if not r else Particle.get_random_colour())

                    # Move the nametag above the player
                    rect.y -= 100

                    # Draw this rendered text we've made to the screen
                    self.screen.blit(rendered_text_surface, rect)

                # Checks if it is a player
                if PlayerControl in entity:
                    # Draw the inventory bar for us only
                    if game.net.is_me(entity[PlayerControl].player_id):
                        # Debugging if statement
                        if Inventory in entity:
                            inv = entity[Inventory]

                            # Store the map borders
                            entity[Inventory].mapMinX = invMapX["min"]
                            entity[Inventory].mapMinY = invMapY["min"]
                            entity[Inventory].mapMaxX = invMapX["max"]
                            entity[Inventory].mapMaxY = invMapY["max"]

                            # Inventory bar colours
                            inventoryBackgroundColour = (183, 92, 5)
                            slotBackgroundColour = (255, 159, 67)

                            # Draw inventory bar
                            inventoryPos = (inv.x, inv.y, inv.width,
                            invX = game.screen.get_width() / 2 - inv.width / 2
                            invY = game.screen.get_height(
                            ) - inv.height - inv.slotOffset

                            entity[Inventory].x, entity[
                                Inventory].y = invX, invY

                            distanceBetweenSlots = inv.slotOffset + inv.slotSize
                            # Draw slots
                            slotIndex = 0
                            for x in range(int(invX + inv.slotOffset),
                                           int(invX + inv.width),
                                # The active slot has a different colour
                                if slotIndex == inv.activeSlot:
                                    colour = (241, 196, 15)
                                elif slotIndex == inv.hoverSlot:
                                    colour = (243, 156, 18)
                                    colour = slotBackgroundColour

                                pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, colour,
                                                 (x, invY + inv.slotOffset,
                                                  inv.slotSize, inv.slotSize))

                                slotIndex += 1

                            # Drawing items in slots
                            for slotIndex, data in entity[
                                if data:
                                    itemImgIndexes = data['sprite'].tiles[
                                    itemImgIndex = itemImgIndexes[
                                        frame % len(itemImgIndexes)]

                                    # If it does, get its image
                                    itemImg = self.get_image(
                                        data['sprite'], itemImgIndex)
                                    itemW, itemH = (inv.slotSize -
                                                    inv.slotSize -
                                                    inv.itemSlotOffset * 2)
                                    itemImg = pygame.transform.scale(
                                        itemImg, (itemW, itemH))

                                    # The item is placed in the slot with a 3px offset
                                    itemRect = (
                                        invX +
                                        (distanceBetweenSlots * slotIndex) +
                                        inv.itemSlotOffset, invY +
                                        inv.slotOffset + inv.itemSlotOffset,
                                        itemW, itemH)
                                    self.screen.blit(itemImg, itemRect)

                                    # Drawing text that shows how many items of this kind there are
                                    lItemRect = list(itemRect)
                                    lItemRect[1] += inv.slotOffset
                                    itemRect = tuple(lItemRect)

                                    rendered_text_qslot = self.font.render(
                                        str(data['quantity']), False,
                                        (0, 0, 128))

                                slotIndex += 1
            if Clock in entity:
                time_names = ("Dusk", "Dawn", "Morning", "Noon", "Afternoon",
                rendered_text_surface = self.font.render(
                    time_names[entity[Clock].minute], False, (255, 255, 255))
                rect = rendered_text_surface.get_rect()
                rect.topleft = (10, 5)
                self.screen.blit(rendered_text_surface, rect)

                cycle = entity[Clock].cycle
                rendered_text_surface = self.font.render(
                    str("Day"), False, (255, 255, 255))
                rect = rendered_text_surface.get_rect()
                rect.topleft = (150, 5)
                self.screen.blit(rendered_text_surface, rect)

                cycle = entity[Clock].cycle
                rendered_text_surface = self.font.render(
                    str(cycle), False, (255, 255, 255))
                rect = rendered_text_surface.get_rect()
                rect.topleft = (215, 5)
                self.screen.blit(rendered_text_surface, rect)

                year = entity[Clock].year
                rendered_text_surface = self.font.render(
                    str("Year"), False, (255, 255, 255))
                rect = rendered_text_surface.get_rect()
                rect.topleft = (270, 5)
                self.screen.blit(rendered_text_surface, rect)

                year = entity[Clock].year
                rendered_text_surface = self.font.render(
                    str(year), False, (255, 255, 255))
                rect = rendered_text_surface.get_rect()
                rect.topleft = (340, 5)
                self.screen.blit(rendered_text_surface, rect)

                self.ticks = entity[Timed].time + (
                    entity[Clock].minute *
                    3600) + (entity[Clock].cycle *
                             21600) + (entity[Clock].year * 7776000)
        self.draw_particles(game, "above", our_center)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def blitPlayerShip(ps, location, screen, de):
    ps.base_rect.center = location
    screen.blit(ps.base_image, ps.base_rect)

    ps.floor_location = (ps.floor_offset['x'] + ps.base_rect.x,
                         ps.floor_offset['y'] + ps.base_rect.y)
    ps.floor_rect.topleft = ps.floor_location
    screen.blit(ps.floor_image, ps.floor_rect)
    tile_rect = Rect(0, 0, 35, 35)
    for tile in ps.tiles:
        tile_rect.topleft = tuple(
            map(sum, zip(tile, ps.floor_location, ps.tiles_offset)))
        screen.fill(FLOOR, tile_rect)

        #draw.rect not HW accelerated?  Might be punishing rpi.
        draw.rect(screen, TILEBORDER, tile_rect, 1)

    for room in ps.rooms:
        room['location'] = tuple(
                zip((room['x_pix'], room['y_pix']), ps.floor_location,

        room['rect'].topleft = room['location']

        for key, v in room.items():
            if key == 'image':
                    room['imagerect'].topleft = room['rect'].topleft
                    screen.blit(room['roomimage'], room['imagerect'])
                except (KeyError):
                    #print('image not found: ' + room['image'])

        for key, v in room.items():
            if key == 'system':
                room['system_image_rect'].center = room['rect'].center
                            room['system_image_rect'])  #These should be masks
        draw.rect(screen, BLACK, room['rect'], 3)
        for door in ps.doors:
            doorloc = tuple(
                    zip(door['location'], ps.floor_location, ps.tiles_offset)))
            if door['vertical']:
                door['rect'].centerx = doorloc[0]
                door['rect'].y = doorloc[1]
                door['rect'].x = doorloc[0]
                door['rect'].centery = doorloc[1] - 1

            #room0_x = room0_x + ps_floor_location[0]
            #room0_y = room0_y + ps_floor_location[1]
        for crew_member in ps.crew:
            cm_loc = tuple(
                    zip(crew_member.location, ps.floor_location,
            crew_member.rect.center = cm_loc
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def get_fill_rect(self):
     fill_rect = Rect(self.rect)
     fill_rect.topleft = (0,0) # Topleft of the image
     fill_rect.top -= self.rect.height * self.get_percentage_health()
     return fill_rect
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, size):
     temp_rect = Rect((0, 0), size)
     temp_rect.topleft = (0, size[1] + 50)
     self.collision_rect = temp_rect
Ejemplo n.º 16
def main():
    running = True

    size = 1000, 1000

    # these are the width and height of the simulation grid
    grid_x, grid_y = int(argv[1]), int(argv[2])
    # this is how many pixels per cell in the simulation grid
    #   We need to use the grid factor because the pygame window is not
    #   the same width and height of the simulation grid size. Therefore,
    #   we scale the pygame window down to fit the simulation size
    grid_factor_x, grid_factor_y = 1000 / grid_x, 1000 / grid_y

    screen = display.set_mode(size)
    # used to track either the setting of the topleft of a rectangle,
    #   or the bottom right (if bottom right, the rectangle is completed)
    num_clicks_patch = 0
    num_clicks_patch_temp = 0
    num_clicks_exit = 0
    num_clicks_exit_temp = 0
    # the position of the mouse when the left or right mouse button is clicked
    mouse_pos_patch = ()
    mouse_pos_exit = ()
    # the position of the patch's top left corner in pixels
    patch_tl = ()
    # the position of the patch's bottom right corner in pixels
    patch_br = ()
    # the position of the exits's top left corner in pixels
    exit_tl = ()
    # the position of the exits's bottom right corner in pixels
    exit_br = ()
    patch_temp = Rect(-1, -1, 0, 0)
    exit_temp = Rect(-1, -1, 0, 0)
    # a list of patches as pygame rectangles that are being displayed
    #   on screen
    patch_list = []
    # a list of patches removed from the screen. The user can recall these
    #   with a keybind
    patch_discard_list = []
    # a list of exits as pygame rectangles that are being displayed
    #   on screen
    exit_list = []
    # a list of exits removed from the screen. The user can recall these
    #   with a keybind
    exit_discard_list = []
    # a list of 1 pixel-wide pygame rectangles that are drawn to the screen
    #   to create grid lines
    gridline_list = []

    # populate `gridline_list`
    gridline_list = populate_gridline_list(gridline_list, grid_x, grid_y,
                                           grid_factor_x, grid_factor_y)

    # main game loop will run until the user clicks the exit button in the top right corner (Windows)
    while running:
        # event loop
        for pygame_event in event.get():
            # if the user hits the window's exit button, stop the app
            if pygame_event.type == QUIT:
                running = False
            # if the user hits the mouse button in the app window
            if pygame_event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and mouse.get_focused():
                # return a list of booleans for the three major buttons on a mouse:
                #   left mouse, right mouse, and middle mouse. If an element is True,
                #   the corresponding button is pressed
                mouse_depressed = mouse.get_pressed(num_buttons=3)
                # if the user clicks ONLY the left mouse button, they are creating
                #   a patch.
                if mouse_depressed[0] and not mouse_depressed[2]:
                    # get the mouse's position with respect to the window
                    mouse_pos_patch = mouse.get_pos()
                    num_clicks_patch += 1
                    num_clicks_patch_temp = num_clicks_patch
                # if the user clicks ONLY the right mouse button, they are creating
                #   an exit.
                if mouse_depressed[2] and not mouse_depressed[0]:
                    mouse_pos_exit = mouse.get_pos()
                    num_clicks_exit += 1
                    num_clicks_exit_temp = num_clicks_exit
            if pygame_event.type == KEYDOWN and key.get_focused():
                # return a list of booleans for all the keys on the keyboard
                #   If an element is True, the corresponding key is pressed
                keys_depressed = key.get_pressed()
                # if the user presses CTRL+Z, remove the previously added patches
                #   from most recent to least recent
                if keys_depressed[K_LCTRL] and keys_depressed[
                        K_z] and not keys_depressed[K_LSHIFT]:
                    # if the user has begun to create a new patch, they can
                    #   cancel it by hitting CTRL+Z. Otherwise, CTRL+Z removes a
                    #   patch that has already been drawn
                    if patch_list and num_clicks_patch == 0:
                        print("Number of patches:", len(patch_list))
                        patch_tl = ()
                        num_clicks_patch = 0
                        num_clicks_patch_temp = 0
                        print("Undid patch topleft!")
                # if the user pressed CTRL+SHIFT+Z, remove the previously added exits
                #   from most recent to least recent
                elif keys_depressed[K_LSHIFT] and keys_depressed[
                        K_LCTRL] and keys_depressed[K_z]:
                    # if the user has begun to create a new exit, they can
                    #   cancel it by hitting CTRL+SHIFT+Z. Otherwise, CTRL+SHIFT+Z removes a
                    #   exit that has already been drawn
                    if exit_list and num_clicks_exit == 0:
                        print("Number of exits:", len(exit_list))
                        exit_tl = ()
                        num_clicks_exit = 0
                        num_clicks_exit_temp = 0
                        print("Undid exit topleft!")
                # if the user presses CTRL+Y, restore the previously removed patch
                #   from the discard patch list from most recent to least recent
                if keys_depressed[K_LCTRL] and keys_depressed[
                        K_y] and not keys_depressed[K_LSHIFT]:
                    # the user can only restore a deleted patch if they haven't
                    #   started drawing another one. Easy fix for this: press CTRL+Z
                    #   to undo the topleft of the already-begun patch, then do CTRL+Y
                    if patch_discard_list and num_clicks_patch == 0:
                        print("Number of patches:", len(patch_list))
                # if the user pressed CTRL+SHIFT+Y, restore the previously removed exit
                #   from the discard exit list from most recent to least recent
                elif keys_depressed[K_LSHIFT] and keys_depressed[
                        K_LCTRL] and keys_depressed[K_y]:
                    # the user can only restore a deleted exit if they haven't
                    #   started drawing another one. Easy fix for this: press CTRL+SHIFT+Z
                    #   to undo the topleft of the already-begun exit, then do CTRL+SHIFT+Y
                    if exit_discard_list and num_clicks_exit == 0:
                        print("Number of exits:", len(exit_list))

        # if the user has clicked the mouse once, store the mouse position
        #   as the top left of the rectangle to be drawn
        if num_clicks_patch_temp == 1:
            patch_tl = mouse_pos_patch
            num_clicks_patch_temp = 0
            patch_temp.topleft = patch_tl
            print("Patch topleft set at", patch_tl)
        # if the user has clicked the mouse for the second time,
        elif num_clicks_patch_temp == 2:
            patch_br = mouse_pos_patch
                Rect(patch_tl[0], patch_tl[1], patch_br[0] - patch_tl[0],
                     patch_br[1] - patch_tl[1]))
            num_clicks_patch = 0
            num_clicks_patch_temp = 0
            print("Number of patches:", len(patch_list))

        # if the user has clicked the mouse once, store the mouse position
        #   as the top left of the rectangle to be drawn
        if num_clicks_exit_temp == 1:
            exit_tl = mouse_pos_exit
            num_clicks_exit_temp = 0
            exit_temp.topleft = exit_tl
            print("Exit topleft set at", exit_tl)
        # if the user has clicked the mouse for the second time,
        elif num_clicks_exit_temp == 2:
            exit_br = mouse_pos_exit
                Rect(exit_tl[0], exit_tl[1], exit_br[0] - exit_tl[0],
                     exit_br[1] - exit_tl[1]))
            num_clicks_exit = 0
            num_clicks_exit_temp = 0
            print("Number of exits:", len(exit_list))

        # first blacken the screen
        # draw the grid lines
        for gridline in gridline_list:
            draw.rect(screen, "blue", gridline)
        # draw the patches on top of the grid lines
        for patch in patch_list:
            draw.rect(screen, "white", patch, width=1)
        # then draw the exits over the grid lines and patches
        for exit in exit_list:
            draw.rect(screen, "red", exit)
        # if the user has clicked to begin drawing either a patch
        #   or an exit, display the box growing and shrinking as they
        #   move their mouse so they can see what the patch/exit will look
        #   like when it's drawn
        if num_clicks_patch == 1:
            patch_temp.size = tuple(
                map(sub, mouse.get_pos(), patch_temp.topleft))
            # we'll use `patch_temp_copy` to display a proper rectangle if the user defines
            #   `patch_temp`'s topleft and then moves the mouse above or farther left than
            #   that point. Doing so creates a negative width/height in the rectangle which
            #   does not draw to the screen without glitching. Normalizing the rectangle
            #   removes the negative width/height and reassigns the topleft point in the process.
            #   Without using a copy of `patch_temp`, its top left would change every game loop,
            #   and the rectangle would not change with mouse movement correctly. If this
            #   description doesn't make sense, just trust me. If you're the kind of person
            #   who likes to define the bottom right corner first, this code lets you see
            #   that normalized (looks like a rectangle, not a cross road) rectangle change
            #   size as your mouse moves around :D
            patch_temp_copy = Rect(-1, -1, 0, 0)
            # I have to define `patch_temp_copy` like this instead of `patch_temp_copy = patch_temp`
            #   since that would just make `patch_temp_copy` an alias of `patch_temp`
            patch_temp_copy.topleft = patch_temp.topleft
            patch_temp_copy.size = patch_temp.size
            draw.rect(screen, "white", patch_temp_copy, width=1)
            print(patch_temp_copy.size, "    ", end='\r')
        if num_clicks_exit == 1:
            # same theory as with `patch_temp_copy` so I'm not gonna repeat it...
            exit_temp.size = tuple(map(sub, mouse.get_pos(),
            exit_temp_copy = Rect(-1, -1, 0, 0)
            exit_temp_copy.topleft = exit_temp.topleft
            exit_temp_copy.size = exit_temp.size
            draw.rect(screen, "red", exit_temp_copy)
            print(exit_temp_copy.size, "    ", end='\r')

        # this updates the contents of the surface

        # if the user has clicked the exit button, ask them if they either want to create
        #   the terrain or completely exit the editor. Give them a second chance if they
        #   want to quit. That way they don't accidentally lose their progress.
        if not running:
            response = input(
                "Would you like to create the terrain with this model? (y/n) ")
            if response == 'y':
                # create the terrain grid from the rectangles drawn in the pygame window
                terrain_grid = create_terrain_grid(patch_list, exit_list,
                                                   grid_x, grid_y,
                # draw converted rectangles to the .txt file
                output_to_file(grid_x, grid_y, terrain_grid)
                # save the pygame screen as a .png to use as the background image of the simulation
                #   visualization .gif
                # update the patches document in the `params.json` file
                update_patches(patch_list, grid_factor_x, grid_factor_y)
            elif response == 'n':
                second_response = input("Are you sure? (Y/N) ")
                if second_response == "Y":
                    print("Quitting terrain editor.")
                elif second_response == "N":
                    running = True
                    print("Continuing terrain editor.")
                    running = True
                        "Invalid response ('Y' or 'N' only, please). Continuing terrain editor."
                running = True
                    "Invalid response ('y' or 'n' only, please). Continuing terrain editor."