Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.map_data = []
     self.entry_point = Vector2(0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, board: Rect):
        """ Construct all the carrom board parameters required to draw the carrom board layout """
        """ Board must be square in shape """
        assert board.width == board.height
        self.board = board
        self.frame_width = int(board.width * Board.FRAME_LENGTH /
        """ Coins are restricted to the container """
        self.container = board.inflate(-2 * self.frame_width,
                                       -2 * self.frame_width)
        """ Calculate the multiplier by which to scale parameters to obtain values wrt board"""
        m = self.board.width / Board.TOTAL_LENGTH
        self.m = m
        """ Calculate the pocket radius and the center positions """
        self.pocket_radius = m * Board.POCKET_RADIUS
        self.coin_radius = m * Board.COIN_RADIUS
        self.striker_radius = m * Board.STRIKER_RADIUS
        self.pocket_centers = [
            Vector2(self.container.left + self.pocket_radius,
                    self.container.top + self.pocket_radius),
            Vector2(self.container.right - self.pocket_radius,
                    self.container.top + self.pocket_radius),
            Vector2(self.container.right - self.pocket_radius,
                    self.container.bottom - self.pocket_radius),
            Vector2(self.container.left + self.pocket_radius,
                    self.container.bottom - self.pocket_radius),
        """ These are solely defined for the purpose of rebounds """
        self.diagonal_pocket_opposite = [
            (self.container.right - self.striker_radius,
             self.container.bottom - self.striker_radius),
            (self.container.left + self.striker_radius,
             self.container.bottom - self.striker_radius),
            (self.container.left + self.striker_radius,
             self.container.top + self.striker_radius),
            (self.container.right - self.striker_radius,
             self.container.top + self.striker_radius),
        self.normal_vectors = [
            (Vector2(-1, 0), Vector2(0, -1)),
            (Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(0, -1)),
            (Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(0, 1)),
            (Vector2(-1, 0), Vector2(0, 1)),
        """ Calculate the base line positions, the lines defining the region where player places the striker """
        base_offset = m * Board.BASE_OFFSET
        base_distance = m * Board.BASE_DISTANCE
        base_height = m * Board.BASE_HEIGHT
        base_length = m * Board.BASE_LENGTH
        base_radius = m * Board.BASE_RADIUS

        self.base_lines = [
            ((self.container.left + base_offset + base_radius,
              self.container.top + base_distance),
             (self.container.left + base_offset + base_length - base_radius,
              self.container.top + base_distance)),
            ((self.container.left + base_offset + base_radius,
              self.container.top + base_distance + base_height),
             (self.container.left + base_offset + base_length - base_radius,
              self.container.top + base_distance + base_height)),
            ((self.container.left + base_offset + base_radius,
              self.container.bottom - base_distance),
             (self.container.left + base_offset + base_length - base_radius,
              self.container.bottom - base_distance)),
            ((self.container.left + base_offset + base_radius,
              self.container.bottom - base_distance - base_height),
             (self.container.left + base_offset + base_length - base_radius,
              self.container.bottom - base_distance - base_height)),
            ((self.container.left + base_distance,
              self.container.top + base_offset + base_radius),
             (self.container.left + base_distance,
              self.container.top + base_offset + base_length - base_radius)),
            ((self.container.left + base_distance + base_height,
              self.container.top + base_offset + base_radius),
             (self.container.left + base_distance + base_height,
              self.container.bottom - base_offset - base_radius)),
            ((self.container.right - base_distance,
              self.container.top + base_offset + base_radius),
             (self.container.right - base_distance,
              self.container.top + base_offset + base_length - base_radius)),
            ((self.container.right - base_distance - base_height,
              self.container.top + base_offset + base_radius),
             (self.container.right - base_distance - base_height,
              self.container.bottom - base_offset - base_radius))
        """ Base circle centers, the circles at the end of base lines """
        self.base_circle_centers = [
            (int(self.container.left + base_offset + base_radius),
             int(self.container.top + base_distance + base_radius)),
            (int(self.container.left + base_offset + base_length -
             int(self.container.top + base_distance + base_radius)),
            (int(self.container.left + base_offset + base_radius),
             int(self.container.bottom - base_distance - base_radius)),
            (int(self.container.left + base_offset + base_length -
             int(self.container.bottom - base_distance - base_radius)),
            (int(self.container.left + base_distance + base_radius),
             int(self.container.top + base_offset + base_radius)),
            (int(self.container.left + base_distance + base_radius),
             int(self.container.bottom - base_offset - base_radius)),
            (int(self.container.right - base_distance - base_radius),
             int(self.container.top + base_offset + base_radius)),
            (int(self.container.right - base_distance - base_radius),
             int(self.container.bottom - base_offset - base_radius))
        """ Arrow lines """
        arrow_start = self.pocket_radius * 2 + m * Board.ARROW_OFFSET / sqrt(2)
        arrow_end = arrow_start + m * Board.ARROW_LENGTH / sqrt(2)
        self.arrow_lines = [((int(self.container.left + arrow_start),
                              int(self.container.top + arrow_start)),
                             (int(self.container.left + arrow_end),
                              int(self.container.top + arrow_end))),
                            ((int(self.container.left + arrow_start),
                              int(self.container.bottom - arrow_start)),
                             (int(self.container.left + arrow_end),
                              int(self.container.bottom - arrow_end))),
                            ((int(self.container.right - arrow_start),
                              int(self.container.bottom - arrow_start)),
                             (int(self.container.right - arrow_end),
                              int(self.container.bottom - arrow_end))),
                            ((int(self.container.right - arrow_start),
                              int(self.container.top + arrow_start)),
                             (int(self.container.right - arrow_end),
                              int(self.container.top + arrow_end)))]
        arc_offset = int(arrow_end - m * Board.ARROW_RADIUS *
                         (1 + 1 / sqrt(2)))
        arc_width = int(m * Board.ARROW_DIAMETER)
        """ Arrow Arcs"""
        self.arrow_arcs = [(Rect(self.container.left + arc_offset,
                                 self.container.top + arc_offset, arc_width,
                                 arc_width), radians(180), radians(90)),
                           (Rect(self.container.left + arc_offset,
                                 self.container.bottom - arc_offset, arc_width,
                                 -arc_width), radians(-90), radians(180)),
                           (Rect(self.container.right - arc_offset,
                                 self.container.bottom - arc_offset,
                                 -arc_width, -arc_width), radians(0),
                           (Rect(self.container.right - arc_offset,
                                 self.container.top + arc_offset, -arc_width,
                                 arc_width), radians(90), radians(0))]

        self.base_radius = m * Board.BASE_RADIUS
        self.base_distance = m * Board.BASE_DISTANCE
        self.base_offset = m * Board.BASE_OFFSET
        self.base_inner_radius = m * Board.BASE_INNER_RADIUS
        self.center_outer_radius = m * Board.CENTER_OUTER_RADIUS
        self.center_inner_radius = m * Board.CENTER_INNER_RADIUS
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _item_center(self, item_index, total_items):
     """Returns a Vector2 corresponding to the item center"""
     screen_center = Vector2(self._screen.surface.get_rect().center)
     menu_height = self._item_spacing * total_items
     menu_start = screen_center - Vector2(0, menu_height) / 2
     return menu_start + Vector2(0, self._item_spacing) * item_index
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, point1, point2):
     self.a = Vector2(point1)
     self.b = Vector2(point2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
import numpy as np

WIDTH = 1600
HEIGHT = 900
DARKGRAY = (15, 15, 15)
DARKGREEN = (6, 91, 9)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
GRAY = (90, 90, 90)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
YELLOW = (200, 200, 0)

EPSILON = 0.001

p = Vector2(WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT - 50)
angle = -pi / 2
cx1, cy1, cr1 = WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT // 2, 100
cx2, cy2, cr2 = 0, 0, 500
length = 0
depth = 0

os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = f'{(tk.Tk().winfo_screenwidth() - WIDTH) // 2},' \
                                     f'{(tk.Tk().winfo_screenheight() - HEIGHT) // 4}'
sc = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

def sdf_scene(vec):
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def renderLine(self, start, end, color=(255, 255, 255), weight=1):
     start = Vector2(start.x, self.__surface.get_height() - start.y)
     end = Vector2(end.x, self.__surface.get_height() - end.y)
     pg.draw.line(self.__surface, color,
                  (start.x, start.y), (end.x, end.y), weight)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def moveup(self):
     #Angle is the rotation
     speed_down = 12
     direction = Vector2(0, -1).rotate(-self.angle) / speed_down
     #Define the movement to be in the direction of the jet
     self.movement += direction
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def notify(self, event):
		if isinstance(event, Event.TickEvent):
			for event in pygame.event.get():

				ev = None

				# Quit event from pygame
				if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
					ev = Event.QuitEvent()

				# If keyboard key is pressed
				elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:

					if event.key == Settings.KEY_QUIT:
						ev = Event.QuitEvent()

					elif event.key == Settings.KEY_POINT_EDITING:
						ev = Event.ChangeModeEvent(Game.Mode(Game.Mode.POINT_EDITING))

					elif event.key == Settings.KEY_LINE_EDITING:
						ev = Event.ChangeModeEvent(Game.Mode(Game.Mode.LINE_EDITING))

					elif event.key == Settings.KEY_PLAY_MODE:
						ev = Event.ChangeModeEvent(Game.Mode(Game.Mode.PLAY_MODE))

					elif event.key == Settings.KEY_TOGGLE_DEBUG:
						ev = Event.ToggleDebugEvent()

					elif event.key == Settings.KEY_SAVE_MAP:
						ev = Event.SaveMapEvent(input('Map name : '))

					elif event.key == Settings.KEY_LOAD_MAP:
						ev = Event.LoadMapEvent(input('Map name : '))

				# If mouse is pressed
				elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:

					if event.button == Settings.MOUSE_CREATE:
						ev = Event.CreationEvent()

					elif event.button == Settings.MOUSE_REMOVE:
						ev = Event.RemovingEvent()

				if ev is not None:

			# Keyboard inputs that has to be maintained
			key_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
			direction = Vector2(0, 0)

			if key_pressed[Settings.KEY_MOVE_FRONT]:
				direction += Vector2(1, 0)

			if key_pressed[Settings.KEY_MOVE_BACK]:
				direction += Vector2(-1, 0)

			if key_pressed[Settings.KEY_MOVE_LEFT]:
				direction += Vector2(0, 1)

			if key_pressed[Settings.KEY_MOVE_RIGHT]:
				direction += Vector2(0, -1)

			if direction.x != 0 or direction.y != 0:
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def set_pos(self, pos):
     self.position = Vector2(pos)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def move(self, d):
     self.v = Vector2(d)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self,
        self.width = windowWidth
        self.height = windowHeight
        self.pos = Vector2()

        # Sizes: 80, 40, 20
        self.size = 0

        # number of points in asteroid
        self.res = 5

        # If size not given with init, choose random size
        if not size:
            choice = randint(1, 3)
            self.res *= choice
            if choice == 1:
                self.size = 20
            elif choice == 2:
                self.size = 40
            elif choice == 3:
                self.size = 80
            self.res *= size
            if size == 1:
                self.size = 20
            elif size == 2:
                self.size = 40
            elif size == 3:
                self.size = 80
                print("invalid size defaulting to 1!")
                self.size = 20

        # Set speed as reciprocal of size
        self.speed = 80 / (self.size * 1.5)

        # If direction not given, set to random degree
        self.dir = direction or (random() * 360)

        # If x or y not given,
        if (not x or not y):
            rX = 0
            rY = 0
            if random() > 0.5:
                if random() > 0.5:
                    rX = self.width
                rY = random() * self.height
                if random() > 0.5:
                    rY = self.height
                rX = random() * self.width
            self.pos = Vector2(rX, rY)
            self.pos = Vector2(x, y)

        self.spin = 0

Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, pos, brain=None):
        self.pos = Vector2(pos)
        self.born = Vector2(pos)
        self.v = Vector2(1, 0)
        self.w = block
        self.h = block
        self.length = 4
        self.guide = Vector2(self.v)
        self.body = [
            self.pos, self.pos - self.v * block, self.pos - self.v * block * 2,
            self.pos - self.v * block * 3
        self.score = 0
        self.life = 0
        self.time_limit = 150
        self.alive = True
        self.dirs = [
            Vector2(0, -1),
            Vector2(1, -1),
            Vector2(1, 0),
            Vector2(1, 1),
            Vector2(1, 0),
            Vector2(-1, 1),
            Vector2(-1, 0),
            Vector2(-1, -1)

        if brain == None:
            self.brain = initialize([26, 16, 3])
            self.brain = brain
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def processDistances(self, foods, walls, screen):

        inp = [0 for i in range(26)]

        # front = self.v * block
        # left = Vector2(self.v.rotate(-90)) * block
        # right = Vector2(self.v.rotate(90)) * block
        # fl = Vector2(self.v.rotate(-45)) * block
        # fr = Vector2(self.v.rotate(45)) * block

        # f = self.pos + front
        # l = self.pos + left
        # r = self.pos + right

        m = 100000000
        f = None
        for food in foods:
            if self.pos.distance_to(food) < m:
                m = self.pos.distance_to(food)
                f = food

        inp[0], inp[1], inp[2] = self.look(Vector2(0, -1), f)

        inp[3], inp[4], inp[5] = self.look(Vector2(1, -1), f)

        inp[6], inp[7], inp[8] = self.look(Vector2(1, 0), f)

        inp[9], inp[10], inp[11] = self.look(Vector2(1, 1), f)

        inp[12], inp[13], inp[14] = self.look(Vector2(0, 1), f)

        inp[15], inp[16], inp[17] = self.look(Vector2(-1, 1), f)

        inp[18], inp[19], inp[20] = self.look(Vector2(-1, 0), f)

        inp[21], inp[22], inp[23] = self.look(Vector2(-1, -1), f)

        foodv = f - self.pos

        if foodv.magnitude() != 0:
            angle = np.arccos(
                foodv.dot(self.v) /
                (foodv.magnitude() * self.v.magnitude())) * 180 / np.pi
            inp[24] = np.cos(angle * np.pi / 180)

            inp[24] = 1

        if self.time_limit == 0:
            inp[25] = 1

            inp[25] = 1 / self.time_limit


# m = 100000000
# f = None
# for food in foods:
#     if self.pos.distance_to(food) < m:
#         m = self.pos.distance_to(food)
#         f = food

# for i in range(1, 4):
#     f = self.pos + front * i
#     if f.x < 0 or f.x > WIDTH or f.y < 0 or f.y > HEIGHT:
#         inputs[0] = 1
#         break

# for i in range(1, 4):
#     l = self.pos + left * i
#     if l.x < 0 or l.x > WIDTH or l.y < 0 or l.y > HEIGHT:
#         inputs[1] = 1
#         break

# for i in range(1, 4):
#     r = self.pos + right * i
#     if r.x < 0 or r.x > WIDTH or r.y < 0 or r.y > HEIGHT:
#         inputs[2] = 1
#         break

# #BODY IS FINE ########################################################
# for i in range(1, 5):
#     temp = Vector2(self.pos + front * i)

#     if temp in self.body:
#         inputs[3] = 1

#         break

# for i in range(1, 8):
#     temp = Vector2(f + left * i)

#     if temp in self.body:
#         inputs[4] = 1

#         break

# for i in range(1, 5):
#     temp = Vector2(f + right * i)

#     if temp in self.body:
#         inputs[5] = 1

#         break

# for i in range(1, 8):
#     temp = self.pos + fl * i

#     if temp in self.body:
#         inputs[6] = 1

#         break

# for i in range(1, 8):
#     temp = self.pos + fr * i

#     if temp in self.body:
#         inputs[7] = 1

#         break

# #FOOD IS FINE ########################################################
# if f != None:
#     foodv = f - self.pos

#     if foodv.magnitude() != 0:
#         angle = np.arccos(foodv.dot(self.v) / (foodv.magnitude() * self.v.magnitude())) * 180 / np.pi
#         inputs[12] = np.cos(angle * np.pi / 180)

#     else:
#         angle = 0

#     if angle == 0:
#         inputs[8] = 1
#         # print('food straight')
#     else:
#         if self.v == Vector2(0, -1):
#             if food.x < self.pos.x:
#                 inputs[9] = 1
#                 # print('left')
#             else:
#                 inputs[10] = 1
#                 # print('right')

#         elif self.v == Vector2(1, 0):
#             if food.y < self.pos.y:
#                 inputs[9] = 1
#                 # print('left')
#             else:
#                 inputs[10] = 1
#                 # print('right')

#         elif self.v == Vector2(0, 1):
#             if food.x > self.pos.x:
#                 inputs[9] = 1
#                 # print('left')
#             else:
#                 inputs[10] = 1
#                 # print('right')

#         elif self.v == Vector2(-1, 0):
#              if food.y > self.pos.y:
#                 inputs[9] = 1
#                 # print('left')
#              else:
#                 inputs[10] = 1
#                 # print('right')

# # if self.time_limit <= 200:
# #     inputs[9] = 1

# if self.time_limit != 0:
#     inputs[11] = 1 / self.time_limit
# else:
#     inputs[11] = 1

# # inputs[12] = self.length / 100


        inputs = np.array(inp)

        m = len(inputs)

        # print(m)

        inputs = inputs.reshape((m, 1))

        return inputs
Ejemplo n.º 14

        inputs = np.array(inp)

        m = len(inputs)

        # print(m)

        inputs = inputs.reshape((m, 1))

        return inputs

screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN)

snakes = [
    Snake(Vector2(block * 10, block * 10), brain=params) for i in range(GEN)

prevscores = [snake.score for snake in snakes]

def foodloc():
    food = []
    for i in range(20):
        x = random.randint(1, WIDTH // block - 1)
        y = random.randint(1, HEIGHT // block - 1)

        food.append(Vector2(x, y) * block)

    return food
Ejemplo n.º 15
if __name__ == '__main__':

    width = 1000
    height = 500
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode([width, height])
    wallSurf = pygame.Surface([width, height], pygame.SRCALPHA)

    walls = []
    for i in range(5):
        x1 = randint(0, width)
        y1 = randint(0, height)
        x2 = randint(0, width)
        y2 = randint(0, height)
        walls.append(Boundary(Vector2(x1, y1), Vector2(x2, y2), wallSurf))

    walls.append(Boundary(Vector2(width, 0), Vector2(width, height), wallSurf))
    walls.append(Boundary(Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(0, height), wallSurf))
    walls.append(Boundary(Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(width, 0), wallSurf))
    walls.append(Boundary(Vector2(0, height), Vector2(width, height),

    p = RayParticle(Vector2((250, 250)))

    # Event Loop------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def apply_accel(self, vector):
     self.accel = self.accel + Vector2(vector)
Ejemplo n.º 17
ten_draws_time_cost = 0
avg_draw_time_cost = 0

stutter_counter = 0
stutter_frequency = 0,

# Variables and set-up for visual effects

spectrum = Spectrum(-50, 50, pygame.Color(0, 0, 255), pygame.Color(255, 0, 0))
blur = False

# Main loop

while not done:

    pos = Vector2(pygame.mouse.get_pos())
    hex_pos = screen_to_hex_space(pos)
    tile = hex_pos.round()


    for event in pygame.event.get():

        # Pipes mouse input into the currently selected tool
        if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            if event.button == 4:
                if tools.controlling() or tools.shifting():
            elif event.button == 5:
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def draw(self, screen):
        # Draws debug objects
        if self.DEBUG:
            # Selects color of buffer zone
            self.buffer_zone_image = self.buffer_zone_red if self.collision_imminent else self.buffer_zone_green
            # Draws buffer zone

        # Draws vehicle on the screen
        screen.blit(self.image_rotated, self.image_rect)

        # Draws more debug objects
        if self.DEBUG:
            # Draws debug lines
            # Desired
                (255, 0, 0),  # red
                self.image_rect.center + self.debug_lines[0],
            # Speed
                (0, 255, 0),  # green
                self.image_rect.center + self.debug_lines[1],
            # Accel
                (0, 0, 255),  # blue
                self.image_rect.center + self.debug_lines[2],

            # Draws rotation indicators
            pygame.draw.circle(pygame.display.get_surface(), (255, 250, 70),
                               self.image_rect.center, 3)
            pygame.draw.rect(pygame.display.get_surface(), (30, 250, 70),
                             self.image_rect, 1)

            # Draws metrics
            velocity_text = self.textFont.render(
                "Velocity: %0.2f km/h" %
                (pixel_to_metric(Vector2(self.get_velocity()).length()) * 3.6),
                False, (255, 255, 255))
            accel_text = self.textFont.render(
                "Accel: %0.2f km/h" %
                (pixel_to_metric(Vector2(self.get_accel()).length()) * 3.6),
                False, (255, 255, 255))

                Vector2(screen.get_size()) - Vector2(velocity_text.get_size()))
                Vector2(screen.get_size()) - Vector2(
                    (accel_text.get_width(), 2 * accel_text.get_height())))

Ejemplo n.º 19
    def renderWireRect(self, pos, size, color=(255, 255, 255), weight=1):
        pos = Vector2(pos.x, self.__surface.get_height() - pos.y)

        ul = Vector2(pos.x - size.x//2, pos.y - size.y // 2)
        ur = Vector2(pos.x + size.x//2, pos.y - size.y // 2)
        bl = Vector2(pos.x - size.x//2, pos.y + size.y // 2)
        br = Vector2(pos.x + size.x//2, pos.y + size.y // 2)
        self.renderLine(Vector2(ul.x, ul.y), Vector2(
            ur.x, ur.y), color, weight)
        self.renderLine(Vector2(ur.x, ur.y), Vector2(
            br.x, br.y), color, weight)
        self.renderLine(Vector2(br.x, br.y), Vector2(
            bl.x, bl.y), color, weight)
        self.renderLine(Vector2(bl.x, bl.y), Vector2(
            ul.x, ul.y), color, weight)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def __init__(self):
     self.lastState = Vector2(0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def __init__(self, pos, angle):
     self.pos = pos
     self.Dir = Vector2(1, 0)
     self.Dir = self.Dir.rotate(angle)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def getKey(self, keyState):
     if keyState[pg.K_LEFT] and self.lastState != Vector2(
             -1, 0) and self.lastState != Vector2(1, 0):
         self.lastState = Vector2(-1, 0)
         return Vector2(-1, 0)
     elif keyState[pg.K_RIGHT] and self.lastState != Vector2(
             -1, 0) and self.lastState != Vector2(1, 0):
         self.lastState = Vector2(1, 0)
         return Vector2(1, 0)
     elif keyState[pg.K_UP] and self.lastState != Vector2(
             0, -1) and self.lastState != Vector2(0, 1):
         self.lastState = Vector2(0, -1)
         return Vector2(0, -1)
     elif keyState[pg.K_DOWN] and self.lastState != Vector2(
             0, -1) and self.lastState != Vector2(0, 1):
         self.lastState = Vector2(0, 1)
         return Vector2(0, 1)
         return self.lastState
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self):
     self.pos = Vector2(200, 200)
     self.dir = Vector2(1, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 24
# constants
BG_COLOR = (10, 70, 10)

# pygame init

pygame.display.set_caption('Card Game')

width, height = (1000, 300)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height), flags=pygame.SCALED)

f = random.choice(('co', 'ca', 'p', 't'))
cards = [pygame.image.load(f"assets/{f}{i}.gif") for i in range(2, 15)]

pos = [Vector2(x * width / 13, height / 16) for x in range(13)]

card_surf = pygame.Surface((71, 96))
rectdet = [screen.blit(card_surf, (x, y)) for (x, y) in pos]

click = False
running = True
clicked_card = -1
while running:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
        if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            position_souris = event.pos
            for a in range(13):
                if rectdet[a].collidepoint(position_souris):
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def get_striker_position(self, player):
     """ Returns the start position of the striker for the given player """
     return Vector2(self.get_striker_x_position(),
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def yellow_bullet(self):
     return {
         Animation('neutral', [self.get_sprite('yellow_bullet')], [1000],
                   Vector2(3, 3))
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def allow_movement(self):
        if self.angle:
            return True

        if self.vector == Vector2():
            return True
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def rect(self):
     size = Vector2(self.size.x * 0.05, self.size.y * 0.19)
     rect = (self.pos.x - 0.5 * size.x + 0.05, self.pos.y - 0.5 * size.y,
             size.x, size.y * 0.05)
     l = 1000
     return pygame.Rect(rect[0] * l, rect[1] * l, rect[2] * l, rect[3] * l)
Ejemplo n.º 29
from pygame import Vector2
"""The null Vector2"""
VECTOR2_NULL = Vector2(0, 0)

class GlobalSettings:
    """Screen resolution"""
    RESOLUTION = (1024, 768)
    """Link to the banner font"""
    FONT = "assets/Cairo-Bold.ttf"

class PhysicsSettings:
    """Physics operate on a higher scale than the transform.
    This is the factor to translate the physics values to the coordinate system.
    SCALE = 10_000
    """If a component of a velocity drop below this threshold, it is set to zero.
    This is to prevent objects from sliding endlessly.
    """Force applied to every velocity.
    Will be applied differently based on the weight of the object.
    GRAVITY = Vector2(0, 13)
    """Used to simulate the decay of the velocity due to the air."""

class PlayerSettings:
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def update(self, screen, boxes):

        # On récupère la boite qui est en colision avec la balle ou None
        collider: Box = self.collision(boxes)

        if (collider != None):

            # S'il y a une collision, on pose la balle juste au dessus de la boite
            self.pos.y = collider.pos.y - self.diameter + 1

            # On crée un rebond en inversant l'accélération de la balle
            # On divise par le quotient de rebond et on met un seuil pour éviter
            # que la balle rebondisse à l'infini (passé 0.1 on arrête)
            self.acc.y = -(self.acc.y /
                           self.bounciness) if self.acc.y > 0.1 else 0

            # On indique qu'on a touché le sol
            self.grounded = True
            # Sinon, on est dans les airs, donc on ajoute la gravité à l'accélération
            self.acc.y += G
            # et on indique qu'on est pas au sol
            self.grounded = False

        # On ne peut sauter que lorsqu'on est au sol
        if (self.grounded and key.get_pressed()[K_SPACE]):
            # On met brutalement l'accélération à la force de saut, ce qui la propulse
            # dans les airs
            self.acc.y = self.jump_force

        # On regarde le joueur se déplace
        if (key.get_pressed()[K_LEFT]):

            # S'il se déplace à gauche on accélère à la vitesse -x_acc
            self.acc.x -= self.x_acc

            # et s'il dépasse -max_speed, on cap à -max_speed
            self.acc.x = max(self.acc.x, -self.max_speed)
        elif (key.get_pressed()[K_RIGHT]):

            # S'il se déplace à droite on accélère à la vitesse x_acc
            self.acc.x += self.x_acc

            # et s'il dépasse max_speed, on cap à max_speed
            self.acc.x = min(self.acc.x, self.max_speed)

            # Si le joueur ne se déplace plus, il faut décélérer (tendre vers 0)
            # Si on est à plusieurs fois x_dec de 0, on se rapproche de 0 dans le
            # bon sens
            if (self.acc.x < -self.x_dec):
                self.acc.x += self.x_dec
            elif (self.acc.x > self.x_dec):
                self.acc.x -= self.x_dec
                # Sinon, si on est à x_dec de 0, on met directement à 0 pour stopper
                # la balle, sinon elle accélère et décélère en bouche
                self.acc.x = 0

        # Avec tous ces calculs, on change la position de la balle
        self.pos += self.acc

        # Et on la dessine
        draw.circle(screen, WHITE, self.pos + Vector2(self.diameter / 2),
                    self.diameter / 2)