Ejemplo n.º 1
def draw_horizontal_stripes(surface, x1, x2, y1, y2):
    # Fill the entire surface with a black color. In contrast to
    # colorpalettes.py we use a Color() value here, just to demonstrate that
    # it really works.
    video.fill(surface, BLACK)

    # Create a 2D view that allows us to directly access each individual pixel
    # of the surface. The PixelView class is quite slow, since it uses an non-
    # optimised read-write access to each individual pixel and offset. It works
    # on every platform, though.
    pixelview = video.PixelView(surface)

    # Loop over the area bounds, considering each fourth line and every column
    # on the 2D view. The PixelView uses a y-x alignment to access pixels.
    # This mkeans that the first accessible dimension of the PixelView denotes
    # the horizontal lines of an image, and the second the vertical lines.
    for y in range(y1, y2, 4):
        for x in range(x1, x2):
            # Change the color of each individual pixel. We can assign any
            # color-like value here, since the assignment method of the
            # PixelView will implicitly check and convert the value to a
            # matching color for its target surface.
            pixelview[y][x] = WHITE

    # Explicitly delete the PixelView. Some surface types need to be locked
    # in order to access their pixels directly. The PixelView will do that
    # implicitly at creation time. Once we are done with all necessary
    # operations, we need to unlock the surface, which will be done
    # automatically at the time the PixelView is garbage-collected.
    del pixelview
Ejemplo n.º 2
def draw_vertical_stripes(surface, x1, x2, y1, y2):
    video.fill(surface, BLACK)
    pixelview = video.PixelView(surface)
    for x in range(x1, x2, 4):
        for y in range(y1, y2):
            pixelview[y][x] = WHITE
    del pixelview
Ejemplo n.º 3
def draw_palette(surface, palette):
    # Fill the entire surface with a black color. This is done by simply
    # passing a 0 value to the fill argument. We could also create a
    # Color(0, 0, 0) instance here, but this would be the same.
    video.fill(surface, 0)

    # Calculate the average width (roughly cut) to be used for each palette
    # value. When running the example, you will notice a black gap on the
    # right for some palettes. This s caused by the implicit cut behaviour
    # of the // operator. Since we can only operate pixel-wise, there are
    # no fractions to be used.
    width, height = surface.size
    rw = width // len(palette)

    # Create the area to be filled with the palette values. we always start
    # at the top-left corner, use the calculated width and the entire height
    # of the window surface. As you will see below, we then only advance
    # horizontically by the calculated width to draw stripes.
    # Play around with different height values and start offsets to see what
    # happens
    rect = [0, 0, rw, height]

    # Loop over all colors and fill a portion of the surface with them. As
    # above, we use fill() to fill the surface with the palette color, but now
    # we provide an area (the third argument) to avoid filling the whole
    # surface. Instead, the provided area makes sure, that we only fill a
    # certain part.
    for color in palette:
        video.fill(surface, color, rect)
        rect[0] += rw
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_fill(self):
        # TODO: add exceptions and more bounding tests.
        rects = ((0, 0, 3, 2),
                 (2, 3, 4, 2),
                 (5, -1, 2, 2),
                 (1, 7, 4, 8)
        factory = video.SpriteFactory(video.SOFTWARE)
        sprite = factory.create_sprite(size=(10, 10), bpp=32)
        view = video.PixelView(sprite)
        for rect in rects:
            video.fill(sprite, 0)
            colorval = video.prepare_color(0xAABBCCDD, sprite)
            video.fill(sprite, 0xAABBCCDD, rect)
            for y, row in enumerate(view):
                for x, col in enumerate(row):
                    if y >= rect[1] and y < (rect[1] + rect[3]):
                        if x >= rect[0] and x < (rect[0] + rect[2]):
                            self.assertEqual(col, colorval,
                                             "color mismatch at (x, y)")
                            self.assertEqual(col, 0,
                                             "color mismatch at (x, y)")

                        self.assertEqual(col, 0, "color mismatch at (x, y)")
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_pixels3d(self):
     factory = video.SpriteFactory(video.SOFTWARE)
     sprite = factory.create_sprite(size=(5, 10), bpp=32,
                                    masks=(0xFF000000, 0x00FF0000,
                                           0x0000FF00, 0x000000FF))
     video.fill(sprite, 0xAABBCCDD, (1, 2, 3, 4))
     nparray = video.pixels3d(sprite)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def create_scene4(manager, uifactory):
    print("Creating scene 4")
    scene = ExampleScene("Scene 4")
    button_back = uifactory.create_button(size=(100, 50))
    button_back.position = 200, 200
    video.fill(button_back, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    button_back.click += lambda btn, ev: manager.pop()
    return scene
Ejemplo n.º 7
def start_mainmenu(scene):
    scene.components = []
    button_scene1 = scene.uifactory.create_button(size=(100, 50))
    button_scene1.position = 100, 100
    video.fill(button_scene1, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    button_scene1.click += lambda btn, ev: \
        switch_to(scene.manager, create_scene1(scene.manager, scene.uifactory))

    button_scene2 = scene.uifactory.create_button(size=(100, 50))
    button_scene2.position = 100, 160
    video.fill(button_scene2, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    button_scene2.click += lambda btn, ev: \
        switch_to(scene.manager, create_scene2(scene.manager, scene.uifactory))

    button_scene3 = scene.uifactory.create_button(size=(100, 50))
    button_scene3.position = 100, 220
    video.fill(button_scene3, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    button_scene3.click += lambda btn, ev: \
        switch_to(scene.manager, create_scene3(scene.manager, scene.uifactory))

    button_scene4 = scene.uifactory.create_button(size=(100, 50))
    button_scene4.position = 100, 280
    video.fill(button_scene4, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    button_scene4.click += lambda btn, ev: \
        switch_to(scene.manager, create_scene4(scene.manager, scene.uifactory))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def run():
    # You know those from the helloworld.py example.
    # Initialize the video subsystem, create a window and make it visible.
    window = video.Window("Pixel Access", size=(800, 600))

    spritefactory = video.SpriteFactory(video.SOFTWARE)
    uifactory = video.UIFactory(spritefactory)

    # Since all gui elements are sprites, we can use the SpriteRenderer
    # class, we learned about in helloworld.py, to draw them on the
    # Window.
    renderer = spritefactory.create_sprite_renderer(window)

    # Create a new UIProcessor, which will handle the user input events
    # and pass them on to the relevant user interface elements.
    uiprocessor = video.UIProcessor()

    # Create a scene manager - this one will take care of managing the
    # different scenes.
    scenemanager = SceneManager()
    # Every time we switch to a different scene, reset the video window, so
    # we do not have any artifacts left on the screen.
    scenemanager.switched += lambda mgr: video.fill(renderer.surface, 0x0)

    # Create the initial scene.
    mainmenu = Scene("Main Menu")

    # We need the uifactory to create buttons for the different scenes.
    mainmenu.uifactory = uifactory

    # Bind the start and end events of the scene. started() will be invoked
    # every time the SceneManager starts the scene. ended() will be invoked,
    # if the scene ends, e.g. if a new scene is pushed to the manager.
    mainmenu.started += start_mainmenu
    mainmenu.ended += end_scene

    # Push the initial scene to the SceneManager.

    running = True
    while running:
        # Process the SceneManager. This takes care of updating the scene
        # states by checking, if a new scene has to be displayed or not.
        # The main event loop; we already learned about that in other examples.
        # Check for the events and pass them around.
        for event in video.get_events():
            if event.type == sdlevents.SDL_QUIT:
                running = False
            # Pass the SDL2 events to the UIProcessor, which takes care of
            # the user interface logic.
            uiprocessor.dispatch(scenemanager.current.components, event)
        # Render all components on all scenes.
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_SoftwareSpriteRenderer_process(self):
        sf1= create_rgb_surface(5, 10, 32)
        sp1 = video.SoftwareSprite(sf1, True)
        sp1.depth = 0
        video.fill(sp1, 0xFF0000)

        sf2 = create_rgb_surface(5, 10, 32)
        sp2 = video.SoftwareSprite(sf2, True)
        sp2.depth = 99
        video.fill(sp2, 0x00FF00)
        sprites = [sp1, sp2]

        window = video.Window("Test", size=(20, 20))
        renderer = video.SoftwareSpriteRenderer(window)

        renderer.process("fakeworld", sprites)
        view = video.PixelView(renderer.surface)
        # Only sp2 wins, since its depth is higher
        self.check_pixels(view, 20, 20, sp1, 0x00FF00, (0x0, ))
        self.check_pixels(view, 20, 20, sp2, 0x00FF00, (0x0, ))
        del view

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, renderer.process, None, None)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_SoftwareSpriteRenderer_render(self):
        sf1= create_rgb_surface(12, 7, 32)
        sp1 = video.SoftwareSprite(sf1, True)
        video.fill(sp1, 0xFF0000)

        sf2 = create_rgb_surface(3, 9, 32)
        sp2 = video.SoftwareSprite(sf2, True)
        video.fill(sp2, 0x00FF00)
        sprites = [sp1, sp2]

        window = video.Window("Test", size=(20, 20))
        renderer = video.SoftwareSpriteRenderer(window)
        self.assertIsInstance(renderer, video.SpriteRenderer)

        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, renderer.render, None, None, None)
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, renderer.render, [None, None],
                          None, None)

        for x, y in ((0, 0), (3, 3), (20, 20), (1, 12), (5, 6)):
            sp1.position = x, y
            view = video.PixelView(renderer.surface)
            self.check_pixels(view, 20, 20, sp1, 0xFF0000, (0x0, ))
            del view
            video.fill(renderer.surface, 0x0)
        sp1.position = 0, 0
        sp2.position = 14, 1
        view = video.PixelView(renderer.surface)
        self.check_pixels(view, 20, 20, sp1, 0xFF0000, (0x0, 0x00FF00))
        self.check_pixels(view, 20, 20, sp2, 0x00FF00, (0x0, 0xFF0000))
        del view
        video.fill(renderer.surface, 0x0)
        renderer.render(sprites, 1, 2)
        view = video.PixelView(renderer.surface)
        self.check_pixels(view, 20, 20, sp1, 0xFF0000, (0x0, 0x00FF00), 1, 2)
        self.check_pixels(view, 20, 20, sp2, 0x00FF00, (0x0, 0xFF0000), 1, 2)
        del view
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def render(self, components):
     video.fill(self.surface, BLACK)
     super(SoftwareRenderer, self).render(components)