Ejemplo n.º 1
    def add_baseimage(self,
                      x: NumberType,
                      y: NumberType,
                      image: 'pygame_menu.BaseImage',
                      prev: bool = True,
                      centered: bool = False,
                      **kwargs) -> str:
        Adds a :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage` object.

        .. note::

            If your :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage` object changes over time
            set ``decorator.cache=False`` or force cache manually by calling

        kwargs (Optional)
            - ``use_center_positioning``    (bool) – Uses object center position as *(0, 0)*. ``True`` by default

        :param x: X position in px, being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position in px, being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param image: ``BaseImage`` object
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param centered: If ``True`` the image is centered
        :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        assert isinstance(image, pygame_menu.BaseImage)
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_BASEIMAGE, prev,
                               (tuple(coords), image, centered, kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def add_ellipse(self,
                    x: NumberType,
                    y: NumberType,
                    rx: NumberType,
                    ry: NumberType,
                    color: ColorInputType,
                    filled: bool,
                    prev: bool = True,
                    **kwargs) -> str:
        Adds an ellipse.

        kwargs (Optional)
            - ``use_center_positioning``    (bool) – Uses object center position as *(0, 0)*. ``True`` by default

        :param x: X position in px, being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position in px, being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param rx: Horizontal radius of the ellipse
        :param ry: Vertical radius of the ellipse
        :param color: Color of the polygon
        :param filled: If ``True`` fills the polygon with the given color
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        color = assert_color(color)
        assert isinstance(rx, NumberInstance) and rx > 0
        assert isinstance(ry, NumberInstance) and ry > 0
        assert isinstance(filled, bool)
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_ELLIPSE, prev,
                               (tuple(coords), rx, ry, color, filled, kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def add_pie(self,
                x: NumberType,
                y: NumberType,
                radius: NumberType,
                init_angle: NumberType,
                final_angle: NumberType,
                color: ColorType,
                prev: bool = True) -> str:
        Add a unfilled pie.

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param radius: Circle radius (px)
        :param init_angle: Initial angle in degrees ``(0-360)``
        :param final_angle: Final angle in degrees ``(0-360)``
        :param color: Color of the polygon
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        assert isinstance(radius, (int, float)) and radius > 0
        assert isinstance(init_angle, (int, float))
        assert isinstance(final_angle, (int, float))
        assert init_angle != final_angle
        return self._add_decor(
            DECORATION_PIE, prev,
            (tuple(coords), int(radius), init_angle, final_angle, color))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def add_pie(self,
                x: NumberType,
                y: NumberType,
                radius: NumberType,
                init_angle: NumberType,
                final_angle: NumberType,
                color: ColorInputType,
                prev: bool = True,
                **kwargs) -> str:
        Adds a unfilled pie.

        kwargs (Optional)
            - ``use_center_positioning``    (bool) – Uses object center position as *(0, 0)*. ``True`` by default

        :param x: X position in px, being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position in px, being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param radius: Circle radius in px
        :param init_angle: Initial angle in degrees, from ``0`` to ``360``
        :param final_angle: Final angle in degrees, from ``0`` to ``360``
        :param color: Color of the polygon
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        color = assert_color(color)
        assert isinstance(radius, NumberInstance) and radius > 0
        assert isinstance(init_angle, NumberInstance)
        assert isinstance(final_angle, NumberInstance)
        assert init_angle != final_angle
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_PIE, prev,
                               (tuple(coords), int(radius), init_angle,
                                final_angle, color, kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def add_bezier(
            coords: Union[List[Tuple2NumberType], Tuple[Tuple2NumberType, ...]],
            color: ColorInputType,
            steps: int = 5,
            prev: bool = True,
    ) -> str:
        Add bezier curve.

        .. note::

            Consider ``(0, 0)`` coordinates as the center of the object.

        kwargs (Optional)
            - ``use_center_positioning``            Uses object center position as *(0, 0)*. ``True`` by default

        :param coords: Coordinate list, being ``(0, 0)`` the center of the object
        :param color: Color of the polygon
        :param steps: Interpolation steps
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
        :return: ID of the decoration
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        color = assert_color(color)
        assert len(coords) >= 3
        assert isinstance(steps, int) and steps >= 1
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_BEZIER, prev, (tuple(coords), color, steps, kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def add_text(self, x: NumberType, y: NumberType, text: str, font: Union[str, 'Font', 'Path'], size: int,
                 color: ColorType, prev: bool = True, antialias=True, centered=False) -> str:
        Adds a text.

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param text: Text to draw
        :param font: Font path or pygame object
        :param size: Size of the font to render
        :param color: Font color
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param antialias: Font antialias enabled
        :param centered: If ``True`` the text is centered into the position
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        text = str(text)
        font_obj = pygame_menu.font.get_font(font, size)
        surface_font = font_obj.render(text, antialias, color)
        surface = make_surface(
        surface.blit(surface_font, (0, 0))
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_TEXT, prev, (tuple(coords), surface, centered))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def add_arc(self, x: NumberType, y: NumberType, radius: NumberType,
                init_angle: NumberType, final_angle: NumberType, color: ColorType,
                width: int = 0, prev: bool = True, gfx: bool = True) -> str:
        Add arc.

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param radius: Circle radius (px)
        :param init_angle: Initial angle in degrees ``(0-360)``
        :param final_angle: Final angle in degrees ``(0-360)``
        :param color: Color of the polygon
        :param width: Line border width. Only valid if ``filled=False``
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param gfx: If ``True`` uses pygame gfxdraw instead of draw
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        assert isinstance(radius, (int, float)) and radius > 0
        assert isinstance(init_angle, (int, float))
        assert isinstance(final_angle, (int, float))
        assert isinstance(width, int) and width >= 0
        assert init_angle != final_angle
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_ARC, prev, (tuple(coords), int(radius), init_angle, final_angle,
                                                      color, width, gfx))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def add_surface(
            x: NumberType,
            y: NumberType,
            surface: 'pygame.Surface',
            prev: bool = True,
            centered: bool = False,
    ) -> str:
        Adds a surface.

        .. note::

            Consider ``(0, 0)`` coordinates as the center of the object.

        kwargs (Optional)
            - ``use_center_positioning``            Uses object center position as *(0, 0)*. ``True`` by default

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param surface: Surface
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param centered: If ``True`` the text is centered into the position
        :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        assert isinstance(surface, pygame.Surface)
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_SURFACE, prev, (tuple(coords), surface, centered, kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def add_rect(
            x: NumberType,
            y: NumberType,
            rect: 'pygame.Rect',
            color: ColorInputType,
            width: int = 0,
            prev: bool = True,
    ) -> str:
        Adds a BaseImage object.

        .. note::

            Consider ``(0, 0)`` coordinates as the center of the object.

        kwargs (Optional)
            - ``use_center_positioning``            Uses object center position as *(0, 0)*. ``True`` by default

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param rect: Rect to draw
        :param color: Color of the rect
        :param width: Border width of the rect. If ``0`` draw a filled rectangle
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
        :return: ID of the decoration
        assert isinstance(width, int) and width >= 0
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        color = assert_color(color)
        assert isinstance(rect, pygame.Rect)
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_RECT, prev, (tuple(coords), rect, color, width, kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def add_circle(self, x: NumberType, y: NumberType, radius: NumberType, color: ColorType, filled: bool,
                   width: int = 0, prev: bool = True, gfx: bool = True) -> str:
        Add circle.

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param radius: Circle radius (px)
        :param color: Color of the polygon
        :param filled: If ``True`` fills the polygon with the given color
        :param width: Line border width. Only valid if ``filled=False``
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param gfx: If ``True`` uses pygame gfxdraw instead of draw
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        assert isinstance(radius, (int, float)) and radius > 0
        assert isinstance(filled, bool)
        assert isinstance(width, int) and width >= 0
        if filled:
            assert width == 0, 'width must be 0 if the circle is filled'
            if width != 0 and gfx:
                gfx = False  # gfx don't support width
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_CIRCLE, prev, (tuple(coords), int(radius), color, filled, width, gfx))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def add_polygon(self, coords: Union[List[Tuple2NumberType], Tuple[Tuple2NumberType, ...]], color: ColorType,
                    filled: bool, width: int = 0, prev: bool = True, gfx: bool = True) -> str:
        Add polygon.

        :param coords: Coordinate list, being ``(0, 0)`` the center of the object
        :param color: Color of the polygon
        :param filled: If ``True`` fills the polygon with the given color
        :param width: Line border width. Only valid if ``filled=False``
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param gfx: If ``True`` uses pygame gfxdraw instead of draw
        :return: ID of the decoration
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        assert len(coords) >= 3
        assert isinstance(filled, bool)
        assert isinstance(width, int) and width >= 0
        if filled:
            assert width == 0, 'width must be 0 if the polygon is filled'
            assert gfx, 'only gfxdraw support filled polygon, then gfx should be True'
            if width != 0 and gfx:
                gfx = False  # gfx don't support width
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_POLYGON, prev, (tuple(coords), color, filled, width, gfx))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def add_ellipse(self,
                    x: NumberType,
                    y: NumberType,
                    rx: NumberType,
                    ry: NumberType,
                    color: ColorType,
                    filled: bool,
                    prev: bool = True) -> str:
        Add an ellipse.

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param rx: Horizontal radius of the ellipse
        :param ry: Vertical radius of the ellipse
        :param color: Color of the polygon
        :param filled: If ``True`` fills the polygon with the given color
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        assert isinstance(rx, (int, float)) and rx > 0
        assert isinstance(ry, (int, float)) and ry > 0
        assert isinstance(filled, bool)
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_ELLIPSE, prev,
                               (tuple(coords), rx, ry, color, filled))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def add_baseimage(self,
                      x: NumberType,
                      y: NumberType,
                      image: '_baseimage.BaseImage',
                      prev: bool = True,
                      centered: bool = False) -> str:
        Adds a :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage` object.

        .. note::

            If your :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage` object changes over time
            set ``decorator.cache=False`` or force cache manually by calling

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param image: ``BaseImage`` object
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param centered: If ``True`` the text is centered into the position
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        assert isinstance(image, _baseimage.BaseImage)
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_BASEIMAGE, prev,
                               (tuple(coords), image, centered))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def add_textured_polygon(self,
                             coords: Union[List[Tuple2NumberType],
                                           Tuple[Tuple2NumberType, ...]],
                             texture: Union['pygame.Surface',
                             tx: int = 0,
                             ty: int = 0,
                             prev: bool = True,
                             **kwargs) -> str:
        Adds a textured polygon.

        .. note::

            If your :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage` object changes over
            time set ``decorator.cache=False`` or force cache manually by calling

        kwargs (Optional)
            - ``use_center_positioning``    (bool) – Uses object center position as *(0, 0)*. ``True`` by default

        :param coords: Coordinate list, being ``(0, 0)`` the center of the object
        :param texture: Texture (Surface) or Baseimage object
        :param tx: X offset of the texture in px
        :param ty: Y offset of the texture in px
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
        :return: ID of the decoration
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        assert len(coords) >= 3
        assert isinstance(texture, (pygame.Surface, pygame_menu.BaseImage))
        assert isinstance(tx, int) and isinstance(ty, int)
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_TEXTURE_POLYGON, prev,
                               (tuple(coords), texture, tx, ty, kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def add_pixel(
            x: NumberType,
            y: NumberType,
            color: ColorInputType,
            prev: bool = True,
    ) -> str:
        Add a pixel.

        .. note::

            Consider ``(0, 0)`` coordinates as the center of the object.

        kwargs (Optional)
            - ``use_center_positioning``            Uses object center position as *(0, 0)*. ``True`` by default

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param color: Color of the pixel
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        color = assert_color(color)
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_PIXEL, prev, (tuple(coords), color, kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def add_pixel(self, x: NumberType, y: NumberType, color: ColorType, prev: bool = True) -> str:
        Add a pixel.

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param color: Color of the pixel
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_PIXEL, prev, (tuple(coords), color))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def add_text(
            x: NumberType,
            y: NumberType,
            text: str,
            font: FontType,
            size: int,
            color: ColorInputType,
            prev: bool = True,
    ) -> str:
        Adds a text.

        .. note::

            Consider ``(0, 0)`` coordinates as the center of the object.

        kwargs (Optional)
            - ``use_center_positioning``            Uses object center position as *(0, 0)*. ``True`` by default

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param text: Text to draw
        :param font: Font path or pygame object
        :param size: Size of the font to render
        :param color: Font color
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param antialias: Font antialias enabled
        :param centered: If ``True`` the text is centered into the position
        :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        text = str(text)
        font_obj = pygame_menu.font.get_font(font, size)
        color = assert_color(color)
        surface_font = font_obj.render(text, antialias, color)
        surface = make_surface(
        surface.blit(surface_font, (0, 0))
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_TEXT, prev, (tuple(coords), surface, centered, kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def add_bezier(self, coords: Union[List[Tuple2NumberType], Tuple[Tuple2NumberType, ...]],
                   color: ColorType, steps: int = 5, prev: bool = True) -> str:
        Add bezier curve.

        :param coords: Coordinate list, being ``(0, 0)`` the center of the object
        :param color: Color of the polygon
        :param steps: Interpolation steps
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :return: ID of the decoration
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        assert len(coords) >= 3
        assert isinstance(steps, int) and steps >= 1
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_BEZIER, prev, (tuple(coords), color, steps))
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def add_surface(self, x: NumberType, y: NumberType, surface: 'pygame.Surface',
                    prev: bool = True, centered: bool = False) -> str:
        Adds a surface.

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param surface: Surface
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param centered: If ``True`` the text is centered into the position
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        assert isinstance(surface, pygame.Surface)
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_SURFACE, prev, (tuple(coords), surface, centered))
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def add_circle(
            x: NumberType,
            y: NumberType,
            radius: NumberType,
            color: ColorInputType,
            filled: bool,
            width: int = 0,
            prev: bool = True,
            gfx: bool = True,
    ) -> str:
        Add circle.

        .. note::

            Consider ``(0, 0)`` coordinates as the center of the object.

        kwargs (Optional)
            - ``use_center_positioning``            Uses object center position as *(0, 0)*. ``True`` by default

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param radius: Circle radius (px)
        :param color: Color of the polygon
        :param filled: If ``True`` fills the polygon with the given color
        :param width: Line border width. Only valid if ``filled=False``
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param gfx: If ``True`` uses pygame gfxdraw instead of draw
        :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        color = assert_color(color)
        assert isinstance(radius, NumberInstance) and radius > 0
        assert isinstance(filled, bool)
        assert isinstance(width, int) and width >= 0
        if filled:
            assert width == 0, 'width must be 0 if the circle is filled'
            if width != 0 and gfx:
                gfx = False  # gfx don't support width
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_CIRCLE, prev,
                               (tuple(coords), int(radius), color, filled, width, gfx, kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def add_rect(self, x: NumberType, y: NumberType, rect: 'pygame.Rect', color: ColorType, width: int = 0,
                 prev: bool = True) -> str:
        Adds a BaseImage object.

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param rect: Rect to draw
        :param color: Color of the rect
        :param width: Width of the rect. If ``0`` draw a filled rectangle
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        assert isinstance(rect, pygame.Rect)
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_RECT, prev, (tuple(coords), rect, color, width))
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def add_arc(
            x: NumberType,
            y: NumberType,
            radius: NumberType,
            init_angle: NumberType,
            final_angle: NumberType,
            color: ColorInputType,
            width: int = 0,
            prev: bool = True,
            gfx: bool = True,
    ) -> str:
        Add arc.

        .. note::

            Consider ``(0, 0)`` coordinates as the center of the object.

        kwargs (Optional)
            - ``use_center_positioning``            Uses object center position as *(0, 0)*. ``True`` by default

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param radius: Circle radius (px)
        :param init_angle: Initial angle in degrees, from ``0`` to ``360``
        :param final_angle: Final angle in degrees, from ``0`` to ``360``
        :param color: Color of the polygon
        :param width: Line border width. Only valid if ``filled=False``
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param gfx: If ``True`` uses pygame gfxdraw instead of draw
        :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        color = assert_color(color)
        assert isinstance(radius, NumberInstance) and radius > 0
        assert isinstance(init_angle, NumberInstance)
        assert isinstance(final_angle, NumberInstance)
        assert isinstance(width, int) and width >= 0
        assert init_angle != final_angle
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_ARC, prev,
                               (tuple(coords), int(radius), init_angle, final_angle, color, width, gfx, kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def add_pie(self,
                x: NumberType,
                y: NumberType,
                radius: NumberType,
                init_angle: NumberType,
                final_angle: NumberType,
                color: ColorType,
                prev: bool = True,
                **kwargs) -> str:
        Add a unfilled pie.

        .. note::

            Consider ``(0, 0)`` coordinates as the center of the object.

        kwargs (Optional)
            - ``use_center_positioning``            Uses object center position as *(0, 0)*. ``True`` by default

        :param x: X position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param y: Y position (px), being ``0`` the center of the object
        :param radius: Circle radius (px)
        :param init_angle: Initial angle in degrees ``(0-360)``
        :param final_angle: Final angle in degrees ``(0-360)``
        :param color: Color of the polygon
        :param prev: If ``True`` draw previous the object, else draws post
        :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
        :return: ID of the decoration
        coords = [(x, y)]
        assert_list_vector(coords, 2)
        assert isinstance(radius, (int, float)) and radius > 0
        assert isinstance(init_angle, (int, float))
        assert isinstance(final_angle, (int, float))
        assert init_angle != final_angle
        return self._add_decor(DECORATION_PIE, prev,
                               (tuple(coords), int(radius), init_angle,
                                final_angle, color, kwargs))