Ejemplo n.º 1
IME, IZBOR, POENI, X_SL, Y_SL, X_TEKST, Y_TEKST = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
covek =   ["Човек",   -1, 0, x_slike,             y_slike,         0, 0]
racunar = ["Рачунар", -1, 0, x_slike + sirina//2, y_slike, sirina//2, 0]
font = pg.font.SysFont("Arial", 20)

def crtaj_igraca(igrac):
    if igrac[IZBOR] >= 0:
        prozor.blit(slike[igrac[IZBOR]], (igrac[X_SL], igrac[Y_SL]))
    tekst = igrac[IME] + ": " + str(igrac[POENI])
    slika_teksta = font.render(tekst, True, pg.Color("black"))
    prozor.blit(slika_teksta, (igrac[X_TEKST], igrac[Y_TEKST]))
def nov_frejm():
def obradi_dogadjaj(dogadjaj):
    global covek, racunar
    if dogadjaj.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
        pkm = {pg.K_p : PAPIR, pg.K_k : KAMEN, pg.K_m : MAKAZE}
        if dogadjaj.key in pkm.keys():
            covek[IZBOR] = pkm[dogadjaj.key]
            racunar[IZBOR] = random.randint(0, 2)
            if racunar[IZBOR] == (covek[IZBOR] + 1) % 3:
                covek[POENI] += 1
            elif covek[IZBOR] == (racunar[IZBOR] + 1) % 3:
                racunar[POENI] += 1
pygamebg.frame_loop(15, nov_frejm, obradi_dogadjaj)
Ejemplo n.º 2
sunce_slika = pg.image.load("sun.png")  # slika sunca
avion_slika = pg.image.load("airplane.png")  # slika aviona
avion_sirina = avion_slika.get_width()  # sirina slike aviona
avion_visina = avion_slika.get_height()  # visina slike aviona

# položaj aviona - na pocetku sredina leve ivice prozora
(avion_x, avion_y) = (0, (visina - avion_visina) // 2)
i_frejm = 0

def nov_frejm():
    global avion_x, avion_y, i_frejm  # menjacemo položaj aviona i brojac frejmova
    i_frejm = (i_frejm + 1) % UKUPNO_FREJMOVA
    if i_frejm < KRAJ_PRVE_FAZE:
        avion_y -= 2  # u prvoj fazi pomeramo avion 1 piksel na gore
        avion_y += 2  # u drugoj fazi pomeramo avion 1 piksel na dole

    avion_x += 2  # pomeramo avion 1 piksel na desno
    if avion_x > sirina:
        avion_x = -avion_sirina

    prozor.fill(pg.Color("skyblue"))  # bojimo pozadinu u plavo
    prozor.blit(sunce_slika, (0, 0))  # crtamo sunce
    prozor.blit(avion_slika, (avion_x, avion_y))  # crtamo avion

pygamebg.frame_loop(50, nov_frejm)
import pygame as pg, pygamebg

(sirina, visina) = (750, 150)
prozor = pygamebg.open_window(sirina, visina, "Прича")

font = pg.font.SysFont("Century", 40)  # font kojim će biti prikazan tekst
uvod = "Ово је једна стара прича"
nastavak = " о једном човеку, који је желео да му неко исприча причу"
br_slova_za_prikaz = 33
vidljivi_tekst = (uvod + nastavak)[0:br_slova_za_prikaz]
poz_sledeceg_slova = br_slova_za_prikaz - len(uvod)
fps = 5
i_frejm = 0

def nov_frejm():
    global vidljivi_tekst, poz_sledeceg_slova, i_frejm

    i_frejm += 1
    if i_frejm > 8:
        vidljivi_tekst = vidljivi_tekst[1:] + nastavak[poz_sledeceg_slova]
        poz_sledeceg_slova = (poz_sledeceg_slova + 1) % len(nastavak)

    prozor.fill(pg.Color("skyblue"))  # bojimo pozadinu
    # gradimo sličicu од tekstа i prikazujemo je
    slika_teksta = font.render(vidljivi_tekst, True, pg.Color("black"))
    prozor.blit(slika_teksta, (50, 50))

pygamebg.frame_loop(fps, nov_frejm)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    # ima li sudara?
    for bot_red, bot_kol in botovi:
        if bot_red == igrac_red and bot_kol == igrac_kol:
            kraj, pobeda = True, False
    if cilj_red == igrac_red and cilj_kol == igrac_kol:
        kraj, pobeda = True, True

    prozor.fill(pg.Color("gray"))  # bojimo prozor u sivo

    if kraj:
        if pobeda:
            sl = font.render('Браво!', True, pg.Color("red"))
            sl = font.render('Штета!', True, pg.Color("blue"))
        prozor.blit(sl, (0, 0))
        # crtamo 'igraca'
        (x, y) = (igrac_kol * a + a // 2, igrac_red * a + a // 2)
        pg.draw.circle(prozor, pg.Color('yellow'), (x, y), a // 3)

        (x, y) = (cilj_kol * a + a // 2, cilj_red * a + a // 2)
        pg.draw.circle(prozor, pg.Color('white'), (x, y), a // 5)

        # crtamo botove
        for bot_red, bot_kol in botovi:
            (x, y) = (bot_kol * a + a // 2, bot_red * a + a // 2)
            pg.draw.circle(prozor, pg.Color('black'), (x, y), a // 5)

pygamebg.frame_loop(15, nov_frejm)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    message = "Well done!"  # message to be displayed
    text_image = font.render(message, True, pg.Color("black"))
     text_height) = (text_image.get_width(), text_image.get_height()
                     )  # determine text size
    (x, y) = ((width - text_width) / 2, (height - text_height) / 2
              )  # we set position so that text is centered
                (x, y))  # display text image at approptiate position

def new_frame():
    if not puzzle_solved():  # puzzle not solved yet, displayi it
    else:  # puzzle is solved, congratulating

def handle_event(event):
    global row, col, puzzle
    if puzzle_solved():  # if puzzle is solved, don't handle events
    if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:  # mouse click
        (x, y) = event.pos  # the coordinates that were clicked
        row = y // ROW_HEIGHT  # row that were clicked
        col = x // COL_WIDTH  # column that were clicked
        move_hole(row, col)

pygamebg.frame_loop(15, new_frame, handle_event)
Ejemplo n.º 6
import pygame as pg, pygamebg
canvas = pygamebg.open_window(400, 400, "Background color")

shade = 128

def new_frame():
    global shade
    pressed_mouse_button = pg.mouse.get_pressed()
    if pressed_mouse_button[0] and shade < 255:  # 0 is left button
        shade += 1
    if pressed_mouse_button[2] and shade > 0:  # 2 is ringt button
        shade -= 1

    color = (shade, shade, shade)

pygamebg.frame_loop(100, new_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 7
yellow_off = (128, 128, 0)
green_on = (0, 255, 0)
green_off = (0, 128, 0)

i_frame = 0
fps = 10

def draw_trafficlights(color_up, color_middle, color_down):
    pg.draw.circle(canvas, color_up, (x, y[0]), r)
    pg.draw.circle(canvas, color_middle, (x, y[1]), r)
    pg.draw.circle(canvas, color_down, (x, y[2]), r)

def new_frame():
    global i_frame
    i_frame = (i_frame + 1) % total_frames

    canvas.fill(pg.Color("darkgray"))  # paint background
    if i_frame < stage_end[0]:  # if the frame belongs to stage 'red'
        draw_trafficlights(red_on, yellow_off, green_off)
    elif i_frame < stage_end[1]:  # if the frame belongs to stage 'red_yellow'
        draw_trafficlights(red_on, yellow_on, green_off)
    elif i_frame < stage_end[2]:  # if the frame belongs to stage 'green'
        draw_trafficlights(red_off, yellow_off, green_on)
    else:  # frame belongs to the last stage ('yellow')
        draw_trafficlights(red_off, yellow_on, green_off)

pygamebg.frame_loop(fps, new_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        x1 += velocity1
    if pressed[pygame.K_a]:
        x1 -= velocity1
    if pressed[pygame.K_s]:
        y1 += velocity1
    if pressed[pygame.K_w]:
        y1 -= velocity1
    if x1 > 690:
        root = tkinter.Tk()
        messagebox.showinfo("Pobeda!", "Drugi igrač je pobedio")
        raise Exception()
    pygame.draw.circle(prozor, pygame.Color("magenta"), (x1, y1), 30)

pygamebg.frame_loop(30, update)
while running:
    ev = pygame.event.get()
    for event in ev:
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                running = False
        elif event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            running = False
        elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
        elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
Ejemplo n.º 9
prozor = pygamebg.open_window(500, 500, "Increasing and decreasing speed")

x = 150
y = 150
vx = 0
vy = 0

fps = 30

def osvezi():
    global x,y,vx,vy
    pritisnuto = pg.key.get_pressed()
    if pritisnuto[pg.K_RIGHT]:
        vx += 1
    if pritisnuto[pg.K_LEFT]:
        vx -= 1
    if pritisnuto[pg.K_DOWN]:
        vy += 1
    if pritisnuto[pg.K_UP]:
        vy -= 1

    x = (x + vx/fps) % sirina
    y = (y + vy/fps) % visina

    boja = pg.Color("red")
    pg.draw.circle(prozor, boja, (int(x), int(y)), 30)

pygamebg.frame_loop(fps, osvezi)
Ejemplo n.º 10
fps = 30
x, y = 150, 150
vx, vy = 0, 0

def update():
    global x, y
    x = (x + vx / fps) % width
    y = (y + vy / fps) % height

    color = pg.Color("red")
    pg.draw.circle(surface, color, (int(x), int(y)), 30)

def handle_event(d):
    global vx, vy
    if d.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
        if d.key == pg.K_RIGHT:
            vx += 1
        elif d.key == pg.K_LEFT:
            vx -= 1
        elif d.key == pg.K_DOWN:
            vy += 1
        elif d.key == pg.K_UP:
            vy -= 1

pygamebg.frame_loop(fps, update, handle_event)
Ejemplo n.º 11
import pygamebg
import random

#inicijalizacija prozora
(sirina, visina) = (400, 400)
prozor = pg.display.set_mode((sirina, visina))

#odredjivanje broja kvadrata po kolonama i njihova velicina
broj_kvadrata = 10
a = int(sirina / broj_kvadrata)

#funkcija koja će u dati neku nasumičnu boju u RGB obliku
def nasumicna_boja():
    return (random.randint(0,
                           255), random.randint(0,
                                                255), random.randint(0, 255))

#funkcija koja iscrtava mrežu kvadrata nasumičnih boja
def crtaj():
    for i in range(broj_kvadrata):
        for j in range(broj_kvadrata):
            pg.draw.rect(prozor, nasumicna_boja(), (j * a, i * a, a, a))

#funkciju crtaj ćemo pozivati svake sekunde pa će se tako menjati boja kvadrata
pygamebg.frame_loop(1, crtaj)
Ejemplo n.º 12
(sirina, visina) = (500, 300)  # otvaramo prozor
prozor = pygamebg.open_window(sirina, visina, "Auto i avion")

avion_slika = pg.image.load("../images/avion.png")
(avion_x, avion_y) = (0, 0)#avion se pojavljuje u gornjem levom uglu

auto_slika = pg.image.load("../images/auto.png")
(auto_x, auto_y) = (0, visina - auto_slika.get_height())#auto se pojavljuje u donjem levom uglu

def crtaj():
    prozor.blit(avion_slika, (avion_x, avion_y)) # crtamo avion
    prozor.blit(auto_slika, (auto_x, auto_y))  # crtamo auto

def novi_frejm():
    global avion_x, avion_y, auto_x, auto_y

    # pomeramo avion
    avion_x += 2
    if avion_x > sirina:
        avion_x = - avion_slika.get_width()

    # pomeramo auto
    auto_x += 2
    if auto_x > sirina:
        auto_x = - auto_slika.get_width()


pygamebg.frame_loop(100, novi_frejm)
Ejemplo n.º 13
width, height = 500, 300
surface = pygamebg.open_window(width, width, "Increasing and decreasing speed")

fps = 30
x, y = 150, 150
vx, vy = 0, 0

def update():
    global x,y
    x = (x + vx/fps) % width
    y = (y + vy/fps) % height

    color = pg.Color("red")
    pg.draw.circle(surface, color, (int(x), int(y)), 30)

def keydown(e):
    global vx, vy
    if e.key == pg.K_RIGHT:
        vx += 1
    elif e.key == pg.K_LEFT:
        vx -= 1
    elif e.key == pg.K_DOWN:
        vy += 1
    elif e.key == pg.K_UP:
        vy -= 1

pygamebg.frame_loop(fps, update, {pg.KEYDOWN: keydown})
Ejemplo n.º 14
        font = pg.font.SysFont("Arial", 60)
        image_text = font.render("The end!", True, pg.Color("black"))
        x = (width - image_text.get_width()) // 2
        y = (height - image_text.get_height()) // 2
        canvas.blit(image_text, (x, y))
        # draw snakes
        for color, body, direction, keys, i_head in snakes:                
            for row, col in body:
                pg.draw.rect(canvas, color, (col*a, row*a, a, a))

def new_frame():
    global snakes, done
    pressed = pg.key.get_pressed()
    for i_snake in range(2):
        color, body, (d_row, d_col), keys, i_head = snakes[i_snake]
        if pressed[keys[LEFT]]:  (d_row, d_col) = (0, -1)
        if pressed[keys[RIGHT]]: (d_row, d_col) = (0, 1)
        if pressed[keys[UP]]:  (d_row, d_col) = (-1, 0)
        if pressed[keys[DOWN]]:  (d_row, d_col) = (1, 0)        
        row, col = body[i_head]
        i_head = (i_head + 1) % len(body)
        body[i_head] = (row + d_row, col + d_col)
        if col < 0 or col >= num_cols or row < 0 or row >= num_rows:
            done = True  # the snake came out of the board
        snakes[i_snake] = color, body, (d_row, d_col), keys, i_head


pygamebg.frame_loop(3, new_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 15
laser_on = False
energy = 25 # how full is the laser from 0 to 100

def draw():
    canvas.fill(pg.Color("black")) # background
    # the indicator shows how full the laser is
    pg.draw.rect(canvas, pg.Color("green"), (10, 10, 100, 10), 1)
    pg.draw.rect(canvas, pg.Color("green"), (10, 10, energy, 10))
    if laser_on:
        reach = (4 * energy, height - 4 * energy)
        pg.draw.line(canvas, pg.Color("red"), (0, height), reach, 5)

def new_frame():
    global energy, laser_on
    pressed_mouse_button = pg.mouse.get_pressed()
    laser_on = pressed_mouse_button[0] # left button
    if laser_on:
        if energy > 0:  # if the laser did not empty
            energy -= 1 # it empties
        # the laser is charged, but up to the maximum of 100
        energy = min(energy + 2, 100)


pygamebg.frame_loop(15, new_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 16
import pygame as pg, pygamebg
(width, height) = (400, 400)
canvas = pygamebg.open_window(width, height, "Ball following the mouse")

(x, y) = (width // 2, height // 2) # ball starts from center of the window

def new_frame():
    global x, y
    (xm, ym) = pg.mouse.get_pos()     # mouse position coordinates 
    # displacement is the tenth of the distance to the mouse
    dx = 0.1 * (xm - x)
    dy = 0.1 * (ym - y)
    pressed_mouse_button = pg.mouse.get_pressed()
    if pressed_mouse_button[0]:
        x, y = x - dx, y - dy # ball moves away from the mouse
        x, y = x + dx, y + dy # ball moves towards the mouse

    # draw a green ball on a white background
    pg.draw.circle(canvas, pg.Color("green"), (int(x), int(y)), 10)

pygamebg.frame_loop(50, new_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 17
import pygame as pg, pygamebg, random
(sirina, visina) = (400, 400)
prozor = pygamebg.open_window(sirina, visina, "Лептир прати миша")

leptir_slike = [pg.image.load("butterfly1.png"), pg.image.load("butterfly2.png")]
i_frejm = 0
frejmova_po_slici = 10

def nov_frejm():
    global i_frejm
    i_frejm += 1
    i_slika = (i_frejm % (len(leptir_slike) * frejmova_po_slici)) // frejmova_po_slici
    (mis_x, mis_y) = pg.mouse.get_pos()

    slika = leptir_slike[i_slika] # slika koja se prikazuje
    # prikazujemo sliku centrirano
    (x, y) = (mis_x - slika.get_width() / 2, mis_y - slika.get_height() / 2)
    prozor.blit(slika, (x, y))

pygamebg.frame_loop(5 * frejmova_po_slici, nov_frejm)