Ejemplo n.º 1
    def getview(self, view, pbar):

        import numpy as np
        from pygeode.view import View, simplify
        out = np.empty(view.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        out[()] = float('nan')
        out_axes = view.clip().axes
        # Loop over all available files.
        N = 0  # Number of points covered so far
        for filename, opener, axes in self._table:
            subaxes = [
                self._axis_manager._get_axis_intersection([a1, a2])
                for a1, a2 in zip(out_axes, axes)
            reorder = []
            mask = []
            if any(len(a) == 0 for a in subaxes): continue
            for a1, a2 in zip(out_axes, subaxes):
                # Figure out where the input chunk fits into the output
                re = np.searchsorted(a2.values, a1.values)
                # Mask out elements that we don't actually have in the chunk
                m = [
                    r < len(a2.values) and a2.values[r] == v
                    for r, v in zip(re, a1.values)
                m = np.array(m)
                # Convert mask to integer indices
                m = np.arange(len(m))[m]
                # and then to a slice (where possible)
                m = simplify(m)
                re = re[m]
                # Try to simplify the re-ordering array
                if np.all(re == np.sort(re)):
                    re = simplify(re)
            var = [v for v in opener(filename) if v.name == self._varname][0]
            v = View(subaxes)
            chunk = v.get(var)
            # Note: this may break if there is more than one axis with integer indices.
            assert len([
                r for r in reorder if isinstance(r, (tuple, np.ndarray))
            ]) <= 1, "Unhandled advanced indexing case."
            assert len([m for m in mask if isinstance(m, (tuple, np.ndarray))
                        ]) <= 1, "Unhandled advanced indexing case."
            out[mask] = chunk[reorder]
            N = N + chunk.size
            pbar.update(100. * N / out.size)

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def getview (self, view, pbar):

    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.view import View, simplify
    out = np.empty(view.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
    out[()] = float('nan')
    out_axes = view.clip().axes
    # Loop over all available files.
    N = 0  # Number of points covered so far
    for filename, opener, axes in self._table:
      subaxes = [self._axis_manager._get_axis_intersection([a1,a2]) for a1,a2 in zip(out_axes,axes)]
      reorder = []
      mask = []
      if any(len(a)==0 for a in subaxes): continue
      for a1,a2 in zip(out_axes,subaxes):
        # Figure out where the input chunk fits into the output
        re = np.searchsorted(a2.values, a1.values)
        # Mask out elements that we don't actually have in the chunk
        m = [r<len(a2.values) and a2.values[r]==v for r,v in zip(re,a1.values)]
        m = np.array(m)
        # Convert mask to integer indices
        m = np.arange(len(m))[m]
        # and then to a slice (where possible)
        m = simplify(m)
        re = re[m]
        # Try to simplify the re-ordering array
        if np.all(re == np.sort(re)):
          re = simplify(re)
      var = [v for v in opener(filename) if v.name == self._varname][0]
      v = View(subaxes)
      chunk = v.get(var)
      # Note: this may break if there is more than one axis with integer indices.
      assert len([r for r in reorder if isinstance(r,(tuple,np.ndarray))]) <= 1, "Unhandled advanced indexing case."
      assert len([m for m in mask if isinstance(m,(tuple,np.ndarray))]) <= 1, "Unhandled advanced indexing case."
      out[mask] = chunk[reorder]
      N = N + chunk.size

    return out