Ejemplo n.º 1
    def register(self, item):
        '''Registed a new item.

           @arg item: The item (any C{type}).

           @return: The item name (C{str}).

           @raise NameError: An B{C{item}} already registered with
                             that name or the B{C{item}} has no, an
                             empty or an invalid name.

           @raise TypeError: The B{C{item}} type invalid.
        if not (self._item_classes and isinstance(item, self._item_classes)):
            raise TypeError('%s: %r' % (_dot_('item', 'type'), item))

            n = item.name
            if not (n and n.replace('_', '').isalnum() and isstr(n)):
                raise ValueError
        except (AttributeError, ValueError):
            raise NameError('%s %s: %r' %
                            (_dot_('item', 'name'), 'invalid', item))
        if n in self:
            raise NameError('%s %s: %r' % (self._dot_(n), 'exists', item))
        self[n] = item
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _xUnit(units, Base):  # in .frechet,  .hausdorff
    '''(INTERNAL) Get C{Unit} from C{Unit} or C{name}, ortherwise C{Base}.
    if not issubclassof(Base, _NamedUnit):
        raise _IsnotError(_NamedUnit.__name__, Base=Base)
    U = globals().get(units.capitalize(), Base) if isstr(units) else (
        units if issubclassof(units, Base) else Base)
    return U if issubclassof(U, Base) else Base
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __new__(cls, cll, precision=3, name=NN):
        '''New L{Georef} from an other L{Georef} instance or georef
           C{str} or from a C{LatLon} instance or lat-/longitude C{str}.

           @arg cll: Cell or location (L{Georef} or C{str}, C{LatLon}
                     or C{str}).
           @kwarg precision: Optional, the desired georef resolution
                             and length (C{int} 0..11), see function
                             L{wgrs.encode} for more details.
           @kwarg name: Optional name (C{str}).

           @return: New L{Georef}.

           @raise RangeError: Invalid B{C{cll}} lat- or longitude.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{cll}}.

           @raise WGRSError: INValid or non-alphanumeric B{C{cll}}.
        h = None

        if isinstance(cll, Georef):
            g, p = _2geostr2(str(cll))
            self = Str.__new__(cls, g)
            self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(*cll._latlon)
            self._precision = p  # cll._precision
            if cll._name:
                self._name = cll._name

        elif isstr(cll):
            if ',' in cll:
                lat, lon, h = _2fllh(*parse3llh(cll, height=None))
                g = encode(lat, lon, precision=precision,
                           height=h)  # PYCHOK false
                self = Str.__new__(cls, g)
                self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)
                self = Str.__new__(cls, cll.upper())

        else:  # assume LatLon
                lat, lon, h = _2fllh(cll.lat, cll.lon)
                h = getattr(cll, _height_, h)
            except AttributeError:
                raise _xStrError(Georef, cll=cll)  # Error=WGRSError
            g = encode(lat, lon, precision=precision, height=h)  # PYCHOK false
            self = Str.__new__(cls, g)
            self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)

        if h not in (None, MISSING):
            self._height = Height(h)
        if self._precision is None:
            self._precision = _2Precision(precision)

        if name:
            self.name = name
        return self
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _DDDMMSS_(strDDDMMSS, suffix, sep, clip):
        S = suffix.upper()
        if isstr(strDDDMMSS):
            t = strDDDMMSS.strip()
            if sep:
                t = t.replace(sep, NN).strip()

            s = t[:1]  # sign or digit
            P = t[-1:]  # compass point, digit or dot

            t = t.lstrip(_PLUSMINUS_).rstrip(S).strip()
            f = t.split(_DOT_)
            d = len(f[0])
            f = NN.join(f)
            if 1 < d < 8 and f.isdigit() and (
                (P in S and s.isdigit()) or
                (P.isdigit() and s in '-0123456789+'  # PYCHOK indent
                 and S in ((_NS_, _EW_) + _WINDS))):
                # check [D]DDMMSS form and compass point
                X = _EW_ if (d & 1) else _NS_
                if not (P in X or (S in X and (P.isdigit() or P == _DOT_))):
                    t = 'DDDMMSS'[d & 1 ^ 1:d | 1], X[:1], X[1:]
                    raise ParseError('form %s applies %s-%s' % t)
                f = 0  # fraction
            else:  # try other forms
                return _DMS2deg(strDDDMMSS, S, sep, clip)

        else:  # float or int to [D]DDMMSS[.fff]
            f = float(strDDDMMSS)
            s = _MINUS_ if f < 0 else NN
            P = _0_  # anything except _SW_
            f, i = modf(abs(f))
            t = Fmt.f(i, prec=0)  # str(i) == 'i.0'
            d = len(t)
            # bump number of digits to match
            # the given, valid compass point
            if S in (_NS_ if (d & 1) else _EW_):
                t = _0_ + t
                d += 1
            #   P = S
            # elif d > 1:
            #   P = (_EW_ if (d & 1) else _NS_)[0]

        if d < 4:  # [D]DD[.ddd]
            if f:
                t = float(t) + f
            t = t, 0, 0
            f += float(t[d - 2:])
            if d < 6:  # [D]DDMM[.mmm]
                t = t[:d - 2], f, 0
            else:  # [D]DDMMSS[.sss]
                t = t[:d - 4], t[d - 4:d - 2], f
        d = _dms2deg(s, P, *map2(float, t))

        return clipDegrees(d, float(clip)) if clip else d
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __new__(cls, cll, precision=1, name=NN):
        '''New L{Garef} from an other L{Garef} instance or garef
           C{str} or from a C{LatLon} instance or lat-/longitude C{str}.

           @arg cll: Cell or location (L{Garef} or C{str}, C{LatLon}
                     or C{str}).
           @kwarg precision: Optional, the desired garef resolution
                             and length (C{int} 0..2), see function
                             L{gars.encode} for more details.
           @kwarg name: Optional name (C{str}).

           @return: New L{Garef}.

           @raise RangeError: Invalid B{C{cll}} lat- or longitude.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{cll}}.

           @raise GARSError: INValid or non-alphanumeric B{C{cll}}.
        if isinstance(cll, Garef):
            g, p = _2garstr2(str(cll))
            self = Str.__new__(cls, g)
            self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(*cll._latlon)
            self._name = cll._name
            self._precision = p  # cll._precision

        elif isstr(cll):
            if ',' in cll:
                lat, lon = _2fll(*parse3llh(cll))
                cll = encode(lat, lon, precision=precision)  # PYCHOK false
                self = Str.__new__(cls, cll)
                self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)
                self = Str.__new__(cls, cll.upper())

        else:  # assume LatLon
                lat, lon = _2fll(cll.lat, cll.lon)
            except AttributeError:
                raise _xStrError(Garef, cll=cll)  # Error=GARSError
            cll = encode(lat, lon, precision=precision)  # PYCHOK false
            self = Str.__new__(cls, cll)
            self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)

        if self._precision is None:
            self._precision = _2Precision(precision)

        if name:
            self.name = name
        return self
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _xUnits(units, Base=_NamedUnit):  # in .frechet, .hausdorff
    '''(INTERNAL) Set property C{units} as C{Unit} or C{Str}.
    if not issubclassof(Base, _NamedUnit):
        raise _IsnotError(_NamedUnit.__name__, Base=Base)
    elif issubclassof(units, Base):
        return units
    elif isstr(units):
        return Str(
            name=_units_)  # XXX Str to _Pass and for backward compatibility
        raise _IsnotError(Base.__name__,
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _to3zBhp(zone,
             Error=_ValueError):  # imported by .epsg, .ups, .utm, .utmups
    '''Parse UTM/UPS zone, Band letter and hemisphere/pole letter.

       @arg zone: Zone with/-out Band (C{scalar} or C{str}).
       @kwarg band: Optional (longitudinal/polar) Band letter (C{str}).
       @kwarg hemipole: Optional hemisphere/pole letter (C{str}).
       @kwarg Error: Optional error to raise, overriding the default

       @return: 3-Tuple (C{zone, Band, hemisphere/pole}) as (C{int,
                str, 'N'|'S'}) where C{zone} is C{0} for UPS or
                C{1..60} for UTM and C{Band} is C{'A'..'Z'} I{NOT}
                checked for valid UTM/UPS bands.

       @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{zone}}, B{C{band}} or B{C{hemipole}}.
        B, z = band, _UTMUPS_ZONE_INVALID
        if isscalar(zone):
            z = int(zone)
        elif zone and isstr(zone):
            if zone.isdigit():
                z = int(zone)
            elif len(zone) > 1:
                B = zone[-1:]
                z = int(zone[:-1])
            elif zone in 'AaBbYyZz':  # single letter
                B = zone
                z = _UPS_ZONE

        if _UTMUPS_ZONE_MIN <= z <= _UTMUPS_ZONE_MAX:
            hp = hemipole[:1].upper()
            if hp in _NS_ or not hp:
                z = Zone(z)
                B = Band(B.upper())
                if B.isalpha():
                    return z, B, (hp or _NS_[B < _N_])
                elif not B:
                    return z, B, hp

        t = _invalid_
    except (AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError, ValueError) as x:
        t = str(x)  # no Python 3+ exception chaining
    raise Error(zone=zone, band=B, hemipole=hemipole, txt=t)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __new__(cls, cll, precision=None, name=NN):
        '''New L{Geohash} from an other L{Geohash} instance or C{str}
           or from a C{LatLon} instance or C{str}.

           @arg cll: Cell or location (L{Geohash} or C{str}, C{LatLon}
                     or C{str}).
           @kwarg precision: Optional, the desired geohash length (C{int}
                             1..12), see function L{geohash.encode} for
                             some examples.
           @kwarg name: Optional name (C{str}).

           @return: New L{Geohash}.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{cll}}.

           @raise GeohashError: INValid or non-alphanumeric B{C{cll}}.
        if isinstance(cll, Geohash):
            gh = _2geostr(str(cll))
            self = Str.__new__(cls, gh)

        elif isstr(cll):
            if ',' in cll:
                lat, lon = _2fll(*parse3llh(cll))
                gh = encode(lat, lon, precision=precision)
                self = Str.__new__(cls, gh)
                self._latlon = lat, lon
                gh = _2geostr(cll)
                self = Str.__new__(cls, gh)

        else:  # assume LatLon
                lat, lon = _2fll(cll.lat, cll.lon)
            except AttributeError:
                raise _xStrError(Geohash, cll=cll)  # Error=GeohashError
            gh = encode(lat, lon, precision=precision)
            self = Str.__new__(cls, gh)
            self._latlon = lat, lon

        if name:
            self.name = name
        return self
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __new__(cls, eisu, name=NN):
        '''New L{Epsg} (I{European Petroleum Survey Group}) code from a
           UTM/USP coordinate or other EPSG code.

           @arg eisu: Other code (L{Epsg}, C{int}, C{str}, L{Utm} or L{Ups}).

           @return: New L{Epsg}.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{eisu}}.

           @raise EPSGError: Invalid B{C{eisu}}.
        if isinstance(eisu, Epsg):
            self = int.__new__(cls, int(eisu))
            self._band = eisu.band
            self._epsg = self  # XXX eisu
            self._hemisphere = eisu.hemisphere
            self._utmups = eisu.utmups
            self._zone = eisu.zone
            if eisu.name:
                self.name = eisu.name

        elif isint(eisu):
            self = int.__new__(cls, eisu)
            self._epsg = eisu
            self._zone, self._hemisphere = decode2(eisu)  # PYCHOK UtmUps2Tuple

        elif isstr(eisu):
            self = encode(eisu)

            u = eisu
            _xinstanceof(Utm, Ups, eisu=u)
            self = encode(u.zone, hemipole=u.hemisphere,
                          band=u.band)  # PYCHOK **kwds
            self._utmups = u
            if u.name:
                self.name = u.name

        if name:
            self.name = name
        return self
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _to3zBhp(zone, band, hemipole=''):  # imported by .epsg, .ups, .utm, .utmups
    '''Parse UTM/UPS zone, Band letter and hemisphere/pole letter.

       @arg zone: Zone with/-out Band (C{scalar} or C{str}).
       @kwarg band: Optional (longitudinal/polar) Band letter (C{str}).
       @kwarg hemipole: Optional hemisphere/pole letter (C{str}).

       @return: 3-Tuple (C{zone, Band, hemisphere/pole}) as (C{int,
                str, 'N'|'S'}) where C{zone} is C{0} for UPS or
                C{1..60} for UTM and C{Band} is C{'A'..'Z'} I{NOT}
                checked for valid UTM/UPS bands.

       @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{zone}}, B{C{band}} or B{C{hemipole}}.
    B = band
        if isscalar(zone) or zone.isdigit():
            z = int(zone)
        elif zone and isstr(zone):
            if len(zone) > 1:
                B = zone[-1:]
                z = int(zone[:-1])
            elif zone in 'AaBbYyZz':  # single letter
                B = zone
                z = _UPS_ZONE

        if _UTMUPS_ZONE_MIN <= z <= _UTMUPS_ZONE_MAX:
            hp = hemipole[:1].upper()
            if hp in ('N', 'S') or not hp:
                B = B.upper()
                if B.isalpha():
                    return z, B, (hp or ('S' if B < 'N' else 'N'))
                elif not B:
                    return z, B, hp

    except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError):
    raise ValueError('%s invalid: %r' % (_or('zone', 'band', 'hemipole'),
                                             (zone,   B,      hemipole)))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def unregister(self, name_or_item):
        '''Remove a registered item.

           @arg name_or_item: Name (C{str}) of or the item (any C{type}).

           @return: The unregistered item.

           @raise NameError: No item with that B{C{name}}.

           @raise ValueError: No such item.
        name = self.find(name_or_item)
        if name is None:
            if not isstr(name_or_item):
                raise _ValueError(name_or_item=name_or_item)
            name = name_or_item
            item = dict.pop(self, name)
        except KeyError:
            raise _NameError(item=self._dot_(name), txt=_doesn_t_exist_)
        item._enum = None
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def register(self, item):
        '''Registed a new item.

           @arg item: The item (any C{type}).

           @return: The item name (C{str}).

           @raise NameError: An B{C{item}} already registered with
                             that name or the B{C{item}} has no, an
                             empty or an invalid name.

           @raise TypeError: The B{C{item}} type invalid.
            n = item.name
            if not (n and n.replace(_UNDERSCORE_, NN).isalnum() and isstr(n)):
                raise ValueError
        except (AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError) as x:
            raise _NameError(_dot_('item', _name_), item, txt=str(x))
        if n in self:
            raise _NameError(self._dot_(n), item, txt='exists')
        if not (self._item_Classes and isinstance(item, self._item_Classes)):
            raise _TypesError(self._dot_(n), item, *self._item_Classes)
        self[n] = item
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def register(self, item):
        '''Registed a new item.

           @arg item: The item (any C{type}).

           @return: The item name (C{str}).

           @raise NameError: An B{C{item}} already registered with
                             that name or the B{C{item}} has no, an
                             empty or an invalid name.

           @raise TypeError: The B{C{item}} type invalid.
            n = item.name
            if not (n and isstr(n) and isidentifier(n)):
                raise ValueError
        except (AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError) as x:
            raise _NameError(_DOT_(_item_, _name_), item, txt=str(x))
        if n in self:
            raise _NameError(self._DOT_(n), item, txt=_exists_)
        if not (self._item_Classes and isinstance(item, self._item_Classes)):
            raise _TypesError(self._DOT_(n), item, *self._item_Classes)
        self[n] = item
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _xvalid(name, _OK=False):
    '''(INTERNAL) Check valid attribute name C{name}.
    return True if (name and isstr(name) and name != _name_ and
                    (_OK or not name.startswith(_UNDER_)) and
                    (not iskeyword(name)) and isidentifier(name)) else False