Ejemplo n.º 1
def radical2(distance, radius1, radius2):
    '''Compute the I{radical ratio} and I{radical line} of two
       U{intersecting circles<https://MathWorld.Wolfram.com/

       The I{radical line} is perpendicular to the axis thru the
       centers of the circles at C{(0, 0)} and C{(B{distance}, 0)}.

       @arg distance: Distance between the circle centers (C{scalar}).
       @arg radius1: Radius of the first circle (C{scalar}).
       @arg radius2: Radius of the second circle (C{scalar}).

       @return: A L{Radical2Tuple}C{(ratio, xline)} where C{0.0 <=
                ratio <= 1.0} and C{xline} is along the B{C{distance}}.

       @raise IntersectionError: The B{C{distance}} exceeds the sum
                                 of B{C{radius1}} and B{C{radius2}}.

       @raise UnitError: Invalid B{C{distance}}, B{C{radius1}} or
    d  = Distance_(distance)
    r1 = Radius_(radius1=radius1)
    r2 = Radius_(radius2=radius2)
    if d > (r1 + r2):
        raise IntersectionError(distance=d, radius1=r1, radius2=r2,
    return _radical2(d, r1, r2)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def boundsOf(self, wide, high, radius=R_M):
        '''Return the SE and NW lat-/longitude of a great circle
           bounding box centered at this location.

           @arg wide: Longitudinal box width (C{meter}, same units as
                      B{C{radius}} or C{degrees} if B{C{radius}} is C{None}).
           @arg high: Latitudinal box height (C{meter}, same units as
                      B{C{radius}} or C{degrees} if B{C{radius}} is C{None}).
           @kwarg radius: Mean earth radius (C{meter}).

           @return: A L{Bounds2Tuple}C{(latlonSW, latlonNE)}, the
                    lower-left and upper-right corner (C{LatLon}).

           @see: U{https://www.Movable-Type.co.UK/scripts/latlong-db.html}
        w = Scalar_(wide, name='wide') * _0_5
        h = Scalar_(high, name='high') * _0_5
        if radius is not None:
            r = Radius_(radius)
            c = cos(self.phi)
            w = degrees(asin(w / r) / c) if c > EPS else _0_0  # XXX
            h = degrees(h / r)
        w, h = abs(w), abs(h)

        r = Bounds2Tuple(self.classof(self.lat - h, self.lon - w, height=self.height),
                         self.classof(self.lat + h, self.lon + w, height=self.height))
        return self._xnamed(r)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def intersections2(center1, radius1, center2, radius2, sphere=True,
                                                       Vector=None, **Vector_kwds):
    '''Compute the intersection of two spheres or circles, each defined
       by a center point and a radius.

       @arg center1: Center of the first sphere or circle (L{Vector3d},
                     C{Vector3Tuple} or C{Vector4Tuple}).
       @arg radius1: Radius of the first sphere or circle (same units as
                     the B{C{center1}} coordinates).
       @arg center2: Center of the second sphere or circle (L{Vector3d},
                     C{Vector3Tuple} or C{Vector4Tuple}).
       @arg radius2: Radius of the second sphere or circle (same units as
                     the B{C{center1}} and B{C{center2}} coordinates).
       @kwarg sphere: If C{True} compute the center and radius of the
                      intersection of two spheres.  If C{False}, ignore the
                      C{z}-component and compute the intersection of two
                      circles (C{bool}).
       @kwarg Vector: Class to return intersections (L{Vector3d} or
                      C{Vector3Tuple}) or C{None} for L{Vector3d}.
       @kwarg Vector_kwds: Optional, additional B{C{Vector}} keyword arguments,
                           ignored if C{B{Vector}=None}.

       @return: If B{C{sphere}} is C{True}, a 2-Tuple of the C{center} and
                C{radius} of the intersection of the spheres.  The C{radius}
                is C{0.0} for abutting spheres.

                If B{C{sphere}} is C{False}, a 2-tuple of the intersection
                points of two circles.  For abutting circles, both points
                are the same B{C{Vector}} instance.

       @raise IntersectionError: Concentric, invalid or non-intersecting
                                 spheres or circles.

       @raise UnitError: Invalid B{C{radius1}} or B{C{radius2}}.

       @see: U{Sphere-Sphere<https://MathWorld.Wolfram.com/Sphere-
             SphereIntersection.html>} and U{circle-circle
        return _intersects2(center1, Radius_(radius1=radius1),
                            center2, Radius_(radius2=radius2),
                            sphere=sphere, Vector=Vector, **Vector_kwds)
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as x:
        raise IntersectionError(center1=center1, radius1=radius1,
                                center2=center2, radius2=radius2, txt=str(x))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _rads3(rad1, rad2, radius):  # in .sphericalTrigonometry
    '''(INTERNAL) Convert radii to radians.
    r1 = Radius_(rad1=rad1)
    r2 = Radius_(rad2=rad2)
    if radius is not None:  # convert radii to radians
        r = _1_0 / Radius_(radius=radius)
        r1 *= r
        r2 *= r

    x = r1 < r2
    if x:
        r1, r2 = r2, r1
    if r1 > PI:
        raise IntersectionError(rad1=rad1, rad2=rad2,
    return r1, r2, x
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _rads3(rad1, rad2, radius):  # in .sphericalTrigonometry
    '''(INTERNAL) Convert radii to radians.
    r1 = Radius_(rad1, name='rad1')
    r2 = Radius_(rad2, name='rad2')
    r = radius
    if r is not None:  # convert radii to radians
        r = 1.0 / Radius_(r, name=_radius_)
        r1 *= r
        r2 *= r

    if r1 < r2:
        r1, r2, r = r2, r1, True
        r = False
    if r1 > PI:
        raise IntersectionError(rad1=rad1, rad2=rad2, txt='exceeds PI radians')
    return r1, r2, r
Ejemplo n.º 6
def trilaterate3d2(center1, radius1, center2, radius2, center3, radius3,
                                     eps=EPS, Vector=None, **Vector_kwds):
    '''Trilaterate three spheres, each given as a (3d) center point and radius.

       @arg center1: Center of the 1st sphere (L{Vector3d}, C{Vector3Tuple}
                     or C{Vector4Tuple}).
       @arg radius1: Radius of the 1st sphere (same C{units} as C{x}, C{y}
                     and C{z}).
       @arg center2: Center of the 2nd sphere (L{Vector3d}, C{Vector3Tuple}
                     or C{Vector4Tuple}).
       @arg radius2: Radius of this sphere (same C{units} as C{x}, C{y}
                     and C{z}).
       @arg center3: Center of the 3rd sphere (L{Vector3d}, C{Vector3Tuple}
                     or C{Vector4Tuple}).
       @arg radius3: Radius of the 3rd sphere (same C{units} as C{x}, C{y}
                     and C{z}).
       @kwarg eps: Tolerance (C{scalar}), same units as C{x}, C{y}, and C{z}.
       @kwarg Vector: Class to return intersections (L{Vector3d} or
                      C{Vector3Tuple}) or C{None} for L{Vector3d}.
       @kwarg Vector_kwds: Optional, additional B{C{Vector}} keyword arguments,
                           ignored if C{B{Vector}=None}.

       @return: 2-Tuple with two trilaterated points, each a B{C{Vector}}
                instance.  Both points are the same instance if all three
                spheres abut/intersect in a single point.

       @raise ImportError: Package C{numpy} not found, not installed or
                           older than version 1.15.

       @raise IntersectionError: No intersection, colinear or concentric
                                 centers or trilateration failed some other way.

       @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{center1}}, B{C{center2}} or B{C{center3}}.

       @raise UnitError: Invalid B{C{radius1}}, B{C{radius2}} or B{C{radius3}}.

       @note: Package U{numpy<https://pypi.org/project/numpy>} is required,
              version 1.15 or later.

       @see: Norrdine, A. U{I{An Algebraic Solution to the Multilateration
             and U{I{implementation}<https://www.ResearchGate.net/publication/
        return _trilaterate3d2(_otherV3d(center1=center1),
                                Radius_(radius1=radius1, low=eps),
                                center2, radius2, center3, radius3,
                                eps=eps, Vector=Vector, **Vector_kwds)
    except (AssertionError, FloatingPointError) as x:
        raise IntersectionError(center1=center1, radius1=radius1,
                                center2=center2, radius2=radius2,
                                center3=center3, radius3=radius3,
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _trackDistanceTo3(self, start, end, radius, wrap):
        '''(INTERNAL) Helper for along-/crossTrackDistanceTo.
        self.others(start, name='start')
        self.others(end, name='end')

        r = Radius_(radius)
        r = start.distanceTo(self, r, wrap=wrap) / r

        b = radians(start.initialBearingTo(self, wrap=wrap))
        e = radians(start.initialBearingTo(end, wrap=wrap))
        x = asin(sin(r) * sin(b - e))
        return r, x, (e - b)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _intersections2(center1,
    # (INTERNAL) Iteratively compute the intersection points of two circles
    # each defined by an (ellipsoidal) center point and a radius, imported
    # by .ellipsoidalKarney and -Vincenty

    c1 = _xellipsoidal(center1=center1)
    c2 = c1.others(center2=center2)

    r1 = Radius_(radius1=radius1)
    r2 = Radius_(radius2=radius2)

        return _intersects2(c1,
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as x:
        raise IntersectionError(center1=center1,
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def trilaterate3d2(self, radius, center2, radius2, center3, radius3, eps=EPS):
        '''Trilaterate this and two other spheres, each given as a (3d) center and radius.

           @arg radius: Radius of this sphere (same C{units} as this C{x}, C{y}
                        and C{z}).
           @arg center2: Center of the 2nd sphere (L{Vector3d}, C{Vector3Tuple}
                         or C{Vector4Tuple}).
           @arg radius2: Radius of this sphere (same C{units} as this C{x}, C{y}
                         and C{z}).
           @arg center3: Center of the 3rd sphere (L{Vector3d}, C{Vector3Tuple}
                         or C{Vector4Tuple}).
           @arg radius3: Radius of the 3rd sphere (same C{units} as this C{x}, C{y}
                         and C{z}).
           @kwarg eps: Tolerance (C{scalar}), same units as C{x}, C{y}, and C{z}.

           @return: 2-Tuple with two trilaterated points, each an instance of this
                    L{Vector3d} (sub-)class.  Both points are the same instance if
                    all three spheres intersect or abut in a single point.

           @raise ImportError: Package C{numpy} not found, not installed or
                               older than version 1.15.

           @raise IntersectionError: No intersection, colinear or near concentric
                                     centers or trilateration failed some other way.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{center2}} or B{C{center3}}.

           @raise UnitError: Invalid B{C{radius}}, B{C{radius2}} or B{C{radius3}}.

           @note: Package U{numpy<https://pypi.org/project/numpy>} is required,
                  version 1.15 or later.

           @see: Norrdine, A. U{I{An Algebraic Solution to the Multilateration
                 and U{I{implementation}<https://www.ResearchGate.net/publication/
            return _trilaterate3d2(self if self.name else _otherV3d(center=self),
                                   Radius_(radius, low=eps),
                                   center2, radius2, center3, radius3,
                                   eps=eps, Vector=self.classof)
        except (AssertionError, FloatingPointError) as x:
            raise IntersectionError(center=self,     radius=radius,
                                    center2=center2, radius2=radius2,
                                    center3=center3, radius3=radius3,
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, x, y, radius=R_MA, name=NN):
        '''New L{Wm} Web Mercator (WM) coordinate.

           @arg x: Easting from central meridian (C{meter}).
           @arg y: Northing from equator (C{meter}).
           @kwarg radius: Optional earth radius (C{meter}).
           @kwarg name: Optional name (C{str}).

           @raise WebMercatorError: Invalid B{C{x}}, B{C{y}} or B{C{radius}}.


           >>> import pygeodesy
           >>> w = pygeodesy.Wm(448251, 5411932)
        self._x = Easting(x=x, Error=WebMercatorError)
        self._y = Northing(y=y, Error=WebMercatorError)
        self._radius = Radius_(radius, Error=WebMercatorError)

        if name:
            self.name = name
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _spherical_datum(radius, name=NN, raiser=False):
    '''(INTERNAL) Create a L{Datum} from an L{Ellipsoid}, L{Ellipsoid2} or scalar earth C{radius}.
        d = _ellipsoidal_datum(radius, name=name)
    except TypeError:
        d = None
    if d is None:
        if not isscalar(radius):
        n = _UNDERSCORE_ + name
        r = Radius_(radius, Error=TypeError)
        E = Ellipsoid(r, r, name=n)
        d = Datum(E, transform=Transforms.Identity, name=n)
    elif raiser and not d.isSpherical:  # raiser if no spherical
        raise _IsnotError(_spherical_, datum=radius)
    return d
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _trilaterate3d2(c1, r1, c2, r2, c3, r3, eps=EPS, Vector=None, **Vector_kwds):  # MCCABE 13
    # (INTERNAL) Intersect three spheres or circles, see L{trilaterate3d2}
    # above, separated to allow callers to embellish any exceptions

    def _0f3d(F):
        # map numpy 4-vector to floats and split
        F0, x, y, z = map(float, F)
        return F0, Vector3d(x, y, z)

    def _N3(t01, x, z):
        # compute x, y and z and return as Vector
        v = x.plus(z.times(t01))
        n = trilaterate3d2.__name__
        return _V_n(v, n, Vector, Vector_kwds)

    def _real_roots(numpy, *coeffs):
        # non-complex roots of a polynomial
        rs = numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyroots(coeffs)
        return tuple(float(r) for r in rs if not numpy.iscomplex(r))

    def _txt(c1, r1, c2, r2):
        # check for concentric or too distant spheres
        d = c1.minus(c2).length
        if d < abs(r1 - r2):
            t = _near_concentric_
        elif d > (r1 + r2):
            t = _too_(Fmt.distant(d))
            return NN
        return _SPACE_(c1.name, 'and', c2.name, t)

    np = Vector3d._numpy
    if np is None:  # get numpy, once or ImportError
        Vector3d._numpy = np = _xnumpy(trilaterate3d2, 1, 10)  # macOS' Python 2.7 numpy 1.8 OK

    c2 = _otherV3d(center2=c2)
    c3 = _otherV3d(center3=c3)

    A = []  # 3 x 4
    b = []  # 1 x 3 or 3 x 1
    for c, d in ((c1, r1),
                 (c2, Radius_(radius2=r2, low=eps)),
                 (c3, Radius_(radius3=r3, low=eps))):
        A.append((_1_0, -2 * c.x, -2 * c.y, -2 * c.z))
        b.append(d**2 - c.length2)

    try:  # <https://NumPy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.seterr.html>
        e = np.seterr(all='raise')  # throw FloatingPointError for numpy errors

        X = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(A), b)  # Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse
        Z, _ = _null_space2(np, A, eps)
        if Z is None:
            t = ()  # coincident, colinear, concentric, etc.
            X0, x = _0f3d(X)
            Z0, z = _0f3d(Z)
            # quadratic polynomial coefficients, ordered (^0, ^1, ^2)
            t = _real_roots(np, x.length2    - X0,  # fdot(X, -_1_0, *x.xyz)
                                z.dot(x) * 2 - Z0,  # fdot(Z, -_0_5, *x.xyz) * 2
                                z.length2)          # fdot(Z,  _0_0, *z.xyz)

    finally:  # restore numpy error handling

    if not t:  # coincident, colinear, too distant, no intersection, etc.
        raise FloatingPointError(_txt(c1, r1, c2, r2) or
                                 _txt(c1, r1, c3, r3) or
                                 _txt(c2, r2, c3, r3) or (_colinear_ if
                                 _iscolinearWith(c1, c2, c3, eps=eps) else
    elif len(t) < 2:  # one intersection
        t *= 2

    v = _N3(t[0], x, z)
    if abs(t[0] - t[1]) < eps:  # abutting
        t = v, v
    else:  # "lowest" intersection first (to avoid test failures)
        u = _N3(t[1], x, z)
        t = (u, v) if u < v else (v, u)
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _trilaterate(point1,
    # (INTERNAL) Locate a point at given distances from
    # three other points, see LatLon.triangulate above

    def _nd2(p, d, r, _i_, *qs):  # .toNvector and angular distance squared
        for q in qs:
            if p.isequalTo(q, EPS):
                raise _ValueError(points=p, txt=_coincident_)
        return p.toNvector(), (Scalar(d, name=_distance_ + _i_) / r)**2

    r = Radius_(radius)

    n1, r12 = _nd2(point1, distance1, r, _1_)
    n2, r22 = _nd2(point2, distance2, r, _2_, point1)
    n3, r32 = _nd2(point3, distance3, r, _3_, point1, point2)

    # the following uses x,y coordinate system with origin at n1, x axis n1->n2
    y = n3.minus(n1)
    x = n2.minus(n1)
    z = None

    d = x.length  # distance n1->n2
    if d > EPS_2:  # and y.length > EPS_2:
        X = x.unit()  # unit vector in x direction n1->n2
        i = X.dot(y)  # signed magnitude of x component of n1->n3
        Y = y.minus(X.times(i)).unit()  # unit vector in y direction
        j = Y.dot(y)  # signed magnitude of y component of n1->n3
        if abs(j) > EPS_2:
            # courtesy Carlos Freitas <https://GitHub.com/mrJean1/PyGeodesy/issues/33>
            x = fsum_(r12, -r22, d**2) / (2 * d)  # n1->intersection x- and ...
            y = fsum_(r12, -r32, i**2, j**2, -2 * x * i) / (
                2 * j)  # ... y-component
            # courtesy AleixDev <https://GitHub.com/mrJean1/PyGeodesy/issues/43>
            z = fsum_(max(r12, r22, r32), -(x**2),
                      -(y**2))  # XXX not just r12!
            if z > EPS:
                n = n1.plus(X.times(x)).plus(Y.times(y))
                if useZ:  # include Z component
                    Z = X.cross(Y)  # unit vector perpendicular to plane
                    n = n.plus(Z.times(sqrt(z)))
                if height is None:
                    h = fidw((point1.height, point2.height, point3.height),
                             map1(fabs, distance1, distance2, distance3))
                    h = Height(height)
                kwds = _xkwds(LatLon_LatLon_kwds, height=h)
                return n.toLatLon(**
                                  kwds)  # Nvector(n.x, n.y, n.z).toLatLon(...)

    # no intersection, d < EPS_2 or abs(j) < EPS_2 or z < EPS
    t = NN(_no_, _intersection_, _SPACE_)
    raise IntersectionError(point1=point1,
                            txt=unstr(t, z=z, useZ=useZ))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _angular(distance, radius):  # PYCHOK for export
    '''(INTERNAL) Return the angular distance in radians.

       @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{distance}} or B{C{radius}}.
    return Distance(distance) / Radius_(radius)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _intersections2(center1,
    '''Iteratively compute the intersection points of two circles each defined
       by an (ellipsoidal) center point and a radius.

       @arg center1: Center of the first circle (ellipsoidal C{LatLon}).
       @arg radius1: Radius of the first circle (C{meter}).
       @arg center2: Center of the second circle (ellipsoidal C{LatLon}).
       @arg radius2: Radius of the second circle (C{meter}).
       @kwarg height: Optional height for the intersection points,
                      overriding the "radical height" at the "radical
                      line" between both centers (C{meter}).
       @kwarg wrap: Wrap and unroll longitudes (C{bool}).
       @kwarg equidistant: An azimuthal equidistant projection class
                           (L{Equidistant} or L{EquidistantKarney}) or
                           C{None} for function L{azimuthal.equidistant}.
       @kwarg tol: Convergence tolerance (C{meter}).
       @kwarg LatLon: Optional class to return the intersection points
                     (ellipsoidal C{LatLon}) or C{None}.
       @kwarg LatLon_kwds: Optional, additional B{C{LatLon}} keyword
                           arguments, ignored if B{C{LatLon=None}}.

       @return: 2-Tuple of the intersection points, each a B{C{LatLon}}
                instance or L{LatLon4Tuple}C{(lat, lon, height, datum)}
                if B{C{LatLon}} is C{None}.  For abutting circles, the
                intersection points are the same instance.

       @raise ImportError: If B{C{equidistant}} is L{EquidistantKarney})
                           and package U{geographiclib
                           not installed or not found.

       @raise IntersectionError: Concentric, antipodal, invalid or
                                 non-intersecting circles or no
                                 convergence for B{C{tol}}.

       @raise TypeError: If B{C{center1}} or B{C{center2}} not ellipsoidal.

       @raise UnitError: Invalid B{C{radius1}}, B{C{radius2}} or B{C{height}}.

       @see: U{The B{ellipsoidal} case<https://GIS.StackExchange.com/questions/48937/
             calculating-intersection-of-two-circles>}, U{Karney's paper
             <https://ArXiv.org/pdf/1102.1215.pdf>}, pp 20-21, section 14 I{Maritime Boundaries},
             U{circle-circle<https://MathWorld.Wolfram.com/Circle-CircleIntersection.html>} and
    c1 = _xellipsoidal(center1=center1)
    c2 = c1.others(center2, name=_center2_)

    r1 = Radius_(radius1, name=_radius1_)
    r2 = Radius_(radius2, name=_radius2_)

        return _intersects2(c1,
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as x:
        raise IntersectionError(center1=center1,
Ejemplo n.º 16
def intersections2(lat1, lon1, radius1,
                   lat2, lon2, radius2, datum=None, wrap=True):
    '''Conveniently compute the intersections of two circles each defined
       by (geodetic/-centric) center point and a radius, using either ...

       1) L{vector3d.intersections2} for small distances or if no B{C{datum}}
       is specified, or ...

       2) L{sphericalTrigonometry.intersections2} for a spherical B{C{datum}}
       or if B{C{datum}} is a C{scalar} representing the earth radius, or ...

       3) L{ellipsoidalKarney.intersections2} for an ellipsoidal B{C{datum}}
       and if I{Karney}'s U{geographiclib<https://PyPI.org/project/geographiclib/>}
       is installed, or ...

       4) L{ellipsoidalVincenty.intersections2} if B{C{datum}} is ellipsoidal

       @arg lat1: Latitude of the first circle center (C{degrees}).
       @arg lon1: Longitude of the first circle center (C{degrees}).
       @arg radius1: Radius of the first circle (C{meter}, conventionally).
       @arg lat2: Latitude of the second circle center (C{degrees}).
       @arg lon2: Longitude of the second circle center (C{degrees}).
       @arg radius2: Radius of the second circle (C{meter}, same units as B{C{radius1}}).
       @kwarg datum: Optional ellipsoidal or spherical datum (L{Datum},
                     L{Ellipsoid}, L{Ellipsoid2}, L{a_f2Tuple} or
                     C{scalar} earth radius in C{meter}, same units as
                     B{C{radius1}} and B{C{radius2}}) or C{None}.
       @kwarg wrap: Wrap and unroll longitudes (C{bool}).

       @return: 2-Tuple of the intersection points, each a
                L{LatLon2Tuple}C{(lat, lon)}.  For abutting circles,
                the intersection points are the same instance.

       @raise IntersectionError: Concentric, antipodal, invalid or
                                 non-intersecting circles or no

       @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{datum}}.

       @raise UnitError: Invalid B{C{lat1}}, B{C{lon1}}, B{C{radius1}}
                         B{C{lat2}}, B{C{lon2}} or B{C{radius2}}.
    if datum is None or euclidean(lat1, lon1, lat1, lon2, radius=R_M,
                                  adjust=True, wrap=wrap) < _D_I2_:
        import pygeodesy.vector3d as m

        def _V2T(x, y, _, **unused):  # _ == z unused
            return _xnamed(LatLon2Tuple(y, x), intersections2.__name__)

        r1 = m2degrees(Radius_(radius1=radius1), radius=R_M, lat=lat1)
        r2 = m2degrees(Radius_(radius2=radius2), radius=R_M, lat=lat2)

        _, lon2 = unroll180(lon1, lon2, wrap=wrap)
        t = m.intersections2(m.Vector3d(lon1, lat1, 0), r1,
                             m.Vector3d(lon2, lat2, 0), r2, sphere=False,

        def _LL2T(lat, lon, **unused):
            return _xnamed(LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon), intersections2.__name__)

        d = _spherical_datum(datum, name=intersections2.__name__)
        if d.isSpherical:
            import pygeodesy.sphericalTrigonometry as m
        elif d.isEllipsoidal:
                if d.ellipsoid.geodesic:
                import pygeodesy.ellipsoidalKarney as m
            except ImportError:
                import pygeodesy.ellipsoidalVincenty as m
            raise _AssertionError(datum=d)

        t = m.intersections2(m.LatLon(lat1, lon1, datum=d), radius1,
                             m.LatLon(lat2, lon2, datum=d), radius2, wrap=wrap,
                               LatLon=_LL2T, height=0)
    return t