Ejemplo n.º 1
def toUtmUps8(latlon,
    '''Convert a lat-/longitude point to a UTM or UPS coordinate.

       @arg latlon: Latitude (C{degrees}) or an (ellipsoidal)
                    geodetic C{LatLon} point.
       @kwarg lon: Optional longitude (C{degrees}) or C{None}.
       @kwarg datum: Optional datum to use this UTM coordinate,
                     overriding B{C{latlon}}'s datum (C{Datum}).
       @kwarg falsed: False both easting and northing (C{bool}).
       @kwarg Utm: Optional class to return the UTM coordinate (L{Utm})
                   or C{None}.
       @kwarg Ups: Optional class to return the UPS coordinate (L{Ups})
                   or C{None}.
       @kwarg pole: Optional top/center of UPS (stereographic)
                    projection (C{str}, C{'N[orth]'} or C{'S[outh]'}).
       @kwarg name: Optional name (C{str}).
       @kwarg cmoff: DEPRECATED, use B{C{falsed}}.  Offset longitude
                     from zone's central meridian, for UTM only (C{bool}).

       @return: The UTM or UPS coordinate (B{C{Utm}} respectively B{C{Ups}})
                or a L{UtmUps8Tuple}C{(zone, hemipole, easting, northing,
                band, datum, convergence, scale)} if B{C{Utm}} respectively
                B{C{Ups}} is C{None} or B{C{cmoff}} is C{False}.

       @raise RangeError: If B{C{lat}} outside the valid UTM or UPS bands
                          or if B{C{lat}} or B{C{lon}} outside the valid
                          range and L{rangerrors} set to C{True}.

       @raise TypeError: If B{C{latlon}} is not ellipsoidal or B{C{lon}}
                         value is missing.

       @raise UTMUPSError: UTM or UPS validation failed.

       @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{lat}} or B{C{lon}}.

       @see: Functions L{toUtm8} and L{toUps8}.
    lat, lon, d, name = _to4lldn(latlon, lon, datum, name)
    z, B, p, lat, lon = utmupsZoneBand5(lat, lon)

    f = falsed and cmoff.get('cmoff', True)
    if z == _UPS_ZONE:
        u = toUps8(lat,
                   pole=pole or p,
        u = toUtm8(lat, lon, datum=d, falsed=f, Utm=Utm, name=name)
    return u
    def toUps(self, pole='N', falsed=True):
        '''Convert this C{LatLon} point to a UPS coordinate.

           @keyword pole: Optional top/center of (stereographic)
                          projection (C{str}, 'N[orth]' or 'S[outh]').
           @keyword falsed: False easting and northing (C{bool}).

           @return: The UPS coordinate (L{Ups}).

           @see: Function L{toUps8}.
        if self._ups is None:
            from pygeodesy.ups import toUps8, Ups  # PYCHOK recursive import
            self._ups = toUps8(self, datum=self.datum, Ups=Ups,
                                     pole=pole, falsed=falsed)
        return self._ups
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def toUps(self, pole=NN, eps=EPS, falsed=True, **unused):
        '''Convert this UTM coordinate to a UPS coordinate.

           @kwarg pole: Optional top/center of the UPS projection,
                        (C{str}, 'N[orth]'|'S[outh]').
           @kwarg eps: Optional convergence limit, L{EPS} or above
                       (C{float}), see method L{Utm.toLatLon}.
           @kwarg falsed: False both easting and northing (C{bool}).

           @return: The UPS coordinate (L{Ups}).
        u = self._ups
        if u is None or u.pole != (pole or u.pole) or falsed != bool(u.falsed):
            from pygeodesy.ups import toUps8, Ups  # PYCHOK recursive import
            ll = self.toLatLon(LatLon=_LLEB, eps=eps, unfalse=True)
            self._ups = u = toUps8(ll, Ups=Ups, falsed=falsed, pole=pole, strict=False)
        return u